Thanks so much,for your kind words master ray and shush,I just feel lost at the moment,I've spent the last few years looking after my mum who had. Cancer,she died last January,and she was my best friend,so that was sohard ,but this last year Igor so close to my dad, even going to music night at our local him playing guitar and me singing.we had a system I broke stuff and he foxed it.then he got really I'll with pulmonary fibrosis,and our roles changed and I looked a after him,,its hit me so hard a as we didn't realise he had so little time,he even bought nma tickets for Manchester in December,he already came to see nma with me a couple of times ,even though. He wasn't keen as he was more folk and blues.him and my mum loved Roy harper and in years gone by they followed him just like me with new model army. He only did nma with me as he didn't like me doing gigs on my own.anyhow sorry for rambling on,just don't have anyone to talk to really,so pleased to get stuff off my chest so4y for the rant.jane