Never a fan of that Beverley show, but he was great in Oz, a show well worth checking out.
And, damn, 52 is no age. 
Strangely enough, I used to watch OZ but don't recall Luke Perry in it. Luke to just about everybody will always be that brooding Dylan from "90210."
Yes, I admit I would watch "90210" now and then. All my girlfriends at that time were watching it and it was a fun, goofy show to watch. It actually was what we call in the States a "watercooler" show -- the next day at work everybody at the watercooler would be talking about it. And, yes, Luke Perry was thee star of that show...and he did a good job with the material he was given.
And maybe dying at age 52 is misleading in Luke's case. On the surface dying at 52 is young...but in Luke Perry's case we all still see Luke Perry as that young high-schooler from "90210" so a Luke Perry at 52 seems kind of old.
As I said in my earlier post, he was actually a likeable guy. He was often on 'The Howard Stern Show' and you got a sense that even with his fame, his money, his People magazine Sexiest Man On Earth award, Luke Perry really was a pretty grounded fellow.
And, yes, his passing is a part of all our younger days disappearing. We are sad for that, too.