Why are there no signed CD's ?
Yeah, I found the fact that signed CD's weren't offered, a bit depressing, actually. I am ecstatic, though, that they've gone with a coloured vinyl option, and, a splattered one to boot!

But, it's not like I play my vinyl though.

lol, I don't even have it on display or anything. It's just not a format I'm really into, other than for the pure esthetics of it, the packaging. I just absolutely
cannot stand, LOATHE even,

snap, crackle and pop of it! *cringe* When I play vinyl, that part of it, the skipping, scratching, popping sound of it IS the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, to me, really! lol, it gets me
so pissed off, that it gets in the way of me enjoying the music! Sad, eh? But, unfortunately true! Vinyl is a format that only interests me when it's offered in colour. Only play CD's and cassettes these days.
Would've loved to have seen a
'From Here' cassette option offered, as well as, durable, over-sized, quality totes... but I'm likely in the minority. A lot of other artists have reintroduced cassette versions of new releases... Beck, Hozier, among others. Just would've been super nice, to have those too, that's all. Oh well,

(me) can't be choosers, as they say.