Have just read on another site they don't put a poppy on their shirts as a protest against the British Army and because of their Irish roots.....don't know how true this is,could be a load of rubbish ?
I dunno. Thats why I asked. It would be a bit short sighted if so given Scotlands war dead.
I've been up in Scotland and was asked to contribute to "The Scottish Poppy". I didn't as I've already got a poppy band I put in money for them, but I did inform them I thought it was disgraceful they are collecting for a "Scottish Poppy" considering those poor people went into battle together whatever nation they came from. Bullets do not know any colour, religion or country!
It's hard to imagine that Scotland is only just up the road from us down here in England that this sort of behaviour carries on in the 21st century. I know footie fans can be over zealous in their support for their team but that's usually to do with the football itself, but when basically it's down to a difference in religion, well it's hard to grasp. I suppose with not living in that part of the country I'll never understand and being an atheist again, I understand even less.
Well I agree with that. England (and just to say I'm only half English, the other half is Welsh) is accused of nationalism all the time, just go to Scotland. As I said I was there last week for a wedding and spent a few days there. Lovely country but everything has to say "Scottish" in front of it, Scottish Mirror, Scottish Gas as if it has to be stamped with the nations id. That is nationalistic. Sorry Pol btw, not trying to upset you, but it is true!
...oh and to keep the thread on topic. I'm a Man City supporter, always have been, used to be a season ticket holder, not been a good week for us has it! Still after years of failure and now we are having success then I'm not going to be too down about it.