The official NMA board

General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Wessexy Witch on July 25, 2013, 09:05:28 PM

Title: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 25, 2013, 09:05:28 PM legs are covered in nasty oozy bites and have to take Antibiotics and steroid cream to clear them up.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 25, 2013, 09:23:23 PM
Getting old makes me sad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 25, 2013, 09:46:41 PM
Thinking about an amazing night you had once and then realising that it was 20 years ago and you have no contact with most of those people nowadays...

Wow, I just realised that my last statement was pretty much the plot of THE WORLDS END, which I saw at the cinema a couple of days ago... I've also realised that I am basically Simon Peggs character, not least because I am currently wearing a Sisters Of Mercy T-shirt...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 26, 2013, 09:13:56 PM
Hearing that torrential rain in expected from six onwards in my region tomorrow , after planning a big night oot  >:( >:( >:(  :( :( :(  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on August 23, 2013, 02:16:30 AM
Reading some of the posts you made earlier, and ceeing orl the speling mistaiks you maid :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 23, 2013, 01:54:07 PM
People in other countries who kill each other, suffer instead of giving help and love..they have to be against their system and the politics and not against each other. It's what their governement want them to do.

what make me sad is also animals suffering everywhere, in slaughter house or zoo or even in someone's house.
all animals human or not are born to be free and happy.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 27, 2013, 12:33:06 PM
The Badger Cull.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on August 27, 2013, 12:46:58 PM
all animals human or not are born to be free and happy.

as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the case
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 27, 2013, 08:16:36 PM
I'm feeling a bit sad now because I found, whilst rummaging around in my massively untidy flat and looking for something else, a leaving card from a job I had about eight years ago,one with some great people I really cared about back then, full of really sweet messages and genuine best wishes for my future...

... and I really can't remember what most of them looked like.  No idea.  We spend so much time with people in our working life and, if you're lucky, make some good friendships, which I did back then... and now their faces are lost to me.

Damn, I hate getting older.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: turnbuis on August 28, 2013, 03:14:21 PM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 28, 2013, 08:54:17 PM

Oh come on, Tony Blair (who isn't a money-hungry, war-mongering, evil c***sucker in ANY way, shape or form) thinks it's a good idea?  Why you not on board with this?

Sarcasm aside, I am truly dispairing of this world right now.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on September 04, 2013, 11:16:51 AM
Well, on the Really Important Things front, definitely the whole Syria situation. Just... sigh. Awful.

On the Lesser But Still Annoying Things front, my accident-prone nature. In the past two weeks I've badly bruised a toe (it was suspected broken but isn't), burnt a finger, and had a shard of glass pierce my foot. I hope that's my 3 bad things!!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Knievel on September 04, 2013, 10:46:14 PM
I cannot tell you all how sad I am to hear what has happened to Sozbot - I was supposed to take a day off work tomorrow but I don't think I can now.

But on a serious note - the Syria explosion - it's like a spot that develops a yellow puss - We live with war every day and we always have. And sometimes it shows, like now, but don't think it's not there when it's not apparent.

I think it can be good for us - a good reminder to not beat on our brother, not beat on our neighbour, not beat on our boss. 

Love on us all - and I hope your finger gets better soon Soz - I'm not taking the piss - it's things like that shard of glass in your foot that just brings out how compassionate people are - it's easy to forget that we are good people.  Like - you know we talk of road rage but there's more waving of kindness and blinking lights of polite and no after you etc goes on on the road than rage. 

In fact - what makes me really sad is that every time I'm in a rage there is no one to fight!  No one - ever!

Now wouldn't it be nice if just once or twice a couple of townies would trouble me when i was in a bad mood and not when I was listening to Englebert Humperdink on the walkman? Eating a (vegan) cheese sandwich and wondering if my mother's doing ok?

What else makes me sad - well - tomorrow I'm going to wake up and think 'What did I post after drinking that bottle of Sake?'

It makes me sad that one cannot write nonesense on sake without a crumbling fear of what did I say? that envelops the next day....

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 04, 2013, 11:27:49 PM
I wouldn't worry about posting dumb shit after a heavy night... the number of times I've woken up and slowly, gradually and horribly, had the memory of what I posted the previous night filter into my memory...

That said, I really hope that you were making a humerous point about battering someone... I got put in hospital after a prolonged and very nasty attack a while back because I was 'different' to him... still makes me edgy to this day.

I'm sure that was not your intention, mate.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Knievel on September 05, 2013, 12:25:36 AM
Master Ray please let me talk to you here:

I was once 'restrained' by the cops: they had to get into my house for someone - they didn't need a warrant - long story short they simply restrained me.

Now I always thought I was a capable man.  Able to protect my home and my children.

And these cops proved that that was folly.

They didn't hurt me but they showed me my own impotence.  I was humiliated and afraid in knowing that I could not protect my children.

After this I was attacked twice in very close succession.

I'm sure that it was because I was giving 'afraid' signals. 

I spoke with my brother about this - he is very military, authoritarian, conservative ex army - a man I respect and admire but we have differing views you know.

He told me that when this kind of thing happens - an invasion of the self - a belittling of the soul - then the army respects that the man needs counselling to revive himself.  He spoke of his agreement with how the police behaved in getting the man they wanted but that they should have offered and given me counselling afterwards.

I agree with him.  I was fucked up for a long long time after the cops showed me my powerlessness.

A hospital beating from street thugs must be much much worse.

At least you are talking to people here about it - that is good.  Talk to me my friend, or talk to others.  The scar can be healed.

Stay strong brother x

I can listen, without talking back, without giving pithy advice that you already thought of yourself - if you can, then please talk to me, or to someone.

Blessings my friend x

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: kabe on September 07, 2013, 09:46:03 AM
this stopped me dead, on the page:

"He stood hat in hand over the unmarked earth. This woman who had worked for his family fifty years. She had cared for his mother as a baby and she had worked for his family long before his mother was born and she had known and cared for the wild Grady boys who were his mother's uncles and who had all died so long ago and he stood holding his hat and he called her his abuela and he said goodbye to her in Spanish and then turned and put on his hat and turned his wet face to the wind and for a moment he held out his hands as if to steady himself or as if to bless the ground there or perhaps as if to slow the world that was rushing away and seemed to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark or pale or he or she. Nothing for their struggles, nothing for their names. Nothing for the living or the dead."

- from All The Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on September 10, 2013, 04:56:51 AM
 :( Insomnia  :o
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on September 19, 2013, 04:45:06 PM
Went to two different WH smiths today, neither had the new mag in stock  >:( :( :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 19, 2013, 06:35:52 PM
Casual cruelty I get on a daily basis just for being me - really that applies to anyone who doesn't fit into a nice little "normal" box.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 19, 2013, 06:57:40 PM
Went to two different WH smiths today, neither had the new mag in stock  >:( :( :'(

Mate, I'm dying to get hold of that magazine, if you get a lead, let me know.

I have no ill will against WH Smiths.  The amount of time I spend in there reading magazines for free and they NEVER bother me about it...  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 06, 2013, 12:54:18 PM
Ian Watkins.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: wrbones on October 14, 2013, 05:57:36 AM
as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the case
This is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on October 14, 2013, 06:47:51 AM
Going to work on a Monday morning after having a lovely weekend doing nothing but playing with my little 3 year boy and watching The Incredibles and Madagascar 3
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on October 14, 2013, 07:19:35 AM
as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the case
This is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.
that happens all the time in the wild and not because of man all the time, these wildlife documentory makers have a policy of not interferring and letting nature take its course.
for example, in canada (going back to before white man invaded) there would be a population explosion in the snow hares, then there would be the same in the predator populations who would then eat the hares causing a massive population decrease which would result in a population decrease in the predators, because there was nothing to eat. the first nation people would know the cycle of these events as it also happened with deer & elk etc etc
as for your idea about domesticating endangered species, if we were to let them live without eating them or using them some way in the food industry then they would take up farmland lowering the yield of meat, cereal crops, fruit etc and that would mean less food for humans, similar to the debat on bio fuels
i know what you are saying about domesticed animals, this is why cats & dogs are now living longer (on the whole), i am aware of the destruction of the natural world by man but what i was originally pointing out was that starvation, being eaten, freezing to death is just part of 'wild' life, if wild animals have a long healthy life they end up starving to death because their teeth wear out or become too old to hunt, it's just the way it is
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: wrbones on October 14, 2013, 11:50:32 PM
Human population is an entirely different discussion, one that I fear we will not have until it is far too late.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on October 15, 2013, 12:42:53 AM
still being awake at almost 2am and wondering if the thing you've worked most of your life to achieve is even worth it, anymore.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 15, 2013, 01:19:25 AM
Blimey Sozbot, anything your friends here can help you with ??
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on October 15, 2013, 01:24:19 AM
cheers mate... probably just being over-dramatic. Comes with the territory. My positive attitude will come back from its holiday soon.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 15, 2013, 01:34:57 AM
Maybe its been off with NMA on the Euro tour ? wish I had been with it. Some lovely cities to have visited, and some decent music to  :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on October 15, 2013, 11:07:17 AM
I wish I'd been with it, too! Then it probably wouldn't have gone on holiday without me. Oh wait, that doesn't make any sense... Back to normal, then.  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie D. on October 17, 2013, 01:49:05 PM
what make me sad is to be very far from my parents...
and i really dont know when i could go to see them...what I hope is my father is ok but he seems when i phone them.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: szmurf on October 20, 2013, 01:42:15 AM
Being alone on a Sat night.  Too many Sat nights.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 20, 2013, 01:27:48 PM
Being alone on a Sat night.  Too many Sat nights.

You're never alone with us here.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: szmurf on October 20, 2013, 11:48:48 PM
Thanks for that Witch.  A sunny day and a nice fall walk in the woods with a friend made up for crummy feelings last night.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ron B on October 21, 2013, 10:30:38 AM

 I was going to give a review about the Hawkwind show that was supposed to be on Oct 13th. I guess if you have been on the Hawkwind website or  in the british press  that they had to cancel their North American Tour Because of the Health of Dave Brock and the legal issues with  Former member Nik Turner over the  copyright of the Hawkwind name . The Doctors say that having him Tour and having all the stress he is undergoing now it would not be in his best interest of his health to go on a Full Tour at this time. Right now they are looking at Possible new dates in March  for the Tour. :(

Bummer I had the whole week for vacation just so I could go see this band who have not played across the pond in 20 years  who were going to do in it's entirety to me their best Album Warrior on the edge of Time plus new stuff with their full show and they had to cancel. The only good thing is that all tickets are good for the new dates when they are announced. 8)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on November 11, 2013, 11:38:14 AM
what make me sad is to be very far from my parents...
and i really dont know when i could go to see them...what I hope is my father is ok but he seems when i phone them.


sigh. I can also relate to this - my parents being a 24-hour flight from me... I hope your father is OK too.
My folks are, fortunately, hale and hearty and I Skype them once a week so I can see that for myself. Small blessings.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 11, 2013, 06:33:03 PM
The two minute silence today... my grandad (who I loved very, very much, without a doubt the greatest man I ever knew) was always involved with the British Legion, selling poppies in all weathers when he was probably too old to be doing that...

He died on the 22nd of December last year, probably roundabout the time I was watching the NMA Christmas show in Nottingham.

I miss him.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on November 11, 2013, 08:21:13 PM
He sounds like a shining example of the kind of men the Granddads of blokes of our age were. Remember my Granddad always wore a shirt and tie when he went out. I think that was a throw back from his Army days when presentation was drilled into them.

Stick with 11/11 as day to have happy memories of him. Old soldiers never die, they just keep marching on.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 11, 2013, 08:38:29 PM
He sounds like a shining example of the kind of men the Granddads of blokes of our age were. Remember my Granddad always wore a shirt and tie when he went out. I think that was a throw back from his Army days when presentation was drilled into them.

Stick with 11/11 as day to have happy memories of him. Old soldiers never die, they just keep marching on.



Brilliant words, Shush, thanks for that, feeling a bit melancholy today and that really made a difference.   :)

My grandad was awarded an MBE for his services during the war and none of us know what he ever did.  I think my Gran might have known but she refused to tell.

IMO, the WW2 generation were the GREATEST generation...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on November 11, 2013, 10:12:30 PM
That's interesting stuff M/Ray. If in the future you want to research the circumstances of the award, you have right of access to the details. I can help, let me know

I have always found the brave and truly great men are the same, and rarely mention their deeds or awards. I used to work with a chap who served in Northern Ireland, and managed to mention several times a day that he was awarded the QGM for an action. On the other hand a dear friend of mine, a good drinking buddy who is no longer with us, I knew him for several years before one day I saw a envelope name to him with OBE and MBE after his name.

I agree the ww2 generation were the best this country has seen. But, that kind of situation brings out the best in people.  We have never needed to band together in the same way since. Lets face it, generations since the war have had it easy -- but that was made possible by the war generation who won our freedom. Given the chance, maybe our generation could also rise to the challenge in similar circumstances. I would like to hope so. Thankfully thanks to the likes our grandfathers and grandmothers before, we have not had to. -- yes, I know that is like the lyric, but I think he was saying basically the same thing, ans its something I strongly agree with.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 11, 2013, 10:26:02 PM
That's interesting stuff M/Ray. If in the future you want to research the circumstances of the award, you have right of access to the details. I can help, let me know

I have always found the brave and truly great men are the same, and rarely mention their deeds or awards. I used to work with a chap who served in Northern Ireland, and managed to mention several times a day that he was awarded the QGM for an action. On the other hand a dear friend of mine, a good drinking buddy who is no longer with us, I knew him for several years before one day I saw a envelope name to him with OBE and MBE after his name.

I agree the ww2 generation were the best this country has seen. But, that kind of situation brings out the best in people.  We have never needed to band together in the same way since. Lets face it, generations since the war have had it easy -- but that was made possible by the war generation who won our freedom. Given the chance, maybe our generation could also rise to the challenge in similar circumstances. I would like to hope so. Thankfully thanks to me likes our grandfathers and grandmothers before, we have not had to. -- yes, I know that is like the lyric, but I think he was saying basically the same thing, ans its something I strongly agree with.

I think that if my Grandad had wanted us to know what he did, he'd have told us... he chose not to and I will respect his wishes.  All I can say is that he told us he was a clerk in The Persian Gulf...  you don't get an MBE, like he did, for pushing a pen around.  He obviously did something that the likes of us can only dream of doing.

Respect to my Grandad, people, his name was Ernie Cope!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on November 12, 2013, 07:11:34 AM
I think the WW2 were the last of the great generations this country has seen.

Remember the WW1 generation as well. They stood up and were counted in a way that people nowadays have absolutely no comprehension of.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 12, 2013, 07:07:31 PM
I think the WW2 were the last of the great generations this country has seen.

Remember the WW1 generation as well. They stood up and were counted in a way that people nowadays have absolutely no comprehension of.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on November 12, 2013, 07:59:57 PM
My old Grandad always went very distant around this time of year. He supported the sale of poppies but would never do it or wear one himself,even though he was a big supporter/member of The British Legion.
He wasn't proud of what he did during the war even though his action did change the world for us all. He would never tell us about his years of service only that he " had killed another human beings and that is something you should ever be proud of."

I can totally see his point.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 12, 2013, 08:07:16 PM
My old Grandad always went very distant around this time of year. He supported the sale of poppies but would never do it or wear one himself,even though he was a big supporter/member of The British Legion.
He wasn't proud of what he did during the war even though his action did change the world for us all. He would never tell us about his years of service only that he " had killed anothers human beings and that is something you should never be proud of."

I can totally see his point.


...which is why I never asked my Grandad what he did in WW2.

Some things are better left unsaid.

Again, big respect for those who did awful things so this generation could enjoy their freedom.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on November 13, 2013, 05:57:15 PM
Catching a Cold for the first time this year, this week of all weeks, when I'm off to Leeds tomorrow. DRAT  :'(                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: purplehaze on November 13, 2013, 06:05:56 PM
take some echinacea if you take it when you start to get a cold it sometimes stops you getting it as bad as it would usually be,you can get ift from chemists,it boosts your imune system yo help ward off the cold ,but use the tincture as it works better than tablet versions.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on November 14, 2013, 07:12:49 PM
Seeing my female kitty feeling sorry for herself and struggling with one of those cone things around her neck.
I found her with a big rip on her back leg Tuesday evening.
The vet glued it closed but she soon licked it all off.
Had to have some stitches in it yesterday.

Poor Ebony.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: purplehaze on November 14, 2013, 08:46:12 PM
hate it when your pet hurts itself,my dog cut his side open on barbed wire ,he had to wear the collar thingy he hated it he kepy knocking things over and getting stressed ,only time he settled was with his head on my knee stroking him to sleep :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on November 15, 2013, 07:39:13 PM
Seeing my female kitty feeling sorry for herself and struggling with one of those cone things around her neck.
I found her with a big rip on her back leg Tuesday evening. [...]

That's very sad. It reminds me about my working mate's little dog that died while sleeping.

I'll tell my story about a pet I had a long time ago (I'm allergic to dogs and cats):

I had couple of frogs in terrarium something like 17 years ago. They were both different species. An Australian one "White's tree frog" (litoria caerulea) and a "european leaf toad" (hyla arborea). I've always liked frogs and so my new friends (a couple) gave those to me as a birthday gift. They thought it was a good idea...
I could do nothing but try to take care of 'em the best way I could. I bought books and interviewed herpetologists about frog feeding, vitamins, air temperature, humidity and so on... But it took one year until they died in diseases because of wrong care taking information I got from the shop where my friends originally bought these wonderful and archaic animals.  Also the european leaf toad found out to be a rare specie that should be taken a closer eye at! One herpetologist told to me in a phone that he had seen that specie only once in real life.

Living free in forest a White's tree frog can easily reach a great age of 25-30 years and grow as huge as an adult man's fist size. Whilst living in terrarium its whole life they could reach 10-15 years. Mine reached only 1,5 years. I know this may sound a bit ridiculous but all that fashion where "a suited business man is taking his agama lizard outside" started in 80's - went out of reach... It's insane that there are plenty of nearly distinct races living in rain forests that are massively brought to western families and no one knows how to take care of them. Bad thing is that there are also criminals taking part in some part of the ring that collects the animals. So the dealers or even the shop keeper him-/herself should know each group and all the situations that participates in the business. That might lessen the possibility about starved/exhausted animals in small plastic boxes in planes and wrong information about their origins.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: purplehaze on November 27, 2013, 08:19:45 AM
been looking forward to nottingham for ages and after working out money ,realise just cant afford it,gutted :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 27, 2013, 06:50:40 PM
been looking forward to nottingham for ages and after working out money ,realise just cant afford it,gutted :'(

Agreed, mate, that's a pisser...

I got a job rejection today for a job I would have been perfect for.  Good money, good benefits and ideally suited for someone like me.  And I can't, for the life of me, figure out why they don't want me when I see people doing that same job who, IMO, aren't as suited to it as I would have been, given my experience and everything.

Gotta say, I'm a bit bummed out tonight.  But f-it, tomorrows another day!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on November 27, 2013, 08:10:10 PM
Master Ray wrote:

I got a job rejection today for a job I would have been perfect for.  Good money, good benefits and ideally suited for someone like me.  And I can't, for the life of me, figure out why they don't want me when I see people doing that same job who, IMO, aren't as suited to it as I would have been, given my experience and everything.

Just recognized that feeling  :-X. I've had tens of times just the same thing. Sometimes their reasons may be somewhat strange or at least unexpected to choose someone other. F.e. in my job the average age is quite old and older people seem to be pissed all the time. Very, very negative in their ways whatever the topic is. However, when younger persons come for an interview - older workers get enthusiastic about younger and inexperienced guys because they can be loaded with all that energy, optimism and new information they once got too. It's a similar reaction of falling in 'crush' with new experts. Same thing happens over and over again and when a person (me, for example) 'becomes' old worker the reaction changes totally contrary. It's a sick atmosphere with there and I'm going to get rid of that before I turn to same kind of maggot they found out to be. Former people that left the house before me realized the same situation.

Well, there are differences with different jobs and cultures too. At a time of period of deppression, Finland's not a good example of respective working society due to huge negativism residing here now, other than game designers career where the possibilities are good.

Thumbs up, Master Ray!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 03, 2013, 08:52:57 PM
So, I was just going through a drawer and, right at the bottom, I came across an envelope of old and fading photographs that I'd forgotten about and can't even remember when they were given to me...

There were of my brilliant grandparents, both dead and gone now, pictures of my Dad who was probably younger than I am right now when they were taken, my favourite uncle (dead since 1984), so many other vague relatives who I've long since lost contact with... and myself (with various dodgy hairstyles) who thought that his life would be a lot better than the one he's living right now...

Gotta say, feeling a bit emotional right now...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: rick a. on December 09, 2013, 08:54:24 PM
Reading about the NMA tour in Europe and realizing I don't know when or if they will ever come over to the states again.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on December 10, 2013, 07:16:01 AM
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 10, 2013, 06:29:54 PM
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.

Agreed.  I don't hate Christmas, all the best to anyone who wants to have a good time, but I'd rather not celebrate it this year for various reasons.

I do worry about those who are truly lonely or bereaved or just in a bit of a bad way... the air of enforced jollity must be hell on them.  But hey, if you're not in 'the Christmas Spirit', then you're a Scrooge  ::) and there is something deeply wrong with you!  Especially if you don't love some bullshit TV ad with a rabbit and a bear.

If any of you lot feel like what I said in the previous paragraph, then all the best to you.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on December 10, 2013, 07:28:48 PM
[...] Especially if you don't love some bullshit TV ad with a rabbit and a bear.

When I was in Britain few weeks ago I saw some of the Xmas adds you have there. It's a bit of interesting to see what kind "culture" of advertising there is. Well, same kind of comsumer's party it's probably everywhere, but I actually saw some differences with the depicted topics. We've everywhere that red colour and christmas tree things hanging from the braches, Santa etc. (in TV adds). But we don't have so much those animals in adds you told about...

We're not sure will we get a white Christmas yet. Last 2-3 years snow has stayed since November or October. Yesterday it was minus 11 celsius and few cm:s snow but it's melting away already. *Damn*, it doesn't make good to spiked tires when driving without snow or ice.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: blossom on December 14, 2013, 06:04:10 PM
Not being able to see the band at all this year :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on December 16, 2013, 06:51:18 AM
Not being able to see the band at all this year :(

I saw them once in Manchester and really regret it now  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on December 16, 2013, 07:24:18 AM
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.
It would appear that in order to enjoy Christmas then you must either a/ Have several million lights fitted to your house  b/ Be willing to wear a novelty santa hat or c/ head to the boxing day sales to save a fiver on overpriced goods, (Im not quite sure when one of the two days you get to relax or see family became a shopping trip). Im not a huge fan of the commercial nonsense that makes christmas, but Im lucky enough to have a small baby. He doesnt get it yet, but it will make it exciting for him for a few years. I just find it sad that Christmas is a chore for many people, myself included. It should be about family and loved ones, if youre lucky enough to have both. Unfortunately modern life has pretty much put paid to that notion.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on December 19, 2013, 09:38:46 PM
Post tour depression. I recently traveled from the states to do the entire uk tour. i ended up going to Greece at the last minute as well. I met some awesome people and was high on adrenaline and music. I developed a gig addiction. then i had to come home, back to hell. It's a letdown and i can't seem to be happy again. I can plan a new trip but i did not want the last to end. I miss all of the friends i met and the gigs.  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on December 20, 2013, 01:29:20 AM
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.
It would appear that in order to enjoy Christmas then you must either a/ Have several million lights fitted to your house  b/ Be willing to wear a novelty santa hat or c/ head to the boxing day sales to save a fiver on overpriced goods, (Im not quite sure when one of the two days you get to relax or see family became a shopping trip). Im not a huge fan of the commercial nonsense that makes christmas, but Im lucky enough to have a small baby. He doesnt get it yet, but it will make it exciting for him for a few years. I just find it sad that Christmas is a chore for many people, myself included. It should be about family and loved ones, if youre lucky enough to have both. Unfortunately modern life has pretty much put paid to that notion.
Drummyb, saw this on the tinternet which sums up well the excessive use of xmas lights on the outside of the house

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 20, 2013, 06:46:18 PM
Agreed, drummyb.  I have nothing against Christmas and I hope that everyone who likes it has a great time.  It's just the sheer relentless of it that gets to me.  EVERYTHING has to be about Christmas... every song you hear when you walk into a shop for example, HAS to be a bloody song you've heard a hundred times this week already!  And, as I think I said before (and this is what really pisses me off), so many people act like there's something seriously wrong with you if you don't celebrate like they do.  Why do you have to be so festive, just because its the penultimate week in December? I don't believe in Jesus and I don't have children... whats my motive here, exactly?

But, again, if you're a Christmassy person, I hope you have a great one.  I'm feeling pretty good today, actually, for a reason that's nothing to do with Xmas... I think there's a more appropriate thread for it, just off to look for it...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie D. on December 21, 2013, 12:08:46 PM
 i'm sad because i dont have enough money to buy train tickets to see and be with my parents at Christmas and New year...   :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on December 23, 2013, 08:58:16 AM
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.
It would appear that in order to enjoy Christmas then you must either a/ Have several million lights fitted to your house  b/ Be willing to wear a novelty santa hat or c/ head to the boxing day sales to save a fiver on overpriced goods, (Im not quite sure when one of the two days you get to relax or see family became a shopping trip). Im not a huge fan of the commercial nonsense that makes christmas, but Im lucky enough to have a small baby. He doesnt get it yet, but it will make it exciting for him for a few years. I just find it sad that Christmas is a chore for many people, myself included. It should be about family and loved ones, if youre lucky enough to have both. Unfortunately modern life has pretty much put paid to that notion.
Drummyb, saw this on the tinternet which sums up well the excessive use of xmas lights on the outside of the house


lolol. Love it  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 20, 2014, 07:26:04 PM
Oh, shitting hell and arse bollocks...

I posted on another forum about how happy I was about getting another job after a period of deeply-worrying unemployment...

... now it looks like my new company has just lost their biggest client, costing them about half a mill and anyone, like me, who is on a probationary contract, is getting slung back on the dole by the end of the week...

I've worked temp contracts before and have always been ready for the whole 'getting rid of you at a moments notice' thing, but this looked different, it seemed like a done deal, they were happy with me, I was doing well with the job and getting on with everyone and they were deffo looking at taking me on...

I have sympathy for the company (nice folks, like I said, and it ain't just me that's getting hit by this) but after the sheer joy of getting off the dole (and not being tarred with the same brush as those on those 'poverty porn' shows like BENEFITS STREET or SKINT, which so many uninformed people in this country seem to think is truly representative of anyone unemployed)... well, I don't have the words to say how gutted I am tonight.

One step forwards and two steps back, eh?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on January 20, 2014, 08:13:14 PM
That's bad news Master Ray sorry to hear that I think I joined the forum just as you were getting that job.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 20, 2014, 09:14:38 PM
Oh mate,, really sorry to hear that. A kick in the nuts you do not deserve.  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 20, 2014, 09:27:30 PM
Oh mate,, really sorry to hear that. A kick in the nuts you do not deserve.  :'(

My nuts, in the course of my life, have kicked many times, but I really wasn't expecting this one...

No matter, I WILL be at Warrington, hotel and gig paid for, a few quid put aside... and, hell, I'm sure I'll have another job by then... who could resist employing a fantastic bugger like me!

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 20, 2014, 09:37:43 PM
That's the spirit mi duck.

I'm sure your nads  will be safe and employed again soon.  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 21, 2014, 08:22:53 PM

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stoney on January 21, 2014, 08:59:52 PM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Spike on January 22, 2014, 02:52:49 PM
All the turmoil going on at the moment and the fact I may never see some of you again :( after 35 years of following NMA for the first time in my life I feel sad about some of the things that have transpired in the last few months.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on January 22, 2014, 03:12:57 PM
this 'Alabama Rot' dog thing, turns out there was a case in the forest very very very near to where i live, and just heard of another but i'm not sure that one has to do with dogs though
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 22, 2014, 06:06:13 PM
All the turmoil going on at the moment and the fact I may never see some of you again :( after 35 years of following NMA for the first time in my life I feel sad about some of the things that have transpired in the last few months.

Worrying words, Spike, care to elaborate if it's OK?  Don't worry if it's a problem, but you know you have good people here, if you need 'em...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jc on January 22, 2014, 06:28:42 PM
Thanks for posting that Spike, I thought I was the only one.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on January 22, 2014, 07:02:00 PM
Thanks for posting that Spike, I thought I was the only one.



possibly a third if i think i'm right about what you mean,
if you know what i mean ?!?!?!?!?!?! that is
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on January 24, 2014, 12:52:53 PM
Apologies if this touches anyone in anyway, but hearing that a one year old baby I dont know has been taken into a hospice, has hit a raw nerve. Cruel. :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 25, 2014, 05:29:33 PM
Blummin washing machines.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on January 26, 2014, 05:01:07 PM
Realizing it's Sunday evening and I have another five days at work before I can actually do something I want to do instead of something I have to do.

That's probably quite a sad situation :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 26, 2014, 06:10:08 PM
With all due respect, mate, not as bad as NOT having a job to go to on Monday...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on January 26, 2014, 06:35:53 PM
With all due respect, mate, not as bad as NOT having a job to go to on Monday...


Yes you are right  :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 28, 2014, 06:13:32 PM
Fish Fingers
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on January 28, 2014, 06:25:57 PM
hearing about the archaic treatment of women in egypt due to religion and family honour ensuring that they must be virgins when they marry but yet men can do whatever they like. and they have ways to check the virginity so that the future husband or family is not dishonoured in any way.

i'd just like to know. if the women are all virgins then who are all these lads banging?

90% of women in now have to cover their hair. it was only 25% 50 years ago. so called progress makes me sad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 28, 2014, 06:33:55 PM
Don't get me started about the utterly evil sexism that is excused if it falls within the parameters of this archaic crap that is 'religion'... 

I'm sure we could all trawl the internet and find Daily Mail-type stories... that's just hysteria aimed at idiots... but anyone with half a brain knows that 'certain' religions do terrible things to the fairer sex...

Well, I guess that makes me a racist, right?

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on January 28, 2014, 06:34:21 PM
Fish Fingers

I didn't know fish had fingers  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 28, 2014, 06:35:24 PM
Fish fingers are great!  Especially when served with custard!

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on January 28, 2014, 06:38:45 PM
crispy with choco dip if i'm honest

and the un rightly hauled the catholic church up recently and gave them stick. why not haul up the house of saud or the like if they serious about being united in their action

anyway, may get a few more politics, news and world issue threads going in here soon, there is so much going on
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 28, 2014, 07:14:14 PM
Don't get me started about the utterly evil sexism that is excused if it falls within the parameters of this archaic crap that is 'religion'... 

I'm sure we could all trawl the internet and find Daily Mail-type stories... that's just hysteria aimed at idiots... but anyone with half a brain knows that 'certain' religions do terrible things to the fairer sex...

Well, I guess that makes me a racist, right?


Or maybe a realist. IMO, all religion is not good. It creates oppression, self loathing, division, and gives excuse and justification for so many conflicts past and present. I do find it strange that in these modern times of mass communication and hopefully, enlightenment that religion continues to prosper and dominate so many peoples lives. -- although as Heno pointed out, so often not by their own choice.

Live life now, not for the "reward" afterwards.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 28, 2014, 07:17:07 PM
Fish Fingers

I didn't know fish had fingers  ;)

Of course they do !
Everybody in my class knows that !!


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 28, 2014, 07:23:18 PM
Master Ray will soon wipe that smile of Barry's chevvy chase when he eats his fingers with a little custard  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 28, 2014, 08:05:28 PM
Well, let's see what Mr Capaldi thinks...  ;)

Back on track... the whole religion thing makes me edgy.  For the record, I DON'T hate anyone who has truly (and non-oppressive) religious beliefs... this ain't a great world to live in and if someone has some comfort from their beliefs, then good luck to 'em.  For example, my Mum isn't dealing well with the death of my Grandad, but every now and again she finds a 'sign' (which I won't go into, it's a bit personal) and if that makes her happy, then fine.

I just can't stand this BS that excuses some truly horrific behaviour that, quite frankly, belongs in the middle ages and if you disagree with it, those who believe in it throw in the 'racism' card.  It ain't racism.  It's about believing in humanity and treating others well.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: rick a. on January 28, 2014, 09:10:52 PM
You'll roast in hell for that comment.

See ya there with a cold pint!!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on January 28, 2014, 09:22:56 PM
it makes me sad when people spam up the wrong thread

in the interests of not spamming up the sad thread and making people even sadder i've taken a few comments from here to a new thread. you'll know it when you see it

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: szmurf on January 29, 2014, 12:21:59 AM
I'm Roman Catholic, and believe me, I know some truly evil stuff has come about because of followers of my of religion.  Both past and present.  I also know there are a ton of great priests and bishops and I have to say, we seem to have a great new pope.  I belong to a local parish that has is a great community church that provides help to the poor and needy.  We have a wonderful priest who has dedicated close to 50 yrs to the Catholic Church.  I do get comfort in my faith as Master Ray says.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on January 30, 2014, 11:24:25 AM
and it makes me sad that anyone would try and take the comfort away from you
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 30, 2014, 05:47:37 PM
It makes me sad that my dog had one of his toes amputated today.  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Barty on February 01, 2014, 06:45:42 PM
Sorry to hear that Anna.  :(

I was going to say England losing in the last few minutes against France in the Six Nations but that's more disappointing than sad.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on February 01, 2014, 07:53:50 PM
Staying in on a Saturday night  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on February 01, 2014, 09:34:43 PM
Staying in on a Saturday night  :'(

Me too but I got my boys so we have had curry watched a DVD (Pacific Rim - Highly Not Recommended unless you are an 11 year old boy) and we had a lovely day today in Manchester Art Gallery and Afflecks Palace... not been there for 15 years or so and they both think it's the best place in the world.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 01, 2014, 10:03:53 PM
I bloody love Manchester.  Cracking good place.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: szmurf on February 01, 2014, 10:05:25 PM
and it makes me sad that anyone would try and take the comfort away from you
Thanks Heno.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 02, 2014, 06:17:17 PM
I just found out that Phillip Seymour Hoffman, one of my very favourite actors, died today.  Only 46.

Apparently a drugs overdose.

I ******* hate drugs.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on February 02, 2014, 06:36:01 PM
I just found out that Phillip Seymour Hoffman, one of my very favourite actors, died today.  Only 46.

Apparently a drugs overdose.

I ******* hate drugs.

Also one of mine M/Ray, last night  Maximilian Schell, but of a more favourable age of 83.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 02, 2014, 07:06:40 PM
Sorry to hear that Anna.  :(.

Thanks  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on February 02, 2014, 07:15:32 PM
yeah, both of those make me sad

but what really makes me sad is anyone would question the integrity of new model army and Justin Sullivan. how dare they.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: stephanieD on February 04, 2014, 11:58:39 AM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 04, 2014, 07:01:15 PM
Know how you feel, StephD.  I try and keep an optimistic outlook, but I ain't very fond of the general public right now...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on February 04, 2014, 07:15:53 PM
What I read in the paper this morning made me sad. The houses vacated in the flood zones in the South, there are burglars going by boat to raid the houses knowing the people are away. Putting the boot in to people who are already in despair . Some people are so low
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 04, 2014, 08:16:38 PM
Gits !

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: DannySan on February 04, 2014, 08:55:01 PM
What I read in the paper this morning made me sad. The houses vacated in the flood zones in the South, there are burglars going by boat to raid the houses knowing the people are away. Putting the boot in to people who are already in despair . Some people are so low

Scum... it makes me sad that people like that exist.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 21, 2014, 07:44:10 PM
What is making me sad, right now, is the way people who I thought I was really close with seem to be drifting away from me... and I can't, for the life of me, figure out what I might have done to deserve it...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on February 21, 2014, 09:41:21 PM
I suppose that is something that has happened to most of us over time. Even drift away from relatives. I have an aunt who used to be a big part of my life I haven't seen for over 20 years after she moved away, and I left home.

Life still gives you the opportunity to make new friends along the way, such as on here  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 24, 2014, 09:03:01 PM
Harold Ramis died...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on March 02, 2014, 02:30:41 PM
yep, that is sad ray. some very funny movies when we were growing up

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on March 03, 2014, 01:32:27 PM
What is making me sad, right now, is the way people who I thought I was really close with seem to be drifting away from me... and I can't, for the life of me, figure out what I might have done to deserve it...


Almost certainly nothing  - I've noticed this happen to me a few times of late, and it's for no discernible reason, a lot of the time. People come in and out of our lives, sometimes, even if we wish they wouldn't.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on March 03, 2014, 08:58:51 PM
Russia. New post Communist "democratic" regime, same old tyrannical dictatorship. Who will suffer, the people who usually suffer the most, the great Russian peoples of Western Russia themselves. Ukraine today, Belarus next, then a mission to "liberate" the Russian speaking peoples in the Baltic states, and a link up isolated Western Russia.

Then cold war 2  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 03, 2014, 09:37:43 PM
Don't go there Shush - you'll be up all night dude.  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on March 04, 2014, 09:04:43 AM
 :( getting fat from eating pancakes
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on March 04, 2014, 12:09:29 PM
Finding out that my dad has to go in for some tests and could be quite sick. Also being on the other side of the world from them.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 04, 2014, 12:26:32 PM
The situation in Ukraine where will it all end
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 05, 2014, 06:06:50 AM
Being outbid on ebay especially when it's a nma item you want lol
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 05, 2014, 06:01:54 PM
Finding out that my dad has to go in for some tests and could be quite sick. Also being on the other side of the world from them.

That's bad sozbot... going through a similar thing right now with my old man, he's got bad problems with his memory, tests are being done and it might just be an age thing (although he's only mid-sixties) but we're all thinking the worst, as is human nature...

Worrying enough, but at least I only live a few miles down the road from him... I can't imagine how bad it must be for you if you live so far away...

Thumbs up and best wishes to your old fella, hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on March 10, 2014, 06:51:32 PM
Being quoted three grand to have my roof repaired  >:( :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: sozbot on March 11, 2014, 03:12:40 PM
Finding out that my dad has to go in for some tests and could be quite sick. Also being on the other side of the world from them.

That's bad sozbot... going through a similar thing right now with my old man, he's got bad problems with his memory, tests are being done and it might just be an age thing (although he's only mid-sixties) but we're all thinking the worst, as is human nature...

Worrying enough, but at least I only live a few miles down the road from him... I can't imagine how bad it must be for you if you live so far away...

Thumbs up and best wishes to your old fella, hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about...

Thank you - my dad is similar age (63) and is very fit and healthy, so let's hope whatever happens he'll get rid of it quick smart and get on with things. I know that's certainly his plan.

Crossing fingers from your dad too.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 31, 2014, 08:25:35 PM
... the news that Mr Dean can't make the April dates...   :'(

A musician I admire to a ridiculous extent (also a person I admire, having had a quick chat with him a while back...)... I'm sure NMA have picked a cracking understudy who will do a damn fine job... still, such a damn shame.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on April 01, 2014, 04:55:37 PM
Being quoted three grand to have my roof repaired  >:( :(

Oh, sounds bad Shush. I'd be curious to know what would be the estimated approximate of a roof repair (and other renovations) in UK? Last time when I was there, I saw that most of roofs were brick layered type. Although bricks are capable to tolerate water at some rates, there's a bad thing with moss when there's a growth which absorbs moist, gather leafs and rubbish etc. Then there's a puddle present all the time...
We have a bitum felt roof in our house and it's not a 100% secure for a life long time. Approximate price for a renovation here is in between 8000-25000€. It all depends on a roof size in meters, new roof type and taxations. Renovation may be coming some day too.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 01, 2014, 08:10:43 PM
Being quoted three grand to have my roof repaired  >:( :(

Oh, sounds bad Shush. I'd be curious to know what would be the estimated approximate of a roof repair (and other renovations) in UK? Last time when I was there, I saw that most of roofs were brick layered type. Although bricks are capable to tolerate water at some rates, there's a bad thing with moss when there's a growth which absorbs moist, gather leafs and rubbish etc. Then there's a puddle present all the time...
We have a bitum felt roof in our house and it's not a 100% secure for a life long time. Approximate price for a renovation here is in between 8000-25000€. It all depends on a roof size in meters, new roof type and taxations. Renovation may be coming some day too.

The house is around 40 years old, so they are concrete tiles. Problem was, water got under them and rotted the lats. Not quite a complete re-roof, but all the tiles had to be taken off, all the lats replaced, and an extra two rows of tiles added to prevent it happening again. Re-felted as well. Thankfully the main frame was OK, and most of the tiles can be re-used.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 04, 2014, 08:08:04 PM
My sad thing for today?  Finally coming to the realisation that a friendship you've had brewing for the last couple of years has come to nothing.  This is someone who I worked with, spent a lot of time on a University course (paid for by our work), much travelling and studying time and a whole lot of lunchtime / email / texts-based laughs... she was going through a bad break-up and other personal issues, I was the reassuring friend/ voice of reassurance / shoulder to cry on, etc...

... and now her life is so much better (and my life has taken a great big turn for the worst and she knows it), no more contact from her, despite my messages.  Lots of her being posted in on FB threads about all the fun times she's out having...  ::)

People can be really, really shit, can't they?  >:(

(present company excluded, obviously...)

Sorry for the melancholy post, having one of those days. My normal terrible attempts at humour will be resumed shortly.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 06, 2014, 11:25:07 AM
Sorry to hear that your has shit to you Ray makes me post seem very trivial now but here goes.
  Don't you just fckin hate when someone out bids you at the very last second on ebay so fckin annoying especially when you have left a strong bid a good bit higher than required Grr lol
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 06, 2014, 12:04:38 PM
not comfortable with ebay bidding. i put it down to anxiety. can't handle the stress of waiting to see if someone outbids and then get gazzumped at the last minute and end up depressed. so i don't do it. but then i often stop watching movies once i figure out the ending even if its only half way through. i reckon there must a spectrum  belong to somewhere. theres always something in the corner of my eye.......

sorry for you Ray. sounds like that thing that someone explained to me got friend zoned. not nice but at least you gave your support when things were tough. sounds like she is enjoying life. as long as she does;t feel she can come back the next time things fall apart.

i went and tried to start the car this morning and  it looks like the battery is flat. its a new one so have to be concerned. jello had it right when he said "trust your mechanic" (
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on April 06, 2014, 01:19:10 PM
Ray that's shit. Unfortunately there's alot of people like that out there. I call them emotional leeches - as soon as they've got all they need they drop off. It hurts but **** 'em.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 06, 2014, 06:11:25 PM
Ray that's shit. Unfortunately there's alot of people like that out there. I call them emotional leeches - as soon as they've got all they need they drop off. It hurts but **** 'em.


Cheers, guys... I might have had one over the limit when I posted that...  :-\

Yeah, I've met many 'leeches' over my many years.  Funny thing is, it wasn't about hooking up with someone in a romantic sense, it was more the utter disdain for what I thought was a pretty cool friendship...

Whatever... one less person to give a shit about / waste time on, eh?

And the e-bay thing... I don't do e-bay anymore.  My blood pressure can't take it.   ;D

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 06, 2014, 10:15:45 PM
we need a +rep button here. it would be cool to just express agreement without writing a post

if you know what i mean

where is that viv savage lad anyway. he needs a moderator to help out
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 07, 2014, 11:55:01 AM
Ray that's shit. Unfortunately there's alot of people like that out there. I call them emotional leeches - as soon as they've got all they need they drop off. It hurts but **** 'em.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 07, 2014, 05:08:43 PM
More trivial from me
The amount of chocolate they put on your cappuccino at Costa,you would think it was gold dust they were putting on
Ok i am using this as more what pisses you off post lol
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 07, 2014, 07:01:36 PM
I was quite surprised how melancholy that todays death of Peaches Geldof made me...

Now, I can't normally stand these kids-of-celebrities who get a well-paid media career based on their surname... but this kid (despite so many teenage indiscretations... yeah, like WE never had any of those...) seemed to pull it around and make some intelligent and rational TV appearances and newspaper articles, despite some awful things in her childhood.

Dead at 25?  Leaving two kiddies motherless?  Even if you don't agree with my previous paragraph, that's a sad thing, right there...    :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 07, 2014, 07:50:20 PM

they have been through so much crap

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 07, 2014, 09:00:05 PM
My first thought's were for her dad He has a whole lot to deal with in life after doing so much good.My condolences of course go out to the rest of her family especially her kids
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 07, 2014, 09:05:07 PM
we need rep in this thread at least

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 09, 2014, 08:38:51 PM
my beloved manu being outclassed by a poor bayern side

rebuilding now.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 10, 2014, 09:53:39 AM
Whilst looking through some item on ebay i can a record by conflict (the poor mans crass for the hard of hearing) entitled Only stupid bastards help EMI It kinda pissed me off at first then I laughed about it Looks like the record didn't sell enough copies to get Colin and co that much needed bar of soap !
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 10, 2014, 01:33:31 PM
I bought that when I was a troubled youth and still have it !!

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on April 10, 2014, 06:54:13 PM
Whilst looking through some item on ebay i can a record by conflict (the poor mans crass for the hard of hearing) entitled Only stupid bastards help EMI It kinda pissed me off at first then I laughed about it Looks like the record didn't sell enough copies to get Colin and co that much needed bar of soap !

Yikes, now you said that album name. Better I keep my mouth shut up this time (and not asking questions about NMA's & Conflict relations).  ::)

But I still think it wasn't a stupid question couple of years ago.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 10, 2014, 09:07:06 PM
Just watched the programme on BBC 1 about benefit cuts/caps i felt really sorry for a lot of the people especially the innocent children involved Couldn't believe some of the rents that people were being charged Gawd the weekly rents were more than i pay per month Surly there has to be a better way
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 11, 2014, 12:02:52 AM
Oh, Hell!  Sue Townsend died! The author of possibly my favourite series of books ever, the Adrian Mole books!

Genuinely gutted about this.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 11, 2014, 05:34:47 PM
that is sad Ray

the first idea of the water charges in ireland are being fired about. government wouldn't disclose what they will look like and how much they will be because of european and local elections next month. someone mocked one up based on the information available in the public domain. looks like it going to be expensive. a lot more crusty kids which is a good thing!!!!

how could anyone charge for water here. we are the wettest place on earth bar manchester and parts of east and west of the pennines.

give us strength to rise up
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 16, 2014, 07:18:00 PM
Imperial Tobacco closing down soon in Nottingham.

Yes, I know its the evil weed, but Nottingham is famous for,, was famous for,, making Lace, Bicycles, and Cigarettes, now they are all gone. I suppose it is reflective of UK manufacturing in general. We used to be "the work shop of the World", but now we manufacture so little.

Plus my brother works at Imp Tobacco, and has done sine the 1980s  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on April 16, 2014, 07:37:21 PM
Imperial Tobacco closing down soon in Nottingham.

Yes, I know its the evil weed, but Nottingham is famous for,, was famous for,, making Lace, Bicycles, and Cigarettes, now they are all gone. I suppose it is reflective of UK manufacturing in general. We used to be "the work shop of the World", but now we manufacture so little.

Plus my brother works at Imp Tobacco, and has done sine the 1980s  :(

I agree with you. That's sad. There are careers that doesn't exist here either because of the European Union. We used to produce eggs and sugar. Also, cow's milk was produced a hell lot. Everyone drink it, but nowadays the requisitions for a herd are so enormous (and expensive) that the farms should be able to produce milk to every one (well, if not aboard the nation). My cousin's family have done it for the ages. The herd size is doubled to that what it used to be. In the start of eighties there were something like 20 farms producing milk near to them at a local area, nowadays only four are able to do it.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on April 25, 2014, 07:29:39 PM

and if they are doing it so are the rest of us...............

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on April 25, 2014, 08:28:08 PM

and if they are doing it so are the rest of us...............


Freaky stuff. So now we're warned about humans and animals. Eeeerr...  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 30, 2014, 06:10:09 PM
So gutted to hear about the death of Bob Hoskins.  One of my favourite actors ever.  So many great performances in great films.

This is, IMO, his best moment from his best film.  Be warned, it's the last five minutes of THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY (not very good quality, I'm afraid), so very spoiler-y, don't click on it if you haven't seen this bloody brilliant film (and if you haven't, get thee to Amazon, NOW!)

it's crap, getting old and seeing those actors and musicians die, isn't it?

Here's the clip.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 30, 2014, 08:20:07 PM
Met Bob when he was making 24 7 , the Shane Meadows film in Nottingham. Was very much like he is in a lot of his films in person. Very down to earth and easy going. R.I.P.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 30, 2014, 08:25:38 PM
Yeah, Shush, I now remember you telling me about that the other night.  I wish I could have met him, all accounts indicate that he was a damn fine fella. 

24/7... the only Shane Meadows film I'm not all that familiar with, saw it once when it first showed up on video but haven't seen it since.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 30, 2014, 08:32:56 PM
Good film. I think it may have appealed to Bob Hoskins as it was a cheaply made low budget film where a good actor will shine, and Bob was excellent in it. Think it served well in getting Meadows noticed also.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 05, 2014, 07:09:55 PM
Being reminded on a bank holiday Monday of all those jobs around the house you were going to get around to  >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 06, 2014, 08:34:29 PM
hate the shush. broke me arse all weekend, like 12 hour days right up to 8 pm on Monday. given a list of things that i didn't get done. red rag to a bull......
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 07, 2014, 12:08:53 AM
hate the shush.

Why, wot av I done  :o
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 07, 2014, 12:17:05 AM
nothing man. the auto spellchecker on this mac is such a nuisance sometimes. but other times its great so i don't want to turn it off. thats all. in fact you you are the greatest......along with everyone else around here
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 07, 2014, 01:01:58 AM
oh shucks,, now I'm gonna blush  :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on May 13, 2014, 02:49:48 PM
I can believe that the greatest artist ever by far has died today H R Giger.
Probably like most people i first started to appreciate his work when the film Alien came out, and later through the controversial poster included in the Dead Kennedys Frankinchrist lp. I have lots of his posters and prints framed in my house, I never did get enough money for an original or even a limited edition print but never mind.
Just want to say that he was greatest ever to put a pen, paintbrush or air brush to a piece of paper and will be sorely missed. Thanks big man for all the pleasure that you have given!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 13, 2014, 06:26:20 PM
Mr Giger was a phenominal artist.  Gutter to hear about his demise.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 14, 2014, 07:44:22 PM
nice piece from jello on h r giger (
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 15, 2014, 12:55:58 PM
Broke mi bloody ankle yesterday, now I'm plastered  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 15, 2014, 05:54:40 PM
F-ing crikey, old son, that AND the tendonitis..?  :o

What does God have against you and the whole 'being able to walk' thing?

Sorry to hear it, man, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 16, 2014, 01:53:47 PM
F-ing crikey, old son, that AND the tendonitis..?  :o

What does God have against you and the whole 'being able to walk' thing?

Sorry to hear it, man, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Thanks M/Ray, it was limping with the old tendonitis that led me roll the ankle. One of my good tendons pulled a chunk of bone off. Ah well, all  wrapped up now might give the whole foot some fixing time.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 22, 2014, 09:17:09 PM
back ache

leg ache

foot ache

arse ache

i just ache
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on May 23, 2014, 09:35:53 AM
Being constantly misunderstood.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 23, 2014, 07:54:00 PM
with you on that one
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on May 24, 2014, 06:46:26 PM
The fact that, as hard as I try, I can not please people.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on May 24, 2014, 06:50:29 PM
My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 24, 2014, 07:08:26 PM
^^^^strength at times like that

maybe you should stop trying so hard......
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 24, 2014, 07:16:01 PM
My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.

That's awful, mate.  Worthless though these words are, I hope it goes in a good way and my very best to you and yours.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on May 24, 2014, 08:14:59 PM
Thanks and kind words are never worthless.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on May 24, 2014, 09:58:41 PM
Hope things get well there, Amandistan. Have to say, an old friend of mine who studied in same school when we were kids, was born too many months earlier than should and weighted only few kilograms. He was actually the smallest child born in our country. But today everything's well with him.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 27, 2014, 11:32:54 AM
My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.

Have faith in science.
It is amazing and does wonderful life saving things when you think all is lost.
Downs children are the most kind, friendly loving children I have ever worked with and always hold a little piece of my heart.
Be strong.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 28, 2014, 10:24:27 PM
really cool comment wessexy
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on May 28, 2014, 11:20:45 PM
My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.

Have faith in science.
It is amazing and does wonderful life saving things when you think all is lost.
Downs children are the most kind, friendly loving children I have ever worked with and always hold a little piece of my heart.
Be strong.

I think she may survive. She was allowed to leave the hospital. I have known a kid with downs and she was like you said. Friendly and loving.  Good post.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on June 04, 2014, 09:20:38 PM
I think people with Downs Syndrome are able to live as good a life as anyone. And Im sure with the love and support of good people, your niece will get plenty of both.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 09, 2014, 06:08:43 PM
Genuinely shocked to just hear Ryk Mayall has died at just 56 years of age.
Very sad news.
One of the greatest comedy talents. One of the main players of 1980s alternative comedy.

The Youngs
Alan B"Stard,
Drop dead Fred
Couple of very memorable appearances on Black Adder
etc,, etc.

R.I.P. Ryk  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 09, 2014, 07:33:56 PM

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 09, 2014, 08:19:57 PM
Yes RIP Rick you will be sadly missed.
  The Young Ones and Bottom were two of the best of the best shows ever.
The Sprite world will be a happier place.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on June 09, 2014, 08:26:51 PM
yes. good bloke.

sad because of this

what happened to him?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 11, 2014, 06:13:55 PM
You know you're getting old when your childhood heroes are dying...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 12, 2014, 01:34:36 PM
You know you're getting old when your childhood heroes are dying...


Alright M/Ray. When you did not pass comment at the time, I suspected there must be a - "no internet" reason.

Very sad. Unique character. Have to say, I also find it frightening when your heroes die so young  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 13, 2014, 06:14:26 PM
Yeah, I was gutted.  To change the script of YOUNG ONES a bit... ok, quite a bit...

This house will become a shrine, and punks and skins and middle-aged comedy fans will all gather round and hold their hands in sorrow for their fallen leader, who they loved watching on VHS back in the day. And all the grown-ups will say, "But why are they crying" And the people with true comedic taste will say, "Haven't you heard? Rik is dead! The man who gave us Rik and Alan B'Stard and Fred is dead!' And then one particularly sensitive and articulate fan will say, "Other fans, do you understand nothing? How can Rick be dead when we still have his brilliant TV shows?" And then someone else will say... [BIG FART]

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 14, 2014, 04:21:28 AM
loneliness and constant rejection.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 14, 2014, 12:32:04 PM
loneliness and constant rejection.

With you on that one

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 15, 2014, 12:20:38 PM
I'm hearing it too.

I've just been shat on from a huge height as regarding my position in school next year.

 :'( :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lostockboy on June 15, 2014, 08:48:07 PM
Having my contracted 45 hours at work being reduced to 40 hours, with those 5 hours I'm losing at time and a half which makes a big difference to my wages.  Initially they cut the over time which is fair enough but when this was announced all at work were in shock as most of us have mortgages and families.  Apparently the guy at the top is on £850,000 a year but the cuts don't go that high and he's the one responsible for the problems within the company.  I'd love to name the company but that could get me in trouble as freedom of speech can be a crime.  The company will still make profits that run into millions but that's not enough for them.  I love attending gigs but that might have to stop if I can't find an answer to my financial problems.  I know there are people who are a lot worse off than me and I'll never suffer like they have, but at the moment I'm feeling very sad and depressed  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 15, 2014, 10:14:41 PM
Having my contracted 45 hours at work being reduced to 40 hours, with those 5 hours I'm losing at time and a half which makes a big difference to my wages.  Initially they cut the over time which is fair enough but when this was announced all at work were in shock as most of us have mortgages and families.  Apparently the guy at the top is on £850,000 a year but the cuts don't go that high and he's the one responsible for the problems within the company.  I'd love to name the company but that could get me in trouble as freedom of speech can be a crime.  The company will still make profits that run into millions but that's not enough for them.  I love attending gigs but that might have to stop if I can't find an answer to my financial problems.  I know there are people who are a lot worse off than me and I'll never suffer like they have, but at the moment I'm feeling very sad and depressed  :(

Beaucoup bad shit, mate, been in a similar position quite a few times in previous jobs... the fuckers at the top will NEVER feel the effects if cuts 'have' to be made.  They'll just buy a flash new car and patronise those, ahem, 'beneath' them.

Hope things get better for you.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on June 16, 2014, 06:37:34 PM
If you feel like that people, have you ever felt like starting your own little operation up?

You can get started on an idea, you can make it web based if you aren't confident of people meeting. I cant answer for other countries but in this one you can incorporate your little company and get a website up for less than £40. As you are a small business you don't have to pay an accountant to do your accounts (which will be exempt) or annual return, you go on companies house and do them yourself.

Clearly people are clever on here, hell Ive been on here since 2003 so I think I can speak, but I read a lot of people feeling lost and helpless. So I'm just proffering an idea to you.  :)

I started my own engineering business up in the mid 90s and never looked back. I don't ever have to work for an asshole (though that probably put me in the asshole chair).  ;)

All I know is there is always a way to move forward, it may not be pretty or what you ultimately want to do but rather that than feeling bad? As Churchill said; If you're going through hell, keep going!!!!!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 16, 2014, 07:16:34 PM
If you feel like that people, have you ever felt like starting your own little operation up?

You can get started on an idea, you can make it web based if you aren't confident of people meeting. I cant answer for other countries but in this one you can incorporate your little company and get a website up for less than £40. As you are a small business you don't have to pay an accountant to do your accounts (which will be exempt) or annual return, you go on companies house and do them yourself.

Clearly people are clever on here, hell Ive been on here since 2003 so I think I can speak, but I read a lot of people feeling lost and helpless. So I'm just proffering an idea to you.  :)

I started my own engineering business up in the mid 90s and never looked back. I don't ever have to work for an asshole (though that probably put me in the asshole chair).  ;)

All I know is there is always a way to move forward, it may not be pretty or what you ultimately want to do but rather that than feeling bad? As Churchill said; If you're going through hell, keep going!!!!!

Nice ******* post dude - sincerely, quick curtsey and kiss for ya'  :-*

See? That's positive thinking for ya'! (see that thread)

There's all this stuff we all chuck up here on this board and sometimes it makes me laugh, say WTF?, get the hump, empathise, give me food for thought, educate me,make me sad or have a little giggle but generally there's some good shit we all come with. What if there was a way to turn than into something else? Don't have to be a money thing, to me that conjured up the idea of some sort of video message board/channel type thing but that's just me. I've probably got the wrong end of the stick entirely but if 100 people get the wrong end of the stick with their ideas then probably a bit like the monkeys typing the works of Shakespeare, then the 101 stick would be the right end of the stick?

Who know's but what a nice idea to play with.

Welcome back Idopas - it's been a while.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on June 16, 2014, 08:52:20 PM
Good ideas there. It's true that working with assholes will end when you're your own boss.

Often the good and working ideas are the ones that are plain simple. So many seem to wait for an unexpected opportunity like if there would be something 'you' just haven't realized yet. But it's probably much more easier to start with and introduce or display people something they could recognize; something they're familiar with already. Food, products, tools, clothes, repairs, renovations and other services.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on June 16, 2014, 10:04:09 PM
I think there are more assholes when you are your own boss to be honest
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 17, 2014, 08:02:00 AM
My landlord thretened me with eviction after finding out I had a kitten.  I had her for two moths and became very attached. She never damaged a thing but I should have read the fine print. Then when I had to return her to the shelter, I cried a ******* river. I really miss her.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on June 17, 2014, 10:01:36 PM
I think there are more assholes when you are your own boss to be honest

Depends on a view  :). If you could do something on your own, who then cares are you a nice person or someone not to get along with, if you and your folks feel content?

An approximate percentage of total assholes is about 70% in my career. And I've done it for twenty years.
My problem is that I'm too kind to everyone.

Amandistan, that's a sad story about you and your kitten. I can't find the words now...  :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 18, 2014, 06:42:48 PM
My landlord thretened me with eviction after finding out I had a kitten.  I had her for two moths and became very attached. She never damaged a thing but I should have read the fine print. Then when I had to return her to the shelter, I cried a ******* river. I really miss her.

Aww, feeling that.

Let's lynch the landlord.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on June 18, 2014, 07:01:17 PM
Thank you Anna, brought a smile to my face your post!  :)

Heno, not quite sure I understood your post about assholes???!? :)

Rusco, now c'mon there are not 70% of assholes. Most people whatever they are, whatever they do are just decent people trying to get on in life. Surely?

Where did this negativism come from people? Sure I can be a cynical bastard sometimes. But surely you shouldn't let situations or people make you negative, otherwise you are giving them control over your happiness!

But really in life you can choose to react one of two ways; optimism or pessimism. To me pessimism is the easy route as it requires us only to project our prejudices and beliefs on a situation with no critical thought about any upsides or positives. I find that expecting the worse, usually gets what you expect. That isn't "cod science", but because we are never looking for a solution or different direction to mitigate the worst outcome.

Its like the person who sees a cricket ball coming their way, refuses to duck, and then says when they are hit in the face; "I knew that would happen".  :D

In the end, and you all know the answer; who is more likely to attract people, luck and happiness to them, a person who looks at the black side or a positive solution based person who smiles? Call me naive, but everything is a choice including emotions....I didn't say it psychology did!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 18, 2014, 11:09:51 PM
I am all for lynching the landlord. Right now I think my landlord is an asshole because that choice did not benefit him in the least bit. I have dealt with enough heart-break to think that a good bit of people are in fact assholes.
 I think that we have a little control over our emotions but most are just chemicals in the brain (serotonin, some other scientific words, etc.) . Often triggered by past experiences and your environment.  For instance a person suffering from clinical depression or PTSD will feel the negative emotions more often and intense. As would a kid who was abused and/or neglected.

  The positive thing about a person with a dark outlook on life is that it is generally not an attractive quality to the average person. Meaning that their friends really are not average and are loyal enough to put up with their negativity. Unless they are all alone and then they likely become cynical and angry.

Of course, I know nothing about science and dropped-out of university my very first year.  :) :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on June 19, 2014, 07:40:36 AM
Idopas, there's a lot of sense with all what you say. Well, I guess the talk about positivism or negativism started from
the topic ( below I wrote earlier. I think it's interesting to read peoples thoughts here, even though I haven't met IRL many of yous. Wouldn't want to spread pessimism here or to anyone else. I'm not that kind of person, despite a typical Finnish melancholism  ;). But melancholy is something other than pessimism or negativism.

Amandistan, please don't get it wrong, but have to say some of your views about the negativism sound a bit frightening to me. But the way you told recently about helping turtles moving them away from a road, the kitten issue and children's thing tell you have a lot of good willing.

There must be also differences with our cultures. Amandistan from States, Idopas (umm...UK or?), Master Ray and Anna from England, and I'm from northern Europe.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on June 19, 2014, 03:49:54 PM
Well Im not up for killing a landlord because Wessexy Witch fell foul of her license agreement. Don't get me wrong, I very much feel for her and she herself generously admits it was in her agreement if you read her posts. But when did we become vigilantes when we've made the mistake? Let's chill people!  :)

With very great respect I just don't get the logic on the "positives" of being negative. In my experience negativity just attracts other negative people. And we have an abyss of negativeness. Erm no thank you for me! Negativity is a solid state to me, ie you stay in the abyss because the nature of negativity is lack of any progress (perhaps going backwards sometimes which is even worse). A spiral of misery.

I just say whatever has happened, there must be people who care for us. Perhaps love us. Look outside on a sunny day, beautiful blue sky. Go for a walk, costs nothing to go to a park and look at the green, listen to the birds feel the breeze. Put on music you fantastic is that. Go look at an art gallery, wonderful.

People want to serve you a shit sandwich all the time via the news and their prejudices. For every bad deed there are a hundred good ones that never get reported. We can swallow it on their agenda or choose to be happy. Certainly in my life the VAST majority of people I meet are decent, positive, caring people whatever their backgrounds or difficulties. Well that's my philosophy.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on June 19, 2014, 03:53:36 PM
There must be also differences with our cultures. Amandistan from States, Idopas (umm...UK or?), Master Ray and Anna from England, and I'm from northern Europe.

Its ldopas, Ldopas ladies and gents. As in Ldopamine. Had the handle for years. Been on this board since about 2001 (well its precursors), just been madly busy with work to post much lately. But am back.....(cue Jaws theme)  ;)

Rusco, Im from the UK.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 19, 2014, 06:22:38 PM
Well Im not up for killing a landlord because Wessexy Witch fell foul of her license agreement. Don't get me wrong, I very much feel for her and she herself generously admits it was in her agreement if you read her posts. But when did we become vigilantes when we've made the mistake? Let's chill people!  :)

Not my landlord !

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 19, 2014, 06:57:07 PM
Interesting points of view coming up here. As ever I'm not claiming to be right and can only go on my own lifestory but..............

Negativity feeds on negativity and it attracts it. The more there is the more it confirms our perceptions and attitudes and shapes our interactions with the world and everything in it. It's NOT a good thing. Don't get me wrong I'm not being all hippy and love the world regardless - a healthy cynicism and sense of realism is vital, overly positive people are as much of a piss off as relentlessly negative folk. And I'm not preaching from a comfortable position where nothing negative has happened (see my It Gets Better & TIAGD thread if you don't believe me, watch that video and I'm sure most of you will be able to imagine) but if I hadn't been able to break out of that negative and destructive cycle then it would not have been a happy outcome - trust me.

I suspect a lot of the time its more comfortable to stick with where we are rather than challenge and counter it. It's a lot ******* harder to make a change than is it to stay there. Certainly that was my experience for far too long. And the thing is, if you can channel all the energy that goes into negativity into something more productive its amazing how empowered and alive you can feel. It ain't easy and takes time  - instead of a straight line graph heading for the stars thing of a wavelength graph gradually going up.

As Ldopas said
People want to serve you a shit sandwich all the time

And they do - making YOU feel bad is a quick easy fix to making THEM feel better about themselves. Fall for it if you like, I did. But it's self-defeating. No-one promised us that everything would be as we wanted it or we'd get what we want but look around the world there is always something worse that could happen and lives that are lived in unimaginable situations to any of us who have the ability to be here on the internet posting these thoughts.

Lets be clear, Ruscoe pointed out:
I haven't met IRL many of yous.
Me neither so I have no idea what your own lifestory has given you and I'm really not trying to trivialise anybody's experience at all. It's a discussion and I'm saying what I think that's all. And it's said with love not judgement  :-*

That's the heavy waffle shit bit done, back onto thread: What makes you sad? Not getting a second interview for a job I really wanted and needed, took a day off yesterday and drove all the way to bloody Cambridge and back spending petrol money I cant afford and the frigging Dartford Tunnel costs 2 quid each way as well! Still, got some good feedback and that WILL stand me in good stead for the next one so there you go something negative turned positive.

Kick off in 8 minutes bye.................... :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 19, 2014, 07:19:54 PM
Idopas, there's a lot of sense with all what you say. Well, I guess the talk about positivism or negativism started from
the topic ( below I wrote earlier. I think it's interesting to read peoples thoughts here, even though I haven't met IRL many of yous. Wouldn't want to spread pessimism here or to anyone else. I'm not that kind of person, despite a typical Finnish melancholism  ;). But melancholy is something other than pessimism or negativism.

Amandistan, please don't get it wrong, but have to say some of your views about the negativism sound a bit frightening to me. But the way you told recently about helping turtles moving them away from a road, the kitten issue and children's thing tell you have a lot of good willing.

There must be also differences with our cultures. Amandistan from States, Idopas (umm...UK or?), Master Ray and Anna from England, and I'm from northern Europe.

I was joking about the landlord thing. I should have added this  ;) 
I am probably a pessimist but can also be positive. Many people are decent but some want to harm you. People are strange. Some can seem socially awkward, avoid people and have very little confidence but can have wonderful hearts. Others can be ultra-extroverted and out-going with a lot of confidence but in reality not care about anyone at all and can even be abusive.

Personally, I am very shy.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 19, 2014, 09:04:24 PM
My landlord thretened me with eviction after finding out I had a kitten.  I had her for two moths and became very attached. She never damaged a thing but I should have read the fine print. Then when I had to return her to the shelter, I cried a ******* river. I really miss her.

Aww, feeling that.

Let's lynch the landlord.

Personally, my concerns are still with the two moths. How are they going to cope now the kitten has gone ?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 19, 2014, 09:09:12 PM

Personally, my concerns are still with the two moths. How are they going to cope now the kitten has gone ?

Awesome  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on June 27, 2014, 07:29:57 AM
Apologies I didn't post earlier.....lots of work on I'm glad to say!  :)

Anna, thanks for agreeing with me. I saw your video and I suspect that you have indeed experienced a lot of negative shit that I won't have. I always think we either bow to (some) others need to feel better about themselves (because that is really what it is about), or say "**** em" it's my life I'm going to live it! And we are obviously gonna live it!!!!!!

Amandistan, you wrote that you are pretty shy. Yep I know somewhat of where you are coming from, I used to be when I was a kid. But I forced myself through teens and early twenties to be verbal. Now you can't shut me up.....ahem!  ;) You are clearly an intelligent, interesting person. All I worried about is your seemingly liking to be negative, which I suspect isn't really you. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing everyday that scares you." That is a quote I've taken to heart over the years. And while I don't think you should strip naked and run down the high street today, its something to think about. For some people, speaking up and out is scary, but y'know it's good to do it!

Anyway.....apologies for the cod philosophy. Can I say, these conversations are making this board interesting again!!!! Early days there were lots of political/philosophical discussions.

...I'm off to do something scary now.  :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 27, 2014, 09:34:22 AM
What makes me sad?

Not going to Southend next Friday. Priced it up, intended to go with the Wife, maybe stay over on the Saturday, just can't do it. Train costs, Hotel, etc. Moved house end of last year, and find myself spending massive money on work that needs doing, decorating, etc.  Not happy                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                          >:( >:(
                                                                        >:( >:( >:(
                                                                     >:( >:( >:( >:(
                                                                        >:( >:( >:(
                                                                           >:( >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 27, 2014, 06:14:10 PM
Such a shame when you can't make it an NMA gig...  :'(

But, on the other hand, you were spared going to 'Sarfend'... I used to date a girl who was from Essex, we went there a few times... not somewhere I'm keen to revisit...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 27, 2014, 09:20:36 PM
Such a shame when you can't make it an NMA gig...  :'(

But, on the other hand, you were spared going to 'Sarfend'... I used to date a girl who was from Essex, we went there a few times... not somewhere I'm keen to revisit...


I'm sure you're right M/Ray, but I would liked to have found out for myself. Even practiced some lingo,

"core blimey, ya carrnt find a decent cap of tea ere in saaafend"

Train fairs were the biggest killer of it. Plus it was three trains Notts to Southend.

What would cure it, if the band picked me up in their lovely silver tour buss on their way down South  ::)

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 27, 2014, 10:07:01 PM
Such a shame when you can't make it an NMA gig...  :'(

But, on the other hand, you were spared going to 'Sarfend'... I used to date a girl who was from Essex, we went there a few times... not somewhere I'm keen to revisit...


I'm sure you're right M/Ray, but I would liked to have found out for myself. Even practiced some lingo,

"core blimey, ya carrnt find a decent cap of tea ere in saaafend"

Train fairs were the biggest killer of it. Plus it was three trains Notts to Southend.

What would cure it, if the band picked me up in their lovely silver tour buss on their way down South  ::)


You would have also heard 'You navaaarn CAAANT!'  Seriously, I didn't think there was such a thing as the north / south divide until I spent time in Essex...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 27, 2014, 10:16:47 PM
But I'm not from the North, I'm from the Midlands.  :) 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 28, 2014, 03:35:47 PM
Apologies I didn't post earlier.....lots of work on I'm glad to say!  :)

Anna, thanks for agreeing with me. I saw your video and I suspect that you have indeed experienced a lot of negative shit that I won't have. I always think we either bow to (some) others need to feel better about themselves (because that is really what it is about), or say "**** em" it's my life I'm going to live it! And we are obviously gonna live it!!!!!!

Amandistan, you wrote that you are pretty shy. Yep I know somewhat of where you are coming from, I used to be when I was a kid. But I forced myself through teens and early twenties to be verbal. Now you can't shut me up.....ahem!  ;) You are clearly an intelligent, interesting person. All I worried about is your seemingly liking to be negative, which I suspect isn't really you. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing everyday that scares you." That is a quote I've taken to heart over the years. And while I don't think you should strip naked and run down the high street today, its something to think about. For some people, speaking up and out is scary, but y'know it's good to do it!

Anyway.....apologies for the cod philosophy. Can I say, these conversations are making this board interesting again!!!! Early days there were lots of political/philosophical discussions.

...I'm off to do something scary now.  :D
I am trying to be more positive. :) Re-reading that actually seems a bit negative now but I guess i was not having a good week. 

I love having a good political/philosophical discussion. They can educate you and see someone else's perspective.  Eleanor Roosevelt really did speak some very wise words.  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 28, 2014, 07:08:01 PM
Orange walks and for that matter Hibernian walks especially when they walk by my house when the football is on.Seriously though they cause traffic jams cost money to police and cause trouble Come on guys on both sides 1690 and all that was a long long time ago time to give a rest both sides
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on June 28, 2014, 09:11:29 PM
But I'm not from the North, I'm from the Midlands.  :)
You should know by now to the south we're Northern and to the North we're Southerners lol.

Whats making me sad is that I had three days in Spain recently. First "break" in two years and probably last for another two. Gutted.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 28, 2014, 11:42:43 PM
But I'm not from the North, I'm from the Midlands.  :)
You should know by now to the south we're Northern and to the North we're Southerners lol.

Whats making me sad is that I had three days in Spain recently. First "break" in two years and probably last for another two. Gutted.

I hear what you are saying kid. Only  people from the midlands acknowledge its existence. The first time I  met Stoney, he had the nerve to call me a Southerner  ;D
To all those who say clarse instead of class, I am a Northerner.

Oh well, all good.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 29, 2014, 09:22:15 AM
You would have also heard 'You navaaarn CAAANT!' 

Ah! the mating call of the lesser brained estuary English great tit............... quite a prolific breed round here............

Works both ways tho', if I dare to cross the border it's "yer fookinn shandy drinking southern shyster fook off!"

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on June 29, 2014, 02:26:47 PM
so one of my Da's best friends goes and pops his clogs over night. i spent most of my youth having to work with him in different places. stayed out of the system until he was in his seventies when they gave him the pension. and he knew exactly what pricks were running the system too. he was 84 years old. people thought he was knarky but he was just calling it like it is and most people can't handle the truth.

i'll miss ya Murph. one of a kind.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 29, 2014, 05:49:56 PM
so one of my Da's best friends goes and pops his clogs over night. i spent most of my youth having to work with him in different places. stayed out of the system until he was in his seventies when they gave him the pension. and he knew exactly what pricks were running the system too. he was 84 years old. people thought he was knarky but he was just calling it like it is and most people can't handle the truth.

i'll miss ya Murph. one of a kind.

Big respect to this Murph fella.  And best wishes to those who knew him.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on June 29, 2014, 06:24:11 PM
our type of bloke ray
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 30, 2014, 06:20:38 PM
Not Rolf Harris as well. Were there any decent blokes I watched on telly as a kid in the 70s. Can't help feeling let down. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 30, 2014, 06:57:10 PM
Totally agree on the Rolf subject Gawd we used to sing a few of his on the supporter bus on the way to the football He was seen as a adopted brit with painting the queen and animal hospital.He was loved by students and we even forgave him for stairway to heaven.
We all watched totp and jim 'll fix it and everyone at least thought about writing in. Most of us also watched and enjoyed its a knockout.
I'm even sicked to say i enjoyed a couple of tracks of the 1st lost prophets lp
Turns out that there all a bunch of sick disgusting kiddy fiddlers at least am only left extremely disappointed and saddened unlike their victims who's lives have been destroyed
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 01, 2014, 03:29:09 AM
Human being yet again. I think I want to go live in the woods somewhere with nothing but animals.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on July 03, 2014, 09:10:53 PM
so once again the grim reaper arrives and takes my mate's Mam this evening. not upset or anything. just that its everywhere this death everyone catches it at some stage.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 04, 2014, 04:16:58 PM
The amount of racist people there seems to be Anyone else feel the same
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 04, 2014, 06:07:19 PM
Agree with you mate, but to be fair, an awful lot of them seem to be influenced by media scare-stories about how this little island is going to sink under the weight of forthcoming immigrants... remember how we in the UK were supposed to be flooded by Romanians and the like on 1st January this year? Personally, I haven't noticed any such thing...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the whole EU idea and I think that unlimited immigration can cause certain problems (which you have to be careful about talking of these days in case you are deemed a racist) but not nearly to the extent that these newspapers are hammering home...

I think that folks in this country are so low with the state of things that the uneducated will be looking for scapegoats... and what better than people who are different from them?


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 04, 2014, 08:53:20 PM
Oh I wish I was at the Southend do tonight  :'(

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 04, 2014, 11:12:13 PM
Oh I wish I was at the Southend do tonight  :'(

Don't we all, mate...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 04, 2014, 11:18:04 PM
Even the weathers better down saarrff, been raining here in the Midlands this evening  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 05, 2014, 12:08:08 AM
OK, I know we're not all Facebook fans here on this forum, but I just deleted a whole bunch of 'friends'... didn't strictly want to and they were all people I thought a lot of, once upon a time... but I had to accept that those friendships are now dead and gone, little more than scant communication and never anything more than trivial BS... so it's bye bye, click, delete...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 05, 2014, 12:38:46 PM
Facebook makes me sad. Social networking sites actually cause more anxiety then actually talking to people in real life.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 12, 2014, 05:56:14 PM
Tommy Ramone R.I.P. the last of the legend maybe gone but you and your band mates will always live on.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 12, 2014, 06:06:06 PM
Tommy Ramone R.I.P. the last of the legend maybe gone but you and your band mates will always live on.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 25, 2014, 08:02:20 PM
Sun burn  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 25, 2014, 08:16:44 PM
Being unemployed and being turned down for three jobs in the space of three days... all of them jobs that I could do blindfolded and with one hand tied behind my back... not to mention all of them being having a pay-cut equal to about a third of what I'm used to...

 >:(  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 26, 2014, 03:25:44 PM
All the killing happening in the world these days be it the middle east or the Russian backed separatists shooting down planes Stop the Killing
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jackroadkill on July 26, 2014, 04:57:24 PM
What has made me sad today is hearing that one of my best friends died this morning.

Cancer, you are a bastard beyond description.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 26, 2014, 06:08:55 PM
What has made me sad today is hearing that one of my best friends died this morning.

Cancer, you are a bastard beyond description.

Shit, mate, so sorry to hear it.

I think we've all lost people we loved and I know that there are no words to make things better... I wish there were.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jackroadkill on July 26, 2014, 06:29:44 PM

Shit, mate, so sorry to hear it.

I think we've all lost people we loved and I know that there are no words to make things better... I wish there were.   :'(

Thanks Mater Ray; much appreciated.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 27, 2014, 05:42:15 PM
Dunno if any of you CARTER USM fans (of which I know there are a fair few on this forum) have heard, but Jon Beast died today...   :'(

RIP, you 'fat bastard'...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on July 28, 2014, 12:55:17 PM
we now have 11 cats all over again.......
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 28, 2014, 01:08:08 PM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on July 28, 2014, 01:13:48 PM

that was cat joke

*if cat means the same where you are that is
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 28, 2014, 08:11:25 PM
My two moth old niece has to fly 1,000 miles away for heart surgery. It was expected to happen this autumn but not this soon. :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on August 12, 2014, 02:21:40 AM
R.I.P. Robin Williams

O Captain, my Captain  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on August 12, 2014, 11:07:25 AM
I have to second the passing of Robin Williams.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 12, 2014, 06:15:52 PM
Thirded.  So ******* sad.

I read something on another forum that said something like 'I've never seen an actor who could make you laugh yet have so much sadness in his eyes...'

I know it's a bit sad to be upset over the death of someone you never met, but I watching this unfold last night via the internet... if someone had a beautiful family, plenty of money, a hugely successful career and worldwide adulation... and still felt the need to take that ultimate, horrible step... well, that's just terrible.

This is a hateful day.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 12, 2014, 07:39:52 PM
I know it's a bit sad to be upset over the death of someone you never met

No, it's not sad it shows you are a decent human being.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on August 12, 2014, 08:02:56 PM
Depression is such a nasty disease It's very misunderstood by lots of people Sadly it often ends tragically RIP Robin Williams and thanks for the laughs
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on August 12, 2014, 09:34:17 PM
I second that Pol. Terrible things the brain does to itself and you. Genuinely sad to hear it took someone else. A genuinely energetic funny guy. Gotta feel for his family who probably watched him suffering  behind the camera. Sad day.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 22, 2014, 09:40:28 AM

Nothing more to say.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on August 23, 2014, 02:49:35 PM
They were taking about that last night on the last leg Ray
I totally agree with all the comments made
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 24, 2014, 10:12:59 PM
Just heard that Sir Richard Attenborough died. Great director and a great actor.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on August 24, 2014, 10:58:24 PM
Sad loss.

my fave Attenborough films,

Great Escape
The Guinea Pig
10 Riddington Place
Privates Progress

to name but a few of many  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 24, 2014, 11:09:54 PM
If you don't like THE GREAT ESCAPE, then you are not a man...  ;)

He was also a brilliant Father Christmas.

Ever read his autobiography, 'Entirely Up To You, Darling'?  Well worth a read, especially the heartbreaking story about how he lost children and grandchildren in the Thailand tsumani...   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on September 24, 2014, 09:23:36 AM
Sorry to be blunt.
That mad woman in the papers/ on the internet with 3 tits Wtf surely she should have been sectioned under the mental health act Surely the surgeon who done this should be jailed fined never work again in this industry I'm all for people being individuals but Too Far  !
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on September 24, 2014, 10:13:14 AM
I just saw a photo of a woman with three boobies and it was disturbing. She did it simply because she wanted to stop dating.  Well, the simple phrase "I am a Lesbian " will fix that. Even if you are completely straight, it can still be used.

I agree, that she probably needs some sort of mental health intervention but it is her body. She can do what she wants no matter how stupid it is.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Red on September 24, 2014, 04:43:16 PM
What makes me sad at the moment is that our dog Trubshaw died last night  :'( :'(

he had become ill in the last 2 weeks possibly a lymph gland issue, we were waiting for the test results from the vet

We'd had him about 8 years after the wife found him wandering on a country lane, he had no collar, wasn't microchipped so we had no idea who he belonged to

we contacted all the relevant authorities and has no owner could be traced we had 2 options,
1: Leave him with the RSPCA and if no one came forward to claim him within 14 days he would be destroyed or
2: we keep him for 28 days and again if not claimed we keep him

Obviously we chose option 2
( (
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 24, 2014, 05:36:12 PM
Red - so sorry to hear that fella. Looks like you had a lovely little scamp.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 24, 2014, 06:28:12 PM
Very sad, Red, people underestimate the devastating impact of the death of a pet. 

If anyone says 'why don't you just get another dog?', feel free to punch them in the balls / fanny.  I would.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on September 28, 2014, 04:51:18 PM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 04, 2014, 02:21:53 AM
The murder of Alan Henning. A kind hearted man murdered while trying to help people

Plus it shows I.S. will not compromise and will drag this shit out for as long as possible

All very sad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Darkness on October 07, 2014, 06:29:39 PM
I miss my children, at the moment I'm not living with them... :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on October 07, 2014, 07:43:00 PM
Morrissey has cancer.  He's a man who doesn't share his private life much, so it must be bad for him to take that drastic step (and he's been looking pretty bad lately...)

Reminds me of when Freddie Mercury had AIDS but only put out an official statement one day before he died...

I suspect I might be losing one of my heroes between now and Christmas...  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on October 07, 2014, 08:00:49 PM
Wow really sorry to hear that.
My thoughts are with him, his family and friends and of course all his fans.
lm not religious but my prayers are with him.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 07, 2014, 08:12:47 PM
Very sorry to hear the sad news about Morrissey.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on October 09, 2014, 09:36:06 PM
Oh... any NMA fan who ever saw them play at one of the Manchester Academy venues over the years (or saw any other band there) must have had a pint or two at Jabez Cleggs... a fantastic place to drink and clink a glass or two together... terrific pub...

It's closed down.  Manchester University bought the site for their forthcoming expansion.

Gutted.  It was THE place to go before a gig at the Academy... I had so many great nights there.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 11, 2014, 08:40:36 AM
I just saw a photo of a woman with three boobies and it was disturbing. She did it simply because she wanted to stop dating.  Well, the simple phrase "I am a Lesbian " will fix that. Even if you are completely straight, it can still be used.

I agree, that she probably needs some sort of mental health intervention but it is her body. She can do what she wants no matter how stupid it is.

" No thank you ".
That has worked for me in the past.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jackroadkill on October 18, 2014, 05:53:11 PM
What has made me sad today is hearing that one of my best friends died this morning.

Cancer, you are a bastard beyond description.

And now my stepdad has been diagnosed...... Myeloma (a form of cancer that affects white blood cell production in the bones).  It's incurable, apparently.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 20, 2014, 10:05:31 PM
A bit belated , was very sorry to hear over the weekend of the death of Richard Kiel.

The ultimate bond film baddy
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on October 21, 2014, 07:33:06 PM
A bit belated , was very sorry to hear over the weekend of the death of Richard Kiel.

The ultimate bond film baddy

Bet you remember this ad, mate...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 21, 2014, 09:40:12 PM
I do remember that add. Not seen it for decades. Thanks for the link  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on October 22, 2014, 08:41:14 PM
Tesco using the toy dolls to sell well you guessed it toys  !
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on October 22, 2014, 09:19:01 PM
Tesco using the toy dolls to sell well you guessed it toys  !

Sounds like the Toy Dolls are gonna make quite a few quid from it!  Good luck to the fellas!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 16, 2014, 09:22:14 PM
If you watched TV in the late 70's or early 80's, you will know the name Glen A. Larson, who died today...

Magnum PI, Battlestar Galactica (the original), Knight Rider, The Fall Guy, Quincy ME, Buck Rogers In The 25th Century, The Six Million Dollar Man... that's my childhood right there.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on November 16, 2014, 10:17:34 PM
I was mean to someone a few weeks ago and I really feel saddened about it. I wish I could speak to the person and apologize to her.

If you are reading this.. I am sorry for being so unreasonable and angry
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on November 18, 2014, 03:47:53 PM
I saw a terrible road accident while driving to home from work. Two cars tumbled to a forest after the crash. Hope no one didn't die. There was immediately a huge rush.

Please, remember everyone to be calm there and not to get heady in a traffic.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on November 18, 2014, 07:49:37 PM
I saw a terrible road accident while driving to home from work. Two cars tumbled to a forest after the crash. Hope no one didn't die. There was immediately a huge rush.

Please, remember everyone to be calm there and not to get heady in a traffic.

Wow! I bet that was very traumatic for you to see. I really hope all involved are alive and safe.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on November 18, 2014, 10:41:40 PM
visiting ypres and passchendaele  on the 11th and seeing my great grandfathers name at tyne cot cemetary.

choking service at the menin gate that day.

all well respected.

please, never let this happen again

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on December 16, 2014, 07:48:27 PM
I am alone and very depressed. I have nobody near to talk to. My father would laugh or call me an idiot, my mother would make me feel worse. My grandfather and uncle died at this time. They were the only family members that understood me and did not treat me as I didn't belong in my family. My first Boyfriend committed suicide in January.
Now, I here my own voice telling me that i am worthless, unlovable and better off dead. I feel the urge to take damaging drugs. They will eventually kill me but i don't really care.
 I have researched the best methods to end my own life but am not yet to that point. I was once at 16 but failed.  The most painless way is carbon monoxide poisoning. As this happens, I isolate more people who were friends. They just don't want to deal with my misery when they have no understanding of my thoughts or past.

I am just exhausted and of feeling such intense emotions and my thoughts telling me how worthless i am.
i have nobody to talk to so sorry for burdening this forum. I am only known by username here so it feels safe.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on December 16, 2014, 08:31:05 PM
Amanda, You know from my previous posts that I understand very clearly how you are feeling. I also understand loneliness very very well. The fact that you have spoken up here and voiced your feelings is a good thing but if you truly are struggling for light right now then you need to find some professional help to work yourself through this - ain't nothing wrong with that, I've gone there enough in the past and would again if I needed to.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on December 16, 2014, 08:41:07 PM
Id have to agree with Anna, Amanda. No-one can truly understand you but you. No-one wants any harm to come to you but a few words in messages or on a forum will not deal with the problems. Speak to someone in your real world, doctor, counsellor or whoever. I went somewhere very dark once and vowed never to go back. Plenty of people have lost life before they lived it or would probably have loved another chance. Be strong and beleive in yourself getting through.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on December 16, 2014, 10:51:00 PM
Amanda, the kind of depression you are talking about is an illness, and no ones fault. Its hard to judge what kind of help there is out the in the U.S., your healthcare system somewhat different to ours, but help and treatment is possible. While there may not be a cure, it is an illness that can be improved and managed  enough to see you through. Please don't look for a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You are still young, it will get better, and better still with some help

Feel free to p/m me if you want to discuss further.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 17, 2014, 05:43:56 PM
The slaughter of the innocent's in Pakistan all in the name of religion
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on December 17, 2014, 07:03:12 PM
The slaughter of the innocent's in Pakistan all in the name of religion

Yea, what an insane and cowardly thing they've done.

Just heard they've bombed the buildings too that were reconstructed with the resources collected from international aid after the war. What a mess.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on December 18, 2014, 08:42:25 PM
We are always here.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 18, 2014, 09:17:53 PM
Just watched a programme on  Apple and how they still treat their workers and the environment  appallingly They basically still don't give a Fck while pretending to be some really caring super brand.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on December 18, 2014, 11:26:53 PM
gave trevor me ticket for nottingham

**** me i'm fed up missing gigs
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on December 19, 2014, 12:43:44 AM
Alright Heno. Was sorry you couldn't make it. Although some try, I don't think anyone can do them all. In fact, there is only one bloke who has done them all, and his name's Justin.

Look on the bright side - you made Trevor very happy !!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 19, 2014, 07:30:36 PM
Also would have liked to meet you, Heno... next time, eh?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on December 19, 2014, 08:51:35 PM
gave trevor me ticket for nottingham

**** me i'm fed up missing gigs

Pretty damn sure we see Trevor - travelling with 2 other guys flown over from Ireland one of whom had a bag to put in the cloakroom which earned him no end of piss taking abuse from his mates, think the geezer with the bag was called Declan but whoever he was met him again later down the front and (think) again at the cloakroom at the end - is that your mates? Really hope we met by Proxy  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 19, 2014, 09:15:45 PM
I can remember meeting a couple of Irish guys . Strangely in the gents at a moment of particular relief lol
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on December 19, 2014, 10:25:23 PM
Definitely NOT what I'm remembering  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 19, 2014, 10:59:51 PM
Ladies aren't allowed in the gents babe
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on December 20, 2014, 03:45:58 AM
Thanks for posting concerned responses to my last post.
Another thing that makes me sad is that there is a 2 months waiting list to seek out mental health. What a failure of a  health system. No wonder why so many people in this country turn to drugs and self-harm. I will just get stoned to feel better for a moment.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on December 20, 2014, 07:19:37 AM
I can remember meeting a couple of Irish guys . Strangely in the gents at a moment of particular relief lol

Possibly jsyirish and Tom?  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on December 20, 2014, 09:01:03 PM
Thanks for posting concerned responses to my last post.
Another thing that makes me sad is that there is a 2 months waiting list to seek out mental health. What a failure of a  health system. No wonder why so many people in this country turn to drugs and self-harm. I will just get stoned to feel better for a moment.

Just to clarify to the casual observer, you are talking about services in the USA, not here in the UK. What you are saying is not good, but it is not much different here in the UK. First you would have to go to you local Doctor GP, who will inevitably put you on some form of anti-depressant, then if things did not improve, you would go on a waiting list to see a specialist, who will if needs be put you on a waiting list to see a Physiatrist at hospital level. Never mind, this in the UK is down to waiting lists which is down to money, and then politics,  not the quality of what I consider our superb NHS which we as a nation should be very proud of. 

Amanda, you in my mind have taken the biggest step, you have acknowledge to yourself, you have a problem, and good for you. If your heart was beating too fast, if your leg was broken, if your skin dried up, etc., you would seek help. Your head is giving out the wrong answers and needs fixing, and you need help for that. Please continue to look for that fix, that help. You know you are capable of happiness, even if it is fleeting moments. Those moments are worth sticking around for. We are happy now and again, but death last forever. Stick around for the moments and cherish them.   
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on December 22, 2014, 06:58:58 PM
Well, not sad but...just heard the sad news about Joe Cocker.

The cover of Beatles' How a Little Help From My Friends is ringing now on my ears, although I heard it last time something like 20 years ago. RIP, old man.  :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on December 22, 2014, 07:22:15 PM
Woodstock as a starter and still on stage during the last years with old and new songs, solo and not oldie gigs
RIP Joe Cocker  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 22, 2014, 08:00:36 PM
The tragic events in Glasgow today I was actually in Glasgow today At first i wondered what was happening with all the traffic grid lock. I suppose most people didn't know at the time either, heard a few rumours and decided to check my phone, my heart totally sunk when i read the news. My mum used to say that there is always something bad at this time of year . After the events at the Clutha bar this time last year maybe she was right. RIP to all that were taken
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on December 22, 2014, 09:05:46 PM
Thought about you when I heard that on the news Pol. Only as you are the person I know from Glasgow.
Very very sad. Even more so when you think most people were there as part of their Christmas preparations and final shopping.
Best wishes to all the victims and their families.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on December 22, 2014, 09:14:54 PM
Thought about you when I heard that on the news Pol.

This was in my mind too when I saw the news about the accident. Maybe the driver got a heartache. Very sad story.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: rick a. on December 24, 2014, 03:38:02 AM
All the recent police shootings are really bumming me out. What especially hurts is the total lack of concern by the majority towards the victims. This counrty's gonna burn.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 08, 2015, 10:57:09 PM
Have a nasty feeling that attacks like the one in Paris and all the ones before are going to become a more regular feature across the Western World
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on January 09, 2015, 09:51:49 PM
that up there^^^^

and the feeling that oil being so cheap all of a sudden is going to bribe the western herd into being amiable towards the corporations agenda. and the reason why people commit atrocities like the ones recently, the actual cause, the fundafuckingmental issue, is ignored, and anyone who ever disrupts or opposes is heralded as the new wave of lunatics

punks not dead

we've only been preoccupied with other things for a while

only music that ever told it as it is and never politicised it

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on January 11, 2015, 12:06:20 AM
that up there^^^^

and the feeling that oil being so cheap all of a sudden is going to bribe the western herd into being amiable towards the corporations agenda. and the reason why people commit atrocities like the ones recently, the actual cause, the fundafuckingmental issue, is ignored, and anyone who ever disrupts or opposes is heralded as the new wave of lunatics

punks not dead

we've only been preoccupied with other things for a while

only music that ever told it as it is and never politicised it
The Western world has always followed corporations agenda. It always will. Same as corporations in any part of the world. Money talks whatever side of life you walk or whatever country you live. It aint the West getting rich off oil, just the rich.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 11, 2015, 03:39:51 AM
What humans do to one another. Imagine going to work and being gunned down and how your loved ones feel. Plus how the people in Paris are feeling. I can not understand the language and live on a totally different continent but really feel their pain. It makes me tear up thinking about it. Plus a fairly new police officer getting killed trying to protect others. And hostages

..and the fact that innocent Muslims will be scapegoated by the far right.
I imagine their may be hate crimes, Muslim-owned businesses  and homes being destroyed. I remember being about 12 years old for 9/11 and the right blaming all Muslims for the acts of few.

It's sad that humans always need to blame someone to satisfy their emotions.
I and many others complain about their personal tragedies and problems but compared to this most seem like a walk in the park.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 11, 2015, 03:48:26 AM
Being called worthless 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 11, 2015, 08:50:17 AM
Being called worthless

The only reason that should make you sad is if the person who said it to you is worth your emotional input. If they are not then it's not worth taking in. Forget it darling - let it go x.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on January 11, 2015, 11:52:15 AM
Being called worthless

The only reason that should make you sad is if the person who said it to you is worth your emotional input. If they are not then it's not worth taking in. Forget it darling - let it go x.
Exactly.  I get upset and saddened easily by insults, bad attitude and comments, but ONLY if I have any amount of respect for the person who is saying it. I think this "Space" person has a  personal agenda to push things as far as he can, insulting  individuals and the recent work of the band, intending to offend people on the way -- don't rise to it. I have to say, I am beginning to suspect he maybe a former member who may have been banned, or left under sorry circumstances , back on here now masquerading as a guitar player from N.Y.C. to try and cause as much upset as possible. Best just to ignore it.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 11, 2015, 01:44:01 PM
Last week.

My car broke down while out with my mentee. I can't afford to have it mended.
My uncle David died of pneumonia.
My older son was in a minor car crash.
I have no car and I really need it this week.
I'm going to find it really hard to get to college tomorrow in the time I have.
I'm not going to be able to see my mentee.
I'll have to take nearly a whole day off to go to a hospital appointment this week.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 11, 2015, 06:45:38 PM
Being called worthless

So, someone you don't know called you 'worthless' and it got to you?

OK, hun... you don't know me and I think you're great.  I'm always interested in what you have to say.  Does that balance it out?

Sorry to be flippant, but really, don't let people like that get to you.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 11, 2015, 07:01:52 PM
Last week.

My car broke down while out with my mentee. I can't afford to have it mended.
My uncle David died of pneumonia.
My older son was in a minor car crash.
I have no car and I really need it this week.
I'm going to find it really hard to get to college tomorrow in the time I have.
I'm not going to be able to see my mentee.
I'll have to take nearly a whole day off to go to a hospital appointment this week.


Feel that for you Wessexy. Sending luck and love out into the universe for ya'
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 19, 2015, 09:18:07 PM
The mighty Bruce Dickinson has cancer... and not just any cancer, cancer of the tongue... yup, cancer is a bastard alright, it hits at the worst possible place...

Saw Mr Dickinson during Maidens last uk tour, so much energy for a middle-aged man... and to hear he has cancer that might mean he can't sing anymore...

 >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on February 26, 2015, 08:22:39 PM
At the moment I have no idea what is making be sad. I just have suddenly felt the negative emotion creep up. I guess it's anxiety and fear of the unknown as I am making a drastic change in my life in two weeks. I guess the knowledge of knowing I have no home if I can't find volunteer work.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 03, 2015, 07:23:04 PM
At the moment I have no idea what is making be sad. I just have suddenly felt the negative emotion creep up. I guess it's anxiety and fear of the unknown as I am making a drastic change in my life in two weeks. I guess the knowledge of knowing I have no home if I can't find volunteer work.

Amanda... you knew the risks going into 'that' lifestyle that you've been talking about... and still you went there.  Few have your courage.  Those nerves are utterly natural.

I wish you all the best.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on March 04, 2015, 08:55:40 PM
At the moment I have no idea what is making be sad. I just have suddenly felt the negative emotion creep up. I guess it's anxiety and fear of the unknown as I am making a drastic change in my life in two weeks. I guess the knowledge of knowing I have no home if I can't find volunteer work.

Amanda... you knew the risks going into 'that' lifestyle that you've been talking about... and still you went there.  Few have your courage.  Those nerves are utterly natural.

I wish you all the best.
It's very much appreciated too.
Less than 24 hours now.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 13, 2015, 10:13:04 PM
A day trip out to somewhere when I was a lot happier and more optimistic than I am nowadays...  bittersweet as ****.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on March 13, 2015, 10:57:56 PM
ray being sad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 13, 2015, 11:01:24 PM
ray being sad




I'll be fine.  I usually am.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on March 13, 2015, 11:54:39 PM
Heno, if you are sad, now I am sad  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on March 14, 2015, 12:06:33 AM
jaysus, now i'm sad

lets everyone be sad together (
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 15, 2015, 10:05:32 PM
Spending Mothers Day with me Mum and she got sad about how HER Mum is long gone...  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on March 15, 2015, 10:39:41 PM
Hmmm. Hadnt thought of that. My nan passed away a few years ago. I hadnt considered what my mom might be feeling. Thats a pause for thought.  :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 19, 2015, 08:46:26 PM
When your ecig coil only lasts a day or two luckily i carry a spare

When you go into a shop and you get to the checkout and the assistant asks you if you want to buy chocolate or something else. No if had wanted to buy said item i would have put in my basket and i know that there only doing what the boss has told them but please stop
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 19, 2015, 08:47:52 PM
When you post things in the wrong thread lol
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 09, 2015, 08:56:12 PM
OK, me Mum had 'a fall' today, pretty banged up...

Any of us with relatives of pensionable age will sympathise... but me Mums only 65 and in VERY good health...

I just remember those horrible moments when my grandparents (in their 80's) 'had a fall' and we all got scared because 'a fall' could mean awful health problems subsequently...

Is me Mum getting towards those terrible years?  I suspect so...   :'(

She's OK, BTW, but, oh, it's something that shook me up....

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on April 09, 2015, 09:48:26 PM
Im feeling sorry for your mum all the best for her
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 09, 2015, 10:37:08 PM
Yes sorry to hear about your mum ray. Worth remembering that all of lose our footing for time to time misjudge a step etc. Well I definitely have.
Get well soon master rays mum !
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 09, 2015, 10:43:46 PM
Best wishes to M/R's mum.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 09, 2015, 11:25:23 PM
It'll be OK Ray. These things happen. Just have to be there to pick them up mate.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on April 11, 2015, 03:19:47 PM
That people make no effort to understand anything different.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on April 11, 2015, 04:14:06 PM
People that use banter and humor to cover up their meanness.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 11, 2015, 08:46:30 PM
Good friends getting caught up in arguments/ disagreements on this board.
Just want you guys to know that i care just the same as you do about all things nma. My way with dealing with negative things is to ignore it and not add fuel to the fire.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 11, 2015, 10:08:39 PM
People that use banter and humor to cover up their meanness.

Amanda... unless I'm missing something, not heard anything about your new adventures!  Update, please!   :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on April 12, 2015, 02:38:27 PM
People that use banter and humor to cover up their meanness.

Amanda... unless I'm missing something, not heard anything about your new adventures!  Update, please!   :)
I have been in Irleand for about a month. Three weeks on a dairy farm in county Tipperary, Now basically cooking and cleaning in County Waterford. Next organic vegetable farming in Belgium starting in May. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 12, 2015, 07:17:29 PM
Sounds great, A!  Please keep us posted!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on April 13, 2015, 07:37:21 PM

How could we get the bank to see this time that we and our house is even a bit of worth that they would give us a loan.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 17, 2015, 06:17:55 PM
OK, I know I was going on about my Mum having a fall the other day, so sorry if me going on about the health problems of my folks is getting a bit boring (it's an unfortunate side effect of getting old...  :-[ )

Saw my Dad today for the first time in a couple of months and it looks like his 'minor' health problems are far worse than I thought.  He was as scrawny as a skeleton and his memory was really bad.  He had a couple of minor strokes last year, but it all looked positive for the future... hmm, not feeling that way after today. He's only 68, hardly a REALLY old fella.  My granddad lived to the late 90's...

I really need to spend more time with my Dad.  If any of you have ageing loved ones, you might want to take that on board... just sayin'...  :-\

On the bright side, I have an amusing story to post on another thread...  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on April 17, 2015, 06:53:03 PM
Raymond, my father is about the same age and I've seen quite like the same things. Well, it's the memory you know. He had a minor motorcycle crash about 4 years ago and needs a bit of marevan medicine for his heart. But hearts do that when you're older, so that's not the cause. After the motorcycle thing I've seen his memory is just not so good anymore. F.e he gave his new smartphone to me half year ago because it's too difficult nowadays but now I've found out he's not sure who did he give it to. :/
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 17, 2015, 07:49:57 PM
Minor issue alert
Took laptop to get fixed but it was beyond repair. Used the money it was going to cost to buy a second hand one
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 17, 2015, 07:55:52 PM
Minor issue alert
Took laptop to get fixed but it was beyond repair. Used the money it was going to cost to buy a second hand one

Know what you mean, mate... my laptop is on the verge of collapse and had been for awhile... ain't got any spare cash to fix it though...

If I disappear from this Forum for a while, please don't assume I'm dead...  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on April 20, 2015, 09:05:44 PM
The fact that I can travel and still feel depressed. Not having a job takes off stress but it doesn't change your brain. If your brain creates feelings or worthlessness and constant sadness, anxiety etc. then it can never be escaped.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on April 20, 2015, 09:15:47 PM
The fact that when Irish and English people joke I can not tell if it's a very mean insult or a Joke that is funny in their culture.  Also the fact that I do not get it and it often makes me feel like crying. I actually can't wait until August when I go to Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Where humor changes and I understand it more.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 20, 2015, 09:30:34 PM
Sorry the first step on your amazing new life wasn't what you hoped for.

That's what happens when you throw yourself into the unknown!   ;)

I'm sure the next step will put you in a better place... keep your pals here posted!

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on April 22, 2015, 09:19:16 AM
The fact that I can travel and still feel depressed. Not having a job takes off stress but it doesn't change your brain. If your brain creates feelings or worthlessness and constant sadness, anxiety etc. then it can never be escaped.
Well, this is all still relatively new, isn't it? And I guess it is just going to take a while, after all these years of a conventional life, for your brain to unwind, get into a different "mode". Plus, I can imagine all these new impressions, the new challenges you face, also take a while to get used to.
I am sure it will get better over time - an entire life can't just be undone and forgotten like that. Also, the more you keep travelling, the more people you meet, the easier it will probably get to engage with them and don't mind so much if you don't quiet "get" them at first.
It's a great thing you are doing, I am keeping my fingers crossed for many great experiences to come you way, just don't pressure yourself too much.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on May 27, 2015, 10:39:36 PM
Homeless people and no  one   take care of him lots of people parked the car have a look at him and done nothing one man kicks him .....  we are living here in a small town I can understand that if you are living in a big town but he was homeless and helpless laying down after 2 can of booze on the parcing place at my work he was asleept Ive called the Police to take care of him they needed 3 hours to checked this out Ive called the Police 3 times at the end the Police came talked to him done nothing he puts his stuff in 1 bag so 1 live in one bag made me sad take more booze and slept on the floor after talking with himself .....sometimes life can be so sad and a friend told me he is homeless why did you care about him ?That made me really angry
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on May 27, 2015, 10:48:34 PM
Our society is not a good one .....sad but true
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on May 27, 2015, 11:05:42 PM
People don't realise just how easy it is to become homeless. It could happen to anyone
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on May 28, 2015, 06:55:49 PM
The fact the long term travel is good fun but it has it's sad parts.

 Living with someone for a month, leaving and repeating many times gets sad. The leaving part can get side.  Now, I leave my third temporary family tomorrow and on to the next.  You get to know people well and then goodbye, I won't ever see you again. :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 28, 2015, 08:12:15 PM
Better to get to know someone and really like them than never to have met them at all...

Good memories live as long as you do...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 29, 2015, 09:14:01 PM
Our society is not a good one .....sad but true

It is true unfortunately and from the story you posted the saddest part is "why did you care?"

People don't realise just how easy it is to become homeless. It could happen to anyone

I had 2 months off work sick earlier this year. If I had taken the other month off I really needed then I would have lost this house - I cannot cover 3 months loss of salary. As it is the financial fallout has royally fucked me for the rest of the year probably. That's how easy it is. It doesn't take an awful lot for the rug to be pulled. Those who have no empathy towards others could do with learning that.

But what makes me sad is that these are just two tiny little examples of how the world seems to be moving towards an utter lack of care for other people.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 29, 2015, 09:32:53 PM
Anna, I am also in the same boat... a personal financial collapse (thanks to circumstances out of my control) that might jeopardise me having a safe secure roof over my head...

OK for now, but not sure how it might be in a couple of months...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on May 29, 2015, 09:37:03 PM
I went from having a family home wife and two kids to living a homeless shelter and I was working full time Probably not the place to go into the whole story. Only stayed there just over a week was lucky enough to be able to borrow money for a deposit for a private let. I had one bag of clothes a personal cd player with one cd ( raw melody men) It can happen all to easy and things are getting tougher for people
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on May 29, 2015, 09:42:11 PM
Im sorry that I was the only one I did take care why nobody else did it that is that not okay?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on May 29, 2015, 09:55:51 PM
Dont want to waste your time with my stuff I sorry if I did I wish you a good time and a happy weekend
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on May 29, 2015, 10:09:08 PM
Im feeling sorry about my theme will not post it here anymore we are living in a small town Im sorry for that its not normal to deal with ....such things ...was  really shocked that I was the only one who cared about him....Thats all for now @ all I wish a good time on the board  :) :) Im off here good bye witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 29, 2015, 10:16:03 PM
Witch, I am glad you told us about this man, and you are right to care. As Pol says, no ones life is guaranteed or 100% secure, these things can happen to any of us. Such people are everywhere, small towns, big cities, no difference. No body should be classed as rubbish or worthless, that could be me or you in 10 years, no one should judge, every ones story is different, no one chooses to be homeless and down on there luck.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 29, 2015, 11:03:43 PM
so many people have little empathy

its been programmed out of them

its the apathy that wrecks my head
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Johnz on May 30, 2015, 12:30:25 AM
This is a powerful and interesting experiment regarding people's reactions to someone in need based on their appearance.

It's only 3 minutes long and worth watching
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on May 30, 2015, 12:57:07 AM
too much hassle to help someone

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 30, 2015, 11:17:47 AM
Witch - it's good that you posted that story and i think caring about someone when others don't is something to be proud of.

That link that Johnz posted clearly shows where we've got to. It's sad that it comes as no surprise.

I'm not sure I'd use the word programmed but I do think it's learnt behaviour that's encouraged by our individualistic society. And apathy? Perhaps it's an understandable response. King Canute couldn't turn the tide could he?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on May 30, 2015, 10:34:42 PM
Thanxs Anna Woman O Kent -Pol -Heno -Shush-Master Ray and Johnz last week was not my week and I think Im a very sensitv person at the moment ....Im sorry for that I wish you all a nice evening cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on June 02, 2015, 10:09:13 PM
That a really cool spanish metal band with such a great front woman with a really great voice  will play here in Germany and the stage is so small our living room is much more bigger they deserve more makes me sad  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 02, 2015, 10:21:16 PM
That a really cool spanish metal band with such a great front woman with a really great voice  will play here in Germany and the stage is so small our living room is much more bigger they deserve more makes me sad  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Name of the band so we can check them out..?   ???
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on June 02, 2015, 10:31:41 PM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on June 02, 2015, 10:33:48 PM
Exilia my own army
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on June 02, 2015, 10:37:02 PM
Stop playing god -Exilia
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 03, 2015, 06:11:47 PM
Lighting another candle tonight.

16 years old and he turned the last light off himself. All because of who he loved.

Make It Stop

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 03, 2015, 07:06:07 PM
Ooof.  A real punch in the gut story.  Just awful.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 03, 2015, 07:34:25 PM
It's sad.
I had similar treatment as a kid as well since the age of four or five.
This shit needs to stop.  It's sickening. Those bastard kids are to blame for his death. They are no better than murderers.  In fact they are murderers and should be imprisoned not matter how young they are. 

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on June 04, 2015, 09:21:52 PM
The difference how men acts and how womans feels ......not easy to deal with ....
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on June 04, 2015, 09:50:40 PM
Enough is enough thats true Im listening to Vagabounds having a shit day leave  you with that  >:( >:( >:( >:(thats all good bye cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 30, 2015, 08:46:35 PM
Finding a big bundle of fading photographs in a drawer and seeing very old pics from the 80's of long-dead relatives and long-lost friends... and realising that no matter how much I cared about them back then, I haven't thought of them in years and, in certain cases, struggled to even remember their names...


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on June 30, 2015, 09:09:55 PM
The fact my family is very homophobic and disgusted by the fact that homosexuals can not get married.   Meaning that i can't ever tell them about the fact that i am attracted to both genders. Sometimes more women than men.
My mother told me as a teenager, she would be more happy with me being pregnant than gay or bi.   

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 30, 2015, 09:45:51 PM
A parents love should be unconditional unless it something seriously bad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 30, 2015, 10:21:44 PM
Amanda - I've lost family, I've lost friends, I've lost earning potential, I get abuse in my own home street.

But I've found my soulmate, I've learnt to love myself and I've learnt to love life.

So you know what? If they can't see beyond their own entrenched prejudice and small-mindedness.........

**** 'EM ALL

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 01, 2015, 07:00:32 PM
Thanks Anna. That makes me feel better.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on July 03, 2015, 09:44:08 PM
My Doc Martens are dead lost their sole after wearing them them for 3 years made in China  >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on July 04, 2015, 07:09:09 PM
My beloved dog is poorly
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 04, 2015, 07:31:07 PM
My beloved dog is poorly


Best wishes to your dog, hun.  Hope he or she pulls through.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 05, 2015, 01:58:09 PM
My mentee Josh died last Saturday.
He had an epileptic fit and lost conciseness.
Just a week from his 17th birthday.

RIP Josh.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 05, 2015, 02:11:44 PM
My thoughts are with you witch and his friends and family. Too Young  !
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on July 05, 2015, 07:58:01 PM
So sorry Wessexy witch.  Sad news x
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jc on July 05, 2015, 08:33:57 PM
Condolences Michelle x.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 05, 2015, 09:21:49 PM
Always very sad to hear of someone so young dying.

Condolences Michele. Keep up the excellent work you do with these young 'uns
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 06, 2015, 11:04:26 AM
That's really sad.  Best wishes to you and all of Josh's family and friends.   :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on July 06, 2015, 06:20:21 PM
Not in the same league at all... But vet bills :o
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 06, 2015, 08:12:36 PM
The fact that people in Belgium decided to allow a 24 year old girl be approved for assisted suicide. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jc on July 06, 2015, 08:16:22 PM
why is that sad

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 06, 2015, 08:20:02 PM
why is that sad


Big thread going on elsewhere, jc...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on July 09, 2015, 06:38:50 PM
When you realize just how much of a waste you are and that you are good at nothing. Then someone tells you that when shouting.  It makes you feel like being dead. It just drains the energy out of you.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 09, 2015, 07:01:50 PM
That Amanda internalizes other peoples viciousness rather than understanding that is the outward projection of their own internal fuckedupness most of the time.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: BlackCountryMaggiD on July 09, 2015, 07:06:18 PM
When you realize just how much of a waste you are and that you are good at nothing. Then someone tells you that when shouting.  It makes you feel like being dead. It just drains the energy out of you.

Lets's have some details and hopefully as you write them down you'll see that although upsetting, the feeling of wanting to be dead is a little OTT!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 09, 2015, 07:26:20 PM
Amandistan, my friend...

None of us want to turn our backs on anyone who is in pain. Truly, we don't.

But you keep posting these desperately sad messages.  I don't think anyone here is a trained psychologist / counsellor / medical professional.  We will do all we can with our responses.  But there has to come a point where we have to ask... if you're really feeling that dreadful, what are YOU doing about it?


If you have physical pain, you would get it sorted out.  If you have mental or emotional pain then, yes, there are avenues that you can investigate to make you feel better.  You're an intelligent person, I don't have to fill in the blanks.

Yeah, doing the 'tough love' thing again.  But I think you need it.  You always have 'us' but there's a limit to what we can do.

Post back whenever you want, but please, for goodness sake, be aware of our limitations.  It isn't fair on yourself or the rest of us.

For what little it's worth, big internet hug coming your way.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 09, 2015, 07:49:36 PM
Amanda fck them anyone that shouts bully's or belittles another person deserves no respect, you wouldn't do that do a dog or any other animal. Stand up for your girl show them your the better person

This is for you, enjoy it
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 27, 2015, 08:40:28 PM
The look of shock on the face of the young homeless lad this evening - just because someone smiled and said hello.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 31, 2015, 09:44:03 PM
... desperately trying to cheer up an old friend on FB who is posting rather worrying messages and isn't answering her phone, just posting increasingly sad messages...   :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on July 31, 2015, 10:31:39 PM
The look of shock on the face of the young homeless lad this evening - just because someone smiled and said hello.

i hope you smiled through the tears

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on August 07, 2015, 10:28:11 PM
meeting wonderful people, leaving and never seeing them again.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 02, 2015, 10:16:57 PM
... it's gone very quiet on this Forum over the last few days...  :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on September 03, 2015, 01:59:14 PM
The refugees in Serbia at the moment. MY fellow traveler has visited Belgrade and say the 7,000 or so Syrian refugees.
IT's a sad situation.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on September 03, 2015, 05:37:34 PM
... it's gone very quiet on this Forum over the last few days...  :-[

Well sorry you missed us! I personally took a break for a few days after the "unprovoked sideswipes" ahem, so it could subside. Sensible I hope you agree!  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 03, 2015, 08:11:59 PM
... it's gone very quiet on this Forum over the last few days...  :-[

Well sorry you missed us! I personally took a break for a few days after the "unprovoked sideswipes" ahem, so it could subside. Sensible I hope you agree!  ;)

I always miss you when you're away, Idopas...  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 12, 2015, 11:08:36 PM
Had a dream trip to the US planned with great mates a couple of years ago... three weeks in the Nashville / Mississippi / New Orleans area... didn't get around to it back then for various reasons, but meant to do it one day...

They're all off on that trip tomorrow without me... I would have been with them but for the fact that I couldn't afford it now thanks to the Tory NHS cutbacks that ended my decently-paid job and stuck me in temp work that barely leaves me with enough money to keep a roof over my head, as so many other experienced and educated people are right now..

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 17, 2015, 08:32:34 PM
That we won't be at Nottingham  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 17, 2015, 09:00:07 PM
That we won't be at Nottingham  :'(

SAY IT AIN'T SO????    :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on September 17, 2015, 10:00:38 PM
That we won't be at Nottingham  :'(
Would have liked to have met you... Next time...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on September 17, 2015, 11:08:00 PM
That we won't be at Nottingham  :'(

Damn !!!!!!!  :'(

No after show, no Anna, Nott good  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 18, 2015, 08:36:40 PM
That we won't be at Nottingham  :'(

Damn !!!!!!!  :'(

No after show, no Anna, Nott good  :(

That's it, call the NMA lads, it's all OFF!  Cancel the venue, we'll just go and have a curry or something...


I'm sure the Notts gig will be great... shame a vital piece of the Family puzzle will be missing.   :'(

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 20, 2015, 10:30:36 AM
Chin up my lovelies  :-*

To quote Mr Gump "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on September 30, 2015, 10:37:06 PM
Tonight's Panorama on the border crisis:-(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on October 02, 2015, 10:03:57 PM
ATM sucked up my Card in Cluj Napoca.   I could not get it back. Then I dropped my phone. It broke and I ended up paying 160 dollars to fix it.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on October 19, 2015, 08:56:28 PM
Having to leave a job I love this week...  :'(

It was supposed to be covering maternity leave, I knew that going in, but the girl I was covering for was going to go for extended maternity leave which would keep me going until early next year... nope, she's coming back early and my ass is out.  The irony is that my manager would much prefer to keep me in the role because I've been doing a bang-up job (better than she did) and now she's asking for all sorts of bullshit and unreasonable perks because she's signed to a full-time contract and I was just the temp guy...  >:(

Oh well, fook it, eh  ;)  I'll be alright, always am...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on October 19, 2015, 09:31:46 PM
Sorry to hear that, Ray.  Here's hoping something good comes your way soon.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on October 19, 2015, 10:42:22 PM
Im feeling really sorry about that Master  Ray good luck for the future keep my fingers cross for you
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 19, 2015, 10:52:30 PM
You do seem to be unlucky in the woeful world of work mate  :(

Chin up lad, I'll get you a jar in Notts  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on October 19, 2015, 10:59:22 PM
Cheers guys, your kind words are much appreciated... fook it, I'll be alright!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 21, 2015, 06:23:02 PM
Cheers guys, your kind words are much appreciated... fook it, I'll be alright!

You will.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 04, 2015, 09:26:39 PM

Aww... my favourite club / drinking place of ALL TIME is currently burning down right now, or so I hear...  :'(

(The Limelight in Crewe, in case you were wondering...)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on November 05, 2015, 06:24:24 PM

Aww... my favourite club / drinking place of ALL TIME is currently burning down right now, or so I hear...  :'(

(The Limelight in Crewe, in case you were wondering...)
Nooooo!  Bummer.  The club of my youth was razed to the ground several years ago.  I'm still grieving... It even has its own Wikipedia entry,_West_Yorkshire) although having just read it I'm not sure it's anything to brag about  ???
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 05, 2015, 08:17:29 PM

Aww... my favourite club / drinking place of ALL TIME is currently burning down right now, or so I hear...  :'(

(The Limelight in Crewe, in case you were wondering...)
Nooooo!  Bummer.  The club of my youth was razed to the ground several years ago.  I'm still grieving... It even has its own Wikipedia entry,_West_Yorkshire) although having just read it I'm not sure it's anything to brag about  ???

Hi Sheena... seems like the damage wasn't as bad as first thought... and to be fair, the Limelight closed down years ago and looks like going to the bulldozers... but still, seeing that old building still standing reminds me of brilliant times and I'll get a tear in my throat and a lump in my eye when it's just a big space in the road...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on November 05, 2015, 10:12:51 PM
Found an Eurasion Jay bird dead in our garden today ( hope its the right word in english ...really like that bird very much  ...makes me really sad  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on November 06, 2015, 01:37:25 PM
When people take out their anger on others.  Because someone was kicked by his own horse, he gets angry at me and starts shouting.  it's not my fault that your animals are wild.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Simon73 on November 06, 2015, 05:04:11 PM
I was and I am pissed off as I am in Wien one h from Berlin and the flight is 2 h late and I travel since 6am and what the f.....................
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on November 29, 2015, 03:27:42 PM
I feel like I want to die. I don't know why I feel this way but it's there. 
I am so down that i just want to sleep or not even exist.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: BlackCountryMaggiD on November 29, 2015, 04:45:58 PM
I feel like I want to die. I don't know why I feel this way but it's there. 
I am so down that i just want to sleep or not even exist.

You have my sympathy but you're telling the wrong people here. If you're having these types of feelings you need to talk to a professional who can maybe help.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on November 29, 2015, 05:02:59 PM
Stay strong Amanda
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on November 29, 2015, 09:36:47 PM
Send you a pm be safe stay strong get well soon  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on November 30, 2015, 01:55:59 PM
I feel like I want to die. I don't know why I feel this way but it's there. 
I am so down that i just want to sleep or not even exist.
:( It makes me very sad to read this. What a shame it would be if you didn't exist! I can only judge you from your posts here - but with your kind heart and the way you question things you have touched the lives of many of the people on here - and I am sure same goes for those you have met on your travels.

It's probably a bit "schmaltzy" - but only today someone posted this to my Facebook wall - yes, good, old Facebook...and I found this to be very true - so I'll just post it:

Life is amazing. And then it’s awful, And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful, it’s ordinary and mundane and routine.

Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful and relax an exhale  during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soulhealing, amazing, awful ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.”

– L.  R. Knost

I am not sure there is anything we can do for you - but I am sure everyone here is willing to listen, to give the best advice they can - but it's probably true that a professional will be able to provide more effcetive help than we ever could.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 10, 2015, 09:34:33 PM
My Auntie Nancy died today... now, I wasn't that close to her (heck, in her later years, she couldn't recognise her only daughter, much less me, thanks to the sickening horror that is Alzheimer's...)  :-\

But.  My grandparents (who I was VERY close to) had two siblings each and I do have so many great memories of them all from back when I was a little kid... sadly, only my Uncle Len made it to the 90' Nan and Grandad outlasted them all (they died in 2006 and 2012, respectively) and I was so grateful to have them for that long...

Still, when I think back to those lovely childhood memories, Auntie Nancy was the only one left out of all of those lovely people.  Funeral next week.  I will be there.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 10, 2015, 09:40:07 PM
Im feeling really very sorry for you Master Ray  :'( cant find the right words at the moment  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 16, 2015, 02:41:05 PM
Seeing a couple of homeless people today in Argyle street Glasgow, sitting in front of a shop shivering with the cold, felt bad that all I could do was give them a £1 each. Whilst all around shoppers were totally ignoring them as they were maxing out the credit card on unnecessary designer goods. Happy crimbo my arse its all greed self indulgence and a lot of it isn't even wanted n goes to waste. Soon they all be out buying 10 loafs n 5 gallons of milk because the shops are closed for a day. Then they do it all again for new year before rushing out in a last desperate frenzy to the January sales
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 18, 2015, 08:57:30 PM
My grandparents split up with me and my husband and aswell with our son and our daughter the reason was we was not able to celebrate the 80 th b day from my grandma coz my boss the same  age was terrible ill at the mo ( intensive station we wasnt sure that he will be still alive )Im the only worker so we cant join her I told this  her reaction was there are 4 meals I had to pay for this ... hope I can delete this .and after that nothing my Grandma and my Granddad never get in touch with me or their grandchilds not on the bdays Easter or XMas nothing never asked about how are the kids doing right now but today Ive got a message on our answerphone Hello your grandma speaking just too let you know your grandpa died yesterday in the hospital he  was really ill  the whole family was in there together to say good bye to him now you know this
thats it Grandma
so its bad but so true you cant choose your family but you can choose your friends
Rest in peace Grandpa
Im sorry for my personell text will nobbody bother with my stuff
If yes Im feeling soory about that
cheers witch

Never be sorry about posting sad stuff.  You are in the right place here.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 18, 2015, 09:00:51 PM
Thxs Master Ray for your kind words
but today is not my day and Im not feeling well Im really sorry about that
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 18, 2015, 09:05:09 PM
Sorry for your loss witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on December 18, 2015, 09:15:05 PM
Sorry to hear this witch. Its not your fault. Families can be difficult. You can  only do your best and then reply on the ones closest to you, your partner and your children,as they can reply on you.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 18, 2015, 10:16:25 PM
Thxs too Pol ,Shush and Master Ray
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 18, 2015, 10:17:57 PM
We're always here when you need us, friend...   ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 18, 2015, 10:25:26 PM
Much needed at the moment I think thxs Master Ray  ;)
The same with NMA tomorrow cant wait for Cologne  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 18, 2015, 10:31:42 PM
Thxs to Pol Master Ray Shush thxs for your time means a lot too ´me thxs for your support
thats it Im Off here
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on December 19, 2015, 08:51:51 AM
Hope the gig is much needed soul food for you, witch x
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on December 19, 2015, 10:06:29 AM
Sorry to read of you loss and family issues Witch. Hope you have a wonderful evening tonight.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on December 20, 2015, 08:50:51 AM
Feeling very sorry to hear that Witch. These kind of things will happen only once during our lives. But it nearly always feel so bad there's nothing to compare it... I know it's coming sooner or later in my family too as my father and mother are quite old too. Usually in my generic the folks do not get very old. 70-85 years approximately. (As a contrary to my wife's generic who often live something like 95 years old.)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on December 21, 2015, 01:32:40 PM
Very sorry to hear about your loss, witch - and so sorry things are so difficult in your family.  :( I know how things at work can get in the way so it is impossible to keep other appointments. In this day and age, even if one wants to, it's not very wise to risk a job - sad that it had to come to this. *hugs*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 23, 2015, 09:01:29 PM
Thxs a lot Master Ray -Sush -Pol -Anna Woman O Cent -Rusco -Sheena and Stephanie
my grandma gave me a phone call we are very welome for my grandpas funeral its importent for her that we will go his last way all together on the 30 th of December so thats it thxs a lot for your kind words means a  lot too me at the moment thank you
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 23, 2015, 09:29:23 PM
Good that you can come together with your family at this sad time. Sadly weddings and funerals are only times people see family members. Try and think of the good times and celebrate your grandads life
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on December 23, 2015, 09:36:07 PM
Funerals..?  Went to my Auntie Nancy's funeral today... it's odd how a funeral can make you feel better.  Sort of like pushing on a pressure valve.  Nice to meet up with other nice people who you never met but have the same feelings as yourself.  Was a bit sad about the whole thing.  Feeling OK now.   :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on December 24, 2015, 08:28:14 PM
Funerals..?  Went to my Auntie Nancy's funeral today... it's odd how a funeral can make you feel better.  Sort of like pushing on a pressure valve.  Nice to meet up with other nice people who you never met but have the same feelings as yourself.  Was a bit sad about the whole thing.  Feeling OK now.   :)

Sorry to hear that MR, happy to hear you feel back to normal!

Funerals are always things we don't obviously look forward to. I'm half welsh and the last funeral I attended in Wales, it was stated by my uncle that we all go to the pub and finish up a set bar tab he had set and put in place. We all arrived at the funeral, which lasted all of 10 minutes (his wish) by coach, then went back and had a party. Fantastic. but if you knew my uncle a man whose day always started with a couple of G+Ts then completely fitting. Needless to say I was trashed and spent the night on a porch swing (it was summer) along with many other guests scattered around the place.  :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on December 24, 2015, 10:10:40 PM
Sorry to hear about your family troubles witch especially at this time of year
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on December 31, 2015, 09:57:07 PM
The funeral from my grandfather yesterday makes me feeling very sad  :'(  Was not easy for me ....and today the diamond dove from our son died after 20 years so this year i ******* hate december  >:( >:( >:( >:(and my mother in law is feeling very ill and the hospital here are a bloddy nightmare  >:( >:( >:( >:(Im feeling really angry  >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 01, 2016, 04:32:27 AM
Family. The fact that some have support and love and others get constant insults and shouting and being degraded.
I fall under the second.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on January 01, 2016, 08:02:28 AM
Hugs for witch and I hope 2016 is a better year for you and your family
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on January 01, 2016, 05:42:36 PM
Sending love to you witch.

The floods in the Calder Valley have broken our hearts.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 01, 2016, 07:31:35 PM
haben eine große Umarmung Witch  :-*

That your neck of the woods Sheena? Hope all is ok  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on January 01, 2016, 07:56:47 PM
Yep, I live in halifax.  I'm ok personally, but know folks with homes and businesses that are badly affected; and the landscape is so damaged, as are many roads, bridges and buildings.  It's going to take many months to recover
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 02, 2016, 06:54:39 PM
Dread to think how much work will be needed during the clean up. Of course the rest of the world will have long moved on by next week .............
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on January 05, 2016, 09:33:15 PM
haben eine große Umarmung Witch  :-*

That your neck of the woods Sheena? Hope all is ok  :)
Good evening @ all ,
I like to send you all a  really heartfull thxs for your kind words  :)
To Pol-Master Ray-Shush -Anna Woman O Cent -Rusco -Stephanie
I wish you all the very best for 2016  ;)
Take good care
I wish you a very nice evening
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 15, 2016, 09:23:43 PM
Aw shit, more terrorist atrocities, this time in Burkino Faso, West Africa...   :'(

Fuckin' religion...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 18, 2016, 09:25:03 AM
That I **** up everything and my friend is angry with me now.   
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: BlackCountryMaggiD on January 18, 2016, 02:09:51 PM
That I **** up everything and my friend is angry with me now.
Did you friend explain why they were angry with you and did you understand their reasons or were they being unreasonable?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 18, 2016, 05:49:25 PM
That I **** up everything and my friend is angry with me now.
Did you friend explain why they were angry with you and did you understand their reasons or were they being unreasonable?
Yes, my friend did explain there reasoning and I did understand.
As  I said it was me who messed up.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 18, 2016, 07:20:27 PM
A, a true friend will always forgive you when you ****-up.  God knows, I learnt that lesson.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on January 18, 2016, 07:46:51 PM
Amanda.... get on with your life. whatever tomorrow may bring.

Stop whinging on band sites may be a start?

You will only find the appropriate bands opinion there, filtered down through others that will invariably agree.

Go for it, tell us the mistakes you made, where you've been and how not to make the same mistakes. Recommend countries and people you have met. you will tread on toes along the way of course. but that's the reason you took this on.

Keep going Amanda.

That's all I can say


edit. Amanda you could be our foreign correspondent in far away places as Kate Adie was.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 19, 2016, 06:01:48 AM
Amanda.... get on with your life. whatever tomorrow may bring.

Stop whinging on band sites may be a start?

You will only find the appropriate bands opinion there, filtered down through others that will invariably agree.

Go for it, tell us the mistakes you made, where you've been and how not to make the same mistakes. Recommend countries and people you have met. you will tread on toes along the way of course. but that's the reason you took this on.

Keep going Amanda.

That's all I can say


edit. Amanda you could be our foreign correspondent in far away places as Kate Adie was.
Yeah, I know. Stop posting on message boards and stop saying stupid things online. And stop talking about my constant **** ups. The internet is my downfall. It's addictive yet very harmful as I can not seem to think before typing. :)   

Who is Kate Adie?     
I can tell you where to go but enjoyment will depend on what you enjoy. I can't make any promises that it is accurate.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on January 20, 2016, 07:58:49 PM
Kate Adie is a very well respected and very well travelled lady. She has been filing reports for decades in war torn countries, troubled areas....infact anywhere that might seem a little "off the beaten track" She brings inhospitable places to her audience.

Here she is


Her show is "From our own correspondent" on Radio4 and has inspired me to go countries I would have never have considered. This year is booked with Centenaries of WWI and Dubrovnik, next year it will be Japan and Cuba. Mainly through listening to her program and the interesting reports she gathers from around the world.

Happy travels and good luck Amanda.

Keep us posted.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 20, 2016, 08:13:59 PM
Kate Adie is a very well respected and very well travelled lady. She has been filing reports for decades in war torn countries, troubled areas....infact anywhere that might seem a little ""off the beaten track" She brings inhospitable places to her audience.

Here she is


Her show is "From our own correspondent" on Radio4 and has inspired me to go countries I would have never have considered. This year is booked with Centenaries of WWI and Dubrovnik, next year it will be Japan and Cuba. Mainly through listening to her program and the interesting reports she gathers from around the world.

Happy travels and good luck Amanda.

Keep us posted.

Next year, I will be in Greek Isles distributing food and clothing to people fleeing a war-zone willing to drown to make it into EU. Then possibly the same but in Serbia if my connection can get more information.   The fact that people need to help with this, that this is actually happening and getting worse really saddens me.

Speaking of travel, I will venture into the less traveled balkan/ non- EU countries in Europe. Starting with Albania, The rest is unplanned but Kosovo and Bosnia seem interesting.

 Kate seems really cool though. I must research her more.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 22, 2016, 06:33:42 PM
Reading of Idopas's news  in the "Piss me off thread".  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 31, 2016, 09:07:32 AM
The internet.  Okay, If you don't support migrants fleeing their homes coming to your country, then why must you insult and ridicule those  people who do care?   Or say that the person knows nothing, then make racist remarks? 

I try so often to get conservative and people who seem to not care (about anyone past their own border) to hear reason but they never try to understand the opposing side. They think it's okay to shoot down a cause that I care about greatly and am emotionally attached to. It's not really. It's degrading as hell.

Hatful, right-wing people on the internet make me sad. They even manage to show at places you would never expect.
It's almost as if it's a UK equivalent to a Trump supporter. Sad day when that attitude is also across the ocean.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on January 31, 2016, 09:22:32 PM
Today we visited  my mother in law  and she is the best mother in law too me in a special cancer hospital  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on January 31, 2016, 11:33:50 PM
Really sorry to hear that witch , I know exactly how your feeling, so hugs
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on February 01, 2016, 08:59:18 PM
Really sorry to hear that witch , I know exactly how your feeling, so hugs
Thxs a lot Pol for your kind wishes and huges  much needed at the moment ....
Thank you
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on February 01, 2016, 11:08:40 PM
Love and best wishes witch xxx
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on February 02, 2016, 09:32:49 PM
Thxs a lot Sheena
All the best for you
XXX witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ron B on February 03, 2016, 01:16:33 AM

 I got this from Killing Jokes Facebook page

Dear Gatherers and friends. It is with great sadness and regret that due to some health issues for one of the band we will not be able to embark on our 2016 U.S. Tour. This has come as a shock to us all, please give us the time to work this out and we hope to return to touring as soon as possible. The Soft Moon are continuing with many of the scheduled dates so please check local listings and the band's website for further information:

 Damn this is the second time I had a band cancel their U.S. Tour . Last Year Hawkwind was suppose to Tour with The 40th Anniversary of Warrior on the Edge of Time Release and because of former band member issues they canceled their Tour of the colonies and Now this year Killing Joke who I have waited over 20 years to finally see live cancel their Tour and I had the VIP Package which meant I was going to meet the band before the show and  take pictures and chat a little with the lads. What freakin luck or unluck these were my bucket list bands who I wanted to see at least one time in my life. :( 8)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 03, 2016, 10:34:27 AM
That's a real downer Ron - sorry to hear that. Hope they get rearranged. Maybe you'll get lucky and there you'll see NMA on your side of the water this year  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ron B on February 04, 2016, 12:09:54 AM
That's a real downer Ron - sorry to hear that. Hope they get rearranged. Maybe you'll get lucky and there you'll see NMA on your side of the water this year  :)

Thanks Anna. You Know after the last month and all the drama of some great people passing on I am not going to complain about the health of any person because that is the most important thing. Knowing that the band really wanted to invade and enlighten us with their music was going to be fun . I know that touring the colonies is a lot different than in Europe with all the Logistics and hopefully they can come in late spring or summer and that way I can wear some of those cool Killing Joke T shirts that I see on sale on their website instead of that winter jacket I was going to wear next week at their now canceled show here in NYC.

And Yes Hopefully NMA Will in the next couple of years be able to return to the colonies and invade and enlighten us with their great music. Their are very few Bucket list bands that I will pay a lot of money to go see NMA is one of them and really the only other Bands that money will not be a factor would be Fields of the Nephilim, Clan Of Xymox, and Killing Joke. so I guess I will now have to see when Xymox and the Nephilim lads come over. 8)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 04, 2016, 03:39:32 PM
Hey! Fields Of The Nephillim are on my list too. Nearly made it to gigs in the past but somehow never did. Enjoy this lot too:

Gotta say I do like the phrase "invade and enlighten"  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 04, 2016, 06:52:49 PM
Today we visited  my mother in law  and she is the best mother in law too me in a special cancer hospital  :'(

Be strong witch.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on February 05, 2016, 09:06:47 PM
Good evening Wessexy Witch ,
Thxs a lot I try too ....
I wish you a nice eve all the best take good care  ;)
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on February 16, 2016, 12:31:19 PM
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, witch. I hear there are rarely any good ones - although that may be some silly chliché.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on February 19, 2016, 07:41:31 PM
Thxs Stephanie ,
No good  news at the moment   :'(
I wish you a very nice evening
Cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on February 27, 2016, 10:47:33 PM
Witch, youre a diamond on here. No agenda, no nastiness and very polite to all.
Best wishes to you and all your family. Stay strong.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on February 27, 2016, 11:33:39 PM
Witch, youre a diamond on here. No agenda, no nastiness and very polite to all.
Best wishes to you and all your family. Stay strong.

Absolutely. Witch whatever happens, always remember you have a good heart and only want the best for all concerned !!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on February 28, 2016, 09:00:40 AM
Refugee kids. The fact that it will not be okay for them. They are safe but they will see a lot of cruelty and not always be made to feel welcome. The fact that they are so far behind on education and that they may have experienced so much trauma. And there is nothing I can do for them to set it right. I can play with them, feed them, give them clothes and food but it does not make it better.

The part then I lost it and just cried was when one family left the boat. I became attached to these 12 kids and women who had husbands detained in Turkey. They could not speak english but someone how I felt I loved them. They had been abandoned my the local government and all people were thrown out the sleeping hall without warning.  We comforted the crying mothers and the 12 kids were all under probably 7.

One kid said "I love you" in english and the mother kissed me. I should feel happy that I made the kids smile and brought a moment of joy but am not. Because the situation is not okay. I can't say everything will be okay because it will not. These people will eventually arrive in the port in Athens and sit in an overcrowded camp like the rest.

I can not cope with who cruel the world is nor can I detach from these people nor think about anything else.
I once liked to plan travel things and tours and fun stuff. Now All i think about is a possible food or clothes shortage and the borders and the well being of asylum seekers. 

Sorry for this long post. I really need to just vent this as it is consuming my thoughts. Maybe putting it out will help in some way. Sadly writing about it, won't persuade Macedonia to open it's borders again.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on February 29, 2016, 01:05:50 PM
Vent all you want, it is very important not to keep things bottled up inside. *hugs*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: eastmidswhizzkid on February 29, 2016, 04:21:25 PM
seeing the snowdrops out everywhere in the park. they were my mothers favourite flower representing as they do the end of the winter and the start of the spring. this spring is the 20th she hasnt been around for.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 06, 2016, 10:21:59 PM
Know how you feel eastmidz mothers day can be tough
Don't think the snowdrops have made a appearance here yet
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on March 10, 2016, 09:12:32 PM
Bad news about my mother in law she has to go back to the cancer hospital tomorrow  :'(
And to be honest Im not feeling very well Im feeling ill about my lumbago  :'( :'( :'( :'(Lots of pain  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 10, 2016, 09:30:25 PM
That resonates with me, Witch, as my Mum had a biopsy today for something that might, or might not be, cancer.

Hey, hope for the best, dread the worst, eh?


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on March 10, 2016, 09:31:38 PM
Hugs to you and your family, Witch.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on March 11, 2016, 09:59:43 PM
That resonates with me, Witch, as my Mum had a biopsy today for something that might, or might not be, cancer.

Hey, hope for the best, dread the worst, eh?

Good evening Master Ray ,
hope your Mum is feeling fine all the best for your result  ;)take good care  :)Im thinking about you
Good night

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 20, 2016, 07:52:28 PM
In the old days this board would have been  fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep .....  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on March 20, 2016, 08:21:56 PM
How do you know, you are getting older  ....
It doesn`t help posting I want the new album as soon as possible - I have to wait  >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 20, 2016, 08:26:19 PM
In the old days this board would have been  fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep .....  :(

Not exactly 'news', though?  More of a confirmation of what we've figured out already...   :-\

Album title / a full tour / first single download... now THAT'LL get me buzzing like a wasp in a bottle!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on March 20, 2016, 09:31:49 PM
In the old days this board would have been  fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep .....  :(

This post has prompted me to make a rare visit to the main page. If it helps Anna, I am now feeling a fizz

News of late release comes as no surprise, but as ever, wouldn't expect them to release it until it was perfect  :)

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 20, 2016, 09:54:35 PM
My thoughts are with you witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 20, 2016, 10:00:58 PM
So sad, Witch.  There are no words that could make you feel any better.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 20, 2016, 11:10:22 PM
Sorry to hear your news Witch. Condolences

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on March 21, 2016, 07:36:28 AM
Sorry to hear your news Witch. Im sure our thoughts are with you.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 21, 2016, 09:36:08 PM

for you witch.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on March 21, 2016, 10:56:29 PM
Sad to hear it Witch. Remember you have friends here that care.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on March 23, 2016, 02:26:03 PM
My beloved mother in law died today in the afternoon the whole family was there it was a really sad black sunday
sorry im out of words at the moment
I am very sorry to hear that. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

A colleague of mine died last Saturday. She was only 68 and a very energetic woman, great sense of humour, loved life...she was diagnosed with cancer in December, had surgery earlier this month - everything looked ok, considering the circumstances - but then they discovered more and, somehow, it seems she just didn't want to fight. I had known her since 1988.   :-\
A hard blow for her famil, too - her husband died 2 years ago so this is especially tough.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on March 24, 2016, 02:58:09 PM
I need therapy but can not afford it. I have horrible thoughts that can't stop thinking about and am boring my friends with them. I have not smoked weed or drank for a week. I am trying to not resort to that but I need something to cut the feelings. I left Athens but it feels worse as I have nothing to cut the emotions.

I spent only a month in hell to help other people that were in hell.  I am too sensitive and become too attached.
I can be manipulated very, very easy by other people. People know how to play on my guilt and compassion. I leave and still made to feel guilty.

I want to be able to say "No"  without guilt of letting someone down but I can not.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on March 24, 2016, 03:29:37 PM
In the old days this board would have been  fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep .....  :(

We have months to wait yet! Chillax.  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on March 24, 2016, 03:31:42 PM
I need therapy but can not afford it. I have horrible thoughts that can't stop thinking about and am boring my friends with them. I have not smoked weed or drank for a week. I am trying to not resort to that but I need something to cut the feelings. I left Athens but it feels worse as I have nothing to cut the emotions.

I spent only a month in hell to help other people that were in hell.  I am too sensitive and become too attached.
I can be manipulated very, very easy by other people. People know how to play on my guilt and compassion. I leave and still made to feel guilty.

I want to be able to say "No"  without guilt of letting someone down but I can not.

I think you need to go back to the US, or try and find a base in a balanced part of the world where you can still do your compassionate things but from afar. You need a steady state existence for a while!!!  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 24, 2016, 08:20:44 PM
I need therapy but can not afford it. I have horrible thoughts that can't stop thinking about and am boring my friends with them. I have not smoked weed or drank for a week. I am trying to not resort to that but I need something to cut the feelings. I left Athens but it feels worse as I have nothing to cut the emotions.

I spent only a month in hell to help other people that were in hell.  I am too sensitive and become too attached.
I can be manipulated very, very easy by other people. People know how to play on my guilt and compassion. I leave and still made to feel guilty.

I want to be able to say "No"  without guilt of letting someone down but I can not.

I think you need to go back to the US, or try and find a base in a balanced part of the world where you can still do your compassionate things but from afar. You need a steady state existence for a while!!!  :)

Agreeing with lpotus again.  I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again.  You need to back off a bit and get your head together.  This shit ain't good for you. Maybe move to a more stable part of the world, carry on doing the charity work but in a less pressured environment?  Helping homeless folks in the UK, perhaps?  Some kind of animal shelter?  Something that doesn't throw you deeply into the greatest crisis that Europe has seen since WW2?  You can do much good in this world without f-ing yourself up in the process.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on March 24, 2016, 08:30:37 PM
Are we all sad and angry. Makes you think doesn't it!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on March 24, 2016, 09:43:36 PM
I left Athens already. I still get emails each day though.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 26, 2016, 02:41:20 PM
Amanda this is for you.

I have studied emotional detachment as part of my training to become a counsellor. Have a look at this to see if it can help you.

This is relevant to all of the jobs you have been doing since you started posting here and I hope it can help you to look at the situations you are in from a different view, but still be the caring person you obviously are.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 26, 2016, 03:16:40 PM
The state of gazza in the paper today, that's the footballer btw
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on March 26, 2016, 09:10:47 PM
Italia 90... He was a mess then.....It can only get worse after that.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 26, 2016, 09:27:35 PM
Jeez, when someone shows up at a hostage situation of a violent sick gunman with curry and cans... that's the plot lost, right there...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on March 26, 2016, 11:00:47 PM
Thoughts with you witch, makes you think who of us will be next?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on March 27, 2016, 01:10:22 PM
100 years ago we had to fall out with our friends in Ireland, When there was a much nastier thing going on in Belgium and France.

History has a habit of doing something.....

Oh no......ive repeated myself!

Martin (Mars)

Norse god of war
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 29, 2016, 10:38:17 PM
A violent eye do you mean a black eye witch ie bruised around it
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on March 30, 2016, 08:57:09 AM
Amanda this is for you.

I have studied emotional detachment as part of my training to become a counsellor. Have a look at this to see if it can help you.

This is relevant to all of the jobs you have been doing since you started posting here and I hope it can help you to look at the situations you are in from a different view, but still be the caring person you obviously are.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on March 30, 2016, 09:42:31 PM
Yes you are right Pol a black one  :-\ the google translation was not so good  Im feeling sorry about my poor english  :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 30, 2016, 11:29:39 PM
Its a million times better than my non existent German
Hope it gets better soon and clears up
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 31, 2016, 09:14:58 PM
My local library closed today.  Yes, the books are being transferred to a new facility (and deeply ugly modern building) called a 'Lifestyle Centre' just up the road, so I'll still be able to borrow books and that...

But.  I'd been going to that lovely building since I was a kiddiewink and old enough to read.  I could pop over there, as a child, and sit there reading books all morning or afternoon.  In fact, I often have done so in recent years.  Surrounded by books?  Lovely!

Well, that's another treasured childhood memory gone...  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 31, 2016, 10:10:39 PM
"I don't like change"
Guess they call it progress, quite a few libraries near me have closed or are about to be closed, my local one has restricted opening hours. Heard Jeremy vine taking about it the other day seems like a lot of libraries are being run by volunteers some of who have the best intentions but don't really know what they are doing
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on March 31, 2016, 11:59:16 PM
I don't like change either. It weighs down your pockets  :D

I do like local libraries though, and would hate to see mine close. Have to confess, I have not been in it for years, but there was a time I was in there everyday, always at the history section. I would imagine the Net has had a big impact on library usage, along with so many other things.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on April 02, 2016, 10:15:28 AM
Unfortunately its a sign of the times. Theres a free museum near me that Im currently on the way to, thats earmarked for closure too. While the net is a wonderful thing, Its also responsible for the lack of personalisation. I dont beleive it brings people together. Yeah anyone can talk to anyone in the world, but the silly, "old fashioned" way of local meeting points is in danger of being lost. Thats sad.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on April 02, 2016, 10:07:34 PM
Thats true very sad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 05, 2016, 07:54:17 PM
Tomorrow is my (still dreadfully missed) Grandads birthday.  Far and away, the greatest man I ever knew.  Were he still with us, he would have been 100.  RIP, Ernest Cope, MBE.

Sniff.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 12, 2016, 09:48:22 AM
back spasms.

crippling me at the moment.

can't walk
can't sit
can't move in bed

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 12, 2016, 07:24:41 PM
Hope you get better, WW.  Got certain problems in that area myself.

Note to younger posters... take care of your back, once that goes out, EVERYTHING goes out.   >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on April 12, 2016, 09:02:22 PM
Get well very soon Wessexy Witch ,
I can imagine very well how you feel ....
All the best for you
Take good care
cheers witch
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 15, 2016, 09:10:15 AM
Having to eventually retire my old ex army boots to the bin , both soles were hanging off and been held on by shoe laces, they had seen plenty of action but will be sadly missed, luckily I have a new pair. Maybe I should have put this in the rip thread lol.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 15, 2016, 11:21:47 AM
On the radio today they are trying to tell me how awful it is that there is a "celebrity couple" somewhere on earth who are having "extra marital sex involving a threesome".

Wooopyfriggindoo ! lucky fuckers to get any, let alone a 3 way !!

That is not news.
The state of this government.
That is the news.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 20, 2016, 02:29:40 PM
Victoria Wood


Cancer is a ****.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 27, 2016, 09:51:20 AM
Got a whole heep of homework marked yesterday at college and hoped to get 12 criteria signed off.
Only got 3

Gutted and disillusioned.
I thought I had done well.


I have a lot to do including an essay that has to be handed in next week and I'm not feeling very positive today about my work.

Can't get motivated.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on April 27, 2016, 07:19:19 PM
Hang in there Wessexy  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: witch on April 30, 2016, 10:20:55 PM
Im feeling a bit lost at the moment .....
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on April 30, 2016, 10:35:46 PM
i think we all are
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 01, 2016, 11:48:16 AM
Watching my friends acting like dickheads on a hen party last night and wishing I could to.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 29, 2016, 09:46:49 PM
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays...   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on May 30, 2016, 10:00:17 PM
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays...   :'(
Time of year?  Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 30, 2016, 10:28:28 PM
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays...   :'(
Time of year?  Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?

I dunno, Sheena.  Thanks for kicking a bit of life back into The Forum!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 31, 2016, 04:50:51 PM
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays...   :'(
Time of year?  Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?

A lull before the Winter storm  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 31, 2016, 07:30:45 PM
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays...   :'(
Time of year?  Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?

A lull before the Winter storm  ;)

Kerching  :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 31, 2016, 07:33:12 PM
To which as I can only add...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 31, 2016, 07:35:55 PM
 :D ;D :D ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 31, 2016, 07:38:51 PM
:D ;D :D ;D

I can deffo imagine Justin playing a character in Game Of Thrones...  is there another long-lost Stark who could show up?   ???
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on May 31, 2016, 07:44:49 PM
Before Winter we have perhaps to manage or understand a kind of a
 Black Day in July (Gordon Lightfoot) to enjoy
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on May 31, 2016, 07:59:25 PM
Perhaps it was only a dream
Love and peace, Freedom in harmony (Amon Duul)

Or it`s a better posting for: When did you notice you are too old ....
Perhaps now  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on May 31, 2016, 09:59:14 PM
Festival comedown   :'(  :'(  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 02, 2016, 12:10:21 PM
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays...   :'(
Time of year?  Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?

I've been back at work so I don't get to come here during the day any more.

School holiday now but have been busy with appointments and stuff.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on June 14, 2016, 10:23:46 PM
Just moved into my new place and feeling a bit wobbly.  I've never lived alone before.  I'm not sure that I'm sad, exactly, but feel a bit weird.  Any words of wisdom for the transition?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 14, 2016, 10:38:09 PM
Come onto the forum and talk to your friends here more often ?
Maybe a cat  :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 14, 2016, 10:40:48 PM
I've lived alone for a heck of a long time and I bloody love it.

You can choose when you want company and when you don't.

I can think of no greater recommendation than that.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 15, 2016, 05:31:41 AM
Living on your own takes a bit of getting used to , and I suppose it more difficult for girls as well with security concerns etc as well. My advice try to stay busy in a good way ie don't go to the pub etc. As ray points out you can do exactly what you when you want
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 15, 2016, 08:50:19 AM
It does take some getting used too, it takes time to get used to having all that space to yourself but you only have yourself to please - nobody else  :) Make an effort to do stuff that pleases you, old interests or new ones. A pet is good as well: unconditional love and they're always pleased to see you.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 15, 2016, 02:31:44 PM
Think one of the best things about staying yourself is being able to decorate the way you want, you can really stamp your own personality on your home. ( fck what does that say about me lol) . If you want individual pieces auctions, charity shops , bric a brac shops n ebay are good. Taking something and adding your own input to it is always good.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 15, 2016, 07:50:42 PM
I can't believe I am actually about say an expression that previously made me utterly cringe... but if you're living alone for the first time, you can really 'find yourself'...  ::)

I know, clichéd hippy-crap, I wanted to punch myself repeatedly in the groin for typing such banality... but it's actually kinda true.  I only know the vaguest stuff about your recent problems, it's none of my business.  But if you're coming off of a bad situation - and, from previous messages, if you're dancing barefoot at a festival, I'd say you were heading in the right direction  ;) - then I'd gently suggest you can handle a new lifestyle.

Take comfort in your alone-space, do exactly what the **** you want to do, get to know yourself and if others come along to help fill that space, welcome them in.  Or not, if they turn out to be knobheads.   ;D

You'll be fine.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 15, 2016, 08:19:45 PM
Think one of the best things about staying yourself is being able to decorate the way you want, you can really stamp your own personality on your home. ( fck what does that say about me lol) . If you want individual pieces auctions, charity shops , bric a brac shops n ebay are good. Taking something and adding your own input to it is always good.

I can picture it now Pol. lots of posters of NMA and Janette Krankie  :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on June 15, 2016, 08:42:39 PM
I think you get selfish and precious with your time living alone. Ok I got my missus but by and large our time is apart. I love my own space, after most of my adult life being in a live in relationship. At some point me and the good lady will co-habitate, but for now I guard what I have.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on June 15, 2016, 09:41:27 PM
Thank you all for your kind, sincere and heartfelt words; they are much appreciated.  I've already  got a dog and a taste for glitter, so guess I'll be ok?   I am looking forward to forging my own path, at least for a while.   And the task now is to  adjust, settle and make new ways. 
Much love xxx
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 15, 2016, 10:45:09 PM
Janette Krankie  - rubs thighs in a Vic reeves type manner lol fandabbidozzi
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 15, 2016, 11:04:15 PM
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 16, 2016, 06:00:01 PM
Janette Krankie  - rubs thighs in a Vic reeves type manner lol fandabbidozzi

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 17, 2016, 10:28:07 AM
Jerusalem - centre of the 3 major Abraham religions but divided as if they were each different species. Sad
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on June 17, 2016, 02:41:11 PM
Anna, recently saw a really well put together documentary charting the long and bloody history of Jerusalem. Well worth a watch, I learnt a lot --
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pumpkin on June 17, 2016, 04:51:45 PM
Janette Krankie  - rubs thighs in a Vic reeves type manner lol fandabbidozzi

Hopefully, it didn't get to this stage...  ::) (
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pumpkin on June 17, 2016, 04:55:12 PM
It does take some getting used too, it takes time to get used to having all that space to yourself but you only have yourself to please - nobody else  :) Make an effort to do stuff that pleases you, old interests or new ones. A pet is good as well: unconditional love and they're always pleased to see you.

Great advice. The bit about the pet is excellent - great company always.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 17, 2016, 05:48:58 PM
They should definitely bring shooting stars back with Angelos (what's in yer bag ya bastard)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on June 17, 2016, 06:09:47 PM
Saw Mr Epithemiou at one of his gigs, 'kin awesome. Almost picked me to go on stage. Pulled my mate Dan instead to go through the "treatment" Laughed all evening.

The picture of Kenny who hadn't blinked for three years was disturbing!

Shooting Stars should come back IMHO

Angelos's Christmas dinner
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on June 17, 2016, 09:58:20 PM
What makes me sad? Well, it's that you can see the fundamentalists and extremists are moving on. Homophobia, racism, neolibralism taking over... Who ever asked that??

Also the recent quarrels at the board about trolls, unwanted persons or whatever; we've seen some of it earlier here too haven't we? I'd say we don't that kind of shite, c'mon. If anyone has a political agenda an old school question goes why don't they represesnt it clearly here?

Or - a mystical question: is something, a word, a substantive, which is not said here at the board at all -
an explanation to it?

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 21, 2016, 08:38:43 PM
Shit day today.

people judging me and not asking me.

it seems that I'm being discriminated because in their opinion I'm "unfit".

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on June 21, 2016, 08:44:39 PM
Unfit for what WW? your usual role?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 21, 2016, 08:47:59 PM
Feeling a bit picked on by someone you truly respect...  :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on June 21, 2016, 08:53:31 PM
Unfit for what WW? your usual role?

ie keeping us children on this board in a presentable manner for the classroom?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on June 22, 2016, 10:48:00 AM
What's going on Wessexy Witch and Ray?  Is it knob head week?  **** 'em all!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 22, 2016, 03:37:13 PM
Hey Wessexy - remember that old adage about opinions and arseholes.................  ;) Only bother about the opinions of those you love or respect.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 22, 2016, 04:29:06 PM
Unfit to do the home visits for the September intake.
Unfit to ride in a car then sit and talk/play/interact with children and fill in paperwork.

What, just like you do everyday at school Wessexy?
Yep, just like that.
Like I have for the past 3 years.
Like the home visits I did last year when I was f***ing dying slowly and in constant pain.


I got so upset yesterday I cried in the classroom.

..and now today, my new best working partner ever, Mrs F has given her notice because she has to move to Scotland for her husbands work.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on June 23, 2016, 08:54:24 AM
Sounds utterly shit, WW.  Can you find an ally?  No one should be made to feel so bad at work (or anywhere, for that matter).  Love and strength to you x
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 23, 2016, 10:28:33 AM
That's really awful Wessexy, feel for ya.

Unsure if these comments are coming from your bosses/management - maybe a chat with your union rep could help if that's the case or a supportive colleague?

Hang in there honey  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 23, 2016, 03:51:43 PM
It's the head who has decided this. She is worried that I might get hurt/ hurt myself when out but doesn't understand that anyone can get hurt/hurt themselves at any time in or out of school. It's because she cares. So she says.
I don't think she understands how pathetic it makes me feel. To be truthful the 2 classes I have now are the most violent I have ever come across and working in the class is dangerous sometimes but if I mention that I'm scared of what might happen next.

I'll put my brave face on and battle through no doubt.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 23, 2016, 07:43:42 PM
WW.  Firstly, all the best to you.  Secondly, if you truly feel you are in danger, then it ain't worth it. There are always options.  Obviously I don't know too much about what you do, but if there is a chance of real harm coming to you, don't save face, get the hell out.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 24, 2016, 06:45:05 PM
Today a child hurt 4 kids and 3 adults.

accused a teacher of being "pissed"

told another to "get lost and get out of here now"

"I don't have to do what you say, you are poo"
"You annoy me all day"
"Why do you have to speak to me all the time ? Shut up now or I will kick you"

This child is 4.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on June 24, 2016, 07:18:35 PM
Today a child hurt 4 kids and 3 adults.

accused a teacher of being "pissed"

told another to "get lost and get out of here now"

"I don't have to do what you say, you are poo"
"You annoy me all day"
"Why do you have to speak to me all the time ? Shut up now or I will kick you"

This child is 4.

Expulsion. That is what I'd have got at that age and my mum and dads anger too!

Miss Rimmington would have never considered dealing with that nastiness. She would have told my Dad. That would have been just as bad. It was a village society though. I bet yours isn't such the same place WW

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 24, 2016, 07:23:33 PM
The Mum's reply was "Oh, that's not very good ".

Translated as " I don't give a shit".

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 01, 2016, 09:10:32 PM
Someone close to me losing their Dad today and wishing you had any words that could make them feel better... and failing miserably.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on July 01, 2016, 09:12:22 PM
Words aren't always needed x
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 02, 2016, 04:56:26 AM
There isn't any words mate, tell them it will get easier in time and remember the good timed
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on July 05, 2016, 09:28:35 PM
Take care of yourself witch, sending love x
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on July 06, 2016, 01:30:23 PM
It's not like losing you dad, of course - but one week ago we had to put our old German Sherpherd, Grol, to sleep.

Now, thing is, he was old, he would have turned 14 this coming Friday. And when we adopted him 2 years ago we thought he was only going to be with us for a couple of weeks at the most, he was in such a bad shape after being rescued from 12 years in a shed, with 40 other dogs, never seeing daylight, being abused for illegal breeding but also being physically abused.  :'( We didn't want him to die at the shelter so took him home - and I guess he kind of liked it...he was never able to walk very far or to react like other dogs would react - but he recovered, he did show his affection in small ways and he had a very special connection with my friend who spent more than 6 months sleeping on a mattress next to him because he didn't want to be alone at night - and I wan't good enough for him, stubborn old boy.  ::)
But yeah, last week we came to realise that the time had come to let him go - so we did - and although we know that we have every reason to be grateful to have had him for over 2 years - and we ARE - it still hurts a lot and he is missed.

We still have 2 dogs (and 6 rabbits, 6 guinea pigs plus some snails... ::) ) so it's not as if the house is empty - but the old trooper, well, hurts.

Sorry for the very long "obituary" - but it was good to write it down.  :-[

Take care everyone. *hugs*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 06, 2016, 07:27:06 PM
Animals are, a lot of the time, much nicer than people.  That's a fact.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on July 14, 2016, 12:25:45 PM
Finding out this morning that my best suit has shrunk by a couple of inches. Haven't  worn it for a few years. There must be clever moths that eat parts, then re-sew to hide their work

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 14, 2016, 01:33:24 PM
Amazing how clothes shrink and shops keep labeling them wrongly, personally I've been a 30 waist since I left school n for some reason I have to buy a 36 now
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 14, 2016, 01:34:43 PM
On a more serious note, this email about our new pm

Our new Prime Minister -- Theresa May -- has officially taken office and everyone’s talking up her feminist credentials. But she’s helped to cover up one of the most shocking abuses of women of our time.

The hundreds of women detained at the privately run immigration detention centre Yarl’s Wood have come to the UK seeking refuge. Many of them have fled war in their own countries -- and 70% of them are rape survivors.

Now many of them report being raped and sexually abused by the very people who should be protecting them: the staff at Yarl’s Wood. But we don’t know how many. The Home Office, under Theresa May, refused to release the information -- saying it could “prejudice the commercial interests” of the private companies running Yarl’s Wood, like Serco.

In her bid to become our new PM, Theresa May said “big business needs to change” so the country “works for everyone -- not just the privileged few”. Let’s tell her to put her money where her mouth is. Let’s tell her to protect the women in her care rather than Serco’s profits by finally releasing the information about Yarl’s Wood she refused to release as Home Secretary.

Ask Theresa May to release the information about the scale of abuse at Yarl’s Wood.

Last year, a report found that more than half of the women detained at Yarl’s Wood feel unsafe. Allegations of rape, sexual abuse and intimidation at the centre are rife. And some of the alleged victims have been deported after speaking up -- before they could testify to police.

The Home Office is obliged by law to disclose information that’s in the public interest. Yet instead of opening Yarl’s Wood up to public scrutiny so it can stop the abuse, Theresa May’s former department seems to be complicit in allowing it to continue. Last year, it refused let the UN’s special rapporteur on violence against women into Yarl’s Wood -- and now it’s refusing to release crucial information that could help to expose, and ultimately stop, sexual abuse at the centre.

SumOfUs was created to hold corporations to account -- not least, those corporations that are capturing our public services. Serco runs everything from detention centres to hospital services in the UK. It needs to be held to the highest possible standards of accountability -- but instead, the government is working to protect Serco’s corporate interests over the interests of every woman in Yarl’s Wood, and the wider public interest.

Let’s tell Theresa May to stop pandering to Serco’s commercial interests, and release the data about sexual violence at Yarl’s Wood.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 14, 2016, 07:04:01 PM
Damn, Pol, and I thought giving Boris the foreign secretary job was bad enough...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 17, 2016, 09:08:54 PM
Aw... took my three year old 'niece' to the local park today and, out of the blue, she started calling me 'Daddy'...

I'm close to the kid, have been since she was born, but she's not even a blood relative.  My Mums most recent husbands adopted son knocked up her mother and, basically, buggered off, doing f-all for the kid in the meantime.  Useless twot.  Obviously she's seen grown men playing with their kids and she's copying what she's heard...   :-[

What scraps she has that passes for a family have rallied around and are doing the best we can for her.  But there aren't many of us.

Genuinely quite saddened by this, she's a lovely little kid and deserves so much better.   :'(

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on August 10, 2016, 12:59:03 AM
My beloved dog died this evening, after being ill with cancer.  I'm so sad.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on August 10, 2016, 05:28:37 AM
Big hugs Sheena , that's really sad I know how close we can become to our pets
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 10, 2016, 06:49:47 PM
My beloved dog died this evening, after being ill with cancer.  I'm so sad.

Sorry to hear it Sheena.  A lot of the time, dogs (or any pet for that matter) are much better than those often annoying and disappointing things called 'people'... best wishes.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on August 11, 2016, 12:14:16 AM
Thanks Pol and Ray.  I'm heartbroken  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on August 11, 2016, 12:39:01 PM
Big hugs Sheena , that's really sad I know how close we can become to our pets

I am so very sorry to hear this, Sheena - we had to put one of our to sleep in June and it was so heartbreaking.

Big hugs to you, our Grol will be waiting for your dog so they can run free together on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, free from pain.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on August 11, 2016, 05:52:34 PM
Best wishes Sheena. Try to remember you gave your dog a good life just as he/she did for you.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on August 12, 2016, 05:18:34 PM
Thoughts with you Sheena.

Over the years there has been many cats and dogs, never easy and always heart wrenching that they never live longer than us. What Stephanie said was so beautiful.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 13, 2016, 01:19:33 PM
Aww, sending loads of love to you Sheena.
Be strong.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on August 15, 2016, 11:30:21 PM
i was only 13

i think i might have caught the tail end of the golden age for heno

even the jam were acceptable at one point
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 16, 2016, 07:16:43 PM
i was only 13

i think i might have caught the tail end of the golden age for heno

even the jam were acceptable at one point

Sir, The Jam will ALWAYS be acceptable!

The Style Council, on the other hand...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Adrian on September 11, 2016, 01:49:45 PM
The North Dakota oil pipeline.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: likeabella on September 11, 2016, 09:55:33 PM
...the vocals on DEVIL sadly enough, just doesn't do it to me, very flat without emotion

 >:( :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on September 13, 2016, 06:53:39 PM
The number of homeless people begging in Glasgow today, just seemed to a few more than normal
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on September 14, 2016, 05:16:58 PM
The amount of kids in my new class who can't speak.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 25, 2016, 08:59:36 PM
Aw, this is a depressing one... nipped over a bit earlier to the local garage for a few supplies, coming back I found an confused old lady with a stroller, rather tearful, trying to find her way 'home', some OAP home I'd never heard of and she had no idea of the location of...

I called the police and they took care of it from there. Stayed with her until the coppers showed up. Just googled the name she gave me and can't find anything. Of course, it might have been a completely random thing from her poor addled old brain.

Just reminded me of my beloved grandparents and how helpless they were in their last years.  Big old sadface on Master Rays ugly mug at the moment.

Sorry.  Needed to vent.   :-[

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Sheena on September 25, 2016, 11:03:57 PM
Good job you were there MR, getting her some help x
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 27, 2016, 07:28:29 PM
Diamond MR  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 27, 2016, 07:33:13 PM
Cheers guys.  If I was able to find the nursing home she was looking for (if indeed it was a nursing home), I'd have reported them to the local authorities.

The plight of the elderly, and what a state they can end up in and how social care can let them down, genuinely puts a lump in my eye and a tear in my throat.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 01, 2016, 05:08:37 PM
Remorgaging my house.
I'll still be paying when I'm 70 rather than it finishing in 7 years.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on October 01, 2016, 06:05:04 PM
The amount of kids in my new class who can't speak.

Remorgaging my house.
I'll still be paying when I'm 70 rather than it finishing in 7 years.


That you are dealing with that first quote but have to do the second quote  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on October 31, 2016, 10:39:24 PM
Found it a bit sad we do not have members here from Spain to review the recent Spanish gigs. Feel sure they went well as usual, but would be nice to see set lists, etc.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 09, 2016, 06:40:26 PM
Found it a bit sad we do not have members here from Spain to review the recent Spanish gigs. Feel sure they went well as usual, but would be nice to see set lists, etc.

RobertJohn1 did .............
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on November 09, 2016, 07:08:33 PM
Indeed. A couple of days after the quoted post.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 10, 2016, 06:09:27 PM
Indeed. A couple of days after the quoted post.

Yeah, looks like maybe somebody reads this stuff down here in the basement  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on November 10, 2016, 06:12:22 PM
Thank god for that !! I'd hate to think we were wasting our time  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 10, 2016, 06:13:05 PM
Thank god for that !! I'd hate to think we were wasting our time  ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Zwartekster on November 11, 2016, 10:55:27 AM
that Winter is coming sooner then I thought...
...if the "climat change hoax" asshole Trump has being elected as president of the USA...
...England wants its Brexit...
...Turkye loves Erdogan...

our way of living is over as the creeps take over..
We need a New Model Army !!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Red on November 14, 2016, 10:16:37 PM
I'm sad that I'm having a night without a NMA gig, first 5 were excellent ( Personally preferred Manchester out of the 5)

No worries I'll be carrying on tomorrow for 5 days :) :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jc on November 14, 2016, 10:17:35 PM
See you soon Red.


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: purplehaze on November 15, 2016, 03:41:04 PM
Almost a year since my dad died😥  and I'm still missing him so much
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on November 29, 2016, 11:26:06 AM
Woke to find that the inside pane of my front window has a huge crack in it .
Did it really get that cold last night to do this ?
Can I get it replaced or do I have to magic up the cash for a whole new window that will cost £££££££££. It's a large box window.


and I cut my blimmin finger on it.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 29, 2016, 06:04:45 PM
Duck Tape for a temporary fix  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on November 30, 2016, 04:05:31 AM
Should I say this - fck it . The South east of England gets a bit of cold snap n its big news, hey it might even drop below zero in London - in November  !  Ffs grow a pair
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 22, 2017, 09:07:39 PM
Oh, fook off, God.  A good mate of mines teenage daughter got diagnosed with a serious thyroid condition.  Hospital worthy stuff. 

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: likeabella on January 23, 2017, 09:38:59 PM

people that put their careers in front of everything else...

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 29, 2017, 01:52:24 PM
The actions of Donald Trump and impact it has on decent people.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 29, 2017, 06:47:51 PM
Gotta agree, A.  When Trump got elected, I think I posted something about how all new presidents say they're gonna do this and that or whatever and very little of it actually happens, so let's all chill out for now, etc...

Shit, I'm starting to regret my naivety and optimism.  Only a single week and THIS stuff starts happening?  I genuinely thought he'd be just some buffoon who'd just feather his own nest and those of his pals.  Big talk, little action, you know what I mean.

I'm hoping his opponants have the power to kick him to the kerb, at least a little bit, and to be fair there is a lot of movement in that direction.  All eyes on May and how she handles the calls to stop holding his hand and oppose him, despite how he's buttering her up with talks about how the US and the UK are big pals again...  ???

Blimey.  Interesting times, eh?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on January 29, 2017, 07:31:53 PM
Yes May does seem to be at least holding his hand (keeping it clean) Interesting that even people with visas and green cards are being denied entry. The racist militia is definitely on rise.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on January 29, 2017, 08:12:06 PM
I thought the same MR. It seems like Trump is serious. The muslim ban, wall with Mexico, Pipeline, attacking  women's rights.  All by executive order. Imagine being accepted for asylum to USA, then being detained at the airport and sent back? or a student going to visit family in Iran and returning to deportation?   

The idea that he claims it is border security is bullshit. Not like many terrorist who attacked US or Europe came from the banned countries. Saudi Arabia is not on the list due to $$$. This is one of the saddest moments in US history.

The only good thing to come from this is opposition. The gesture or the protesters at the airports and taxi drivers at JFK is touching. Trump has brought out the most protester since the 1960's. Decent people know that this is cruel and unethical.

He complained about Obama and executive order. Then has done about 6 in a week.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 31, 2017, 07:32:59 PM
I hope everyone here has signed the petition to keep that C*nt out of here.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on January 31, 2017, 07:56:43 PM
He's like any of the megalomaniac criminal bosses in James Bond films. Just a cat and a button missing. You know the button they pressed and actors dropped into snake chambers.

A terrible mistake.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 31, 2017, 10:07:58 PM
He's like any of the megalomaniac criminal bosses in James Bond films. Just a cat and a button missing. You know the button they pressed and actors dropped into snake chambers.

A terrible mistake.

Oy, you're absolutely wrong with the James Bond / Trump villain reference, I dispute that completely!  How dare you post such an inaccurate and potentially libellious thing! 

It was a tank full of piranhas...   ;)

Joking aside, Trump is the kind of disgusting creature that the makers of the Bond films could only imagine making up...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on February 01, 2017, 09:17:44 AM
Joking aside, Trump is the kind of disgusting creature that the makers of the Bond films could only imagine making up...

Yea someone said it but couldn't remember who was it?  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Coumarin on February 01, 2017, 07:12:00 PM
What makes me sad is missing my sarahs in Jakarta.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on February 01, 2017, 07:17:06 PM
Being not able to  listen to music now :(
One song leads to the next and the next  :(
Too many problems (most caused by family members and as usual I try to keep them in a balance) I have to deal with the next days and better try to fall asleep watching some boring tv film (not news about Trump)

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 01, 2017, 07:18:02 PM
Joking aside, Trump is the kind of disgusting creature that the makers of the Bond films could only imagine making up...

Yea someone said it but couldn't remember who was it?  ;D

Great minds stink alike...  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on February 02, 2017, 07:24:26 PM
Whilst I do not agree with Trump's actions, that is irrelevant. Have we not realised that he said exactly what he was going to do, the US electorate voted for it and he is doing it. A politician who is doing what he said he would do, to the letter. Now that is a rare thing!

Whilst in agreement with some of your sentiments, what gets me angry is the hypocrisy of the demos. People come out like robots against a democratically elected president, OK not a nice one to say the least, but I must have missed all the demos against Putin or Li Keqiang or Kim Jong-il and many others. You know, places where you will be killed or imprisoned for life for daring to protest, unlike the free USA where people do protest. Trump puts a ban on some countries in place for 120 days, yet Russia's persecution of gay people has been going for years, China is still in Tibet persecuting and killing with impunity and N Korea's people are starving and many in concentration camps. Not to mention numerous African, Asian and Middle East countries with genocides, persecution and no democracy. Yet no marches for them of the size against the US, funny that.

We do enjoy a good double standard in the UK don't we.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 02, 2017, 08:23:33 PM
If you took to the streets and protested every single thing that is wrong and horrible in this world, you'd never get back home...  :'(

I do agree with much of what you're saying, me old mate.  Should we dismiss democracy because we dislike certain aspects of it and how the results of it manifest itself?  Even if those same results were brought about by campaigns that were aimed at the fears that 'the common people' live with every day, no doubt due to hysterical media coverage?  I truly don't believe that many (and certainly not ALL) people who voted for Trump did so because they're evil racists or whatever.  They're just very scared.  Hence the result.

The other stuff about North Korea and the like that you mention... it's beyond many peoples radar.  Sorry if that sounds a bit elitist (to be honest, I only have a bit of a grip on a lot of that stuff myself) so I think it's not quite a double standard, just people reacting to the stuff that's right in their face in these uncertain days.  Or possibly, they just don't give a shit about things that don't directly concern them.  Harsh?  Personal experience has shown me that many folks can be quite selfish and self-centred. I don't mean that in a nasty way, they've just got their own shit going on with their own families and that going on...  ;)

Anyway, I'm rambling, I've been awake since 4am today thanks to another bout with insomnia (and maybe a couple of large brandies imbibed earlier), so feel free to pick holes in my comment.  ;D

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on February 02, 2017, 09:02:31 PM
Whilst I agree with many of points on Russia, China, North Korea etc . And peoples inactive protests against them. Firstly just how do you protest against these countries, you could march etc very day and Vlad n co wouldn't give a shit. Secondly you mention democracy, surely it has to be mentioned that more people voted against Donald than for, yet in a two horse race he still wins . Lastly what are people supposed to do sit back n get shafted, let him think that everything he does is ok .
Yes we maybe lucky but doesn't mean we should forget those privileges we have. I believe that America, Europe and those who can should stand up and show them that were not happy. Maybe not much I can do as one person but I certainly won't be buying any American products where possible
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2017, 03:30:44 PM
seeing U2 mentioned on the home page of the Everything Else board here depresses me beyond belief  :-\ :'( :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on February 14, 2017, 05:55:44 PM
seeing U2 mentioned on the home page of the Everything Else board here depresses me beyond belief  :-\ :'( :(
Hey Heno....are U2 hated over there?  A bloke I used to work with went to school with them and said they were a bunch of winkers  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on February 16, 2017, 02:25:16 PM
Whilst I agree with many of points on Russia, China, North Korea etc . And peoples inactive protests against them. Firstly just how do you protest against these countries, you could march etc very day and Vlad n co wouldn't give a shit. Secondly you mention democracy, surely it has to be mentioned that more people voted against Donald than for, yet in a two horse race he still wins . Lastly what are people supposed to do sit back n get shafted, let him think that everything he does is ok .
Yes we maybe lucky but doesn't mean we should forget those privileges we have. I believe that America, Europe and those who can should stand up and show them that were not happy. Maybe not much I can do as one person but I certainly won't be buying any American products where possible

I hear what you say. But you have no compunction I suspect at buying Chinese product though. So why boycott American products? And as far as the demos go I see what you are saying with reference to Russia and Korea, but not demoing surely is even worse. Russia would certainly notice mass demos. Also why should Americans bother noticing by the same logic, they voted in Trump on the ticket he is currently deploying, they wanted it?

We seem to get very animated when Trump, a guy I certainly do not like, puts a timed...timed travel ban on a few countries. Yet Putin is in Syria, he last week started pushing into Ukraine again and last week he outrageously relaxed domestic abuse laws and of course the gay bashing continues, yet not a squeak from the hypocrites on the left or the Guardian crowd. Is that not worth marching for? I think so.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on February 16, 2017, 03:30:49 PM
Ldopas. You could start an argument with yourself in a cupboard...JOKE. Actually I agree, Trump for all I think he's a buffoon and showman, is an easy target. Maybe its cos he's a right winger elected on policies of jealousy and discontent. China, Russia et al are equally as bad but their world isnt as accessible to us. Certainly the media avoids it other than scare stories. Maybe because they have different ideals and ultimately can brush off anything from outside. I'm amazed anyone thinks they have any influence over any of the larger nations. None need worry about any country but their own. However as an ally, we do have the right to object as we do with non allies.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on February 16, 2017, 04:07:58 PM
Firstly I need to buy goods form somewhere and in reality other than food and drink, I have no choice but to buy from china or Taiwan etc . Have a look around any house and you will find 99% of everything is manufactured in the far east. So what would a protest against Russia achieve , I could stand at George square everyday n no one would give a fck . The problem with Russia is they have control of the gas n therefore the electric so no one says too much. Likewise china, try and go through life without buying there products . If I choose not to buy coke, McDonalds n Budweiser etc at least its a start at least in my head. If I bought Russian stuff I would do the same but I honestly can't think of any I do .
It's great to put forward counter arguments but your not saying what you would or are doing. Yes Russian and China plus a endless list of many other countries are obscene things. I'm just a tiny insignificant cog in a vast global machine but maybe if enough of those cogs do what they can then something might give. I will never be ready to lie down and let the tanks drive over me
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 16, 2017, 07:29:32 PM
Interesting points here.

I can take on board ldopas's points regarding Putin and Russia: certainly not a place I have any intention of going to - apparently I'm mentally defective and not fit to drive a car - and I'm most certainly not ignorant as to the foreign policy stances they take around the globe. However it's only fairly recently (in historical terms) that the Iron Curtain came down and although the fallout from that continues to shake down we're a long way from from those times.

Whereas with America and Trump it's such a big change from what we've been used to it feels far more shocking and unreal: although for what it's worth I think it's the natural culmination of neoliberalism - a businessman in charge of the white house. One of the long term "stabilities" in the world has taken a big unknown tangent and many many people do not think it's good.

Pol makes an excellent point vis-a-vis the tiny cogs in a huge machine. No individual action can change the world all that can be done is use your voice where you feel you need to. If we were to try and change every single thing that's wrong with the world we'd soon be left exhausted and battered. One of the things I've noticed over the last few years (and i'm not directing this to anyone here - it's a general point) is that it's become very common place to respond to an argument with "yes but what about....." I fail to see how highlighting one issue in response to another is an argument. After all a "wrong" does not become a "right" just because of the existence of another "wrong".

Still, at least we get to see that haircut regularly  ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on February 16, 2017, 08:01:17 PM
seeing U2 mentioned on the home page of the Everything Else board here depresses me beyond belief  :-\ :'( :(
Hey Heno....are U2 hated over there?  A bloke I used to work with went to school with them and said they were a bunch of winkers  ;D

Hmm... If Heno is a Paranoid Visions fan then this article may make sense:
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on February 19, 2017, 09:29:42 PM
This, from a couple of days ago.... when you pass someone on the street who you used to be very close to a few years back,but you parted ways for the most ridiculous of reasons... and you try and grab their attention but they just pretend they haven't seen you.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 31, 2017, 07:04:50 PM
Seeing how the UK and Brexit is viewed here, had to wince at hearing the phrase "la-la land"  :(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 31, 2017, 07:22:02 PM
What, we're like an award-winning musical?   ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 31, 2017, 08:57:34 PM
What, we're like an award-winning musical?   ;)

Dunno, why was "Little Shop Of Horrors" award winning ?  :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on June 17, 2017, 04:45:43 PM
Not sad -angry !!!
Satellite tv doesn`t work for days , on each channel fine for less than a minute, than nothing - wrong signal or signal with faults  >:(
Not knowing what is wrong now (same I had last year early may and it disappears in june without changing my tv or receiver or something like that, didn`t had to cut the trees in my garden) ...
No satellite, then perhaps simple internet tv? Forget it here!
There was an offer for fast internet ( 100 and more than my 2) this spring to have before harvest this year  if 60% of the people living in my little village - less than 40% wanted it! Next offer is perhaps 2018 - if enough people want it ....
"Kotz-Würg-Spei -smiley"
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 17, 2017, 06:10:41 PM
Hey Lotus, maybe you live near us - our local telephone directory has a section giving information on which villages actually have telephones  ;D :D :) ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on June 17, 2017, 09:43:46 PM
Sometimes good to get away from the square eyed monster for a while
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on June 21, 2017, 05:59:39 PM
I dont actually watch tv, if I can help it. The odd programme here or there. Most of it bores me rigid and I dont do sitting still very well.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 23, 2017, 06:28:48 PM
The Spacebook account (that isn't my name) that I use has stopped working.
The internet police have caught me.


What are the rules of spacebook ?
Do they have a swearbot that doesn't let any suspicious words appear in your "name" ?
It won't let me be named Wessexy Witch. I was hoping it would because that name ties in to most things i do/look at and has a crypitc link to the spacebook that is now defunct...and most people know me as that.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 23, 2017, 07:34:35 PM
What is this spacebook you talk of ?  ???

Is it that Zuckerberg thing of which I have heard of in which case why the feck are you you surprised after all you could be a terrorist  :o  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 23, 2017, 08:53:25 PM
'Spacebook'?  Did some antagonistic New York 'pugilist' (as the utter prick called himself) start a social media site?

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 24, 2017, 07:01:38 PM
'Spacebook'?  Did some antagonistic New York 'pugilist' (as the utter prick called himself) start a social media site?

Oh good lord that monkey spunkbubble just doesn't go away does he? Can't someone call a priest and do an exorcism or something  ;D ;D :D :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Amandistan on September 11, 2017, 10:02:04 AM
I feel very letdown. I was so excited for my SE Asia trip. I thought I would stay In hostels and meet friends as I did in Europe and Georgia and Armenia . It has been two weeks and I had maybe one conversation . I am bored and very alone . I am so far away from anything i know in a very different culture. Most people do not travel solo in Asia it seems. I had this big image of having beers in a bar on the river with Aussie , Asian and western travelers.  No, there are few times in my life i felt this alone . No matter how friendly the locals are, how good the food it and how amusing moniter lizards + monkey's are. It still does not replace humans. I miss Europe so bad now and almost want to pay a lot of money to fly back. I hope Vietnam and Cambodia are better . If not it is more spending time on fb and depressing myself . 

When you build up a moment and have such high hopes, the letdown is not fun.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on September 11, 2017, 12:47:16 PM

When you build up a moment and have such high hopes, the letdown is not fun.
This is true, I guess. I am very sorry to hear you are so not having a good time at the moment and I do hope it will pass. It has to be evry different from everything we know here in the West, must be very overwhelming. Fingers crossed this experience will turn into a good one still. For how long are you going to be there?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 11, 2017, 06:45:17 PM
Sorry to hear that, A.  Nice to see you back, though, glad you're OK, other than the disappointment thing obviously...

But as you said, it's only been two weeks in a brand new culture.  It could only take one great night to turn the whole thing around...  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Rusco on October 04, 2017, 10:42:06 AM
All the sick news around the world that we've faced in last couple of days.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 12, 2018, 10:36:10 PM

Aw, heck.  There was a live music club in my hometown called the Limelight, a converted church with so much atmosphere.  I practically lived there in the 90's, some of my happiest times.  Heck, Justin did a JSAF gig there! Almost ten years ago, it closed.  Up until now, it's been rotting away and I always thought that I'd rather see the place be demolished rather than see it decay any further.  It was a habitat for druggies and one suicide. 

But the new owner finally got permission to knock the place down and now it's being ripped down to rubble.  Apparently there are going to be expensive houses there.  Fair enough, £££'s etc.  But despite my thoughts about 'it's better to see the old place go down', I'm feeling genuinely saddened when it actually happened.   :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on June 29, 2018, 08:54:44 AM

Aw, heck.  There was a live music club in my hometown called the Limelight, a converted church with so much atmosphere.  I practically lived there in the 90's, some of my happiest times.  Heck, Justin did a JSAF gig there! Almost ten years ago, it closed.  Up until now, it's been rotting away and I always thought that I'd rather see the place be demolished rather than see it decay any further.  It was a habitat for druggies and one suicide. 

But the new owner finally got permission to knock the place down and now it's being ripped down to rubble.  Apparently there are going to be expensive houses there.  Fair enough, £££'s etc.  But despite my thoughts about 'it's better to see the old place go down', I'm feeling genuinely saddened when it actually happened.   :'(
:( :( :( I believe I saw L.A. Guns play there once or twice many years ago - happy memories. This is really sad news.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on June 29, 2018, 06:54:25 PM

Are we talking about The Crewe Limelight?  I think LA Guns did play there, although never saw them myself.  It was a fine venue indeed, went there hundreds of times, Justin did a JSAF gig there once!  Woefully under-attended, though...

Actually, the news isn't as sad as thought, I investigated further and it's just the annexes and surrounding buildings that are getting torn down, the main Limelight building, the big chapel, will stay intact although it will be turned into flats.  Obviously, I'd rather see the place reopen as a club, but at least it'll be a testament to lovely memories as I walk past (I live just down the road...)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on July 02, 2018, 12:58:37 PM

Are we talking about The Crewe Limelight?  I think LA Guns did play there, although never saw them myself.  It was a fine venue indeed, went there hundreds of times, Justin did a JSAF gig there once!  Woefully under-attended, though...

Oh, right...Crew, that's the one. Think I went there twice.

Kind of glad to hear the chapel part will remain intact...although, as you've said: it would be nice to see it re-open as a venue. Not that my chances of getting there are very high these days...getting myself way too many pets has kind of ended my roadtrip days.  ;D But you never know...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 04, 2018, 09:39:12 AM
Have just been reading about the little girls murder on the Isle Of Bute,how very sad.What evil can posses anybody to take the life of an innocent child ? I hope they catch the person(s) soon,life will never ever be the same again for her family.Such a tragic waste of a life unfulfilled,may she rest in peace.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 04, 2018, 10:21:45 AM
Hope they string the bastards up . Been to rothesay once on a school trip
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on July 15, 2018, 08:22:56 PM

Aw.  A long-term friend of mines Dad died a couple of days back, just found out.  Top bloke, had many laughs with him in decades gone by.

My old fella is still going but I don't see him nearly as much as I should.  Probably time for a phone call or, at least, a text.  Not that he ever checks his texts...  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on July 16, 2018, 04:31:54 PM
Yeah you don't appreciate your parents enough till there gone .
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 22, 2018, 02:32:58 PM
The acid attack on the little 3year old lad in Worcester yesterday.

WTF is going on in this world ?


and now I've just read this

 :o >:( :o some F  ****** people...gggraahhhh !!!! :-X
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on August 30, 2018, 02:16:24 PM
We have been having a bit of "bad luck" with the pets - one of the rabbits has been battling a really nasty abscess  since February. That one is a real, mean fighter - so we keep fihgting with her. I do know, though, that we won't win this one, not in the long run. She's fine at the moment, so that's's quite sad, though.

Last week, on the 22nd, we had to have our oldest dog put to sleep. We had only taken her in last December, a week before Christmas. We knew, of course, that she wouldn't be with us for long - she was already almost 15, maybe older, abandoned because of her age and health issues. She did recover nicely, though, and was always in such good spirits. It was a lot of work - but she was such a sweet thing and we thought she might be around for a while. And then it happened fairly quickly.
She did enjoy those 8 months, I know that - but it still hurts.

And Bruce, my first dog, is having some health issues as well at the moment: he has gone blind on one eye and will probably lose it eventually - this is probably worse for us than for him, but still. This has been caused, most likely, by anaplasmosis, an infection transmitted by ticks. This may have lurked for years and is currently being treated in the hopes to save the left eye. And then he has pancreas issues, too, we are trying to get under control. Good news is - he is still fit as a fiddel and just hates me for taking him to the vet (he does like the scoop of ice cream he gets after the visits, though  ;) )He's in amazing shape for a dog his size and age - but for us humans it's just so difficult to watch and know - he's so special to me and...

Many pets, many troubles...all home-made, I suppose, so I shouldn't complain. And I'm not really complaining - I'll handle this, I can cope, as always. It just gets a little too much sometimes and I wish I could have a hug...  :P
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 30, 2018, 06:17:58 PM
I wish I could have a hug...  :P

Have a virtual one  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on August 30, 2018, 07:09:01 PM

Sorry to hear it, Steph.  Another virtual hug coming your way.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 31, 2018, 08:18:16 AM
 :-* Stephanie  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jc on September 04, 2018, 07:02:40 AM
Sorry to be hearing about your pet troubles Stephanie, sending hugs x


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: lotus on September 07, 2018, 08:33:01 PM
the tv news today here in germany
fake video? fake news?
how many "right wing" ones are on the way to reach or have arrieved a position in our goverment?
Is it a kind of virus that normal ones become a kind of hating and violent and silly acting ones?

What do you outside germany know or think what`s going on here?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on September 10, 2018, 01:08:28 PM
Not a lot in the UK news tbh, but then globally there is a push to the right. I think Germany is more sensitive to the issue, because of the recent past, and successive German governments attempts to right that wrong that combatting the right, is now in its national conscience, but Sweden definitely had more press coverage about its right wing influence.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on September 29, 2018, 08:17:18 PM

Oh, heck, it appears that one of my favourite metal bands, Machine Head, have split up.  Loved them since their 1994 debut 'Burn My Eyes'.  Especially sad seeing as I saw them in May and they seemed at the height of their powers, a two and a half hour show that blew the roof off of Nottingham Rock City.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 27, 2018, 11:02:34 PM
Another mass shooting in America  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 30, 2018, 09:42:35 AM
The lie that says Austerity is over.......... >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 09, 2018, 08:39:04 AM
Yet another mass shooting in somebody said ''The Nightmare That Never Ends ''  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on November 17, 2018, 06:22:25 PM
Why can't we protest like the French .
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on November 17, 2018, 08:06:20 PM
Why can't we protest like the French .
Lol. The French protest everything. Monsieur Macron: "The price of yeast is rising. Im afraid we have to put 2 Euros on a baguette". All of France "Right, down tools and hit the streets!!"
That revolutionary spirit still burns strong. We just grumble.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on November 22, 2018, 01:59:46 PM
Hell, haven't been on here in ages...I feel really bad about that - thank you everyone for the hugs, that's really appreciated.

Things have gone a bit downhill after my last post and we had to put Bruce to sleep eventually - of all the decisions of this kind I have had to make in my life (and that was quite a few times) this was the hardest - I still miss him so much and still cry a lot. :'( friend and I decided to make the best of it by taking a dog in we otherwise wouldn't have been able to take: a 16 or 17-year-old male who has spent his entire life in an Italian shelter. It's a miracle he is still alive, even more of a miracle is his execellent health and the ease with which he has accepted the massive changes in his life. He's a darling, if I knew how to share photos on here I would...but I haven't figured it out.  ???
Our other 2 dogs have started to tolerate him and, hopefully, he has still lots of time left to enjoy his new life.  :)

So...this has been a really tough year for us - but with bright moments as well.

All the better, seeing as things generally aren't looking all that bright - may we all be able to find something nice and bright every now and then.

*hugs* to everyone who is in need of one!  :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on November 24, 2018, 03:49:33 PM
Welcome home Stephanie.

Sad to hear about Bruce but lovely to hear you have now gained a new 4 legged friend  :)

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on January 17, 2019, 08:48:50 PM

Damn... hearing about the death of an old workmate (who you never got back in touch with after leaving that place and always meant to)...

Suicide, apparently. And he was such a funny, likeable guy.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 23, 2019, 07:51:45 PM

Blimey, it's gone a bit quiet around these parts, eh?
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on March 24, 2019, 12:30:38 PM

Blimey, it's gone a bit quiet around these parts, eh?


That a bit better for you MR as I quote Anchorman!  8)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 24, 2019, 02:24:37 PM

Blimey, it's gone a bit quiet around these parts, eh?

What did you say ? Sorry old chap couldn't hear you for all the fighting in empty rooms  ;) ;D :-*
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on March 24, 2019, 07:15:53 PM

Aw, YOU guys...   :D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on March 26, 2019, 09:38:32 PM
As those fk wits at the eu finally pass article 13 it's death to the internet as we know it . Just when did we vote for Chinese style control of the web . Brexit anyone  !
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on April 01, 2019, 08:50:22 PM
As those fk wits at the eu finally pass article 13 it's death to the internet as we know it . Just when did we vote for Chinese style control of the web . Brexit anyone  !
I think theyd have been dealing with the fk wits on the internet. Discuss.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 02, 2019, 08:39:16 PM
Nothing to do with fk wits on the net  , nothing to do with trolls etc . It's all about cutting out free speech more power to the big cooperations. I  don't remember been able to vote for or against it . We already have tough regulation against downloads etc . Fair use policy was the right thing. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 02, 2019, 08:44:58 PM
What article 13 will mean .
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 02, 2019, 10:40:24 PM
What article 13 will mean .

Damn.  My head is spinning after listening to that. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on April 03, 2019, 12:59:55 PM
What article 13 will mean .

Yepp. State controls are and have been slowly creeping in.

Banning advertising for certain foods because people can't limit themselves from cramming down burgers, restricting gambling because a minority of people can't resist gambling their houses away, speed limiters for cars because we cannot just cannot trust people to not drive lime Lewis Hamilton, a sugar tax to reduce the sugar we consume because we are too stupid to read labels (oh nothing to do with raising more tax by the way...oh no!), Gove's plan to make wood burning stoves illegal.....

I found this on the internet:

It says we are second only to Finland for nanny statism (if that is indeed a word)!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on April 03, 2019, 10:00:05 PM
What article 13 will mean .

Yepp. State controls are and have been slowly creeping in.

Banning advertising for certain foods because people can't limit themselves from cramming down burgers, restricting gambling because a minority of people can't resist gambling their houses away, speed limiters for cars because we cannot just cannot trust people to not drive lime Lewis Hamilton, a sugar tax to reduce the sugar we consume because we are too stupid to read labels (oh nothing to do with raising more tax by the way...oh no!), Gove's plan to make wood burning stoves illegal.....

I found this on the internet:

It says we are second only to Finland for nanny statism (if that is indeed a word)!
For a right leaning fella, you're getting more liberal by the day  :D. Ok. From the flip side, cigarettes were all the rage in the 50's. It took a huge campaign to turn that around and I dare say the tobacco industry accused the world of nannyism.... If these turn out to be positives, is that wrong? In my personal opinion, who is actually getting rich off the crap they're feeding us? Government or million pound industry, and if the latter, shouldn't government just be regulating that rather than the consumer? I get the small minority argument, but sugar/obesity related illness is ONE of the biggest killers. Sometimes regulation is a necessary evil.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: ldopas on April 04, 2019, 10:16:35 AM
What article 13 will mean .

Yepp. State controls are and have been slowly creeping in.

Banning advertising for certain foods because people can't limit themselves from cramming down burgers, restricting gambling because a minority of people can't resist gambling their houses away, speed limiters for cars because we cannot just cannot trust people to not drive lime Lewis Hamilton, a sugar tax to reduce the sugar we consume because we are too stupid to read labels (oh nothing to do with raising more tax by the way...oh no!), Gove's plan to make wood burning stoves illegal.....

I found this on the internet:

It says we are second only to Finland for nanny statism (if that is indeed a word)!
For a right leaning fella, you're getting more liberal by the day  :D. Ok. From the flip side, cigarettes were all the rage in the 50's. It took a huge campaign to turn that around and I dare say the tobacco industry accused the world of nannyism.... If these turn out to be positives, is that wrong? In my personal opinion, who is actually getting rich off the crap they're feeding us? Government or million pound industry, and if the latter, shouldn't government just be regulating that rather than the consumer? I get the small minority argument, but sugar/obesity related illness is ONE of the biggest killers. Sometimes regulation is a necessary evil.

Ah the necessary evil argument arises!  ;)

I've always been very wary of that particular one. Usually when it is used it is to introduce something that bans or forbids. Its a necessary evil to no platform Peter Tatchell because he might upset a few people at our University for example.

I do however take your point well made. As you have heard me drone on over the years (shockingly been on this board and its predecessors since 2002...17 years gulp) I run a construction company. So I can use the example of Asbestos, which is banned, as an example of a good ban because it kills. Why is it a good ban? Because it is almost impossible to see or detect. Why? Because there was no labeling of it in materials (now legally you have to retro label it). Why? Because no one knew what it did to you until relatively recently. Why? Because to remove it you need to really know what you are doing and put in controls, ie be an expert and be licensed. Why? Because if it does enter your lungs there is medically little that can be done anyway.

I would agree with you that smoking also passes a number of those criteria. However many that they are trying to ban do not.

My issue is, take gambling for example, that you DO know what the result will be as you see your bank account empty and you are selling your wife's jewellery, there is so much information on it and its financial and mental effects you cannot miss it.

Anyway you called me a right leaning fella! Thanks I like that!  8)

But I don't get why not being happy that things are being banned is "liberal"????? Hating state intervention is what we righties have tattooed on our left gonads, if indeed I liked tattoos which I don't (sorry Pol!!!!  :)  ) and wanted one on my left gonad.....which I definitely don't!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on April 04, 2019, 04:32:02 PM
Of course you  and I know that gambling is potentially harmful as is drinking. And for the majority it's not a problem. But for those with addictive personalities it is. For me it's a difficult one. How does the state best serve those who potentially could be ruined by either? I don't think told you so is the answer but I don't know how prevention could be bought in for an individual circumstance.

It's very easy to believe that in Society we are free to make our own choices. But if we do, and the knock on effect is on Society, I guess the state steps in. It was mooted a few years back that speeding drivers could be billed for any surgery as a result of an accident. But then that makes it easy to bill everyone else who needs surgery as a result of self inflicted injury and that'd be a dangerous line to cross. I don't proclaim to know the answer tbh, but I've never believed we are truly free to choose without some impending regulation.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 05, 2019, 06:29:55 PM
Some interesting points on Nanny State-ism and I can see sense in both sides. One thing I will add, I think most of us here are old enough to remember when wearing a seat belt was optional. I remember some people moaning when it became law - but how many lives have been saved since.
I heard on the news that  diet related early deaths have now over taken smoking related. No doubt a combo of falling smoking numbers and increases obesity.  I would like to think that the powers that be would do something to try to help the situation.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Pol on April 05, 2019, 07:53:25 PM
Think the sugar tax was a knee jerk reaction to a minority shouting loudly. People are over weight mainly due to lack of exercise , modern living.  What next tax cakes biscuits etc .
We already have some of the highest excise duties on cigs alcohol etc . People need to be responsible for there own actions, sure discourage them but also help them , cheaper gyms and health food would pay for itself in the long run.
Think it's excellent that the UK as embraced vaping unlike some other countries ( usa ) who put tax money before health. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on April 05, 2019, 09:37:00 PM
Think the sugar tax was a knee jerk reaction to a minority shouting loudly. People are over weight mainly due to lack of exercise , modern living.  What next tax cakes biscuits etc .
We already have some of the highest excise duties on cigs alcohol etc . People need to be responsible for there own actions, sure discourage them but also help them , cheaper gyms and health food would pay for itself in the long run.
Think it's excellent that the UK as embraced vaping unlike some other countries ( usa ) who put tax money before health.
Not quite sure about the sugar tax argument Pol. It's added to everything and we're force fed it. Hit the manufacturers and it will change.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 08, 2019, 11:04:34 PM

A visit to Whitworth Park in Manchester on a beautiful April morning today.  First time in a few years, close to the scene of some of the happiest times I had of the last decade.  All gone now... it did put a lump in my eye and a tear in my throat.   :-\
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 15, 2019, 06:52:40 PM

Aw heck... looks like Notre Dame cathedral is burning to the ground even as I type this... the spire has collapsed and it appears that most of the roof is gone.

Lovely building...  :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on April 15, 2019, 07:16:09 PM
Yes very sad images. Reminds me of York Minster in the 1980's. They will restore it, but by 'eck, very expensive long job by the looks of it.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 16, 2019, 08:46:31 AM
Shocking images,very sad........looks like the two towers have been saved.As you say they will rebuild it...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on April 16, 2019, 07:39:21 PM

Blimey.  It appears that the stunning Rose windows are intact.  Astonishing, you'd have expected them to melt or blow out...

Makes you wonder if there really is a 'man upstairs'... St Pauls in London and the Dom in Koln are huge cathedrals but escaped serious damage during massive bombings in that area during WW2.... 'Oy, that's MY house, it ain't gonna burn down, you cu...'

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Whirlwind on April 16, 2019, 11:53:02 PM
... they will rebuild it...

I guess it is sad but fitting to bring up 'Trigger's broom' again. Replace the head 17 times, replace the handle 14 ain't the same broom. You know what I mean, don't ya?

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on May 01, 2019, 01:14:27 PM
Was'nt sure whether to use pissed off or sad thread ?.........Just watched lunchtime news it featured a story about a Father who posted a film of his teenage daughter who has Downs Syndrome online dancing.It seems he was trolled and received disgusting comments about the film.What sort of people would do such things,it is totally beyond me..........sad individuals,they should be totally ashamed of themselves..... >:(... :'(....
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 01, 2019, 07:13:19 PM
Was'nt sure whether to use pissed off or sad thread ?.........Just watched lunchtime news it featured a story about a Father who posted a film of his teenage daughter who has Downs Syndrome online dancing.It seems he was trolled and received disgusting comments about the film.What sort of people would do such things,it is totally beyond me..........sad individuals,they should be totally ashamed of themselves..... >:(... :'(....

Saw that clip.  What a sweet little girl. And to get that level of personal abuse... fuckin' disgusting.

'Ashamed of themselves'... sadly not, I fear.   >:(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 01, 2019, 09:39:57 PM
Well it made sad when I watched the News, so this must be the correct thread. It is sad that some "superior beings" think it is a worthwhile use of their time to post such crap, surely understanding full well that it is only going to cause upset for other people. The internet is a good thing and a bad thing. It can bring out the worst in people, their thoughts and opinions otherwise hurting no one.  Thankfully on the other hand, there are places like this.. 
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Whirlwind on May 01, 2019, 10:45:16 PM
Oh, go shush yourself.

(Curious, is that phrase used over there in Europe? It's used here in the U.S. of Trump. We walk on the right side of a stairway and say, "Oh, go shush yourself" to everybody.)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Shush on May 01, 2019, 11:42:05 PM
Yes, thanks for reminding me - even on a friendly place like this there is Space for a troll
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Whirlwind on May 02, 2019, 02:08:58 AM
Oh, go shush yourself.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: nkdublu on May 02, 2019, 07:17:37 AM
Was'nt sure whether to use pissed off or sad thread ?.........Just watched lunchtime news it featured a story about a Father who posted a film of his teenage daughter who has Downs Syndrome online dancing.It seems he was trolled and received disgusting comments about the film.What sort of people would do such things,it is totally beyond me..........sad individuals,they should be totally ashamed of themselves..... >:(... :'(....

I read the story somewhere and watched the video online - It was at Spurs' new stadium and the daughter was just ecstatic at having been there..

But I am going to say this should have been posted in the 'What makes you smile/happy thread?' thread .. The dancing girl was just showing unbridled joy, you dont see that often enough in this miserable world, whilst the Dad stood his ground and called out all the trolls - giving them his phone number telling them to call him rather than hide behind a keyboard - good on him. Subsequently the support he got (Not to mention the trolls backing down) just goes to show that there are more decent people in the world that there are wankers. And finally I believe the  girl got tickets to the next match and an invitation to a Spurs 'Legends' dinner :-)

That kind of reaction makes me happy!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on May 14, 2019, 09:46:00 PM

Damn.  The most exciting news we've had in a year or two and this Forum is still so low on new comments...  :-[
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 03, 2019, 06:55:23 PM
Watching the news of the two Network Rail workers killed today in Wales,i know accidents happen we are human,fallible............BUT surely in this day and age with all it's Tech.and lessons learned from the past (these things were more common in the past)........this really should not have happened...Family lives destroyed...i hope this is the last tragic event of it's kind and really hope it was not down to cost cutting.My prayers and thoughts are with their families and friends.RIP.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: cthulhu on July 05, 2019, 09:44:49 AM
I can't believe that i'm again too late to book the Hamburg Markthalle gig this year. I'm leaving Hamburg in September, but my son is living here so i thought it would be cool to take him to his first nma gig and we could meet again in oktober. :'(
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: kabe on July 19, 2019, 01:48:29 PM

and maybe the realest thing i've ever seen...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 08, 2019, 12:09:15 AM

Not being able to communicate with a dear, dear friend anymore...   ;)   ;D
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 08, 2019, 08:09:47 AM
No doubt he will mutate again and return.... ::)...
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: cthulhu on November 08, 2019, 11:06:32 AM
No doubt he will mutate again and return.... ::)...

I do think so, too. And to be prepared for that, i now express my wish to Viv which often came to mind when reading the insults and arguments of the american: Please Viv, can we have a facepalm-emoji !?  ;)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 19, 2019, 08:50:10 PM

Right now, at this very minute, I should be at a sold-out NMA gig in Chester, all drunk and sweaty and loving what the lads are bringing to their devoted fanbase... but 'personal circumstances' mean that I couldn't make it.   :'(

Oh well.  Nottingham ticket / hotel / transport is already paid for, I will be there, it'd kill me not to make Nottingham at Christmas... see you lovely lot there!

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Digital Man on November 19, 2019, 10:17:06 PM

Right now, at this very minute, I should be at a sold-out NMA gig in Chester, all drunk and sweaty and loving what the lads are bringing to their devoted fanbase... but 'personal circumstances' mean that I couldn't make it.   :'(

Oh well.  Nottingham ticket / hotel / transport is already paid for, I will be there, it'd kill me not to make Nottingham at Christmas... see you lovely lot there!

dude, i can give you the best christmas present, some anonymous ass on the internet will fund your ticket and your hotel
PM me and we'll make it happen!
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Master Ray on November 19, 2019, 11:32:08 PM

Thanks, but my Nottingham trip is already sorted.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: cthulhu on November 20, 2019, 09:43:12 AM

Right now, at this very minute, I should be at a sold-out NMA gig in Chester, all drunk and sweaty and loving what the lads are bringing to their devoted fanbase... but 'personal circumstances' mean that I couldn't make it.   :'(

Oh well.  Nottingham ticket / hotel / transport is already paid for, I will be there, it'd kill me not to make Nottingham at Christmas... see you lovely lot there!

oh dear buddy, that's sad to read. i hope you are over it and that the reason for it is already vanishing and you can look up for the future to come. that reminded me of the one gig i missed, i had the card for the concert, but my girlfriend broke up with me on that day and i was so devastated that i couldn't go.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Wessexy Witch on December 10, 2019, 05:38:27 PM

I know this local lad. He went through the school I work in and I used to work with his mum at Asda.

I'm asking The Family here who live/work/play in the Birmingham and Bristol areas to keep an eye out for this lad. It is feared by his mum that he has got himself mixed up in something he can't get out of easily.

Please, if you see him,message me here or use my facebook (Pagan Dawn) page to link to his mum.

Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Johnz on December 10, 2019, 09:40:55 PM
Deeply saddened by the volcanic eruption here in New Zealand. Just visited White Island not long ago. Two of my friends work as guides on the island. One of them is now in an induced coma in critical condition but at least she's alive. Hoping that she pulls through.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Bunny on December 11, 2019, 05:34:28 PM
Deeply saddened by the volcanic eruption here in New Zealand. Just visited White Island not long ago. Two of my friends work as guides on the island. One of them is now in an induced coma in critical condition but at least she's alive. Hoping that she pulls through.
Well that certainly puts a human element to what we see on the news. I hope so too.
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Johnz on December 12, 2019, 05:16:20 AM
Deeply saddened by the volcanic eruption here in New Zealand. Just visited White Island not long ago. Two of my friends work as guides on the island. One of them is now in an induced coma in critical condition but at least she's alive. Hoping that she pulls through.
Well that certainly puts a human element to what we see on the news. I hope so too.

Thank you! Yes, it's very real for many of us down here. My friend has received full-thickness burns to 45% of her body. Just horrible. A fundraiser has been set-up for her.
Title: "I'll see you in my dreams"...
Post by: 8 on September 11, 2021, 07:13:53 PM
"“I took my kids to Ground Zero in JulyI hadn’t gone beforeWe just walked out onto that public-viewing platformWhats very moving down there are the photographs and memorialsAll the smiling facesPictures of people with their families on a sunny afternoon in the yardPeople in their uniformsTheyre a reminder of the life that’s goneI found that sight to be deeply, deeply moving.  Just the sense of sacrifice,”

I think one of the things that shocked people was the size of the sacrifice made on that dayThere’s nothing that I think could prepare peopleI mean, whatever theyre paying you to be a fireman or a policeman, they’re not paying you thatAnd that goes to some central point about how people experience their duty, their place in the world, their connection to the people alongside themselves and to complete strangersIf you look at the past twenty years, people might say, ‘Oh, thats disappeared from America.’  But if you look closely, it’s there every day.”"

--- Bruce  Springsteen ( ---
(9/11 memorial performance)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 14, 2022, 08:26:32 AM
Coming on here everyday seeing this once vibrant place seeming in terminal decline.........i find it very sad , read some great posts on here over the years.... :'(....
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: jc on June 14, 2022, 10:54:10 AM
I am guilty of reading more than writing :(


Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Karsten on June 14, 2022, 03:05:56 PM
What does make me sad?

Yesterday I had to cancel a short trip (starting tomorrow) with my best friends because of suffering Covid... >:( Been waiting for that tour for over three years now...
So worst time for being positive for me - two and a half years having contact with hundreds of patients without getting infected...but why now???  :'(

Well, I feel fine, so there is much more getting sad about in the world right now and it´s just a little thing in comparison with many of your contribution, but that just hit me yesterday...

So thanks for listening  ;)

At least the Berlin shows are now safe I think... :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Stephanie on June 17, 2022, 09:51:31 AM
What does make me sad?

Yesterday I had to cancel a short trip (starting tomorrow) with my best friends because of suffering Covid... >:( Been waiting for that tour for over three years now...
So worst time for being positive for me - two and a half years having contact with hundreds of patients without getting infected...but why now???  :'(

Oh nooo! That sucks big time.

Sure, there are worse things - but I totally get you: you make it through the 2 years and more and are fine...and then...  :o

Glad to hear you are feeling fine at least.  :)
Title: Re: Whatever makes you sad..
Post by: Tarsier on June 21, 2022, 10:16:02 PM
Coming on here everyday seeing this once vibrant place seeming in terminal decline.........i find it very sad , read some great posts on here over the years.... :'(....

Makes me sad also, and that I've been one of those disappearing. Not just in this forum, but overall in life I'm good at disappearing. Which oddly doesn't mean I'm forgetting or not thinking about people and places I'm disappearing from... I just find myself unable to communicate with outside world. But hey, still existing... :)