As this is cooking related, posting here...
Happened a month or two ago. I was cooking at home, had NMA playing in random mode from my laptop through stereos, I was a happy camper. As a side dish I steamed/fried sliced carrots and kohlrabi. As sauce I used ready-made asparagus soup from supermarket, added black pepper and cream. Diced some pork meat, threw it into the frying pan, nice & sizzling, spiced it with salt, black pepper, garlic and....... then realized I didn't have any thyme left. Shops were already closed plus the rest of the food was nice, ready & waiting. If you didn't already guess what song happened to be playing from stereos at that exact moment, I can reveal to you that it indeed was "I Need More Time". Yes. I did sing it along, with ever-so-slightly altered lyrics. I put a lot of emotion to the end of the song, dramatically singing "I need more thyme.... I need mmooore ttthyme!!"
You know, that was kind of a food that thyme was like Dude Lebowski's carpet, it really tied the whole thing together.
Needless to say but for a while, this incident ruined one of my favourite songs for me. (If it did the same for you now, I'm sorry for posting this.)
Now I have a proper stash of thyme at home and, I'm again able to listen "I Need More Time" as it should be listened.
All is well that ends well.