Author Topic: An Open Letter  (Read 1490 times)

Anna Woman von NRW

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An Open Letter
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:26:04 PM »
At the top of the list of people this letter is addressed to is Anna Woman Of Kent.

Dear All Of You,

I was chatting with one of the young girls at work today and happened to talk about this place and what had been going on, then I showed some of the shite that's up here on the internet for the whole world to see. After reading it she looked at me confused. The first thing she said was “Anna, Is that really you?, ******* hell I don't want to get on the wrong side of you”

The second thing she said was

“If people are like that, then why do you go and see this band?”

Think about it............................

There's one young person who thinks we're all a bunch of sad wankers but more importantly who will NEVER have any interest in NEW MODEL ARMY whatsoever. And the image she has of the band is not a good one is it?

How many family, friends, people down the pub or whatever might this get told to over the weekend?

And we dare to have a thread in their front room about the biggest fan?



I often sign off with a kiss or a kissing yellow face thing, not today. I'll sign off with this link:
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2015, 07:15:02 PM »
Hey, Anna, don't take things so damn seriously. It's all inconsequential fun. We all here love the band (some like the band more than others; for instance, I bought a Gibson SG in order to play their songs).

Relax yourself. No one is getting bloody here. No one is stalking anyone. We are all just talking about a band that we love. Do you think we should all post here in the exact same manner? We should all be the same? That's for the Motley Crue board. They all think alike, look alike, have the same barbaric opinions. I don't think you or I or anybody else here wants that.

Either enjoy others' posts here or don't. It really isn't that complicated and certainly nothing to take so seriously.


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2015, 07:27:14 PM »
You must know something about the Motley Crue board because you're referring to it so often ;D.

I think Anna has a good point there.

But what comes to me and humour they belong together.
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Master Ray

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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2015, 08:12:54 PM »
Er, I actually (and jokingly) started a Motley Crue board, but only after Space talked about it in the abstract...

Anna, you have my private details if you feel like a chat...



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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2015, 08:41:50 PM »
But this is mild compared to the FB fan group. I would not let her see that. People here do not get personal and mean.
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Master Ray

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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2015, 09:11:19 PM »
But this is mild compared to the FB fan group. I would not let her see that. People here do not get personal and mean.

Personally I'd love to know what fellow NMA 'fans' are saying on another Forum... especially if it's about me!   ;D

Joking aside, if its' getting nasty about me or my friends, I wouldn't mind a 'heads-up'... don't want any of us long-term posters getting smacked at a gig from some keyboard warrior ****... any chance of a cut and post from those messages?  PM if neccesary.  Would appreciate it.


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2015, 09:27:58 PM »
I feel deeply saddened by the whole thing. We are all adults, were all on the same side. No one should be put off from joining the board and coming together for the greater good of nma. Lets not forget why we are all here because we all love nma. Lets support each other and lets support nma.
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Bill B

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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2015, 11:38:11 PM »
I guess people just need to build a parallel between the internet and real life. We supposedly are all fans of this wonderful and unique band. It's all about thinking how what we post may appear to other people and each other,  established members and newcomers alike. Personally I don't think it's ok to post 'jokey' threads on here that provoke, upset and traumatise people, and potentially members of the band we all profess to love. If people stop and think before hitting 'post', think about the message they are sending to the whole ******* world, then the image of this truly great band will not continue to be sullied and dragged through the mud. Thoroughly fed up with the whole thing. Stand up, get away from your keyboard, and get to a NMA gig. Feel the power. Feel the passion. Understand what the whole ******* thing is about


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2015, 02:27:14 PM »
NMA ... Feel the power. Feel the passion. Understand what the whole ******* thing is about

Uhh, it's about being yourself and not falling in line to be like everybody else. That seems to have gone way over your head, Bill B.

Nope, we should all post just like you. Everybody at this place should post in the same manner, the same thoughts...the same as you. That's "what the whole f..king thing is about," right Bill B?


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2015, 03:23:52 PM »
Well I don't want to fan the flames, and personally being on and off here, I really don't see what this argument is all about and why people are getting so annoyed. Life is too short to be annoyed by small stuff, surely?  :)

But I will say for my sins, I've been posting on this NMA site and the iterations before since 2002 and this board does seem to get het up quite quickly about small things that probably should be just let go. I don't know whether its because people are oversensitive, over think or over react........ but I think the common word here is over!  :)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 03:36:56 PM by ldopas »


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2015, 07:12:00 PM »
I really don't see what this argument is all about and why people are getting so annoyed. Life is too short to be annoyed by small stuff, surely?  :)

Theres a name I havent seen in a long time. One of my earliest interactions with you was you angry at me telling me I was a very sick and F'd up individual. hahaha - but I came to really like your contributions here back in the day.
Ive been back here posting a little bit in the last month or so and its good to see an old familiar "Face".
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2015, 07:08:07 PM »
I really don't see what this argument is all about and why people are getting so annoyed. Life is too short to be annoyed by small stuff, surely?  :)

Theres a name I havent seen in a long time. One of my earliest interactions with you was you angry at me telling me I was a very sick and F'd up individual. hahaha - but I came to really like your contributions here back in the day.
Ive been back here posting a little bit in the last month or so and its good to see an old familiar "Face".

Hey! I don't recall ever calling you that mate. I don't speak like that I thought....apologies if I did. Have you got the post I'd like to see what all that was about????  ;)

Anyway, yepp I can be an opinionated prick sometime, but I guess we all have our moments in the sun to make arses of ourselves.

Yes I come on  now and again, there are less "controversial" conversations here these days, probably lucky with the mini storms that blow up every now and again.  :)

Talking of opinionated people like us, have you seen Pumpkin is back on here in one or two forums?


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2015, 02:24:18 PM »
But this is mild compared to the FB fan group. I would not let her see that. People here do not get personal and mean.

Personally I'd love to know what fellow NMA 'fans' are saying on another Forum... especially if it's about me!   ;D

Joking aside, if its' getting nasty about me or my friends, I wouldn't mind a 'heads-up'... don't want any of us long-term posters getting smacked at a gig from some keyboard warrior ****... any chance of a cut and post from those messages?  PM if neccesary.  Would appreciate it.
It's a small group of people who hate me and find fault with me exisiting or being a member.  They then turn to personal attacks and diagnose me with all sorts of mental illnesses without ever speaking to me. Then screenshot it, laugh and gossip with their friends.  I have met some wonderful people but also some very cruel people throught this band. All this nastiness is starting to make me reconsider following this band. It's really causing me to go into a deep depression and making me even more angry and withdrawn from people. It doesn't matter because I left and am posting here. ;D

No,not about you. 
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 02:26:54 PM by Amandistan »
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2015, 02:41:41 PM »
All this nastiness is starting to make me reconsider following this band. It's really causing me to go into a deep depression and making me even more angry and withdrawn from people. It doesn't matter because I left and am posting here. ;D

No,not about you.
I don't come here that often and neither am I a regular in the FB group you mention.I read more than I post, too - so, how can I put is just very hard to judge.
To me, as an "outsider" (=not getting involved very much), a lot of what is going on seems harmless enough - but sometimes it seems there is a "history", and that might make these seemingly innocent posts hurtful to you and others, of course.
But maybe a lot of it is also this always lingering issue of how easily things can be misread on the internet where you can't look other people in the face or hear the tone of their voice. And, as you have mentioned before, people have a different sense of humour everywhere and sometimes others just don't "get" that something you have written was in no way meant as an insult.
But of course it is also true that, if you feel hurt, those are real feelings - in a large internet group things just tend to get out of hand so very quickly.
Still, it would be a crying shame if you let a few people ruin your love for this band, please don't let that happen.
Ignore those who hurt you, keep in mind that it really may be unintentional - and stick to the good bits.  :)


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Re: An Open Letter
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2015, 03:30:12 PM »
But this is mild compared to the FB fan group. I would not let her see that. People here do not get personal and mean.

Personally I'd love to know what fellow NMA 'fans' are saying on another Forum... especially if it's about me!   ;D

Joking aside, if its' getting nasty about me or my friends, I wouldn't mind a 'heads-up'... don't want any of us long-term posters getting smacked at a gig from some keyboard warrior ****... any chance of a cut and post from those messages?  PM if neccesary.  Would appreciate it.
It's a small group of people who hate me and find fault with me exisiting or being a member.  They then turn to personal attacks and diagnose me with all sorts of mental illnesses without ever speaking to me. Then screenshot it, laugh and gossip with their friends.  I have met some wonderful people but also some very cruel people throught this band. All this nastiness is starting to make me reconsider following this band. It's really causing me to go into a deep depression and making me even more angry and withdrawn from people. It doesn't matter because I left and am posting here. ;D

No,not about you.

But that is life isnt it?? You meet people you share things woth and people you dont. You just learn to ignore the ones who you have no bond with. I think its about being happy with who you are as a person. I don't know anyone on here. There are some who I relate to in their posts but real world may be different.
'Family'....well families squabble and bicker and end up not speaking. Ultimately we all love the same band. It doesnt mean we have to love each other. Just be respectful I guess
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