all animals human or not are born to be free and happy.
Went to two different WH smiths today, neither had the new mag in stock >:( :( :'(
as Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the caseThis is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.
that happens all the time in the wild and not because of man all the time, these wildlife documentory makers have a policy of not interferring and letting nature take its Darwin pointed out, all animals are on the verge of freezing to death, starving to death, dying of thirst or being eaten by another animal, doesn't sound very free & happy to me - apparently this is what annoyed the church more than his theory of evolution, that god (in the eyes of the church) would allow this to be the caseThis is something that annoys the hell out of me on a regular basis. Last night I was watching some polar bear special where this Scottish git followed a mother and two cubs for a year or two (missed the first half) and basically watched them die in the end, doing nothing to help them. The best thing we could do to any endangered species is to domesitcate it. Why do you think domestic animals live twice as long as their wild brethren? Pet bears would have much happier lives than those poor bloody things did - I can think of no worse way to die than starvation.
Being alone on a Sat night. Too many Sat nights.
what make me sad is to be very far from my parents...
and i really dont know when i could go to see them...what I hope is my father is ok but he seems when i phone them.
He sounds like a shining example of the kind of men the Granddads of blokes of our age were. Remember my Granddad always wore a shirt and tie when he went out. I think that was a throw back from his Army days when presentation was drilled into them.
Stick with 11/11 as day to have happy memories of him. Old soldiers never die, they just keep marching on.
That's interesting stuff M/Ray. If in the future you want to research the circumstances of the award, you have right of access to the details. I can help, let me know
I have always found the brave and truly great men are the same, and rarely mention their deeds or awards. I used to work with a chap who served in Northern Ireland, and managed to mention several times a day that he was awarded the QGM for an action. On the other hand a dear friend of mine, a good drinking buddy who is no longer with us, I knew him for several years before one day I saw a envelope name to him with OBE and MBE after his name.
I agree the ww2 generation were the best this country has seen. But, that kind of situation brings out the best in people. We have never needed to band together in the same way since. Lets face it, generations since the war have had it easy -- but that was made possible by the war generation who won our freedom. Given the chance, maybe our generation could also rise to the challenge in similar circumstances. I would like to hope so. Thankfully thanks to me likes our grandfathers and grandmothers before, we have not had to. -- yes, I know that is like the lyric, but I think he was saying basically the same thing, ans its something I strongly agree with.
I think the WW2 were the last of the great generations this country has seen.
Remember the WW1 generation as well. They stood up and were counted in a way that people nowadays have absolutely no comprehension of.
My old Grandad always went very distant around this time of year. He supported the sale of poppies but would never do it or wear one himself,even though he was a big supporter/member of The British Legion.
He wasn't proud of what he did during the war even though his action did change the world for us all. He would never tell us about his years of service only that he " had killed anothers human beings and that is something you should never be proud of."
I can totally see his point.
Seeing my female kitty feeling sorry for herself and struggling with one of those cone things around her neck.
I found her with a big rip on her back leg Tuesday evening. [...]
been looking forward to nottingham for ages and after working out money ,realise just cant afford it,gutted :'(
Master Ray wrote:
I got a job rejection today for a job I would have been perfect for. Good money, good benefits and ideally suited for someone like me. And I can't, for the life of me, figure out why they don't want me when I see people doing that same job who, IMO, aren't as suited to it as I would have been, given my experience and everything.
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.
[...] Especially if you don't love some bullshit TV ad with a rabbit and a bear.
Not being able to see the band at all this year :(
Seeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.It would appear that in order to enjoy Christmas then you must either a/ Have several million lights fitted to your house b/ Be willing to wear a novelty santa hat or c/ head to the boxing day sales to save a fiver on overpriced goods, (Im not quite sure when one of the two days you get to relax or see family became a shopping trip). Im not a huge fan of the commercial nonsense that makes christmas, but Im lucky enough to have a small baby. He doesnt get it yet, but it will make it exciting for him for a few years. I just find it sad that Christmas is a chore for many people, myself included. It should be about family and loved ones, if youre lucky enough to have both. Unfortunately modern life has pretty much put paid to that notion.
Drummyb, saw this on the tinternet which sums up well the excessive use of xmas lights on the outside of the houseSeeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.It would appear that in order to enjoy Christmas then you must either a/ Have several million lights fitted to your house b/ Be willing to wear a novelty santa hat or c/ head to the boxing day sales to save a fiver on overpriced goods, (Im not quite sure when one of the two days you get to relax or see family became a shopping trip). Im not a huge fan of the commercial nonsense that makes christmas, but Im lucky enough to have a small baby. He doesnt get it yet, but it will make it exciting for him for a few years. I just find it sad that Christmas is a chore for many people, myself included. It should be about family and loved ones, if youre lucky enough to have both. Unfortunately modern life has pretty much put paid to that notion.
Drummyb, saw this on the tinternet which sums up well the excessive use of xmas lights on the outside of the houseSeeing all the bloody Christmas adverts on TV. I don't watch much television but seeing M&S, Morrisons and Sainsbury's adverts selling this twee nostalgic version of a Christmas that does not and never did exist makes me sick.It would appear that in order to enjoy Christmas then you must either a/ Have several million lights fitted to your house b/ Be willing to wear a novelty santa hat or c/ head to the boxing day sales to save a fiver on overpriced goods, (Im not quite sure when one of the two days you get to relax or see family became a shopping trip). Im not a huge fan of the commercial nonsense that makes christmas, but Im lucky enough to have a small baby. He doesnt get it yet, but it will make it exciting for him for a few years. I just find it sad that Christmas is a chore for many people, myself included. It should be about family and loved ones, if youre lucky enough to have both. Unfortunately modern life has pretty much put paid to that notion.
Oh mate,, really sorry to hear that. A kick in the nuts you do not deserve. :'(
All the turmoil going on at the moment and the fact I may never see some of you again :( after 35 years of following NMA for the first time in my life I feel sad about some of the things that have transpired in the last few months.
Thanks for posting that Spike, I thought I was the only one.
With all due respect, mate, not as bad as NOT having a job to go to on Monday...
Fish Fingers
Don't get me started about the utterly evil sexism that is excused if it falls within the parameters of this archaic crap that is 'religion'...
I'm sure we could all trawl the internet and find Daily Mail-type stories... that's just hysteria aimed at idiots... but anyone with half a brain knows that 'certain' religions do terrible things to the fairer sex...
Well, I guess that makes me a racist, right?
Fish Fingers
I didn't know fish had fingers ;)
Staying in on a Saturday night :'(
and it makes me sad that anyone would try and take the comfort away from youThanks Heno.
I just found out that Phillip Seymour Hoffman, one of my very favourite actors, died today. Only 46.
Apparently a drugs overdose.
I ******* hate drugs.
Sorry to hear that Anna. :(.
Thanks :-*
What I read in the paper this morning made me sad. The houses vacated in the flood zones in the South, there are burglars going by boat to raid the houses knowing the people are away. Putting the boot in to people who are already in despair . Some people are so low
What is making me sad, right now, is the way people who I thought I was really close with seem to be drifting away from me... and I can't, for the life of me, figure out what I might have done to deserve it...
Finding out that my dad has to go in for some tests and could be quite sick. Also being on the other side of the world from them.
Finding out that my dad has to go in for some tests and could be quite sick. Also being on the other side of the world from them.
That's bad sozbot... going through a similar thing right now with my old man, he's got bad problems with his memory, tests are being done and it might just be an age thing (although he's only mid-sixties) but we're all thinking the worst, as is human nature...
Worrying enough, but at least I only live a few miles down the road from him... I can't imagine how bad it must be for you if you live so far away...
Thumbs up and best wishes to your old fella, hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about...
Being quoted three grand to have my roof repaired >:( :(
Being quoted three grand to have my roof repaired >:( :(
Oh, sounds bad Shush. I'd be curious to know what would be the estimated approximate of a roof repair (and other renovations) in UK? Last time when I was there, I saw that most of roofs were brick layered type. Although bricks are capable to tolerate water at some rates, there's a bad thing with moss when there's a growth which absorbs moist, gather leafs and rubbish etc. Then there's a puddle present all the time...
We have a bitum felt roof in our house and it's not a 100% secure for a life long time. Approximate price for a renovation here is in between 8000-25000€. It all depends on a roof size in meters, new roof type and taxations. Renovation may be coming some day too.
Ray that's shit. Unfortunately there's alot of people like that out there. I call them emotional leeches - as soon as they've got all they need they drop off. It hurts but **** 'em.
Ray that's shit. Unfortunately there's alot of people like that out there. I call them emotional leeches - as soon as they've got all they need they drop off. It hurts but **** 'em.
Whilst looking through some item on ebay i can a record by conflict (the poor mans crass for the hard of hearing) entitled Only stupid bastards help EMI It kinda pissed me off at first then I laughed about it Looks like the record didn't sell enough copies to get Colin and co that much needed bar of soap !
Imperial Tobacco closing down soon in Nottingham.
Yes, I know its the evil weed, but Nottingham is famous for,, was famous for,, making Lace, Bicycles, and Cigarettes, now they are all gone. I suppose it is reflective of UK manufacturing in general. We used to be "the work shop of the World", but now we manufacture so little.
Plus my brother works at Imp Tobacco, and has done sine the 1980s :(
and if they are doing it so are the rest of us...............
hate the shush.
F-ing crikey, old son, that AND the tendonitis..? :o
What does God have against you and the whole 'being able to walk' thing?
Sorry to hear it, man, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.
My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.
I think she may survive. She was allowed to leave the hospital. I have known a kid with downs and she was like you said. Friendly and loving. Good post.My new niece was born two days ago but has a terrible heart condition and down syndrome. If she survives, she will have to have heart surgery by 3 months old.
Have faith in science.
It is amazing and does wonderful life saving things when you think all is lost.
Downs children are the most kind, friendly loving children I have ever worked with and always hold a little piece of my heart.
Be strong.
You know you're getting old when your childhood heroes are dying...
loneliness and constant rejection.
Having my contracted 45 hours at work being reduced to 40 hours, with those 5 hours I'm losing at time and a half which makes a big difference to my wages. Initially they cut the over time which is fair enough but when this was announced all at work were in shock as most of us have mortgages and families. Apparently the guy at the top is on £850,000 a year but the cuts don't go that high and he's the one responsible for the problems within the company. I'd love to name the company but that could get me in trouble as freedom of speech can be a crime. The company will still make profits that run into millions but that's not enough for them. I love attending gigs but that might have to stop if I can't find an answer to my financial problems. I know there are people who are a lot worse off than me and I'll never suffer like they have, but at the moment I'm feeling very sad and depressed :(
If you feel like that people, have you ever felt like starting your own little operation up?
You can get started on an idea, you can make it web based if you aren't confident of people meeting. I cant answer for other countries but in this one you can incorporate your little company and get a website up for less than £40. As you are a small business you don't have to pay an accountant to do your accounts (which will be exempt) or annual return, you go on companies house and do them yourself.
Clearly people are clever on here, hell Ive been on here since 2003 so I think I can speak, but I read a lot of people feeling lost and helpless. So I'm just proffering an idea to you. :)
I started my own engineering business up in the mid 90s and never looked back. I don't ever have to work for an asshole (though that probably put me in the asshole chair). ;)
All I know is there is always a way to move forward, it may not be pretty or what you ultimately want to do but rather that than feeling bad? As Churchill said; If you're going through hell, keep going!!!!!
I think there are more assholes when you are your own boss to be honest
My landlord thretened me with eviction after finding out I had a kitten. I had her for two moths and became very attached. She never damaged a thing but I should have read the fine print. Then when I had to return her to the shelter, I cried a ******* river. I really miss her.
There must be also differences with our cultures. Amandistan from States, Idopas (umm...UK or?), Master Ray and Anna from England, and I'm from northern Europe.
Well Im not up for killing a landlord because Wessexy Witch fell foul of her license agreement. Don't get me wrong, I very much feel for her and she herself generously admits it was in her agreement if you read her posts. But when did we become vigilantes when we've made the mistake? Let's chill people! :)
People want to serve you a shit sandwich all the time
I haven't met IRL many of yous.Me neither so I have no idea what your own lifestory has given you and I'm really not trying to trivialise anybody's experience at all. It's a discussion and I'm saying what I think that's all. And it's said with love not judgement :-*
Idopas, there's a lot of sense with all what you say. Well, I guess the talk about positivism or negativism started from
the topic ( below I wrote earlier. I think it's interesting to read peoples thoughts here, even though I haven't met IRL many of yous. Wouldn't want to spread pessimism here or to anyone else. I'm not that kind of person, despite a typical Finnish melancholism ;). But melancholy is something other than pessimism or negativism.
Amandistan, please don't get it wrong, but have to say some of your views about the negativism sound a bit frightening to me. But the way you told recently about helping turtles moving them away from a road, the kitten issue and children's thing tell you have a lot of good willing.
There must be also differences with our cultures. Amandistan from States, Idopas (umm...UK or?), Master Ray and Anna from England, and I'm from northern Europe.
Personally, my concerns are still with the two moths. How are they going to cope now the kitten has gone ?My landlord thretened me with eviction after finding out I had a kitten. I had her for two moths and became very attached. She never damaged a thing but I should have read the fine print. Then when I had to return her to the shelter, I cried a ******* river. I really miss her.
Aww, feeling that.
Let's lynch the landlord.
Such a shame when you can't make it an NMA gig... :'(
But, on the other hand, you were spared going to 'Sarfend'... I used to date a girl who was from Essex, we went there a few times... not somewhere I'm keen to revisit...
Such a shame when you can't make it an NMA gig... :'(
But, on the other hand, you were spared going to 'Sarfend'... I used to date a girl who was from Essex, we went there a few times... not somewhere I'm keen to revisit...
I'm sure you're right M/Ray, but I would liked to have found out for myself. Even practiced some lingo,
"core blimey, ya carrnt find a decent cap of tea ere in saaafend"
Train fairs were the biggest killer of it. Plus it was three trains Notts to Southend.
What would cure it, if the band picked me up in their lovely silver tour buss on their way down South ::)
Apologies I didn't post earlier.....lots of work on I'm glad to say! :)I am trying to be more positive. :) Re-reading that actually seems a bit negative now but I guess i was not having a good week.
Anna, thanks for agreeing with me. I saw your video and I suspect that you have indeed experienced a lot of negative shit that I won't have. I always think we either bow to (some) others need to feel better about themselves (because that is really what it is about), or say "**** em" it's my life I'm going to live it! And we are obviously gonna live it!!!!!!
Amandistan, you wrote that you are pretty shy. Yep I know somewhat of where you are coming from, I used to be when I was a kid. But I forced myself through teens and early twenties to be verbal. Now you can't shut me up.....ahem! ;) You are clearly an intelligent, interesting person. All I worried about is your seemingly liking to be negative, which I suspect isn't really you. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing everyday that scares you." That is a quote I've taken to heart over the years. And while I don't think you should strip naked and run down the high street today, its something to think about. For some people, speaking up and out is scary, but y'know it's good to do it!
Anyway.....apologies for the cod philosophy. Can I say, these conversations are making this board interesting again!!!! Early days there were lots of political/philosophical discussions.
...I'm off to do something scary now. :D
But I'm not from the North, I'm from the Midlands. :)You should know by now to the south we're Northern and to the North we're Southerners lol.
But I'm not from the North, I'm from the Midlands. :)You should know by now to the south we're Northern and to the North we're Southerners lol.
Whats making me sad is that I had three days in Spain recently. First "break" in two years and probably last for another two. Gutted.
You would have also heard 'You navaaarn CAAANT!'
so one of my Da's best friends goes and pops his clogs over night. i spent most of my youth having to work with him in different places. stayed out of the system until he was in his seventies when they gave him the pension. and he knew exactly what pricks were running the system too. he was 84 years old. people thought he was knarky but he was just calling it like it is and most people can't handle the truth.
i'll miss ya Murph. one of a kind.
Oh I wish I was at the Southend do tonight :'(
Tommy Ramone R.I.P. the last of the legend maybe gone but you and your band mates will always live on.
What has made me sad today is hearing that one of my best friends died this morning.
Cancer, you are a bastard beyond description.
Shit, mate, so sorry to hear it.
I think we've all lost people we loved and I know that there are no words to make things better... I wish there were. :'(
I know it's a bit sad to be upset over the death of someone you never met
I just saw a photo of a woman with three boobies and it was disturbing. She did it simply because she wanted to stop dating. Well, the simple phrase "I am a Lesbian " will fix that. Even if you are completely straight, it can still be used.
I agree, that she probably needs some sort of mental health intervention but it is her body. She can do what she wants no matter how stupid it is.
What has made me sad today is hearing that one of my best friends died this morning.
Cancer, you are a bastard beyond description.
A bit belated , was very sorry to hear over the weekend of the death of Richard Kiel.
The ultimate bond film baddy
Tesco using the toy dolls to sell well you guessed it toys !
I saw a terrible road accident while driving to home from work. Two cars tumbled to a forest after the crash. Hope no one didn't die. There was immediately a huge rush.
Please, remember everyone to be calm there and not to get heady in a traffic.
The slaughter of the innocent's in Pakistan all in the name of religion
gave trevor me ticket for nottingham
**** me i'm fed up missing gigs
I can remember meeting a couple of Irish guys . Strangely in the gents at a moment of particular relief lol
Thanks for posting concerned responses to my last post.
Another thing that makes me sad is that there is a 2 months waiting list to seek out mental health. What a failure of a health system. No wonder why so many people in this country turn to drugs and self-harm. I will just get stoned to feel better for a moment.
Thought about you when I heard that on the news Pol.
that up there^^^^The Western world has always followed corporations agenda. It always will. Same as corporations in any part of the world. Money talks whatever side of life you walk or whatever country you live. It aint the West getting rich off oil, just the rich.
and the feeling that oil being so cheap all of a sudden is going to bribe the western herd into being amiable towards the corporations agenda. and the reason why people commit atrocities like the ones recently, the actual cause, the fundafuckingmental issue, is ignored, and anyone who ever disrupts or opposes is heralded as the new wave of lunatics
punks not dead
we've only been preoccupied with other things for a while
only music that ever told it as it is and never politicised it
Being called worthless
Exactly. I get upset and saddened easily by insults, bad attitude and comments, but ONLY if I have any amount of respect for the person who is saying it. I think this "Space" person has a personal agenda to push things as far as he can, insulting individuals and the recent work of the band, intending to offend people on the way -- don't rise to it. I have to say, I am beginning to suspect he maybe a former member who may have been banned, or left under sorry circumstances , back on here now masquerading as a guitar player from N.Y.C. to try and cause as much upset as possible. Best just to ignore it.Being called worthless
The only reason that should make you sad is if the person who said it to you is worth your emotional input. If they are not then it's not worth taking in. Forget it darling - let it go x.
Being called worthless
Last week.
My car broke down while out with my mentee. I can't afford to have it mended.
My uncle David died of pneumonia.
My older son was in a minor car crash.
I have no car and I really need it this week.
I'm going to find it really hard to get to college tomorrow in the time I have.
I'm not going to be able to see my mentee.
I'll have to take nearly a whole day off to go to a hospital appointment this week.
At the moment I have no idea what is making be sad. I just have suddenly felt the negative emotion creep up. I guess it's anxiety and fear of the unknown as I am making a drastic change in my life in two weeks. I guess the knowledge of knowing I have no home if I can't find volunteer work.
It's very much appreciated too.At the moment I have no idea what is making be sad. I just have suddenly felt the negative emotion creep up. I guess it's anxiety and fear of the unknown as I am making a drastic change in my life in two weeks. I guess the knowledge of knowing I have no home if I can't find volunteer work.
Amanda... you knew the risks going into 'that' lifestyle that you've been talking about... and still you went there. Few have your courage. Those nerves are utterly natural.
I wish you all the best.
ray being sad
People that use banter and humor to cover up their meanness.
I have been in Irleand for about a month. Three weeks on a dairy farm in county Tipperary, Now basically cooking and cleaning in County Waterford. Next organic vegetable farming in Belgium starting in May.People that use banter and humor to cover up their meanness.
Amanda... unless I'm missing something, not heard anything about your new adventures! Update, please! :)
Minor issue alert
Took laptop to get fixed but it was beyond repair. Used the money it was going to cost to buy a second hand one
The fact that I can travel and still feel depressed. Not having a job takes off stress but it doesn't change your brain. If your brain creates feelings or worthlessness and constant sadness, anxiety etc. then it can never be escaped.Well, this is all still relatively new, isn't it? And I guess it is just going to take a while, after all these years of a conventional life, for your brain to unwind, get into a different "mode". Plus, I can imagine all these new impressions, the new challenges you face, also take a while to get used to.
Our society is not a good one .....sad but true
People don't realise just how easy it is to become homeless. It could happen to anyone
That a really cool spanish metal band with such a great front woman with a really great voice will play here in Germany and the stage is so small our living room is much more bigger they deserve more makes me sad :'( :'( :'( :'(
My beloved dog is poorly
why is that sad
When you realize just how much of a waste you are and that you are good at nothing. Then someone tells you that when shouting. It makes you feel like being dead. It just drains the energy out of you.
The look of shock on the face of the young homeless lad this evening - just because someone smiled and said hello.
... it's gone very quiet on this Forum over the last few days... :-[
;)... it's gone very quiet on this Forum over the last few days... :-[
Well sorry you missed us! I personally took a break for a few days after the "unprovoked sideswipes" ahem, so it could subside. Sensible I hope you agree! ;)
That we won't be at Nottingham :'(
That we won't be at Nottingham :'(Would have liked to have met you... Next time...
That we won't be at Nottingham :'(
That we won't be at Nottingham :'(
Damn !!!!!!! :'(
No after show, no Anna, Nott good :(
Cheers guys, your kind words are much appreciated... fook it, I'll be alright!
Nooooo! Bummer. The club of my youth was razed to the ground several years ago. I'm still grieving... It even has its own Wikipedia entry,_West_Yorkshire) although having just read it I'm not sure it's anything to brag about ???
Aww... my favourite club / drinking place of ALL TIME is currently burning down right now, or so I hear... :'(
(The Limelight in Crewe, in case you were wondering...)
Nooooo! Bummer. The club of my youth was razed to the ground several years ago. I'm still grieving... It even has its own Wikipedia entry,_West_Yorkshire) although having just read it I'm not sure it's anything to brag about ???
Aww... my favourite club / drinking place of ALL TIME is currently burning down right now, or so I hear... :'(
(The Limelight in Crewe, in case you were wondering...)
I feel like I want to die. I don't know why I feel this way but it's there.
I am so down that i just want to sleep or not even exist.
I feel like I want to die. I don't know why I feel this way but it's there.:( It makes me very sad to read this. What a shame it would be if you didn't exist! I can only judge you from your posts here - but with your kind heart and the way you question things you have touched the lives of many of the people on here - and I am sure same goes for those you have met on your travels.
I am so down that i just want to sleep or not even exist.
Life is amazing. And then it’s awful, And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful, it’s ordinary and mundane and routine.
Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful and relax an exhale during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soulhealing, amazing, awful ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.”
– L. R. Knost
My grandparents split up with me and my husband and aswell with our son and our daughter the reason was we was not able to celebrate the 80 th b day from my grandma coz my boss the same age was terrible ill at the mo ( intensive station we wasnt sure that he will be still alive )Im the only worker so we cant join her I told this her reaction was there are 4 meals I had to pay for this ... hope I can delete this .and after that nothing my Grandma and my Granddad never get in touch with me or their grandchilds not on the bdays Easter or XMas nothing never asked about how are the kids doing right now but today Ive got a message on our answerphone Hello your grandma speaking just too let you know your grandpa died yesterday in the hospital he was really ill the whole family was in there together to say good bye to him now you know this
thats it Grandma
so its bad but so true you cant choose your family but you can choose your friends
Rest in peace Grandpa
Im sorry for my personell text will nobbody bother with my stuff
If yes Im feeling soory about that
cheers witch
Funerals..? Went to my Auntie Nancy's funeral today... it's odd how a funeral can make you feel better. Sort of like pushing on a pressure valve. Nice to meet up with other nice people who you never met but have the same feelings as yourself. Was a bit sad about the whole thing. Feeling OK now. :)
haben eine große Umarmung Witch :-*Good evening @ all ,
That your neck of the woods Sheena? Hope all is ok :)
That I **** up everything and my friend is angry with me now.Did you friend explain why they were angry with you and did you understand their reasons or were they being unreasonable?
Yes, my friend did explain there reasoning and I did understand.That I **** up everything and my friend is angry with me now.Did you friend explain why they were angry with you and did you understand their reasons or were they being unreasonable?
Amanda.... get on with your life. whatever tomorrow may bring.Yeah, I know. Stop posting on message boards and stop saying stupid things online. And stop talking about my constant **** ups. The internet is my downfall. It's addictive yet very harmful as I can not seem to think before typing. :)
Stop whinging on band sites may be a start?
You will only find the appropriate bands opinion there, filtered down through others that will invariably agree.
Go for it, tell us the mistakes you made, where you've been and how not to make the same mistakes. Recommend countries and people you have met. you will tread on toes along the way of course. but that's the reason you took this on.
Keep going Amanda.
That's all I can say
edit. Amanda you could be our foreign correspondent in far away places as Kate Adie was.
Kate Adie is a very well respected and very well travelled lady. She has been filing reports for decades in war torn countries, troubled areas....infact anywhere that might seem a little ""off the beaten track" She brings inhospitable places to her audience.Next year, I will be in Greek Isles distributing food and clothing to people fleeing a war-zone willing to drown to make it into EU. Then possibly the same but in Serbia if my connection can get more information. The fact that people need to help with this, that this is actually happening and getting worse really saddens me.
Here she is
Her show is "From our own correspondent" on Radio4 and has inspired me to go countries I would have never have considered. This year is booked with Centenaries of WWI and Dubrovnik, next year it will be Japan and Cuba. Mainly through listening to her program and the interesting reports she gathers from around the world.
Happy travels and good luck Amanda.
Keep us posted.
Really sorry to hear that witch , I know exactly how your feeling, so hugsThxs a lot Pol for your kind wishes and huges much needed at the moment ....
That's a real downer Ron - sorry to hear that. Hope they get rearranged. Maybe you'll get lucky and there you'll see NMA on your side of the water this year :)
Today we visited my mother in law and she is the best mother in law too me in a special cancer hospital :'(
Witch, youre a diamond on here. No agenda, no nastiness and very polite to all.
Best wishes to you and all your family. Stay strong.
That resonates with me, Witch, as my Mum had a biopsy today for something that might, or might not be, cancer.Good evening Master Ray ,
Hey, hope for the best, dread the worst, eh?
In the old days this board would have been fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep ..... :(
In the old days this board would have been fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep ..... :(
My beloved mother in law died today in the afternoon the whole family was there it was a really sad black sundayI am very sorry to hear that. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
sorry im out of words at the moment
In the old days this board would have been fizzing with excitement about the new album news,3 days and barely a peep ..... :(
I need therapy but can not afford it. I have horrible thoughts that can't stop thinking about and am boring my friends with them. I have not smoked weed or drank for a week. I am trying to not resort to that but I need something to cut the feelings. I left Athens but it feels worse as I have nothing to cut the emotions.
I spent only a month in hell to help other people that were in hell. I am too sensitive and become too attached.
I can be manipulated very, very easy by other people. People know how to play on my guilt and compassion. I leave and still made to feel guilty.
I want to be able to say "No" without guilt of letting someone down but I can not.
I need therapy but can not afford it. I have horrible thoughts that can't stop thinking about and am boring my friends with them. I have not smoked weed or drank for a week. I am trying to not resort to that but I need something to cut the feelings. I left Athens but it feels worse as I have nothing to cut the emotions.
I spent only a month in hell to help other people that were in hell. I am too sensitive and become too attached.
I can be manipulated very, very easy by other people. People know how to play on my guilt and compassion. I leave and still made to feel guilty.
I want to be able to say "No" without guilt of letting someone down but I can not.
I think you need to go back to the US, or try and find a base in a balanced part of the world where you can still do your compassionate things but from afar. You need a steady state existence for a while!!! :)
Amanda this is for you.Thanks.
I have studied emotional detachment as part of my training to become a counsellor. Have a look at this to see if it can help you.
This is relevant to all of the jobs you have been doing since you started posting here and I hope it can help you to look at the situations you are in from a different view, but still be the caring person you obviously are.
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays... :'(Time of year? Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays... :'(Time of year? Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays... :'(Time of year? Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays... :'(Time of year? Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?
A lull before the Winter storm ;)
:D ;D :D ;D
Blimey... this Forum seems to be a bit dead nowadays... :'(Time of year? Are people emerging, blinking into the sunlight?
Think one of the best things about staying yourself is being able to decorate the way you want, you can really stamp your own personality on your home. ( fck what does that say about me lol) . If you want individual pieces auctions, charity shops , bric a brac shops n ebay are good. Taking something and adding your own input to it is always good.
Janette Krankie - rubs thighs in a Vic reeves type manner lol fandabbidozzi
Janette Krankie - rubs thighs in a Vic reeves type manner lol fandabbidozzi
It does take some getting used too, it takes time to get used to having all that space to yourself but you only have yourself to please - nobody else :) Make an effort to do stuff that pleases you, old interests or new ones. A pet is good as well: unconditional love and they're always pleased to see you.
Unfit for what WW? your usual role?
Today a child hurt 4 kids and 3 adults.
accused a teacher of being "pissed"
told another to "get lost and get out of here now"
"I don't have to do what you say, you are poo"
"You annoy me all day"
"Why do you have to speak to me all the time ? Shut up now or I will kick you"
This child is 4.
My beloved dog died this evening, after being ill with cancer. I'm so sad.
Big hugs Sheena , that's really sad I know how close we can become to our pets
i was only 13
i think i might have caught the tail end of the golden age for heno
even the jam were acceptable at one point
The amount of kids in my new class who can't speak.
Remorgaging my house.
I'll still be paying when I'm 70 rather than it finishing in 7 years.
Found it a bit sad we do not have members here from Spain to review the recent Spanish gigs. Feel sure they went well as usual, but would be nice to see set lists, etc.
Indeed. A couple of days after the quoted post.
Thank god for that !! I'd hate to think we were wasting our time ;D
He's like any of the megalomaniac criminal bosses in James Bond films. Just a cat and a button missing. You know the button they pressed and actors dropped into snake chambers.
A terrible mistake.
Joking aside, Trump is the kind of disgusting creature that the makers of the Bond films could only imagine making up...
Joking aside, Trump is the kind of disgusting creature that the makers of the Bond films could only imagine making up...
Yea someone said it but couldn't remember who was it? ;D
seeing U2 mentioned on the home page of the Everything Else board here depresses me beyond belief :-\ :'( :(Hey Heno....are U2 hated over there? A bloke I used to work with went to school with them and said they were a bunch of winkers ;D
Whilst I agree with many of points on Russia, China, North Korea etc . And peoples inactive protests against them. Firstly just how do you protest against these countries, you could march etc very day and Vlad n co wouldn't give a shit. Secondly you mention democracy, surely it has to be mentioned that more people voted against Donald than for, yet in a two horse race he still wins . Lastly what are people supposed to do sit back n get shafted, let him think that everything he does is ok .
Yes we maybe lucky but doesn't mean we should forget those privileges we have. I believe that America, Europe and those who can should stand up and show them that were not happy. Maybe not much I can do as one person but I certainly won't be buying any American products where possible
seeing U2 mentioned on the home page of the Everything Else board here depresses me beyond belief :-\ :'( :(Hey Heno....are U2 hated over there? A bloke I used to work with went to school with them and said they were a bunch of winkers ;D
What, we're like an award-winning musical? ;)
'Spacebook'? Did some antagonistic New York 'pugilist' (as the utter prick called himself) start a social media site?
This is true, I guess. I am very sorry to hear you are so not having a good time at the moment and I do hope it will pass. It has to be evry different from everything we know here in the West, must be very overwhelming. Fingers crossed this experience will turn into a good one still. For how long are you going to be there?
When you build up a moment and have such high hopes, the letdown is not fun.
:( :( :( I believe I saw L.A. Guns play there once or twice many years ago - happy memories. This is really sad news.
Aw, heck. There was a live music club in my hometown called the Limelight, a converted church with so much atmosphere. I practically lived there in the 90's, some of my happiest times. Heck, Justin did a JSAF gig there! Almost ten years ago, it closed. Up until now, it's been rotting away and I always thought that I'd rather see the place be demolished rather than see it decay any further. It was a habitat for druggies and one suicide.
But the new owner finally got permission to knock the place down and now it's being ripped down to rubble. Apparently there are going to be expensive houses there. Fair enough, £££'s etc. But despite my thoughts about 'it's better to see the old place go down', I'm feeling genuinely saddened when it actually happened. :'(
Oh, right...Crew, that's the one. Think I went there twice.
Are we talking about The Crewe Limelight? I think LA Guns did play there, although never saw them myself. It was a fine venue indeed, went there hundreds of times, Justin did a JSAF gig there once! Woefully under-attended, though...
I wish I could have a hug... :P
Why can't we protest like the French .Lol. The French protest everything. Monsieur Macron: "The price of yeast is rising. Im afraid we have to put 2 Euros on a baguette". All of France "Right, down tools and hit the streets!!"
Blimey, it's gone a bit quiet around these parts, eh?
Blimey, it's gone a bit quiet around these parts, eh?
As those fk wits at the eu finally pass article 13 it's death to the internet as we know it . Just when did we vote for Chinese style control of the web . Brexit anyone !I think theyd have been dealing with the fk wits on the internet. Discuss.
What article 13 will mean .
What article 13 will mean .
For a right leaning fella, you're getting more liberal by the day :D. Ok. From the flip side, cigarettes were all the rage in the 50's. It took a huge campaign to turn that around and I dare say the tobacco industry accused the world of nannyism.... If these turn out to be positives, is that wrong? In my personal opinion, who is actually getting rich off the crap they're feeding us? Government or million pound industry, and if the latter, shouldn't government just be regulating that rather than the consumer? I get the small minority argument, but sugar/obesity related illness is ONE of the biggest killers. Sometimes regulation is a necessary evil.What article 13 will mean .
Yepp. State controls are and have been slowly creeping in.
Banning advertising for certain foods because people can't limit themselves from cramming down burgers, restricting gambling because a minority of people can't resist gambling their houses away, speed limiters for cars because we cannot just cannot trust people to not drive lime Lewis Hamilton, a sugar tax to reduce the sugar we consume because we are too stupid to read labels (oh nothing to do with raising more tax by the way...oh no!), Gove's plan to make wood burning stoves illegal.....
I found this on the internet:
It says we are second only to Finland for nanny statism (if that is indeed a word)!
For a right leaning fella, you're getting more liberal by the day :D. Ok. From the flip side, cigarettes were all the rage in the 50's. It took a huge campaign to turn that around and I dare say the tobacco industry accused the world of nannyism.... If these turn out to be positives, is that wrong? In my personal opinion, who is actually getting rich off the crap they're feeding us? Government or million pound industry, and if the latter, shouldn't government just be regulating that rather than the consumer? I get the small minority argument, but sugar/obesity related illness is ONE of the biggest killers. Sometimes regulation is a necessary evil.What article 13 will mean .
Yepp. State controls are and have been slowly creeping in.
Banning advertising for certain foods because people can't limit themselves from cramming down burgers, restricting gambling because a minority of people can't resist gambling their houses away, speed limiters for cars because we cannot just cannot trust people to not drive lime Lewis Hamilton, a sugar tax to reduce the sugar we consume because we are too stupid to read labels (oh nothing to do with raising more tax by the way...oh no!), Gove's plan to make wood burning stoves illegal.....
I found this on the internet:
It says we are second only to Finland for nanny statism (if that is indeed a word)!
Think the sugar tax was a knee jerk reaction to a minority shouting loudly. People are over weight mainly due to lack of exercise , modern living. What next tax cakes biscuits etc .Not quite sure about the sugar tax argument Pol. It's added to everything and we're force fed it. Hit the manufacturers and it will change.
We already have some of the highest excise duties on cigs alcohol etc . People need to be responsible for there own actions, sure discourage them but also help them , cheaper gyms and health food would pay for itself in the long run.
Think it's excellent that the UK as embraced vaping unlike some other countries ( usa ) who put tax money before health.
... they will rebuild it...
Was'nt sure whether to use pissed off or sad thread ?.........Just watched lunchtime news it featured a story about a Father who posted a film of his teenage daughter who has Downs Syndrome online dancing.It seems he was trolled and received disgusting comments about the film.What sort of people would do such things,it is totally beyond me..........sad individuals,they should be totally ashamed of themselves..... >:(... :'(....
Was'nt sure whether to use pissed off or sad thread ?.........Just watched lunchtime news it featured a story about a Father who posted a film of his teenage daughter who has Downs Syndrome online dancing.It seems he was trolled and received disgusting comments about the film.What sort of people would do such things,it is totally beyond me..........sad individuals,they should be totally ashamed of themselves..... >:(... :'(....
No doubt he will mutate again and return.... ::)...
Right now, at this very minute, I should be at a sold-out NMA gig in Chester, all drunk and sweaty and loving what the lads are bringing to their devoted fanbase... but 'personal circumstances' mean that I couldn't make it. :'(
Oh well. Nottingham ticket / hotel / transport is already paid for, I will be there, it'd kill me not to make Nottingham at Christmas... see you lovely lot there!
Right now, at this very minute, I should be at a sold-out NMA gig in Chester, all drunk and sweaty and loving what the lads are bringing to their devoted fanbase... but 'personal circumstances' mean that I couldn't make it. :'(
Oh well. Nottingham ticket / hotel / transport is already paid for, I will be there, it'd kill me not to make Nottingham at Christmas... see you lovely lot there!
Deeply saddened by the volcanic eruption here in New Zealand. Just visited White Island not long ago. Two of my friends work as guides on the island. One of them is now in an induced coma in critical condition but at least she's alive. Hoping that she pulls through.Well that certainly puts a human element to what we see on the news. I hope so too.
Deeply saddened by the volcanic eruption here in New Zealand. Just visited White Island not long ago. Two of my friends work as guides on the island. One of them is now in an induced coma in critical condition but at least she's alive. Hoping that she pulls through.Well that certainly puts a human element to what we see on the news. I hope so too.
What does make me sad?Oh nooo! That sucks big time.
Yesterday I had to cancel a short trip (starting tomorrow) with my best friends because of suffering Covid... >:( Been waiting for that tour for over three years now...
So worst time for being positive for me - two and a half years having contact with hundreds of patients without getting infected...but why now??? :'(
Coming on here everyday seeing this once vibrant place seeming in terminal decline.........i find it very sad , read some great posts on here over the years.... :'(....