There can be only one to compete for the title of biggest NMA fan. It has to be Ceri Monger.
He has a NMA-tattoo. He danced in the moshpit. Now he plays in the band.
And there you go ! Nicely done 
Space - you just got your arse right royally kicked sunshine 
Absolutely not.
1. Ceri had his bass before he joined the band while I bought a guitar because of the band;
2. Ceri lives in Europe, he didn't buy a region free DVD player like I did in order to watch NMA videos;
3. Ceri is credited on one song ("Happy To Be Here"), I am on two ("Inheritance" and "Caslen")
Clearly Space is the bigger NMA fan.
Er.......................... A couple of thoughts from my aged weed addled beer soaked brain:
1. How do you know he didn't buy his bass because of the band? And we only have your Walter Mitty assertions to go on in regard to your own musical instrument purchasing history.
2. Probably true but then perhaps he sold a DVD player to get the wedge to go to a GIG (yeah - you know where people actually go and see musicians play) which would ace your materialistic bullshit.
3. No you're not credited.
0/10. Try Harder. Are they still writing that on your school reports?
How is this allowed to go on?
Because it generates site traffic and encourages those who are too comfy here to move on to the digital equivalent of The Eastbourne Rest Home For Elderly Hippies.