So where are the insects?
Well here is a take on it; we clog up our countryside with concrete and steel, use more pesticides and the like, we are doing damage. And you don't have to be an eco-warrior or even a climate change zealot to see that happening.
Here is my dilemma. You know, because I've posted it many times, I run my own engineering and construction company. For me its great at the moment, building is everywhere. I hate Corbyn, but even he won't probably be bad for me as he is going to borrow billions (bad for the country though), and put it into infrastructure. Yep that is me as well.
However for all those millions of "affordable houses" and HS2s and flood defenses we need for our massively expanding population, while great for me, is disastrous for our green areas and ecosystems.
I have to, I'm IEMA qualified as well, put in an environmental case in every project we do. But here is the truth. It isn't enough. Its to make the people who pay us feel better.
Now to the tricky bit. We need to stop our population growing. It is of course everyone's need to have a home, but how far do all of you want it to go. Hell I can build and cover 100% of this Island if you like so there are enough houses. Maybe I'll retire on a nice little Island in the Caribbean and leave what is left after that, as I will have a lot of the folding stuff!
But talk about border control, talk about rationing construction to let our ecosystems recover and what do you get? You get called a right wing, racist, xenophobic or a foaming at the mouth green tree hugger. What can you do?
Hell even the Greens don't talk about what is needed, but are content to push mass affordable house building. Blind to the irony that they are called the Green Party.
Its all ridiculous. but that is what political dogma does for you.
PS. Apologies if I sound a bit philosophical today. I'm taking a day at home to, believe it or not, draft something for an end of year parliamentary review on the industry I work in. I get invited to a Do apparently at the Houses of Parliament for the launch of the report in a couple of months where Nick Clegg is there, which I'm glad about as I want to kick him in the gonads!

PPS Bet you didn't expect a rambling reply like that Anna!

PPPS I've probably killed this thread stone dead haven't I!