Am I the only person in the world who would genuinely love to hear this fabled new version of Inheritance....?
I really do wish that I still had it. I really do. Not for my pleasure, but for yours and everyone else at this site.
You just have to take my word for it on this: my version of "Inheritance" in which I added my guitar playing over the original Sullivan/Heaton tune is one of the best songs I've ever heard. It is a sooo much better than the New Model Army version. And look, I'll admit the original is a good song. It's just that my guitar playing, production skill, and songwriting craft turned the good Sullivan/Heaton song into something brilliant.
But, alas, I can't find it so now it is just a lost treasure. Like an unfound Shakespeare play, a Michelangelo sculpture that has crumbled, a Picasso taken and lost by the Nazis, my version of "Inheritance" is up there with those.