Author Topic: nma songs that have personal meaning  (Read 2149 times)


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« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2019, 12:41:53 AM »
I used to have favourites but then I couldn't listen to any.  We had tickets for every night for NOATV, it was my birthday weekend, but I ended up in hospital after an overdose and we couldn't go.  NMA became a 'thing', a permanent reminder of where I went to that night, it was just so painful.  No gigs, no nothing.  I've just put on Eight, the first time I've listened to a single song since then.  Honestly, I'm in floods.  If I manage to get myself to the Melkweg or Nottingham, every single song will have a personal meaning.  Every single one.

Dear Mawsley,

Your story resonates quite deeply with me, as well.  I went through something similar, 'round the turn of the millennium.  It was, to date, the darkest period of my life.  Mine though, was intentional - an attempt on my own life, and the 6th one at that.  I've had suicidal tendencies since I was a very young child, 5 or so years old.  For me, the trigger has always been change... I don't do well with huge changes in my life, be they positive OR negative.  I don't know why or what it is about me or change itself, but they've just always marked and proven to be the darkest periods in my life.  Out of the 6 attempts I've only been hospitalised twice, once in early adolescence, and the last one in my late 20's.  Three of the attempts were kept secret from the ones I love, they were while I was still in very early childhood.  I am paying price for the ones I kept secret now, because I have health issues today, that are linked to those very early attempts.  I also come from a very abusive background, which was another serious factor, especially during my very early childhood years.

I got better via seeking professional help, being medicated and the love of honest, good folk.  It took me a very long time to find the right professional.  I think that's where all the hard work ends up getting fcuked over, is when one has got the wrong professional people helping them.  Every individual is different.  We all function differently, mentally speaking.  One's culture and background has so much to do with how well they will respond to whatever treatment / therapy they're going through.  The very first professional I ever had, when I was in my pre-teens, was a man.  He was extremely negative, cross and short with me - rather than try to understand where I was coming from, what made me want to take my own life.  It was like having another angry parent.  Being a child at the time, his approach actually scarred me - my spirit, my soul, self esteem.  Later, in my late 20's, I had another professional man, but all he did was ask questions and take notes.  He never spoke to me.  There was never really a conversation aspect to his technique, approach.  I didn't know it at the time, but what I needed was guidance, advice.  Saw him for many years, then I had a relapse.  After that relapse, I was introduced to a female, professional.  She has been an absolute 'GOD'-send.  I see her regularly.  She is a breath of fresh air.  I adore her so very much.  So far, for the most part, I've been okay... which for me is an incredible feat in itself.

To say I'm cured, would be an out-right lie.  These are demons I'm going to have to fight / deal with for the rest of my life.  I too, had a period when I couldn't listen to music, read, watch tv, practice faith or anything.  Slowly though, with each new day, things started to get a little better.  I'm a huge music lover, and gradually returned to music... it has been really, the only 'thing' besides real, true love (not sex!), professional help and meds, that has kept me alive.  It's really not a joke, but an important, massive part of me would die without it.  It's proven to be the best, most effective and affective 'food' for my own heart, soul, mind, body.

Mawsley, I don't know the full extent of your situation, as it isn't any of my business, and I don't like to pry... but if you ever, ever need to let stuff out into the open, to talk, to vent, to cry, or whatever, please consider this special place, sacred space - especially if you do not have a support system in 'real' life.  Though we may not be professionals, a lot of good souls float here, that would be more than happy to lend an ear and an open heart.  You're not alone.  (same goes for anyone else floating here going though a dark stage in life).

You mentioned that you've just begun to gradually get back into NMA's music, but I wouldn't just yet.  Instead, go slowly.  Start with Mr. Sullivan's magnificent solo album  'Navigating by the Stars'  first.  Um, just promise to skip over the very last track on it, as it may be a bit too dark for you at this moment in time.  If you don't own a proper legitimate copy of the album, you can download it from  the shop.  If money is tight right now, someone uploaded it to  youtube.  Its beauty and magic will begin to make you whole again, strong again... I promise you.

Mawsley, I wish you love, light, warmth, comfort, guidance, protection, stamina and strength.  It feels as though you are just on the cusp of coming out of the darkness, taking the most important, first few steps back into the light.  Hang in there... and remember, you've always got the music and this special place, sacred space, ok?  Hope you do get to see NMA in some capacity this year, it'll help out so very, very much.  Take care and...

Best wishes,
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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2019, 05:50:32 AM »
Thanks everyone, and sorry - I didn't mean to sidetrack the thread, really was a moving moment for me yesterday. My head is in a much better place than it used to be, I've worked hard at it for years now...and I'm not surprised in the slightest that I'm not alone. NOATV brought a number of triggers together that my (normally) good coping mechanisms couldn't deal with all at once. Yesterday was ripping that plaster off.

But,'s good to be back, so to speak :)

Amsterdam is almost a definite, just have the daughter's 18th to pay for this coming week and see what's left in the bank - the city is special to me and the wife. And I can't remember not going to Nottingham until last year...but then I can rarely remember going to Nottingham either, it's always been a boozy trip. :D

But back to the thread, and it was probably Better Than Them. The whole album reminds me of travelling up and down the M6 to band rehearsals, and the song itself feels like every weekend I ever had in Northampton. And, the 12" was always on the stereo with us belting out Trust.

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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2019, 07:08:53 AM »
Good stuff see you in Amsterdam. Talking of NOATV appreciate you never got there, would you like a Song book from that weekend, think I have a spare yours for free  ;)


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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2019, 12:22:12 PM »
A good curry solves many things :) I shall be expecting you Mawsley and Mark.

For me it was and still is Better Than Them, reminds me of school and not fitting in. 




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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2019, 04:27:18 AM »
My head is in a much better place than it used to be, I've worked hard at it for years now... and I'm not surprised in the slightest that I'm not alone.  NOATV brought a number of triggers together that my (normally) good coping mechanisms couldn't deal with all at once.  Yesterday was ripping that plaster off.  But,'s good to be back, so to speak.  :)

Truly thankful to learn you're feeling and doing so much better, Mawsley.  :)  I am even more thankful, happy, and especially relieved to hear that you are surrounded by family, (wife, daughter = support system) so you're definitely no going it alone... I was genuinely quite worried.

You're going to have a blast in Amsterdam and Nottingham!  :D  Enjoy it, all of it.  :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2019, 06:43:49 PM »

Look forward to meeting you in Notts, Mawsley... unless we have met already, like you say, Nottingham is a bit of a boozy one!   ;D


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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2019, 08:30:07 PM »
Absolutely Mawsley. Me, M/R, Bunny, sometimes Pol and occasionally Anna meet up before Rock City and are now in a habit of  having a regular spot of upstairs at Spanky Van Dykes, or Albert's I think its called now. Yourself or anyone else here for that matter, literally more than welcome to joins us - it will be our pleasure.
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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2019, 01:35:58 PM »
Good stuff see you in Amsterdam. Talking of NOATV appreciate you never got there, would you like a Song book from that weekend, think I have a spare yours for free  ;)

Oh that would be absolutely awesome, thank you so much!
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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2019, 01:50:15 PM »
Absolutely Mawsley. Me, M/R, Bunny, sometimes Pol and occasionally Anna meet up before Rock City and are now in a habit of  having a regular spot of upstairs at Spanky Van Dykes, or Albert's I think its called now. Yourself or anyone else here for that matter, literally more than welcome to joins us - it will be our pleasure.

We stumbled in there two year's back, heaving. Then I realised I'd forgotten about the queue to get in...after walking straight into Rock City at the front of it. I was immensely drunk, that countered some of the guilt I felt :D
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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2019, 10:53:30 AM »
So many, seems like a lifetime of meaningful lyrics...


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Re: nma songs that have personal meaning
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2019, 08:37:33 AM »
for me, 'winter' resonates so strongly - every line of it feels like, for me, allegory relating to some part of my experience, now: the wilderness of plenty, the hunt getting closer, the age of consequence.

for me, there's something profoundly beautiful, and clear, about the closing moments of that song.
bah.  humbug.