Author Topic: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?  (Read 7908 times)


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #90 on: April 22, 2015, 09:05:43 PM »
I only read the last page of this thread and the thing about it with NMA is that I don't really not like any songs, the one I'd sneak out during it being played is probably 225, but then I snuck out at the Roadmender during No Greater Love which I love, just cos I'd drunk too many pints of cider shortly before kick off  :-[
Really? Isn't that the gig where people loudly shouted out 225 for an entire hour and it got a bit annoying?
And they didn't play it then but they did the next gig.   ;D  There isn't an emoticon good enough to to describe my laughter at this. 
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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #91 on: April 22, 2015, 10:35:23 PM »
I only read the last page of this thread and the thing about it with NMA is that I don't really not like any songs, the one I'd sneak out during it being played is probably 225, but then I snuck out at the Roadmender during No Greater Love which I love, just cos I'd drunk too many pints of cider shortly before kick off  :-[
Really? Isn't that the gig where people loudly shouted out 225 for an entire hour and it got a bit annoying?
And they didn't play it then but they did the next gig.   ;D  There isn't an emoticon good enough to to describe my laughter at this.

Brilliant!  I remember Justin, at some gig or other some years back, hearing the crowds shouting for certain songs, saying something like 'You should have figured out, by now, after all these years, that if you shout out requests, we WON'T play them...'   ;D

Tony S

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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #92 on: April 23, 2015, 11:40:35 AM »

Brilliant!  I remember Justin, at some gig or other some years back, hearing the crowds shouting for certain songs, saying something like 'You should have figured out, by now, after all these years, that if you shout out requests, we WON'T play them...'   ;D

I'm fairly sure at the Forum gig in London in 2013 that some guys were loudly shouting out for Vengeance, and Justin laughed at them and made some comment. Then they played it during an encore - after those guys had had to leave early !  ;D


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #93 on: August 11, 2018, 07:03:04 PM »
"Get me out", i never quite clicked with it although i love the thrash metal drumbeat an over all sentiment, its probally due to the fact that they have played it at every gig i've been to since 1991 at the expense of way better songs, sullivan often says that nma gig song selection is like a lottery but it ain't in this case, setlist fm has it as there most played song by some margin.

It's still NMA's most played song ever!:

And it's a good, catchy song IMO.

In fact there are very, very few NMA songs that i don't like too much...i like 95% or 98% of their songs :)

Whites of their eyes
Big blue
Paekakariki beach
Prayer flags
God save me
Still here
If you can't save me
Nothing dies easy
La push
bad harvest
part the waters
eyes get used to the darkness

are songs that i use to skip when i listen to NMA's albums, though..

These are flat out awful songs:

"Sex (The Black Angel)" -- I forgive them this one, very early in their career

"Ballad" -- acoustic guitar + vocals + harmonica = boring

"I Love The World" -- how many times can you say "I love the world" in one song? Answer: too f***ing many.

"Believe It" -- not terrible, just a lazy effort
"Understand U" --not terrible, just a lazy effort

"Aimless Desire" -- boy, is this song bad
"Lullaby" - endless garbage. I put this song on Tuesday and it is still playing

"Someone Like Jesus" -- bad, hilariously bad Nick Cave immitation

I like all these songs!
Especially "I love the world", "SOmeone like Jesus" and "Ballad"...pure gems!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 07:07:51 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #94 on: August 13, 2018, 04:20:45 PM »
Paekakariki beach
Freedom 1991
Arm yourselves and run
Still here
Song for the men of England


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2018, 11:37:47 PM »
Wow you don't like 'Eyes Get Used to the Darkness'? Think that and Drifts are the two best tracks on that album. Burn the Castle is a bit of a clunker tho.

"Get me out", i never quite clicked with it although i love the thrash metal drumbeat an over all sentiment, its probally due to the fact that they have played it at every gig i've been to since 1991 at the expense of way better songs, sullivan often says that nma gig song selection is like a lottery but it ain't in this case, setlist fm has it as there most played song by some margin.

It's still NMA's most played song ever!:

And it's a good, catchy song IMO.

In fact there are very, very few NMA songs that i don't like too much...i like 95% or 98% of their songs :)

Whites of their eyes
Big blue
Paekakariki beach
Prayer flags
God save me
Still here
If you can't save me
Nothing dies easy
La push
bad harvest
part the waters
eyes get used to the darkness

are songs that i use to skip when i listen to NMA's albums, though..

These are flat out awful songs:

"Sex (The Black Angel)" -- I forgive them this one, very early in their career

"Ballad" -- acoustic guitar + vocals + harmonica = boring

"I Love The World" -- how many times can you say "I love the world" in one song? Answer: too f***ing many.

"Believe It" -- not terrible, just a lazy effort
"Understand U" --not terrible, just a lazy effort

"Aimless Desire" -- boy, is this song bad
"Lullaby" - endless garbage. I put this song on Tuesday and it is still playing

"Someone Like Jesus" -- bad, hilariously bad Nick Cave immitation

I like all these songs!
Especially "I love the world", "SOmeone like Jesus" and "Ballad"...pure gems!
Massive fan 80's & 90's
Fell by the wayside after LoHC
Saw them Castlefields Bowl 2018 on a whim
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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #96 on: August 22, 2018, 08:56:36 AM »
Wow you don't like 'Eyes Get Used to the Darkness'? Think that and Drifts are the two best tracks on that album. Burn the Castle is a bit of a clunker tho.

I quite like "Drifts" and to a lesser extent "Burn the castle" but i'm a bit indifferent towards "EGUTTD" indeed and overall, despite some good moments, i think that "Winter" is probably the NMA album i like the least..

Wessexy Witch

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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #97 on: August 22, 2018, 08:58:30 AM »
Echo November ....... can Foxtrot Oscar in my opinion  ;) :)
Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #98 on: August 22, 2018, 02:03:45 PM »
to me it's that soccer song, because i'm not into soccer and it gives me nothing. heard it once.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #99 on: September 09, 2018, 11:37:25 PM »
Wow you don't like 'Eyes Get Used to the Darkness'? Think that and Drifts are the two best tracks on that album. Burn the Castle is a bit of a clunker tho.

I quite like "Drifts" and to a lesser extent "Burn the castle" but i'm a bit indifferent towards "EGUTTD" indeed and overall, despite some good moments, i think that "Winter" is probably the NMA album i like the least..

I’m still working my way through the back catalogue, got as far as Eight which, IMO, is a truly awful album.  Only half decent track is Leeds Road 3am!
Massive fan 80's & 90's
Fell by the wayside after LoHC
Saw them Castlefields Bowl 2018 on a whim
First thought 'wow, where have I been last 25 years!?'


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #100 on: September 12, 2018, 09:57:50 AM »
Hi Chris. I've heard described as lots of things, but never as "a truly awful album". Each to their own of course but personally I love that album and a number of those songs are still in the live set now.


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #101 on: September 12, 2018, 10:35:49 AM »
Each to their own as you rightly say,i think Eight is a wonderful album,plus great cover (as previously stated in another thread).......


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #102 on: September 12, 2018, 06:37:46 PM »
I really like "Eight" too..."Orange tree roads", "Someone like Jesus", "You weren't there", "Leeds road 3AM", "Snelsmore wood"...wonderful, wonderful songs. It was Justin going back to the kind of simple, effective, catchy melodies and chorus, after the more unfocussed, experimental "Strange brotherhood" album.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2018, 06:39:17 PM by Guillaume »

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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #103 on: September 12, 2018, 07:06:54 PM »

'Eight' was hugely under-regarded by myself (see also 'Carnival') for a long time, not quite why these days, but I've come to regard both those albums in a whole new light recently.  As I think I said before, I was into so many different bands in so many different genres during the 90's I think they just got a bit 'lost in the rush' if that makes any sense.

I regard 'Eight' very highly nowadays and when NMA chose to open up with 'R 'n' R' at a few gigs a while back, I was properly bouncing!  That song should return to the set on a far more regular basis!


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Re: So... an NMA track you REALLY don't like..?
« Reply #104 on: October 26, 2018, 09:11:14 PM »
Soz for the fence-sitting but I have to say almost every song I didn't initially love has grown on me over the years. Sure I'd choose to hear some over others but can't really think of one I outright dislike....Someone mentioned thinking Lullaby was a joke or similar but for me its deeply connected to a part of my life and I love it, so its all subjective really. Swings n roundabouts eh...or apples n oranges or something?