Author Topic: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums  (Read 2532 times)


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2014, 09:58:26 PM »
Fair comment Space and you are rightly entitled to your opinion. I have also been a NMA fan since Vengeance and in some ways would love the new material to capture that spirit, venom and urgency. But thats the whole point really, I would hate the new stuff to be a repeat of older material, that would be a really poor show.

For me the new material goes in lots of different directions and has a greater depth than the early songs, some is ok, most is really good and some of it is outstanding, why not give it another go....?


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2014, 10:59:59 PM »
why not give it another go....?
Of course I'll give it another go. I've been buying NMA records for thirty years. Yes, the past 15 years has been one disappointment after another, but because there was once an incredible brilliance to the band, I will always buy and listen to their new material. Just saying if I had to make a best of NMA tape, "Long Goodbye" would be the most recent song on that tape. And that song is from back in 1998! That's not good.

I must say I do like "Seven Times" from both the "Dog and Wolf"/"Wine and Blood" releases. That song might eventually creep onto a best of tape.


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2014, 11:27:00 PM »
why not give it another go....?
Of course I'll give it another go. I've been buying NMA records for thirty years. Yes, the past 15 years has been one disappointment after another, but because there was once an incredible brilliance to the band, I will always buy and listen to their new material. Just saying if I had to make a best of NMA tape, "Long Goodbye" would be the most recent song on that tape. And that song is from back in 1998! That's not good.

I must say I do like "Seven Times" from both the "Dog and Wolf"/"Wine and Blood" releases. That song might eventually creep onto a best of tape.

How many NMA gigs have you been to in the last 10 years ?


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2014, 11:31:06 PM »
I would be interested to know how many times 'Space' has been to a live gig in the last 10 years ?
Alright, cat out of the bag time.

Answer to how many times I have seen NMA live in the past ten years? None.
Answer to how many times I have seen NMA live at all? None.

And I am/was an outrageously avid concert goer. Man, I saw The Clash at those classic New York City Bonds shows in Times Square EIGHT times! I've seen just about every band under the sun. From Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons to Public Image when Keith Levene was on guitar!

But with New Model Army the thing is this -- no one I know, absolutely no one I know has ever heard of New Model Army. I'll go to a movie alone, a restaurant alone, but I ain't going to a concert alone. And a New Model Army show (or any concert) wouldn't exactly be a great place to bring a date who is unfamiliar with the band. So I, a concert-goer extraordinaire have never seen them live.

I don't know exactly how many times the band has played New York City. I really don't think it is too often. (And, yeah, I remember the incident in the early '80s when the band couldn't get work visas to play here in New York. "No artistic value." That incident got me heavily into New Model Army. Wow, this band must be really politically strident and dangerous.)

Thing is now I don't think I will ever see them live. I am not too keen on hearing material from "Carnival" or "Eight" played. I missed out on the days when "Space" was being played (oh, I love that song).  I can live with that regret.


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2014, 02:47:24 PM »
Come on people, let's not get to falling out over subjective opinions.  The OP might not like NMA's recent output, and that's fine.  It's also fine that others disagree.  You can't choose whether you like something or not, after all.

Personally, NMA's musical diversity is one of my favourite aspects of their output.  I don't like the vast majority of BDAW, but am happy that it was so well received by the Family and also by the music media too.

Any band has to make the music that they want to make; making the same record over and over again because that's what the fans of the first album liked is ridiculous; however, the fanbase demographic will evolve over time along with the changes in feel and approach by the band.


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2014, 08:38:29 PM »
I think it's always too difficult to compare different artists together. At least if they don't have anything common with them; different scenes, not from the same scene, not same people in the groups... That just doesn't work. But each on their own we can express our thoughts and describe the reasons why we like them. That doesn't discern the authentic pieces of art what they've created. The same ones that once shook our hearts. Whether it's NMA, Prince, or someone other from a ten thousand of great acts.

If Stuart had stayed in the band and if Heaton was alive, The NMA would surely sound different today than what they did in the mids of eighties, or even in 90's. People evolve and change. Just look at how Metallica have changed since the eighties. All the bands need to change that they could go forward. Aw, we all know this, don't we... I think f.e. Nelson was a bassist that could do the same tricks as Stuart did and Nelson evolved with the band. He also played in Eight, Carnival, High and Today is a Good Day. No Rest for The Wicked was indeed a great, great album (one of my faves too), but I think the bass sound on it is more due to the time then, it was significant sound with quite many artists.

Dog and Wolf is an album that I literally listened confused the first time I put it on a CD player. It was a diamond, a spell, or something and I thought that now they did it. Something that's new and fascinating and could fairly say I haven't ever heard any album or artist that could make such record. The song Between Dog & Wolf will probably stay forever as a family party song to dance to me, like a pagan bacchanal for eveyone to join in the feast... If I was asked does the album lack anything(?) I would humbly say I waited a bit more guitars too. Gill Marshall is superb in what he's doing. But the concept there is a bit different to what they've done earlier. It's good to give more space to Dean White too.
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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2014, 10:25:03 PM »
Justin can't stretch?  Have you listened to "Navigating by the Stars" or the work he did on Joolz's album "Spirit Stories"?
If not, you should.  Mind you, it's not Jazz.


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2014, 12:45:41 AM »
Some may crucify my for this but i think "No Rest" is one of the NMA albums that does the least for me. I was not even born when it was released and was a very "Rock" album. I like more depth  than just rock. Don't get me wrong, I by no means dislike it, Just like it the least.

High is my absolute favorite, It's a very "Hippie" album referring to the other thread. I am grateful that NMA are not stuck in the 80's. That would be dreadful.

Prince? That's one artist that i can never bring myself to like. It sounds bloody awful to me yet he is a musical genius.

The thing is music is very personal, Makes the listener feel something,Makes life more bearable and is highly subjective.  Nobody should be judged by the strong opinions or other's taste in music.

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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2014, 12:46:56 AM »
Justin can't stretch?  Have you listened to "Navigating by the Stars" or the work he did on Joolz's album "Spirit Stories"?
If not, you should.  Mind you, it's not Jazz.

If you have not listened to it in your absence try the solo album. IT's another hippie album though.  8)
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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2014, 10:01:01 AM »
I might be being dim but this is curious Space, the thrust of you argument seems to be,

1) NMA have not produced anything good since you were young
2) They  have no anger and urgency
3) They're crap musicians and don't do anything new.


Well I get confused by on the one hand reading that you just want the first 3 albums made over and over again yet then you bemoan the fact that there 's not enough development in sound or range well which is it? If its range then whilst you might not like the albums (fine - taste is subjective) the different slices of life and sound are still there or do you think You Weren't There is the same as All Consuming Fire which is the same as Stormclouds? If it's that there has not been the first 3 albums on repeat in the studio then thank frack for that. If it had been then I doubt most of us would be here and I doubt NMA would have existed for 34 years. How many times can you say the same thing in the same way? Life's a lot bigger than that. The world moves on and so do people or at least they should and personally I can't imagine still wanting to be in the same Space I was when I first heard those albums decade ago and one thing's for sure - I definitely ain't the same person  ;D. Whilst those songs still resonate they're only part of life's picture.  If I was that angry all the time after all these years I think I might investigate a bit of Anger Management Therapy  :)

Talking of anger, there's been none for a while: R&R, Another Imperial Day, Bloodsports, TIAGD, Angry Planet. None of these strike you as angry? Fair enough with BDAW there's not really a traditional "Angry NMA" on there.

As far as the lack of ability goes I'm gonna tell myself that that was just a weird bit of the conversation that doesn't read quite how is was meant  because otherwise the only response would be what a load of bollox. Sounds like the oft trotted out lazy journalistic crap from an ignoramus who hasn't bothered to actually listen to anything since they heard Vengeance when they were at school. If you don't like something - fine but don't reduce the value in something because of your opinion it's lazy and childish. As an example take Prince: I can't stand his music, leaves me colder than Reggae even (and that's saying a lot  :) ) he's down there with Simply Red as far as I'm concerned- awful, boring, cold never ending crap. Ok that's my opinion but I couldn't possibly decry his talent, ability, breadth and musicianship, the chap is obviously a bit of a genius and I'd happily argue that - I just don't like his music.

As and when NMA are in New York you get down there, see them live and see what you make of it then - and don't give me that no-one to go with nonsense, cos that's you and me both honey together with many others on here and as soon as you're in that gig there will be friends cos we're all one big happy family baby  :-*

Lastly, an opinion of my own re: guitars. Marshall Gill re-invigorated the band and I think he is the best guitarist NMA have ever had and the quality and expression of his guitar work  speaks for itself - listen again.

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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2014, 08:05:46 PM »

As and when NMA are in New York you get down there, see them live and see what you make of it then - and don't give me that no-one to go with nonsense, cos that's you and me both honey together with many others on here and as soon as you're in that gig there will be friends cos we're all one big happy family baby  :-*

Lastly, an opinion of my own re: guitars. Marshall Gill re-invigorated the band and I think he is the best guitarist NMA have ever had and the quality and expression of his guitar work  speaks for itself - listen again.



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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2014, 11:53:17 PM »
I might be being dim but this is curious Space, the thrust of you argument seems to be,

1) NMA have not produced anything good since you were young
2) They  have no anger and urgency
3) They're crap musicians and don't do anything new.


Well I get confused by on the one hand reading that you just want the first 3 albums made over and over again yet then you bemoan the fact that there 's not enough development in sound or range well which is it? If its range then whilst you might not like the albums (fine - taste is subjective) the different slices of life and sound are still there or do you think You Weren't There is the same as All Consuming Fire which is the same as Stormclouds? If it's that there has not been the first 3 albums on repeat in the studio then thank frack for that. If it had been then I doubt most of us would be here and I doubt NMA would have existed for 34 years. How many times can you say the same thing in the same way? Life's a lot bigger than that. The world moves on and so do people or at least they should and personally I can't imagine still wanting to be in the same Space I was when I first heard those albums decade ago and one thing's for sure - I definitely ain't the same person  ;D. Whilst those songs still resonate they're only part of life's picture.  If I was that angry all the time after all these years I think I might investigate a bit of Anger Management Therapy  :)

Talking of anger, there's been none for a while: R&R, Another Imperial Day, Bloodsports, TIAGD, Angry Planet. None of these strike you as angry? Fair enough with BDAW there's not really a traditional "Angry NMA" on there.

As far as the lack of ability goes I'm gonna tell myself that that was just a weird bit of the conversation that doesn't read quite how is was meant  because otherwise the only response would be what a load of bollox. Sounds like the oft trotted out lazy journalistic crap from an ignoramus who hasn't bothered to actually listen to anything since they heard Vengeance when they were at school. If you don't like something - fine but don't reduce the value in something because of your opinion it's lazy and childish. As an example take Prince: I can't stand his music, leaves me colder than Reggae even (and that's saying a lot  :) ) he's down there with Simply Red as far as I'm concerned- awful, boring, cold never ending crap. Ok that's my opinion but I couldn't possibly decry his talent, ability, breadth and musicianship, the chap is obviously a bit of a genius and I'd happily argue that - I just don't like his music.

As and when NMA are in New York you get down there, see them live and see what you make of it then - and don't give me that no-one to go with nonsense, cos that's you and me both honey together with many others on here and as soon as you're in that gig there will be friends cos we're all one big happy family baby  :-*

Lastly, an opinion of my own re: guitars. Marshall Gill re-invigorated the band and I think he is the best guitarist NMA have ever had and the quality and expression of his guitar work  speaks for itself - listen again.

all of this


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2014, 02:19:29 AM »
As and when NMA are in New York you get down there, see them live and see what you make of it then - and don't give me that no-one to go with nonsense, cos that's you and me both honey together with many others on here and as soon as you're in that gig there will be friends cos we're all one big happy family baby  :-*

I flew from Nashville to NY for the 30th shows (by myself).  Can't say I felt like I became part of the family that weekend, but I heard some really great music.


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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2014, 03:33:33 AM »
As and when NMA are in New York you get down there, see them live and see what you make of it then - and don't give me that no-one to go with nonsense, cos that's you and me both honey together with many others on here and as soon as you're in that gig there will be friends cos we're all one big happy family baby  :-*

I flew from Nashville to NY for the 30th shows (by myself).  Can't say I felt like I became part of the family that weekend, but I heard some really great music.

I have actually met some really good friends through this band.One sat with me in hospital in Sweden until 5 in the morning. Christ! that takes a really kind, wonderful person. Plus some have really looked after me in my travels alone. They even put up with my anxiety and moments of panic. I get what AWOK is saying, i really do. 
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Re: Every New NMA Album Makes Me Play My Old NMA Albums
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2014, 07:06:23 PM »
Agree, Amandistan.

Never had a problem with going to gigs on my own, personally...