Just got home from Nottingham and still buzzing. What. A. Night. Two utterly terrific sets. the first was excellent, the second way BEYOND excellent. I was quite near the back, would have gotten further in but it was impossible thanks to such a crammed-in, sweaty and utterly fervent crowd... fine, music this powerful can reach even us idiots at the back...
The augmentation of the band worked brilliantly. A wash of sound that made even the versions we love and have heard a million times sound fresh and new. There HAS to be a DVD or CD of these shows!
I'm still so buzzed and happy about these gigs that I'm not going to into a rant about the LOUD talking from certain audience-members during the quieter tracks...

All I can say is that Justins STFU moment was greeted with such a loud shout from myself...

And WHAT an aftershow! I can't remember the last time I got back to bed (my hotel, in this case) at 2AM, drunk as a skunk...

Some personal messages. Shush, and your good lady were, as ever, so generous and friendly... such great company. You pair make me want to come to Nottingham more often. Shush, did you ever find your e-cig? It certainly wasn't in my trousers (

) Anna, so great to meet you finally (best hug I've had in ages!) and it's such a shame we didn't have a proper chat (the aftershow was a bit too loud for a chat... oh well, next time, eh? We'll still keep going here!) Pol, likewise... me and my mate tried to find you lot at The Tap, but didn't know the place all that well, didn't know you were tucked away in some kind of sideroom... hope we, one day, talk when we don't have to SHOUT!
Also, Shush introduced me to certain other Forum folks but, with shame, I was so drunk at that point that I don't quite remember who...

Apologies for not mentioning you and please remind me!
A great night like last night keeps me going in the face of anything not-so-great. loved it. Until next time, eh?