Author Topic: Telling the truth about the state of the country..  (Read 578 times)

Wessexy Witch

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Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« on: January 05, 2018, 08:10:54 AM »
Watch this before it gets pulled from the worlds view.

Honest and factual with a solution....nothing like the government.

Pete, I salute you.
Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 08:23:10 AM »
Completely and wholly agree. IMHO violent crime is rising. It isnt just an inner city thing though. Their are dozens of reasons. Lack of Police is one, reducing Policing powers of stop search is another. And it hangs firmly on Mayhem and the Government. Their will be another riot in this country within the next two years and I dont think the Police will cope.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

Wessexy Witch

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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2018, 08:40:51 AM »
Completely and wholly agree. IMHO violent crime is rising. It isnt just an inner city thing though. Their are dozens of reasons. Lack of Police is one, reducing Policing powers of stop search is another. And it hangs firmly on Mayhem and the Government. Their will be another riot in this country within the next two years and I dont think the Police will cope.

In the words of Ian McNabb "Be careful what you dream of,it may come up and suprise you..."

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2018, 08:51:41 AM »
Completely and wholly agree. IMHO violent crime is rising. It isnt just an inner city thing though. Their are dozens of reasons. Lack of Police is one, reducing Policing powers of stop search is another. And it hangs firmly on Mayhem and the Government. Their will be another riot in this country within the next two years and I dont think the Police will cope.

In the words of Ian McNabb "Be careful what you dream of,it may come up and suprise you..."

Well thats twaddle. Ive yet to meet Swedish twins. Pfffft
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

Wessexy Witch

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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2018, 01:48:06 PM »
Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2018, 01:59:07 PM »
Fantastic. So it all the governments fault? And not one word about the responsibility of the people who actually do these acts, the drinking culture and so on. This guy clearly has a HUGE bias. He says the government are racists, but I've not seen on the news that it was only black people who were stabbed/doing the stabbing over xmas. Where was that?

So while I agree cutting police numbers is wrong and the government need to start reversing those cuts, looking at it in purely political terms here, and clearly this guy wants to put his political bias is doolally.

We as a country these days seem to try and look at an issue in the most simplistic terms possible. I do not know why. Perhaps we can't be bothered to look at all the causes of events and it is easier to just blame a political party/community/religion. Perhaps the internet is to blame where any dipshit can post an accusation or a theory and swathes of sheep accept it as the scientific proof of the event. But as a society we seem to only read the headlines then go off on one.

So is this the "state of the country"? Or that man's view of the state of the country.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2018, 05:04:45 PM »
Perhaps the internet is to blame where any dipshit can post an accusation or a theory and swathes of sheep accept it as the scientific proof of the event. But as a society we seem to only read the headlines then go off on one.

Way to go dude - that's quality engagement with folks that is  ::)
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2018, 05:44:45 PM »
Well of course he is biased. I dont think its political bias. He's speaking from his profession. I dont think anyone blames the government for murders. What they are to blame for is cutting the Police to the point, it is barely getting along. TM has shat on the Police since her time as Home Secretary. We are receiving a drastically cut service that offers no preventative policing or investigation because it cant. Searches are none existant for the fear of being branded racist and because their is no-one patrolling to do it. The headlines read Black people are disproportionally searched. If that is drummed in, who is going to search a black person without being labelled?. While I havent read that these are black on black crimes, I think its a very good chance they are because of the locations theyve happened. I could be wrong. But thats what I beleive, based on  previous events. I dont think stabbings have a colour. I think its more than likely linked to social background. Statistically black and asian people tend to have less opportunity in crime has its appeal. Austerity cuts have led to people resorting to more desperate measures and in my opinion, violent crime is rising. If there is no-one to catch those responsible or deter it, then that falls wholly on cutbacks.

However it is just an opinion. If you agree with his, youll side with it. Just as if you dont you wont.

On a side note, typing on a phone leads to loads of typos I had to correct....Porkice and Incestigation being but two *rolls eyes.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2018, 02:41:15 PM »
Well of course he is biased. I dont think its political bias. He's speaking from his profession. I dont think anyone blames the government for murders. What they are to blame for is cutting the Police to the point, it is barely getting along. TM has shat on the Police since her time as Home Secretary. We are receiving a drastically cut service that offers no preventative policing or investigation because it cant. Searches are none existant for the fear of being branded racist and because their is no-one patrolling to do it. The headlines read Black people are disproportionally searched. If that is drummed in, who is going to search a black person without being labelled?. While I havent read that these are black on black crimes, I think its a very good chance they are because of the locations theyve happened. I could be wrong. But thats what I beleive, based on  previous events. I dont think stabbings have a colour. I think its more than likely linked to social background. Statistically black and asian people tend to have less opportunity in crime has its appeal. Austerity cuts have led to people resorting to more desperate measures and in my opinion, violent crime is rising. If there is no-one to catch those responsible or deter it, then that falls wholly on cutbacks.

However it is just an opinion. If you agree with his, youll side with it. Just as if you dont you wont.

On a side note, typing on a phone leads to loads of typos I had to correct....Porkice and Incestigation being but two *rolls eyes.

Fair points.

But being violent and criminal is not caused by cuts, it is caused by someone being violent and criminal.

You do say that "I don't think anyone blames the government for murders", well look at the first post blaming the government. Though to be fair, not for murders. But we do live in a hysterical society here at the moment, people blaming May for "killing" the Grenfell residents for example when there are many reasons that caused the horror that was. We live in a hysterical society where to accuse someone of something, especially when the right or left can make political capital from it, automatically is taken as guilt and a million articles, tweets and posts ranting at the person instantly go up. A society where it is deemed ok to post death threats to politicians and have the shadow chancellor talking about assassination and stringing another politician up but when it is that idiot Toby Young on the right posting some stupid tweets of the past he is pilloried and has to resign. Double standards.

Still as I said your post was pretty fair and I agree with a lot of points.


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Re: Telling the truth about the state of the country..
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2018, 02:42:33 PM »
Perhaps the internet is to blame where any dipshit can post an accusation or a theory and swathes of sheep accept it as the scientific proof of the event. But as a society we seem to only read the headlines then go off on one.

Way to go dude - that's quality engagement with folks that is  ::)

Hey, you know darn well that I was not referring to people here. Don't make me come over there!  ;)