I might be being dim but this is curious Space, the thrust of you argument seems to be,
1) NMA have not produced anything good since you were young
2) They have no anger and urgency
3) They're crap musicians and don't do anything new.
Well I get confused by on the one hand reading that you just want the first 3 albums made over and over again yet then you bemoan the fact that there 's not enough development in sound or range well which is it? If its range then whilst you might not like the albums (fine - taste is subjective) the different slices of life and sound are still there or do you think You Weren't There is the same as All Consuming Fire which is the same as Stormclouds? If it's that there has not been the first 3 albums on repeat in the studio then thank frack for that. If it had been then I doubt most of us would be here and I doubt NMA would have existed for 34 years. How many times can you say the same thing in the same way? Life's a lot bigger than that. The world moves on and so do people or at least they should and personally I can't imagine still wanting to be in the same Space I was when I first heard those albums decade ago and one thing's for sure - I definitely ain't the same person

. Whilst those songs still resonate they're only part of life's picture. If I was that angry all the time after all these years I think I might investigate a bit of Anger Management Therapy

Talking of anger, there's been none for a while: R&R, Another Imperial Day, Bloodsports, TIAGD, Angry Planet. None of these strike you as angry? Fair enough with BDAW there's not really a traditional "Angry NMA" on there.
As far as the lack of ability goes I'm gonna tell myself that that was just a weird bit of the conversation that doesn't read quite how is was meant because otherwise the only response would be what a load of bollox. Sounds like the oft trotted out lazy journalistic crap from an ignoramus who hasn't bothered to actually listen to anything since they heard Vengeance when they were at school. If you don't like something - fine but don't reduce the value in something because of your opinion it's lazy and childish. As an example take Prince: I can't stand his music, leaves me colder than Reggae even (and that's saying a lot

) he's down there with Simply Red as far as I'm concerned- awful, boring, cold never ending crap. Ok that's my opinion but I couldn't possibly decry his talent, ability, breadth and musicianship, the chap is obviously a bit of a genius and I'd happily argue that - I just don't like his music.
As and when NMA are in New York you get down there, see them live and see what you make of it then - and don't give me that no-one to go with nonsense, cos that's you and me both honey together with many others on here and as soon as you're in that gig there will be friends cos we're all one big happy family baby

Lastly, an opinion of my own re: guitars. Marshall Gill re-invigorated the band and I think he is the best guitarist NMA have ever had and the quality and expression of his guitar work speaks for itself - listen again.