These are flat out awful songs:
"Sex (The Black Angel)" -- I forgive them this one, very early in their career
"Ballad" -- acoustic guitar + vocals + harmonica = boring
"I Love The World" -- how many times can you say "I love the world" in one song? Answer: too f***ing many.
"Archway Towers" -- is this supposed to be dramatic or something?
"Believe It" -- not terrible, just a lazy effort
"Understand U" --not terrible, just a lazy effort
"Aimless Desire" -- boy, is this song bad
"Gigabyte Wars" - oh, my God, those horns are the most hilariously awful thing I've ever heard
"Lullaby" - endless garbage. I put this song on Tuesday and it is still playing
"Someone Like Jesus" -- bad, hilariously bad Nick Cave immitation
every song on CARNIVAL is awful except for "BD3," "Island," and "Fireworks Night"
"God Save Me" -- uhh, didn't anybody notice the vocals were mixed way too high; another bad Nick Cave immitation song
78% of "Lost Songs" is horrendously awful (only "Brother," "F sharp NY," "Freedom '91," "Knife," and "Burning Season" are good)