amanda, just make sure you are not so liberal with you opinions when visiting some of the countries on your journeys.
Luckily, I am not visiting Syria or Pakistan. And I think if i visit Jordan, they will agree. As they are going to fights until they "Run out of bullets and fuel".
ISIS wanted burning that pilot alive to play on the world's emotions. It has worked. Anyone with a human heart would feel something after hearing of that. He was 26 and so am I. It's one of the saddest things ever to turn on the news and hear.
Human beings are terrible. I can get very angry at people but the thought of hurting them never once comes to mind. It's hard to understand how anyone can come up with these ideas to torture in such a horrible manner.
I have read that they are using mentally disabled kids as suicide bombers. Who the hell even thinks about doing that?
These are evil, disgusting people.
Human beings can be se cruel. Nobody makes any effort to understand anyone different than themselves.
Frankly, I feel like throwing up at the moment, I am so upset and disturbed by the recent tortures.
We had no idea exactly what Hitler was doing. However we know what ISIS is doing because it's all on film. Why can't "The leaders of nearly every country in the world" get together to stop this? I get why sort of. They don't want their own people to die, to kill innocent people in Syria or Iraq, and it will hurt the economy.
I think that most people find this disturbing and are over-all good. There are many people that do wonderful things. I don't think that humanity is hopeless. In times of crisis are actually when you see the power of human kindness.