OK, I know we're a couple of weeks away from the actual 2 year anniversary of BDAW, but I couldn't wait...

I've been looking over old threads regarding this album and it surprises me how 'down' a lot of posters were about that album when it first came out. Granted, that was before we all saw those tunes played live... and I think we'll agree that they went down well!
I'd be interested to see how any folks who weren't convinced about the worth of the album (when it first came out) feel nowadays. Likewise, the hardcore BDAW lovers... you still listen to it a lot? Or are you getting back to the 'old' stuff?
It is doubtlessly (IMO) the most diversive NMA album.
For my part..? It's one I'll relax to and possibly skip the more guitar-y tracks. It's more about the drums and bass and, yes, keyboards, right now.
Still one of my top 3 NMA albums.
How you lot feeling right now about BDAW?