Author Topic: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request  (Read 1911 times)


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Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:02:17 PM »
I know the band don't like to look back (particularly Justin), but I'd love to here a remix of the 'No Rest for the Wicked'.   I think this album out of the whole catalogue could really be made to shine and introduce a new interpretation.

Some initial thoughts are:

I don't think the gallons of reverb particuarly suit Robs drumming style, especially as  as he is so tight. 

Maybe a bit less chorus on Stuarts bass

I also think that Justin's guitar sounds quite unnatural in places (maybe that was the idea).  On Ambition (my fav track on the album) it is quite fizzy in the chorus with not much attack at all.

This may sound quite harsh as I love the songs but not a big fan of the production.


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2015, 01:17:13 PM »
Maybe the band could get Space in to remix it? ;)
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With your lover turning away
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Like the walls... and you try...
You try to talk about love
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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2015, 01:31:28 PM »
Maybe the band could get Space in to remix it? ;)

and re-do all the guitar work  :o hmm,

Sorry steve22, I hate the idea. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Some music sounds better, sounds the way it should through flaws in the mixing. The first Generation-X album with all the feedback left in for example. One of the worst mixed, over produced albums in my opinion, Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols. Everything turned up loud and a bit faster. If you have heard studio sessions they did at the time, much better, more raw, more passion.
A re-mix of No Rest, a rare thing, - an NMA album that I would not buy  >:(

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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2015, 01:48:32 PM »
I love No Rest For The Wicked just the way it is. It does have a very different production, and overall sound to other NMA albums, but that's part of its appeal in my book.

I think if any of them could maybe benefit from re-mastering / re-mixing it would be Ghost of Cain. Some absolutely cracking songs on that album, but it sounds under-produced to me. Not enough volume !


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 01:56:19 PM »
Well, there's already a remastered edition of No rest for The Wicked out there. You want to remaster ist again?
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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 03:40:27 PM »
Maybe the band could get Space in to remix it? ;)

I've done a bit of remixing on a few of the "No Rest" songs. I like the heavy reverb on the drums so I kept that, but I lowered the vocals on a few tracks just a bit and upped the bass. The songs now have more drive due to my strenghtening Morrow's bass.

(There's a program I use called GOLDWAVE that enables all this.)

And, steve22, you are right about the "fizz" of Justin's guitar in "Ambition." Maybe more natural guitar grit would have been better, but I kind of do like that "fizz" that is on the track. It's like a slow burn that creeps in now and again.


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2015, 04:50:22 PM »
Lol here we go again. I'm sorry to sound rude but wtf is wrong with some people.

There is fck all wrong with no rest, leave it as it is nobody would tell a great painter, author or director how to change their work.

If nma want to re-do no rest then great i will buy it, will i love more than the original then no i won't.

I would much rather nma concentrated on new projects.
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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2015, 05:35:50 PM »
nobody would tell a great painter, author or director how to change their work.

Dude, artists do re-work their work all the time. Many times from the suggestions of others. Check out Shakespeare manuscripts -- he changed things. Albums and songs are remixed and remastered quite often. Director's? I think we are now getting our fourth Director's Cut of BLADE RUNNER this summer. Just because an album was recorded does not mean it is perfect. Many musicians say that they look back on their work and wish they could have done things differently.


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2015, 06:00:19 PM »
I would much rather nma concentrated on new projects.

Agree with that. The next album should always be the most important. 


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2015, 06:29:03 PM »
I think we all have our favourite albums and it sucks when someone says they don't like it, I think my point in case here is LOHC, which from what I've read on the forum gets quite a bit of stick but for me it can do no was just an idea... it's not actually going to happen.


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2015, 06:58:17 PM » was just an idea....

Chin up, steve, it was a good idea.

There are some people who hold everything their favorite artist does as sacred. "How dare you suggest it should be changed!?!" What you suggested - a simple remix of NO REST - was spot on. Years and years ago I read where the band themselves were unhappy with the production of that album, so you were onto the right track with your suggestion.

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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2015, 07:42:21 PM »
Well, for me, it'd be like those ****-awful 'new' versions of the original Star Wars trilogy that George Lucas put out, or what Spielberg did, re-doing ET with the cops guns replaced by walkie-talkies... yup, got a bit geeky there...  ;)

No Rest is just fine the way it is... yes, it ain't perfect and sounds rather dated in places, but it's absolutely 'of its time'... subsequent live versions are all we need for an update on that sound.  Plenty are available if you want them and know where to look.


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2015, 08:03:45 PM »
Interesting idea Steve 22.

I guess it depends on why it would be remixed - to change the song into a new breed like the Over the Wire remix or the Vengeance ones from a few years ago, in which case whether or not it's a good thing depends on the end result.

Or - to correct imperfections in recording quality or mix levels or some such muso geek atuff.....  ;D . I suppose that depends on whether the Creators think it's worth doing.

Or - to change the sound of the instruments in which case surely that is just like re-recording the album? It would be like NMA covering NMA. I can't see that being of interest to many.

Personally, I am always interested in having a listen to remixes giving a new end result but other than that I'd rather leave original versions alone - warts and all.

Nice thread fella - Hello  :-*

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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2015, 08:38:00 PM »
I suppose a lot has to do with how you feel about re-mixes and such. Personally I can't stand them. I absolutely hate the re-mix of "Over the Wire", and absolutely love the original.

I think Pol has it right. Leave the album alone, its in the past, there to be visited whenever you like.  I would rather the band spent time bringing  out new material for us to enjoy.

P/S, the original No Rest, my favourite album of all time  ;)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 08:41:01 PM by Shush »


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Re: Remix of No Rest for the Wicked album remix request
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2015, 01:46:41 AM »
Peter Gabriel remastered his catalog about 5 yrs ago and did some remixing.  Mind you, I couldn't tell the difference, but his goal was to create a new/cleaner master.