Author Topic: Where's the German contingent?  (Read 2279 times)


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Where's the German contingent?
« on: June 18, 2018, 02:18:00 AM »
Whatever happen to the German board?

Is there not anyone floating here  :-\  who could take a second to pop in and let me know what happened to it?  I believe the website was, but this is what I get when I try to visit the German board...

"403 - Diese Anfrage wurde von Admin Tools blockiert. Bitte ändern Sie die Meldung in den Einstellungen der Komponente.
Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil:
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 :-\  English quasi translation might be...
"403 - This request has been blocked by Admin Tools. Please change the message in the component settings.
The page can not be displayed because:
You called an outdated bookmark.
You have accessed a deprecated index of this website through a search engine.
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This request has been blocked by Admin Tools. Please change the message in the component settings

Anyone?   :-\   Anyone?
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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2018, 12:01:36 PM »
As i understand it, the site went offline sometime and when it came back, it was without a forum.
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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2018, 08:49:24 PM »
Yes, the german forum eas offline because of software problems caused by updates and security problems, was back for a while with a new software update, but with problems to register again for the forum, then the admin me thinks lost interest to solve the problems ....
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪ went offline sometime and when it came back, it was without a forum.

...offline because of software problems caused by updates and security problems, was back for a while with a new software update, but with problems to register again for the forum, then the admin me thinks lost interest to solve the problems ....

Thank you both so very much, cthulhu and lotus, for taking time out of your day to post this important (to me) bit of information.  Had no inkling / clue whatsoever, of any of this.  Though I never posted on the German board, I loved visiting for setlists, to check out pictures and reviews from fans thermselves.  What a bummer.  Wonder where all the posters went to?  Facebook?  Twitter?  Other?
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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  • Posts: 351 went offline sometime and when it came back, it was without a forum.

...offline because of software problems caused by updates and security problems, was back for a while with a new software update, but with problems to register again for the forum, then the admin me thinks lost interest to solve the problems ....

Thank you both so very much, cthulhu and lotus, for taking time out of your day to post this important (to me) bit of information.  Had no inkling / clue whatsoever, of any of this.  Though I never posted on the German board, I loved visiting for setlists, to check out pictures and reviews from fans thermselves.  What a bummer.  Wonder where all the posters went to?  Facebook?  Twitter?  Other?

I posted A LOT on the German board, back then  ;)

I'm neither on Twitter nor FB nor any other social media and check here only sporadically.


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2018, 03:41:44 PM »
Most of them write on Facebook as far I checked.   


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2018, 05:27:50 PM »
Most of them write on Facebook as far I checked.

I don't even know how FB communication works?!
Are there NMA forums or groups?!?
Man, I'm too old for this...what's it called...internet  ;D


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2018, 05:46:23 PM »
 i once had a look at the nma group in facebook by telling a friend who has an account to log into it, and it seemed there's way more discussion, pictures and videos being shared than here. but though i found it interesting i still won't join that company of the zuckerberg.
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(samuel beckett)


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2018, 06:26:51 PM »
Was on the german board, but as you and Lupus - I don`t want to be a member of FB
FB is making an update - and your private things are online for some days without your willing - and FB only says- sorry, our fault and we will become better in the future and it won`t happen again ...
Fu*k you very much - you`ve promised that too often ....
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
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  • Searching For The Old Posters On This Forum... went offline sometime and when it came back, it was without a forum.

...offline because of software problems caused by updates and security problems, was back for a while with a new software update, but with problems to register again for the forum, then the admin me thinks lost interest to solve the problems ....

Thank you both so very much, cthulhu and lotus, for taking time out of your day to post this important (to me) bit of information.  Had no inkling / clue whatsoever, of any of this.  Though I never posted on the German board, I loved visiting for setlists, to check out pictures and reviews from fans thermselves.  What a bummer.  Wonder where all the posters went to?  Facebook?  Twitter?  Other?

Just a thought here, in no way meant to be antagonistic or anything... perhaps if we ALL made more of this here Forum (and I include myself in this idea), we might get more out of it?  Posted some new threads, reactivated old ones etc?

There's no reason at all why this shouldn't be the absolute, definitive NMA forum.  For anything NMA-related.  I subscribed to a couple of threads on The Dreaded Facebook and logged out again pretty soon afterwards.  Not my cup of tea.

I think we're a welcoming lot to both newbies and old returning posters.  It's rare that things get unpleasant.  Can I ask, if someone checks in (but rarely or never posts anything) is it something about us regular posters that puts you off?   :-\

I'd love to see this fantastic Forum as lively as it used to be...


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2018, 07:06:23 PM »
After vowing never to go on facebook, I was kinda forced to join ( long story don't ask) . Yes I follow the nma official page tho I've never posted on it , honestly there is very little posted there as I check my feeds daily. So your not missing much
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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2018, 07:27:07 PM »
i don't know if you can really do something about it. it seems a bit less "alive" as master ray said than it was, but i have to ask myself how do i use this forum. as german native speaker its not that easy to express the thoughts i have and often i think, "damn, this said in english is maybe not quite what i meant" but as you've noticed, it won't stop me either.
i tried to reactivate the winter graphics novel thread because i'm really keen on getting more opinions about the questions i raised, but i have to wonder how many people around here even own the comic and then how many of them are willing to write about it.
we have many "readers" here, many guest and the most active part seems to be the something else department.

i feel quite good around here with the topics and discussions, though a little bit more action and opinions and written communication would be nice. and again its on me i say, there are some threads that interest me, but i haven't posted in...yet;-)
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(samuel beckett)

Master Ray

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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2018, 07:49:01 PM »
i don't know if you can really do something about it. it seems a bit less "alive" as master ray said than it was, but i have to ask myself how do i use this forum. as german native speaker its not that easy to express the thoughts i have and often i think, "damn, this said in english is maybe not quite what i meant" but as you've noticed, it won't stop me either.
i tried to reactivate the winter graphics novel thread because i'm really keen on getting more opinions about the questions i raised, but i have to wonder how many people around here even own the comic and then how many of them are willing to write about it.
we have many "readers" here, many guest and the most active part seems to be the something else department.

i feel quite good around here with the topics and discussions, though a little bit more action and opinions and written communication would be nice. and again its on me i say, there are some threads that interest me, but i haven't posted in...yet;-)

Being the idiot that I am, chlulhu, that never occurred to me.  I guess these internet translation devices might not work so well.   :-\  I can't imagine what my ramblings might look if I translated them into, I dunno, Chinese or something...

Another question... many of the posts these days seem to be from the 'hardcore' posters, ie the regulars (particularly in the 'somewhere else' thread)... does anyone think that it's all a bit inclusive these days?  Is it intimidating to non-regulars?


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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2018, 07:55:24 PM »
As a native german speaker, I have problems to express my thoughts in english or sometimes I think, I´ve understand something wrong readind some postings and so I don`t post an answer ....
I`m a member here for more than 15 years and I want to be here some more years  ;)

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Re: Where's the German contingent?
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2018, 07:58:19 PM »
don't get me wrong master ray, i don't use translators to write that gibberish, it's all my fantasy that does it;-)

there could be something to it what you menat with intimidating. it could feel like a game that has already started, and if you try to join you could disrupt it.
but there are enough other topics anyone could join and give their opinion, but they don't.
just kidding. i'm ok with it and i will wait patiently for an answer and re-start that thing over and over again.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)