The official NMA board

General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Heno on January 26, 2014, 09:24:11 PM

Title: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 26, 2014, 09:24:11 PM
Just saying' like. we have never seen the likes of the weather here recently. big storms that just won't die away and just when you think they are gone they come back and bite ya. Hopefully some bright calm weather will settle in shortly. In the mean time, wrap up warm and take care of yourselves. Sometimes I think bright calm weather doesn't appreciate how much we all love it for what it is and has to repeatedly develop into a deep violent depression to make us take notice, get our attention. Sad.

and if you really want to enjoy it then take in a little ( lyrics included

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Scruff225 on January 26, 2014, 09:32:45 PM
Just be the despised one, in California we are having unusually high temperatures and already have an extreme drought warning in place (about 9 months earlier than we would usually have these). Almost no rain this winter when we normally get all ours.  :-\
So in short send us your rain...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on January 26, 2014, 10:07:10 PM
It never stops raining here and would you believe they are going it introduce water charges. Tax tax and more tax.

We should set up a trade agreement. I'll give you water and you give sunshine
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Master Ray on January 26, 2014, 10:10:18 PM
Weather here, in northern England, today, was just the usual wet, dull and shitty stuff...

But yesterday lunchtime... f-ing mental!  High force winds with massive crashing hailstones... PLUS dazzling fork-lightning and window-rattling thunder, all at the same time!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on January 26, 2014, 10:19:17 PM
 Our forecast is for a week of storms just like you described. I always feel there is a deep affinity between Ireland and North Wales all the way up past Newcastle. Maybe it's that prevailing winds carry us in the air to fall over you lot or something.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 27, 2014, 06:29:32 PM
Wet and grey.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on January 30, 2014, 11:30:44 AM
in the meantime the wet and grey weather today is apparently the best we are going to have for a while. rain, sleet, snow, wind coming over the next few days. feels like the irish summer might have arrived early.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Brian-DC on January 31, 2014, 01:09:02 AM
Oh man, it's been BRUTALLY cold for the past 2 weeks here.  There's a "polar vortex" that has sat over a big part of the US with temps wayyy below the norm.  Today has been the first day it got above freezing.  "Normal" for us right now is about 40F during the day.  It hasn't been higher than 20F and dipping well below 0F at night.  It's not as bad as some places but still.  Not fun at all.

Fingers crossed thai it is finally on its way out. 
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: DannySan on January 31, 2014, 07:00:57 AM
Manchester (UK not NH) is wet, grey and cold. As it is most of the time :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on January 31, 2014, 08:30:49 AM
sounds rough brian but its fair to say you guys are geared up for that weather.

danny, i reckon whatever manchester gets travels straight up over here in wickow ireland on its way. wind, rain, and particularly cold at the moment

not sure if this works as an image but here goes. thats ireland under the blue bit lol. its been like that for months.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: rick a. on January 31, 2014, 09:04:10 PM
Oh man, it's been BRUTALLY cold for the past 2 weeks here.  There's a "polar vortex" that has sat over a big part of the US with temps wayyy below the norm.  Today has been the first day it got above freezing.  "Normal" for us right now is about 40F during the day.  It hasn't been higher than 20F and dipping well below 0F at night.  It's not as bad as some places but still.  Not fun at all.

Fingers crossed thai it is finally on its way out.

If some rock band  doesn't take "POLAR VORTEX" as their name I'm gonna start a band and name it that.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on January 31, 2014, 09:14:39 PM
what ya doin' man? - ah i'm just chillin' to polar vortex

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Shush on February 01, 2014, 07:55:39 PM
Very windy in Notts tonight.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: dilla on February 01, 2014, 09:00:13 PM
wet n windy in west wales tonight but not as bad as the other week.thoughts with all those people with flooded homes
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: DannySan on February 01, 2014, 09:31:58 PM
Manchester (UK not NH) is wet, grey and cold. As it is most of the time :)

As previous post :)

Although it sunshine for around an hour this morning!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: szmurf on February 01, 2014, 10:13:11 PM
65 F and sunny in Nashville.  Rain/Snow mix tomorrow, though.  Been a cold/wet winter for us.

Blink - I'm hearing some horrible stuff coming out of the drought you guys are having.  Farmers seem to have already given up the year before it's started.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Johnz on February 02, 2014, 05:36:43 AM
Lovely summer's day here in New Zealand. Blue sky and 25 degrees and the sun is slowly setting over the islands in the bay.

Should I rub it in some more?  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Master Ray on February 02, 2014, 05:48:43 PM
Everyone is the UK currently hates you, Johnz...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 02, 2014, 07:11:07 PM
we had it rough yesterday here

and its to get really rough tonight. national alert level and to go on for a week more or less. annoying since I have to travel to London on Tuesday and I don't trust airplanes at the best of times

what part of new Zealand is that johnz?

I was in Auckland a few years back. it you are talking about the view there then you are one lucky bloke
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Johnz on February 02, 2014, 09:06:41 PM
Everyone is the UK currently hates you, Johnz...


You're welcome!  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Johnz on February 02, 2014, 09:17:57 PM

what part of new Zealand is that johnz?

I was in Auckland a few years back. it you are talking about the view there then you are one lucky bloke

I live up in the Bay of Islands, about 3 hours north of Auckland. I grew up in Bremen and Leeds but have been out here almost 20 years. I still appreciate the beauty here every day.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 02, 2014, 10:03:28 PM
cool. it certainly is beautiful. but such a safe feeling place as well.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 05, 2014, 07:28:24 AM
so the wind and rain is relentless

had to fly from london to dublin last night and it was the roughest flight i have ever been on. and i have flown all over the place frequently. sickening for some. i just resign myself to fact that very time i get on one of those things, f something goes wrong then it really does go wrong

then wake up this morning to half a tree having broken on my garden and its blocking the lane next to my house. trying to find someone in this terrible weather to sort it out with me is a not going well either.

i a searching hard for the silver lining on this cloud......
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: DannySan on February 05, 2014, 12:39:03 PM
Manchester is still grey but now has rain and very strong winds  :(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: rick a. on February 05, 2014, 01:02:52 PM
We're in the middle of a full blown blizzard here in colonial Boston. I was shoveling the drive to the blasting loud sounds of "dog and wolf". Made a dreary job tolerable.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 05, 2014, 03:45:08 PM
V wet and windy.
Some of my garden fence ran away in the night.
Prolly gone to live with johnz !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Master Ray on February 05, 2014, 06:19:06 PM
I'm just over six feet tall, weighing in at about 15 stone and I swear, the wind nearly knocked me on my arse at one point today...

It's settled down to merely freezing, wet and shitty but reports say it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse in a couple of days...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 05, 2014, 07:21:27 PM
where do you live ray?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Master Ray on February 05, 2014, 07:27:35 PM
A crappy town in South Cheshire, UK.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 05, 2014, 07:33:05 PM
i could forecast your weather and you could become a celebrity weather forecaster and make loads of money for nothing

its going to be wet and windy


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Master Ray on February 05, 2014, 07:42:13 PM
Cheers, Heno.   :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 05, 2014, 07:50:38 PM
tune in tomorrow for more of the same
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2014, 07:39:35 PM
so ray, be sure, there is some nasty wind and rain coming your way man

its here right now. i'm sitting in a conservatory at the end of the kitchen and the rain is so heavy that i am waiting for the bass line to kick in any time now
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Master Ray on February 07, 2014, 08:14:57 PM
Cheers, Heno, gotta batten down the hatches now!

it was a bit bad a few days ago and my TV aeriel blew down so I have no TV reception now... and I don't miss it one bit!  If there's something I really need to watch, I can do it via the internet and I find I'm watching a lot less shit, just to fill the time as I used to!

Now, how to turn that into an excuse to stop paying my TV licence...  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2014, 08:25:38 PM
we are about to get the worst wet and windy weather in 15 years here

i'll blow a big giant kiss into the wind

all of manchester will be made up
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: rick a. on February 07, 2014, 08:47:14 PM
Cheers, Heno, gotta batten down the hatches now!

it was a bit bad a few days ago and my TV aeriel blew down so I have no TV reception now... and I don't miss it one bit!  If there's something I really need to watch, I can do it via the internet and I find I'm watching a lot less shit, just to fill the time as I used to!

Now, how to turn that into an excuse to stop paying my TV licence...  ;)

If you lean way out of the window with the aerial in your hand you should get good reception.........
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2014, 08:59:57 PM
thats what my mates dad did and fell off the roof
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 07, 2014, 09:01:00 PM
thats what my mates dad did and fell off the roof

Is your mate Emu ?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2014, 09:04:02 PM
emu's brother

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 07, 2014, 09:05:28 PM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2014, 09:17:55 PM
sad story really  :-[
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Scruff225 on February 08, 2014, 05:06:04 AM
Finally some real rain here in Northern California. Up to 6 inches in some areas today!

Weather scientists (yes they are real!) said we need the same rain every other day until May to get over our drought! Really bad situation her and my family in Ireland are really considering an export business to us now with the storm they are having.  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Scruff225 on February 08, 2014, 05:15:22 AM
65 F and sunny in Nashville.  Rain/Snow mix tomorrow, though.  Been a cold/wet winter for us.

Blink - I'm hearing some horrible stuff coming out of the drought you guys are having.  Farmers seem to have already given up the year before it's started.

Yeah Szmurf, fruits and veg are going to get really really expensive this year. Farmers are making a decision between watering their fruit trees/vines or planting seasonal crops - if they don't water their annual vegetation like almond and fruite trees and grapes they are gone for years. It is worse for the animal farmers as they have no feed/water. Lots of dairy cows being sold as beef now. As a veggie it is hard to see the slaughter en masse.  There are already water restrictions in place in a lot of areas and some major towns have less than 100 days of water left and they have been today the state cannot help out this year with water being shipped it. Sad.

For an idea of the size issue, the graphics are unbelievable: (

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today?
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2014, 07:22:46 AM
its rotten here. as dreary and wet and windy as it could be. my poor bird got up early to go to the market and sell the doggie beds she makes. really brave and committed to go out that day. i got up to help. think i'll just toddle back to the land of nod. don't any tell her......

and why don't rich californian farmers move their farms to ireland. i am sure some of their crops would thrive in this moderate mid atlantic climate
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on February 08, 2014, 04:20:03 PM
Very windy in Notts this afternoon.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2014, 09:03:07 PM
eye of the storm here i reckon

went to the pub

met clive. a few beers. the world felt a little brighter

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on February 08, 2014, 09:25:35 PM
Cold and very windy here in Blyton, Lincolnshire.

Got the fire roaring away and waiting for Match of the Day to start.

Missus is sat here feeding the dog wasabi peanuts :) :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2014, 09:36:07 PM
nice man

doesn't the dogs belly disagree with that stuff?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on February 08, 2014, 11:22:16 PM
I'll find out in the morning  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2014, 11:41:18 PM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 09, 2014, 11:29:23 PM
someone like jesus


as good as it gets
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 10, 2014, 09:34:30 AM
its a bright clear dry day here

which is good since a mate of mine is getting buried today. he was the one that used to bring us fishing in a boat years ago. i hate when funerals take place in lousy weather. i don't like funerals at all. don't even go to them in the most part.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: rick a. on February 10, 2014, 09:46:57 PM
Sorry about your friend. sad news.

It was beautiful out today here in Boston. My christmas tree is sitting on my back porch covered in snow. It looked lonely so I hung a bright red ornament on it. Looks kinda cool now.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 11, 2014, 12:30:23 PM
Its all cool. He was sick for a good while and his life was fishing and drinking so in some ways sweet release.

and the weather here is ridiculous. its appears to have woken up and decided its winter all over again.

trying to confirm details for trip the Dubai and Johannesburg starting on Saturday for 9 days. bit of a pain to arrange at such short notice but hopefully it will all come together.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: DannySan on February 11, 2014, 06:07:27 PM
Grey all day in Manchester then bloody hail stones on my way home from work!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 11, 2014, 08:03:37 PM
yeah. its grey here and its all heading in your direction
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on February 12, 2014, 05:56:28 PM
bye ek it's windy !!!

Anyone lost any tiles or fence panels yet ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 12, 2014, 06:03:06 PM
Well, it hit today!  It's mental out there.  Windows rattling, heavy things clattering downwards from the roof and if I dare to open a window, doors start slamming almost hard enough to break them!  Plus the lights have started flickering on occasion, so the potential for a power-out is there... I'm also getting FB messages that a few trees are going down in the nearby vicinity...

I think that Mother Nature is getting a bit pissed off with us lowly mortals... can't blame her.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: DannySan on February 12, 2014, 06:55:09 PM
It's the same here Master Ray.

Woman round the corner has had a tree go through the front of her house.

It's calming down a bit now but it's still very noisy and windy.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 14, 2014, 05:44:56 PM
rotten weather all day here. supposed to continue tonight.

flying to johannesburg in the morning at 8am. valentines night will be cut short. should catch the late fa cup game tomorrow evening in abu dhabi and the one on sunday down in johannesburg

if nothing else i will post from as far away
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: DannySan on February 14, 2014, 06:01:42 PM
Wet and windy in Manchester again. Noticed loads of trees down in Southern Cemetery on the way home from work that didn't appear to be down this morning?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 16, 2014, 04:07:07 AM
in Johannesburg

27 degrees today. man I don't like weather that's too warm

travelled for 24 hours solid and didn't an hour's sleep. didn't drink except a glass of wine with food. done a serious amount of work.

started the wheel of time and think I am going too get lost in it. well not lost precisely. more escape in it
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 16, 2014, 05:47:00 PM
Lovely day here in South Cheshire!  Not very cold, blinding sunshine and that howling wind of the last few days has reduced to a minor breeze...  I even went for a little walk earlier!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: DannySan on February 16, 2014, 07:58:36 PM
Lovely day here in South Cheshire!  Not very cold, blinding sunshine and that howling wind of the last few days has reduced to a minor breeze...  I even went for a little walk earlier!


Same in Manchester Ray... I'm nervous about tomorrow now!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: sozbot on February 17, 2014, 01:31:58 AM
Weather-wise, it's been a mixed bag - a month ago I was in Australia, with 35+ (C) degree heat. Then to Vegas, where it was mild (max 15-18deg, lows of 4 or 5), then to New York, where it rarely got above freezing. Now back here, where it seems we need to build an ark.  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 17, 2014, 07:20:18 AM
what were you travelling for?

25 degrees and the sun bursting. too hot outside for me. just as well I'm here for work.

watched an excellent series on the way down here. it was a bbc documentary about Arabia and its wildlife. it is incredible what evolution has done to ensure that those that mutate survive.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: sozbot on February 17, 2014, 06:20:14 PM
what were you travelling for?

25 degrees and the sun bursting. too hot outside for me. just as well I'm here for work.

watched an excellent series on the way down here. it was a bbc documentary about Arabia and its wildlife. it is incredible what evolution has done to ensure that those that mutate survive.

Wedding and honeymoon! Wedding in Australia (I'm from there), honeymoon in the States and back home to the UK.

I'm not much of a fan of hot weather, either. Maybe that's why I left Australia in the first place!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 17, 2014, 08:04:20 PM
i've been to oz a few times. i'm not sure any of the colonialists are made for that weather

should all move back to a housing estate in manchester
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: sozbot on February 18, 2014, 04:09:15 PM
Well, it definitely doesn't suit me, despite having spent my first 25 years there...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 19, 2014, 11:02:40 AM
we went to a wedding on the paddle steamer on the river in brisbane. hottest day ever. having a beer with a couple of the locals and asked how do they cope and they said they didn't. some of them were like 4th generation and none of them could cope.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: DannySan on February 19, 2014, 11:04:48 AM
Manchester is still grey but a lot warmer today. But not as warm as Oz!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 19, 2014, 11:59:46 AM
Normally it's approximately -20 celsius here and 50-70 cm snow everywhere in the mid winter. But now it's just raining water and +3 celsius. Well it's more comfortable than normally but have to say it's totally weird times we have now. Water's nearly everywhere.

Last autumn there were 5 lesser storm winds between November and December. It was only short time that we had the normal 2 weeks period in January with -15c and -20c degrees. But there wasn't snow more than only 2 cm:s which meant that active layer of frost was very deep (it gets to 2 meters deep once in 30 years).

Active layer and frost is good to the tree roots of conifereous woods we have here. The woods have get used to extreme cold during thousands of years at these latitudes. Now when the weather's so messed up with all that global warming things seem to get upside down here. Foreign species of plants and animals arrive more often.

Strange times...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: sozbot on February 19, 2014, 01:52:59 PM
we went to a wedding on the paddle steamer on the river in brisbane. hottest day ever. having a beer with a couple of the locals and asked how do they cope and they said they didn't. some of them were like 4th generation and none of them could cope.

Yep, it's a nightmare. I have family near Brisbane and they pretty much stay inside with the air conditioner, or swim in the pool. I'm from much further south, and we were lucky with the weather as it'd been 40 deg the previous week!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 19, 2014, 07:16:36 PM
. Now when the weather's so messed up with all that global warming things seem to get upside down here. Foreign species of plants and animals arrive more often.

Strange times...

yep and so do all the new pests/diseases/pathogens: Here in the UK it's not just Ash trees. Currently there are restrictions on import/movement of Sweet Chestnut and Plane trees as well as the spread of Sudden Oak Death
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on February 20, 2014, 10:46:35 AM
Sudden Oak Death

Dont like the sound of that. Is it a new goth band ?  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 20, 2014, 05:38:11 PM
Dont like the sound of that. Is it a new goth band ?  ;D

Should be! Did you read about the American pacifist nun who along with a couple of other elderly people broke into a nuclear facility? The report I read described her as "The Nuclear Nun" - now that's a band name  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 20, 2014, 06:15:35 PM
Dont like the sound of that. Is it a new goth band ?  ;D

Should be! Did you read about the American pacifist nun who along with a couple of other elderly people broke into a nuclear facility? The report I read described her as "The Nuclear Nun" - now that's a band name  ;D

I think I've go albums by both of those bands !!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 20, 2014, 08:16:47 PM
Yep, it's a nightmare. I have family near Brisbane and they pretty much stay inside with the air conditioner, or swim in the pool. I'm from much further south, and we were lucky with the weather as it'd been 40 deg the previous week!

yeah. house to car to shopping mall. all aircon.

the place that got me most for summer heat was Geneva. but since half the shops sell chocolate we would run in there for a while to cool down
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 20, 2014, 09:21:27 PM
Anna, that sounds bad.

May I ask are you working or something in a gardening career or do some ecological investigation?

Maybe Sudden Oak Death are touring with the grind band Ash Trees at the Sweet Chestnut! I saw them at Pests & Panthogens festival!  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 20, 2014, 09:30:30 PM
man, I saw anthrax once

worst experience of my life
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 24, 2014, 03:36:21 PM
so i'm back on the auld sod and none the better for it. rain, wind, cold. nothing new there.

flight back was a little bumpy. didn't sleep. 24 hours on the road again.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 24, 2014, 04:47:57 PM

flight back was a little bumpy. didn't sleep. 24 hours on the road again.

You`re in Australia, right? I guess the distances are, eh somewhat long there?  :)

I used to know an Australian couple who lived in Finland long time ago, before they moved back there.
I think they live now near to Wollongong or Melbourne.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 24, 2014, 05:28:28 PM
I was in South Africa returning to Ireland via Abu Dhabi

I've been to Brisbane a couple of times
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 24, 2014, 05:37:52 PM
Ok, Ireland... Maybe I just remembered that Brisbane thing. Cheers.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 24, 2014, 10:10:51 PM
Anna, that sounds bad.

May I ask are you working or something in a gardening career or do some ecological investigation?

Maybe Sudden Oak Death are touring with the grind band Ash Trees at the Sweet Chestnut! I saw them at Pests & Panthogens festival!  :o

The bad probably comes from the cumulative effects and the vulnerability of species to new/adapted pathogens & pests.

Yes - I'm a Commercial Landscape Manager

Nice festival  8)

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on February 25, 2014, 03:23:25 PM
Anna, that sounds bad.

May I ask are you working or something in a gardening career or do some ecological investigation?

Maybe Sudden Oak Death are touring with the grind band Ash Trees at the Sweet Chestnut! I saw them at Pests & Panthogens festival!  :o

The bad probably comes from the cumulative effects and the vulnerability of species to new/adapted pathogens & pests.

Yes - I'm a Commercial Landscape Manager

Nice festival  8)

This explains your skills in "growing your own"  ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 28, 2014, 09:52:34 AM
picked up here a little after a terrible night

in other news, i got back from south africa on monday. been working flat out since for corporate investment. our son luke was 18 on wednesday. he went to london for three days yesterday. i was on my way back from dropping him off to the airport and passed an ambulance on the way back. found out my aged Da was in the back heading to hospital with acute pneumonia. i worked until 2am this morning and was back up at half six for critical investor presentations. finish at 6pm and then head up to hospital. my bird is hardly talking to me.

i could actually add my own personal verse to 225

and i swear, we never asked for any of this

and if anyone says that new model army don't talk to you then they should have their head examined
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: sozbot on February 28, 2014, 10:57:34 AM

flight back was a little bumpy. didn't sleep. 24 hours on the road again.

You`re in Australia, right? I guess the distances are, eh somewhat long there?  :)

I used to know an Australian couple who lived in Finland long time ago, before they moved back there.
I think they live now near to Wollongong or Melbourne.

As an Aussie expat, I can confirm that not only does it take a bloody long time to get there from this side of the world, it takes a bloody long time to get anywhere within Australia. My family are in the ACT and I lived in Perth for a little while, and it was a six hour flight to get home. Needless to say, I didn't get home very often.  :(

Australia's a nice place, but there are limits.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 28, 2014, 11:47:39 PM
i agree, its stunning

house of cards us

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 01, 2014, 05:57:13 PM
Actually now the weather`s been quite nice last week. Only -1 celsius and sun shining. It hasn´t rained at all. That's what I like with spring when there`s much more light and nature wakes up very slowly. Birds get active and start to build their nests. Humidity is not so high, just enough for the plants to grow up.

As I recently told here about minus degrees and what kind of winter we should have here, there`s an interesting point with a "normal" winter, that the air humidity is very low when temperature drops to minus. Air is dry if there`s -20 celsius and snow. It`s not the snow you could mould in your hands.

I`ll check if I can find some winter video to you here...

Ok, this youtube video ( was filmed in Nilsiä in 2011. It`s not the area where we live but 600km:s to north.
Winter is normally similar around here in south coastal areas too. (My roots are actually from Nilsiä from my father`s side...)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on March 02, 2014, 10:22:54 PM
Wow Rusco,

they almost take on a human shape,

the ultimate "Trees in Winter"
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 03, 2014, 07:40:02 PM
weather is cold tonight but the mild temperate air stream returns tomorrow

tough day today. not sure why but it didn't feel good. awkward weekend too. hospitals, airports, man city winning things, sick wife.

i'll be glad when this week is half over at least. although huge meeting on Thursday that I have to be in shape for.

not sure whats happening in Ukraine. nearly time we had a thread about it
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 03, 2014, 09:51:03 PM
, this youtube video (

Absolutely gorgeous - thanks for that. Of course your winters are what makes your timber so good. Compare the growth rings of a tree from Finland to one from a fast and long growing season country. Then ask a carpenter which wood is best. So if the winters change............... no, there's nothing wrong here, nothing at all.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 06, 2014, 07:44:54 PM
man, gandalf got a raw deal in lotr
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 12, 2014, 09:29:35 AM
so, yeah. the weather here is stunning. And I mean cool, calm and crisp. With warm sunshine each day. Spring is certainly in the air probably best evidenced by Arsenal's seasonal implosion.

So how is it where you are now?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 12, 2014, 12:32:28 PM
The weather is bright n sunny here in the west of Scotland for the 2nd day in a row and fairly hot considering it the middle of march
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 12, 2014, 06:19:07 PM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 12, 2014, 06:56:15 PM
Just heard some forecasts for the next weekend. Headlines scream it's going to be -20 again and a total snow chaos. Well, that's headlines you know... It's probably -5 degree celsius and 5-10 cm:s snow which is going to melt away in half week or so. *sigh* It has been so nice weather until this. But there's always, always a post-winter before it's wise to change summer tires to your car.

On the other hand I heard that Spring is 3 weeks earlier than normally.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 12, 2014, 07:01:22 PM
I wouldn't put too much faith in what the UK newspapers say.  If a certain redtop tabloid is to be believed, we're all going to be murdered by killer spiders over the next month.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 12, 2014, 07:04:46 PM
I wouldn't put too much faith in what the UK newspapers say.  If a certain redtop tabloid is to be believed, we're all going to be murdered by killer spiders over the next month.


Really ?
And where do we find these spiders ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 12, 2014, 08:04:03 PM
I wouldn't put too much faith in what the UK newspapers say.  If a certain redtop tabloid is to be believed, we're all going to be murdered by killer spiders over the next month.


Really ?
And where do we find these spiders ?

In the imagination of newspaper editors intent on drumming up hysteria in the minds of people too simple or distracted to figure out what BS it is, apparently... (and if it ain't the spiders, it's gonna be the folks from Romania or Poland or, I dunno, who are we supposed to be hating on this week?  I get confused...)  :-\

On the bright side, if one of these spiders bites you, you might get superpowers and end up in a Hollywood movie so, every cloud and that...


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on March 13, 2014, 10:11:27 PM
Preparing for cyclone Lusi to hit within the next 12 hours. Never much fun when you live on a boat. Hoping that it will change course.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 13, 2014, 10:31:40 PM
best of luck with that John. A gentle swell will help you sleep no doubt.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on March 14, 2014, 03:29:58 AM
best of luck with that John. A gentle swell will help you sleep no doubt.

Thanks! It will be more than a gentle rock, I guess. Should be alright though.

Here is a cool life view of the Lusi's track:,-1.03,289
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 14, 2014, 08:41:03 PM
still ok?

looks like its passed
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on March 15, 2014, 12:27:19 AM
still ok?

looks like its passed

Yes, all good thanks. A bit of a sleepless night but the worst of it seems to have gone through. Nothing too major. Power is out in town, a few slips and trees down and a few boats broke their moorings but no one got hurt. Time to catch up on some sleep.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 15, 2014, 12:28:55 AM
good to hear man
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 20, 2014, 08:55:01 PM
so the weather here is changeable. but that's ok. my b'day today. feeling the love. and devils bit
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 20, 2014, 09:08:43 PM
It's your birthday?  Big b-day wishes to you, mate.

Another year of wisdom and experience that brings you THAT bit closer to the ultimate realisation of what life is TRULY about...

or, alternatively, you're just getting very old and, quite frankly, it's all downhill from here...


Whatever, mate, hope you had a nice day.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 20, 2014, 09:28:37 PM
cheers bro.

someone said earlier that I am on the downslope of the roller coaster of life and that is where the best bits are

not sure how I feel about that
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on March 20, 2014, 10:06:01 PM
Happy B-day Heno  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 20, 2014, 10:19:00 PM
Happy Birthday to you.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 20, 2014, 10:19:38 PM

thanks guys

makes me feel even better
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 28, 2014, 07:23:05 PM
Bloody hell, the weather where I am just went batshit crazy...

It's bloody cold, but in the last 20 minutes we have driving wind, torrential rain (with a bit of sleet in it) and both dazzling fork lightning and the loudest thunder I've heard in ages...

Quite frankly, I'm just waiting for the Four Horsemen to show up...


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 28, 2014, 07:31:06 PM
yes. we've just had a squall here that would shiver yer timbers

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 28, 2014, 08:59:51 PM
Well, it's calmed down now, but jeez, that was a bit mental...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 31, 2014, 09:21:35 PM
anyway, a few pics of wicklow on what was a stunning spring day at the centre of the universe




Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 03, 2014, 10:26:20 PM
wicklow. this our town. and they are not better than us

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 03, 2014, 10:30:36 PM
by the way. i can spell. its just sometimes the autocorrect on this mac kicks in and i press post without realising
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 11, 2014, 05:47:14 PM
weather is calm and dry and bright. a little cool. garden tomorrow. going to bust a nut. not looking forward to the grass though. there is a lot of poop hidden in the long grass.......think i might need to drink a few tonight and have that determined get it over with head on me tomorrow
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on April 11, 2014, 06:02:49 PM
Raining. Winter's over here too. Last piece of snow I've seen, melted last week. At mid days it's 11 celsius warm, at nights -4. If winter had been normal it would be this warm at the end of April.

Welcome summer!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 11, 2014, 07:11:14 PM
Warm and sunny for the last few days.
I sat in the garden in me shorts and vest for a while !

I think I've washed nearly everything in the house buy using the launderette or my dodgy machine. The parts I ordered have arrived now, so I have to be brave and try and fit them now. Wish me luck !!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 11, 2014, 07:15:06 PM
use a spell on it
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 11, 2014, 07:18:26 PM
Wezzy, if you can get your fela to log of twitter for an hour, he can give you a hand  ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 12, 2014, 10:07:53 AM
well despite all my prayers to just about every deity i know (yes, Justin, Sturgeon and Jello are in there), it didn't rain overnight and the grass is so long and thick that I am going to have to hire to get it to a manageable height. this is going to be a looooooooooonnng day
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 12, 2014, 10:28:25 AM
use a spell on it

Might have to !

Wezzy, if you can get your fela to log of twitter for an hour, he can give you a hand  ::)

He's been up in that there London since Thursday and wouldn't have a clue anyhoo !

I've got the parts and they don't look too scary, plus I've seen a couple of DIY vidjos on U Tube (not for my machine though) and it looks kinda ok . I'll give it a go and if it goes belly up I've got a lovely friend who has a very lovely husband who might help me out.
I thought I might as well try to replace the dodgy parts (£40) instead of forking out £300 for another machine.
Mend and make do !
 :) :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 12, 2014, 05:21:49 PM
Show it who's boss Wezzy. Don't fall for any of the crap about women can't use tools and fix things. Whack it with yer hammer  :D   
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 20, 2014, 04:23:50 PM
happy ishtar

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 21, 2014, 12:46:29 PM
jaysus, weird stuff.

i told you my Dad was in hospital. he was there for about 2 weeks and got out on Thursday. he'd been passing blood but it all seemed to resolve itself.

this morning at 4am he was brought to hospital again. this time he was coughing up blood. sometimes it just kicks you out of the blue, when you are least expecting it

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 23, 2014, 07:48:32 PM
wicklow harbour, this evening. the weather speaks for itself. its the general climate that sucks

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 29, 2014, 09:27:11 PM
so weather wise we are having an early summer

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 07, 2014, 12:30:27 AM
nice and mild with showers

i wonder what the summer is going to be like? el nino is starting to act funny and that means a deluge. but if it goes the other way it means a drought.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 07, 2014, 10:24:10 PM
Oak before Ash - in for a splash, Ash before Oak - in for a soak. Ain't no Ash leaves properly out here in Kent yet, Oaks are looking lovely and green tho'..................... probably all bollocks mind

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 09, 2014, 07:31:56 AM
hey Anna, what if its a late coming weeping ash lie this one in our garden? its nearly always june before it starts and can have leave up to christmas

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 15, 2014, 09:08:57 PM
stunning and getting better. man, its gonna be a once weekend too. about time
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 16, 2014, 05:37:10 PM
Heno - if that Ash leafs in June then if the old saying is true then surely that there Ireland has a scorching summer every year  :P

Who's that little fella chilling under the tree?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 16, 2014, 08:16:21 PM
we are having the most stunning weather here and the tree is coming to life. just overnight it has gained leaves. i'll get a pic tomorrow and post.

the little guy is just keeping my seat warm for when i get older......
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on May 16, 2014, 09:07:39 PM
Keep sending that weather over the water Heno, first decent day of the year here, if a bit overcast in the afternoon. Weekend set to be better  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 17, 2014, 02:18:00 PM
i will shush, and all the good will and positive thinking to shower down on everyone northeast of here.

and anyway, back to the tree. earlier than most years, she is starting to come a little. if i read Anna's comments correctly then this is not a good sign, in fact it may well be that it is going to lash. for months and months.

164 year old tree. here as long at the house. still strong but probably needs some major surgery if it going to survive. there are only two of its type in ireland. thats one more then my type!!!

oh, and should've done the grass today. but my back is knackered.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on May 17, 2014, 03:31:49 PM
Good sunshine has arrived nicely Sir. First time we have sat at the top of the garden this year  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 17, 2014, 06:13:54 PM
A lovely day today here in South Cheshire... on the same day that my folks went to Italy, in search of good weather... apparently, temperatures over there are dropping...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 18, 2014, 12:28:16 PM
Lovely here again today.
Yesterday it was too hot to mow the lawn so I sat on my arse and read my book in the garden.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on May 18, 2014, 07:14:44 PM
[...] and anyway, back to the tree. earlier than most years, she is starting to come a little. if i read Anna's comments correctly then this is not a good sign, in fact it may well be that it is going to lash. for months and months.

That's a beautiful, old tree you post photos, Heno. I think Anna posted a message here earlier about tree diseases and mentioned the ash tree and some other (gothic sounding) names for them. We had in our earlier place a very old oak too which seemed to suffer at times about a loss of water.

It's interesting how different oaks are compared to other trees. Their veins are so large that they could absorb even sand inside the veins. Once a carpenter told me that you have to resharpen a circular saw blade after sawing an oak trunk (even though the blade had been sharpened before it) and at times you could see even sparks coming out the trunk while sawing.

The weather's just fine here now. Very beautiful and 25 degrees in mid-day. I've been spading our courtyard last week or so. Yeah, sweaty work it is.  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 19, 2014, 08:08:07 PM
Well, today it was a lovely day, but right now I've got loud thunder and torrential hailstones...

Dammit, weather is fucked up right now!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 19, 2014, 09:30:37 PM
too true ray. not sure what its going to do next. warm and damp and cold and bright and windy and dull
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 19, 2014, 09:33:34 PM
and i've only gone and aggravated the nerve in my owed back. my leg is killing me. chop it off time nearly.

i can't handle this right now. there is nothing worse than this pain. although maybe there is, its just i've yet to experience it. and never want to either.

you know  one of those pains where you sob to yourself and talk to yourself and even appeal to the weirdest things for help.....well, multiply that by 50 million times and start there.

 :o :( >:( :-[ :-X :-\ :'(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 19, 2014, 10:48:57 PM
and i've only gone and aggravated the nerve in my owed back. my leg is killing me. chop it off time nearly.

i can't handle this right now. there is nothing worse than this pain. although maybe there is, its just i've yet to experience it. and never want to either.

you know  one of those pains where you sob to yourself and talk to yourself and even appeal to the weirdest things for help.....well, multiply that by 50 million times and start there.

 :o :( >:( :-[ :-X :-\ :'(

Sounds like you and Shush should have a conversation, he has severe tendonitis and a broken ankle...

I, on the other hand, have mild sciatica and some backache that might be psychosomatic...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 20, 2014, 05:39:59 PM
well, i need a friend, a real friend. one that will, upon my request, chop my right leg off.

Ray and Shush, you guys are in pole position. I think Rusco has what it takes. and then somehow I think Anna could do it. the rest can either supply copious amounts of devils bit slow release pain killers and some homely, not so motherly, nursing.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 20, 2014, 06:17:54 PM
well, i need a friend, a real friend. one that will, upon my request, chop my right leg off.

Ray and Shush, you guys are in pole position. I think Rusco has what it takes. and then somehow I think Anna could do it. the rest can either supply copious amounts of devils bit slow release pain killers and some homely, not so motherly, nursing.

Well, it's official, fellow NMA Forum-ites, we're all taking a trip over the Irish sea to chop Heno's leg off.

Now THERE'S a concept that's never been uttered on this Forum before...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 20, 2014, 06:29:23 PM
just make sure you get the right leg Ray.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on May 20, 2014, 07:19:16 PM
The one in the middle isn't it ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 20, 2014, 07:24:06 PM

Sorry, couldn't resist...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 20, 2014, 08:06:03 PM
ok lads, thats it, cancel the amputation. lets go for a communal lobotomy

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 21, 2014, 05:14:33 PM
Good Grief - stay away from here for a days and you chaps are up for cutting each others bits off (Thought that was my domain  ;D) Did you all enjoy playing Doctors & Nurses when you were running about in short trousers? Not really funny all these ailments but it is kinda' funny when you think we talk about moshing in a pit but then we're all starting to fade and it sounds like a OAP's Doctors surgery he he he.... seriously tho' you take care of yourselves now.

Hey Heno - you got it round the wrong way if the oaks are out first supposed to be good summer.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 22, 2014, 06:31:05 PM
ok, well the tree is early and its raining every day for the foreseeable future. so i think we can rely on that saying.

i even like playing doctors and nurses these days
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on May 22, 2014, 08:24:47 PM
How do you look in your nurses outfit Heno ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 22, 2014, 08:29:58 PM

quiet good now that i've started to fill out on top

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 22, 2014, 10:27:15 PM
quiet good now that i've started to fill out on top

Yeah Me Too  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on May 23, 2014, 09:24:17 PM

Ray and Shush, you guys are in pole position. I think Rusco has what it takes. and then somehow I think Anna could do it. the rest can either supply copious amounts of devils bit slow release pain killers and some homely, not so motherly, nursing.

Aah you've had some serious pain there. Sounds bad (and now Shush too broke his leg, right?)... You know, by saying that I would have something "what it takes" I'll tell you; although I've a collection of petrol and electrical machines here  ;D and I may look like an ugly cave troll  ;D but would rather piss in my pants and wouldn't never hurt anyone really.  :-*
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 23, 2014, 09:30:01 PM
cave trolls

now i'm gonna have to watch some lord of the rings

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on May 23, 2014, 10:04:44 PM
cave trolls

Yes? I'm listening.  ;D

Hope you get your legs fixed you both.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: lotus on May 23, 2014, 10:06:35 PM
Or listen to Bo Hansson - Lord of the rings  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on June 01, 2014, 07:41:03 AM
The Weather is humid and hot as shit.  So much so that my door is swollen shut and i had to get a hammer to get it open. I have to do all my running/biking and physical activity at five in the morning so i don't pass out and die due to heat. Advice- Never move to the south-east us unless you like hurricanes, insects and severe heat/humidity. It's a hell hole. A wonderful tropical storm/ possibly hurricane may be on it's way as well.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on June 01, 2014, 05:09:36 PM
south east of america?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on June 30, 2014, 12:28:30 PM
so our weather has been brilliant for a while now. Looks like it will change a little over the next short while but we have enjoyed it whiles it here.

Here is an image of the fireworks that took place at the weekend to signal the start of the Round Ireland Race.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 30, 2014, 03:18:17 PM
Another sunny day here in the west of Scotland What's happing better lap it while we can
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on July 01, 2014, 03:33:31 AM
Hot and humid. You could probably even cook breakfast on nothing but the pavement.   ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 01, 2014, 05:27:14 PM
Gorgeous, just gorgeous x
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 01, 2014, 05:47:15 PM
It's also a lovely day here in South Cheshire.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on July 03, 2014, 07:50:33 PM
Hot and now about a thousand or so honey bees decided a tree right out side of my door is the perfect place for them to swarm. About three of them decided that my car would be a nice place to live as well. I am all for saving the bees but and I know they don't intentionally want to harm people but hundreds of bee stings don't sound very pleasant. I am hoping it just rains and scares them off because I don't want to have to kill them. Plus I was attacked as a toddler by bees so it brings back some horrible first memories.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on July 04, 2014, 10:27:32 AM
looks like a story where it could end up with a sting in the tail

so my mates mam died late last night. bit of chaos around here for a few days. playing supporting role which is OK. prefer that to be being centre stage.

the weather broke yesterday and it appears to be unsettled for the foreseeable future. so its goodbye summer and hello rest of year.....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 18, 2014, 11:25:15 PM
The weather today where I am?  Bloody hot, dense and close, feels like even breathing is a bit of an effort... would be nice if I had windows that could open wide but, no, my outdated old flat only has windows that open a few inches...

So,  a big fan blasting out cold air that would help me sleep...  :D  nope, I had one but it packed up a few hours ago...  >:(

So, I'm currently sweating like a South African paraplegic athlete in court...  :o

(Hey, at least I can still make jokes...)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 19, 2014, 12:05:06 AM
Just had some lovely lightning bolts here in the East Mids, now started to rain thankfully. Hopefully it will cool things down a bit
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 19, 2014, 12:07:32 AM
If it starts raining and I'm still awake, I'm throwing on whatever clothes come to hand and going for a wander in the raindrops!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on July 19, 2014, 07:45:53 AM
well, did it happen ray?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 19, 2014, 06:10:54 PM
well, did it happen ray?

It did, mate, and it felt heavenly.

Still couldn't get to sleep though, so I'm getting towards 48 hours without sleep... if I post some utter bollocks later on, that's the insomnia!

(big chorus from other forumites saying how will we be able to tell any difference..? ) ;)

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on July 19, 2014, 06:12:55 PM
so what can you do with insomnia? you don't drink when you're like that do you?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 19, 2014, 11:23:37 PM
so what can you do with insomnia? you don't drink when you're like that do you?

What can you do with insomnia?  Not very much.  Drinking heavily helps in the short term... in the long term, not so much.  Likewise sleeping pills... horrendously addictive and, IMO, best avoided.  Trust me, I speak from experience.

Hoping to crash out in the next hour or two, my eyelids are getting pleasantly droopy...   :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on July 20, 2014, 12:01:25 AM
good for you.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 20, 2014, 01:08:35 AM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 01, 2014, 08:10:38 PM
Thankfully, my weather today has gone from HOT AND MUGGY AND TRULY ANNOYING to VERY RAINY!! !

And I bloody love it... went for a walk on my way to get a pizza in shorts, trainers and a T-shirt in chilly heavy rain...  felt like I could breathe properly for the first time in days...

Summer rain is awesome!!!!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 05, 2014, 10:20:42 PM
haven't had a beer for 3 weeks

and not even looking for one

i dunno

this is weird

wonder what addiction will take me over next

hope its work so i can get this project finished

this is weird folks, real weird. like probably haven't stopped drinking or more than three days since i was mid teens

and now this

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 07, 2014, 08:32:27 AM
so anyway, weather is ok, life is pain since we are living the laws.

who knows what tomorrow brings, maybe another day
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 07, 2014, 11:32:02 AM
Weather is good in sunny Ayrshire today just the right temperature for me
I'm in a good place managed to win the Here comes the war logo 1993 European tour t shirt on ebay which meant a lot as i was at the Glasgow barrowlands gig with a good mate who is no longer with us and its awesome looking t shirt as well
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 08, 2014, 08:26:36 PM
Weird weather today... two o clock in the afternoon and one half of the sky is all sunny and shit and then a big black cloud comes over, bringing big loud thunder and torrential rain that furiously splatters on the pavements outside my home (not to mention the occasional big bad thunderflash in the sky)...

... yet it's all nice and calm and sweet half an hour after that...?   :(

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 09, 2014, 04:30:09 PM
we got some seriously dirty weather on its way here. time to chill out, play some music and kill a few orcs and dragons

but isn't it great that we all persevered through the toughest times on this board and satisfying that when you visit there are so many diverse topics with new posts

happy as a pig in shit - not to be taken literally ray and shush
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 11, 2014, 07:43:13 PM
hey anna

did you go to your festival on your tod?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 20, 2014, 07:42:13 PM
its been a cold and dreary week in the most part

or fresh and irish compared to the exotic summer we've just had

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on August 20, 2014, 08:01:40 PM
its been a cold and dreary week in the most part

or fresh and irish compared to the exotic summer we've just had

It's been mostly the same here. We actually had a 34 days of freaky hot sun and raining only twice that time. Well, now it's been raining one week and only today 50mm:s, which is a hell lot. Autumn...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 20, 2014, 08:44:16 PM
and next this little devil (
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on August 20, 2014, 11:24:26 PM
Sometimes Mother Nature likes to remind us who's boss.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on August 27, 2014, 07:57:12 PM
Good Evening @ all ,
We will travel to the UK next  Monday  can you give us some info about the weather next week ?
Thanxs in advance
Cheers witch
I wish you a nice eve
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 27, 2014, 08:35:53 PM
Good Evening @ all ,
We will travel to the UK next  Monday  can you give us some info about the weather next week ?
Thanxs in advance
Cheers witch
I wish you a nice eve

Hell, Witch, us here in the UK are on the cusp of Summer and Autumn... we have absolutely no ******* idea what the weather is going to do!!!!

Put it like this... I went out to do a bit of shopping roundabout 9am this morning, it was so bloody cold... so I stuck on a jumper when I went out to buy a few beers at 4pm... and I was sweating like anything by the time I got back home, thanks to the total change in weather!  Shit got very warm after being so cold earlier!!   :o

Who knows what will happen on Monday...?   :o

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on August 29, 2014, 09:56:59 PM
Thank you very much for your reply  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on August 29, 2014, 09:58:34 PM
look forward to meeting you next week , witch. :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 29, 2014, 11:22:31 PM
Thank you very much for your reply  :)

Um, I wasn't being sarcastic or anything, genuinely joking...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 30, 2014, 11:27:52 AM
dull and dreary, sort of brings the atmosphere for the game at turf moor alive

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 01, 2014, 06:46:04 AM
september 1st, the slow beautiful slide into winter. we're getting 22 to 24 degrees this week. hope winter turns crisp
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 02, 2014, 05:58:33 PM
A GORGEOUS day today!  A hot sun but with a nice breeze to balance it out.  And the trees are starting to turn brown and pretty...

Autumn is deffo my favourite season...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: stompy13 on September 02, 2014, 06:10:39 PM
30 degrees and muggy. This is the hottest it's been all summer and I've just started work again  >:( It'll be worse next week when the classrooms fill up with sweaty teenagers  :'(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on September 02, 2014, 06:33:21 PM
september 1st, the slow beautiful slide into winter. we're getting 22 to 24 degrees this week. hope winter turns crisp

It's 8 to 14 here at mid days. 4-8 at nights. I wish a crispy winter too. Better if it starts on late October and lasts until start of April. -7 to -20 minus please.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 05, 2014, 05:24:16 PM
i like that idea of extreme to extreme. i'm envious of you

here we have a mini heatwave of 22 to 23 degrees and all the flies have decide its the start of summer all over again

big L is in the garden, little L is back in school and I am working day and night on a deal

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 06, 2014, 11:09:36 PM
certainly autumn

nice though
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 07, 2014, 09:10:25 AM
bright and chill, dry too
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 07, 2014, 03:51:24 PM
A really nice late summer/ early autumn day here just having a chilled out day Wine and Blood in-between some motor sports F1 and BTCC the Scotland game is on later not expecting much against Germany will be happy with a half decent performance
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 07, 2014, 03:55:01 PM
yeah, ireland game starts in the next few minute from the same group

interesting times

should be fun when we meet you lot
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on September 09, 2014, 03:09:21 AM
It is still as hot and humid as shit.    With lots of bugs just waiting to feed on human blood.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on September 09, 2014, 02:56:49 PM
It is still as hot and humid as shit.    With lots of bugs just waiting to feed on human blood.

That sounds like lyrical content! Which one are real Dischage lyrics:

"...A massive swarm - horde of mosquitos suck people dry in the hot niiighht...
why, why, why!?"


"Can you hear an enormous door - slamming in the depths of helll...
A possibility of life's destruction"

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 09, 2014, 06:13:49 PM
It is still as hot and humid as shit.    With lots of bugs just waiting to feed on human blood.

That sounds like lyrical content! Which one are real Dischage lyrics:

"...A massive swarm - horde of mosquitos suck people dry in the hot niiighht...
why, why, why!?"


"Can you hear an enormous door - slamming in the depths of helll...
A possibility of life's destruction"


Discharge?  Shit, I used to knock around with Steve Brookes, he ran a rehersal studio that my old band used to practise at in the mid 90's!  Damn good guy, haven't seen him in many a long year...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on September 12, 2014, 08:15:48 PM

Discharge?  Shit, I used to knock around with Steve Brookes, he ran a rehersal studio that my old band used to practise at in the mid 90's!  Damn good guy, haven't seen him in many a long year...

That's great, Ray. As we know, Discharge are one of the great legends. They are the masters of D-beat!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on September 12, 2014, 08:49:18 PM
Back to the point:

It's getting darker every week here. At 19:30 (or 7:30 PM as many of you call it) at evening you could see how it's going to take only 1 hour before it's pitch dark everywhere. Well now it's been last four hours.

During a start of winter the sun settles down at 6:00 PM or even 5:00 PM. It's dark so long until minus temperatures and snow comes in late of October or somewhere in December. Snow actually reflects the light a little bit. Then the sunniest time of the day lasts only 5 or 6 hours in December-March. But you could not see the sun here in Dec and Jan. (There's only some light but you couldn't see its source.) What it means to a normal working man it's only mid day of Saturdays and Sundays at home you could see the sun couple of hours when you're not working.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 12, 2014, 10:39:47 PM
My best mate Dan is in New York right now and, apparently, its 97 degrees and humid as hell.  I wouldn't fancy that.   ???

Personally, I'm looking forward to Autumn. It's get cool (but not cold) and the trees and flowers look lovely. Deffo my favourite season.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on September 12, 2014, 10:45:13 PM
Love a bit of NY. last time I was there it was Winter. Thick ice in Central Park. That place gets real Winter and Summer, from one extreme to the other.  What we get varies from year to year. Not sure which is best. The feel of a real Season, or unpredictability

btw, Dan coming to Notts this December ??
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 12, 2014, 10:48:53 PM
Almost certainly. Might be also bringing an NMA newbie.  Damn, to gauge that newbies reaction to the craziness that is an NMA gig or a pre-gig meet...  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on September 12, 2014, 10:50:53 PM
I am jealous for what they are about to receive
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 13, 2014, 07:40:46 PM
Been really hot here all week in Scotland for September Met my better half in Glasgow for a coffee and a walk about the shops etc Was really busy referendum fever seems to have gripped the city with the yes supports definitely out numbering the no's on the city centre streets Seemed to be a lot of green party yes badges as well maybe that's just Celtic fans not wanting to wear blue and white lol Will do a proper post on independence asap
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on October 10, 2014, 04:17:14 PM
bump diddy bump diddy bump bump bump diddy

i had a forced hiatus from  planet nma forum. had to take a trip to LA for business and am up to my neck in it. good and bad stuff everywhere. heres hoping all the good forces the dark side back to where it belongs

how is everyone here anyways?

all good i hope

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 10, 2014, 05:58:20 PM
bump diddy bump diddy bump bump bump diddy

i had a forced hiatus from  planet nma forum. had to take a trip to LA for business and am up to my neck in it. good and bad stuff everywhere. heres hoping all the good forces the dark side back to where it belongs

how is everyone here anyways?

all good i hope

Was wondering where you were, sir!  Glad you haven't abandoned us...  ;)

'.. had to take a business trip to LA...' oh, you little jetsetter, you!

I took a train to Manchester the other day... does that compare?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 10, 2014, 09:46:27 PM
It's been quite warm (+9 celsius) during mid days. But I, we, have to be prepared for the winter these times. At earliest it might take only 2 weeks until we get sustained snow and the winter starts.

Nice comeback Heno!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on October 10, 2014, 11:04:33 PM
well all i could think about was the green and the grey

aint getting rid of me that easy

and ray, sitting alongside 3 vaping drunks on the plane....i'd rather be heading to manchester
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 11, 2014, 08:53:32 AM
All in one day.

The shops are selling Christmas stuff and I'm still wearing sandals.
Not wearing a coat yet either.
Still warm for October.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 13, 2014, 07:08:49 PM
Well, it's gone very cold and very wet here in South Cheshire... I can manage one or the other, but both in one day...  :-\

I always used to make it a 'thing' that I wouldn't put any heating on in my tiny little flat before December 1st... heck, I'm Northern, we can cope with things getting a bit chilly!  But, in my rapidly ageing years, I think I might have to put the heating on tonight...

The younger version of myself is so ashamed...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 15, 2014, 02:47:02 PM
Starting to get really cold here in Ayrshire.
Autumn has definitely bitten hard and it feels like winter is on the way thankfully i have my nma woolly hat to keep me warm lol. Gawd the clocks haven't even gone back yet, i hate the dark nights they always feel so depressing but what can you do. Oh well time to catch up on sum dvds, music, games and maybe even a book or two. Suppose it means that the 13th December is ever nearer.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on October 17, 2014, 07:08:19 AM
all good on the western approaches in the mid atlantic. settling into our slightly breezy, slightly moderate, slightly damp climate. which is ok but i hate these days where you are stuck between and t-shirt and a hoody with a jacket over it. think i'll winter my 18 year old boots next week and get them ready for prime time

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 17, 2014, 06:38:21 PM
Nice walk home from work tonight... I love autumn and all the colours that it brings.  It's funny, because everything is beautiful, but it's because everything is dying...

Someone should write a song about that.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on October 17, 2014, 09:51:28 PM
Personally, I hate autumn. Only for the ever closing in darkness. Soon the clocks will back, the you leave work and its already dark.

I never would have made a good Goth  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 17, 2014, 10:11:10 PM
Personally, I hate autumn. Only for the ever closing in darkness. Soon the clocks will back, the you leave work and its already dark.

I never would have made a good Goth  :-\

... but Autumn means it's only a matter of weeks until another big and doubtlessly classic Xmas NMA gig!  Can't say that about Spring, can you?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on October 17, 2014, 10:18:48 PM
Yeah, I'll give you that one  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on October 21, 2014, 05:07:36 PM
Very blowy
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 21, 2014, 05:27:53 PM
Aye heavy showers and strong winds says it all
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 21, 2014, 07:20:45 PM
Just got home from work and the expression 'drowned rat' doesn't begin to cover it.

Anyone know this Noah fella?  He might have something to do with it...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: lotus on October 21, 2014, 07:33:05 PM
You know this (or some other No Rain versions of that festival)?  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on October 22, 2014, 08:36:21 AM
10 degrees C swing here between last night and tonight. mild tonight, first chill yesterday

dull, overcast

but all good otherwise....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 22, 2014, 08:27:18 PM
Just heard from a forecast: next night it's going to -5 C.

The high score today was in northern Lappland Finland. -20.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on October 22, 2014, 08:55:51 PM
i would love to go there again. it was incredible. but only for a short stay
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 22, 2014, 09:05:12 PM
i would love to go there again. it was incredible. but only for a short stay

You've been there? Where did you go? Yllas (Ylläs) or Ruka or Levi?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 05, 2014, 07:56:43 PM
Bloody hell, it went cold all of a sudden!  Had a nice Autumn walk home in mellow temperatures roundabout 5pm this afternoon... then just now nipped over to ASDA for a few supplies...

F-ing sodding Crikey, it's so cold out there, even the witches tits are calling in sick!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 06, 2014, 10:21:22 AM
Yesterday when you wrote that Ray, it went cold here too (although we get winds here from different directions from the world).

Now it's raining snow first time since last winter. We have to change the tyres here to stud (like spikes) type every autumn and back when it's March/April. I'm going to wait for some time before I'll change them. Just hoping the snow is not staying yet. Have to wait for some time.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on November 15, 2014, 08:00:35 PM
we've had ridiculous rain
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on November 16, 2014, 05:59:22 PM
and the whole of ireland is rain free right now

except for here

like how does a cloud always seem to be hanging over here?


has someone disabled images?

heres the url (
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 16, 2014, 06:03:48 PM

like how does a cloud always seem to be hanging over here?

It seems you're thinking the same thing as I do. The cloud you're talking about is normally here.  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 16, 2014, 06:08:47 PM
Rusco and Heno, THIS ever happen to you? Well just the first 41 seconds, anyway...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on November 17, 2014, 07:34:30 PM
every day since 1966

or so it feels

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 18, 2014, 09:44:57 PM
I loved this afternoon... the copper-y red leaves from the trees scattered everywhere, a temperature that was just chilly enough to give you those nice autumn tingles and a 4pm-ish sunset that bathed my surroundings in a fine warm-coloured pretty hue...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 19, 2014, 06:18:38 PM
Sounds gorgeous Ray. I like to walk the dog just before sunset - it's when you get the best colours  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 19, 2014, 07:47:14 PM
It's -1 during middays, -3 to -4 at midnight. No snow yet. Dry air. A deadline to change the tyres is after one week.

Waiting for the start of December, if we'd finally get a real winter. Then I'll put my yukon, sarawak & fiordland on and take a full throttle.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on November 19, 2014, 09:41:11 PM
Very cold. apparently Canada has given the entire United States it's insanely cold weather.
It's a record breaking cold for November.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on November 20, 2014, 07:30:35 AM
we've heard that we might be getting the worst weather with snow and freezing temps all over christmass

ireland and uk is where i heard it about

anyone else here this?

or is it all just another distraction whilst they play their silly games
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 20, 2014, 06:49:17 PM
Last winter (in the UK) was supposed to be the worst ever, murderous and freezing... I didn't see a single snowflake... likewise, hurricane conditions in the last fortnight... 

**** the news reports, I'll believe it when I experience it.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on November 20, 2014, 06:58:17 PM
ray, get out from under that 10 ft snowdrift

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 22, 2014, 09:27:33 AM
Now it's the time for winter tyres. Yesterday it took 1 & half hour to drive to home, only 50 km:s/hour.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 22, 2014, 10:05:02 AM
A wet morning that looks like brighten up a bit. Heading to Glasgow to meet a couple of mates Check out the festive markets probably buy some kind of exotic burger sorry veggies lol and go to costa for a mocha.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on November 22, 2014, 10:41:17 AM
crisp calm and calm again

just like me

sure where would ya get it
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on November 22, 2014, 09:25:20 PM
90 percent chance of thunderstorms for 17 hours tonight and Tomorrow.  This means flooding will be likely. Basically I am staying with a friend that does not live near a river until this passes. It's better than staying in an unstable mobile home that shakes every time it gets very windy and rains hard.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 22, 2014, 10:21:13 PM
Quote from: Amandistan

What I've understood from the news in couple of last three years, it looks like you've had quite radical changes in weather in the States more often?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 04, 2014, 04:53:23 PM
We enjoyed sunshine approximately 5 hours during whole November. Wished
that snow would come at last. It reflects day light and makes everything brighter.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on December 06, 2014, 07:47:37 PM

we lit the real fires for the first time. its got a colder. it might only get as high as 5 tomorrow

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on December 07, 2014, 09:32:35 PM
Damn, it's so cold here in South Cheshire that the brass monkeys were knocking on my door and asking if I knew any welders...   ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 07, 2014, 10:18:17 PM
A nasty cold wet and windy here with heavy hail showers As we say dreich
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on December 08, 2014, 02:33:10 AM
It's still damn hot. I want to live somewhere with actually seasons. That's why i am looking to move to Pittsburgh or North New York near the Canadian border. You get cold winters, mild springs and autumns  and warm summers.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 09, 2014, 03:23:00 PM
Well I have to say I hardly believe there are any actual seasons left. Weathers have changed so much. I'm scared once again about a storm. Forecasts assumed at first there's winding 11 meters on Wednesday (tomorrow). Then they changed it to 6 meters per sec. Now they changed it to damn 20 meters. It's always with these storms that if the worst would happen,  I and my wife would get a 8 ton weight of spine tree on our roof. I am nervous about tomorrow.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 11, 2014, 04:40:38 PM
Okay, we survived yesterday. Day after tomorrow there will be another storm coming.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on December 18, 2014, 08:45:46 PM
wet, warm and windy.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 22, 2014, 09:23:53 PM
Okay,  now it seems to be alright here.  Snowing started yesterday and now we've got 10 to 15 centimetres snow everywhere in the country. It's nearly -5 Celsius and the forecasts expect -13 on Thursday. It's going up and down for one week and if everything goes normally, it will go to -15 to -20 or higher on January.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on December 22, 2014, 09:27:38 PM
Dependable cold weather in your part of the World Rusco. Here its still all over the place, 12c+ here today. Had to turn the heating off at work.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 22, 2014, 09:46:52 PM
Dependable cold weather in your part of the World Rusco. Here its still all over the place, 12c+ here today. Had to turn the heating off at work.

Yea, it's because we don't get the warmth from the golf streams that you get over there. The warm winds can't cross over the mountains in Norway. It's also due to that when the winds approach the lands from a sea they'll change the direction. So the coldness comes from north and east to here.

I like it because it's so silent then. It doesn't wind nearly at all then and maybe you could hear couple of loud noises that trees and icy lakes may cause. Even the bad guys don't rob apartments then.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 22, 2014, 10:00:13 PM
But the weather is changing every 3 to 5 months a lot. On July we had +25 to +29 for one month.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 29, 2014, 03:39:35 AM
-18 now. The trees are making 'bang' noises. Cars have to be loaded with extra power supply that they could be used.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 29, 2014, 05:51:43 PM
After rusco's post im not going to complain. Been about -4 here and i definitely don't mind that get some suitable clothes on fire up the mp3 player and go for a good walk down the woods, you cant beat the winter landscape for beauty, greens and browns against a frosty background of white
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 29, 2014, 06:46:04 PM
Well, cold is cold wheter it's -4 or more :). It's possible to get used to cold. It will take couple of weeks. Today, earlier when I posted here it was 6:30 AM here. It went up to -21 during midday, but then it started to get warmer very fast. It's only -10 now. Something strange there is because the forecasts expect plus celsius for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on January 01, 2015, 09:16:06 PM
Went for a good long walk Yesterday with the family. It was very hampered by the pavements being coated in compacted snow which had turned to 2 inch thick ice. Woke up this morning, all of it, absolutely all of it gone, and a warm day. WTF  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 05, 2015, 11:26:05 AM

I heard about estimations there's going to be a very fierce storm hitting some parts of England, southern Norway, southern Sweden, Denmark and/or northern parts of Germany on next Friday. Approx wind speed 35 meters/sec or even 40 meters/sec.

Can anyone of you living near to above mentioned nations please tell are the news about it correct? The direction the storm might be moving is not yet clear. If it passes even to bit northern it might hit Finland as well.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: lotus on January 05, 2015, 06:43:25 PM
Nothing special  for the noth of Germany (11 isn`t friendly, but  not 35)

Have a look here (Denmark forecast)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 05, 2015, 08:44:41 PM
The newspapers are telling us to expect 80mph winds tonight... but right now, it's as mild as Cheshire cheese...   :(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 06, 2015, 08:37:52 AM
Let's hope it will lessen its power when it approach a land.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 09, 2015, 10:24:13 PM
wind wind and more wind

another bough down in the garden. needs some serious attention over the next few weeks/months
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on January 09, 2015, 10:28:51 PM
Seriously windy in the East Midlands to. Many a fence panel will take flight tonight
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 09, 2015, 10:29:37 PM
looks like god might have had a curry
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on January 09, 2015, 10:36:58 PM
That's all them nasty spices for you. Like wot you get in brown sauce  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 09, 2015, 10:42:44 PM
That's all them nasty spices for you. Like wot you get in brown sauce  >:(

Oh, give it up, you Red Sauce Git!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 09, 2015, 10:44:52 PM
having being raised on the body of christ indigestion is a given
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on January 09, 2015, 10:54:40 PM
There you go.

Red sauce is the blood of Christ

Brown sauce is the devils diarrhea

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 09, 2015, 11:02:20 PM
jaysus man

wasn't expectin' that

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 09, 2015, 11:05:34 PM
Heno, you HAVE been keeping up with the whole bacon sandwich debate?   ???

If not... wow, confusing...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 09, 2015, 11:15:33 PM

i've been away

prayer tell raymond of cheshire, what is the porky you speak of
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: keto on January 10, 2015, 12:48:44 PM
rainy, stormy, just 2 c at night, ******* cold inside because buildings are not isolated  :( i'm warming up the room and it does'nt get enough warm even after 16 hours air- condition at the max temperature  >:(
somebody can give me back the summer please  :-*
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 10, 2015, 05:57:59 PM
Ha, Heno... there was a conversation that strayed over into various other threads about the merits of brown sauce or 'red sauce' (or, as us civilised people call it, tomato sauce   ;) ) on a bacon sandwich.  Yeah, I know, silly shit, but it's making us laugh.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on January 10, 2015, 06:08:51 PM
(or, as us civilised people call it, tomato sauce   ;) )
Posh git  ;D

The original point of the sauce war was that there is no definitive answer. It was in response to someone stating that it is an undisputable fact that Lennon was a better song writer than Sullivan. Anyone choosing to disagree with this has no brain. My original point was, there is no fact as to who is the greatest ever song writer,  like with sauce a matter of personal taste and opinion -- in my case, Sullivan and red sauce.

Oh sorry, tomato sauce  :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 06:36:48 PM
oh, i guess i'll have to play ketchup ray
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 10, 2015, 07:12:05 PM
oh, i guess i'll have to play ketchup ray

Ba-dum TISH!  Well played, sir!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 10, 2015, 08:21:52 PM
Can I just say that I really like HP Fruity Sauce  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 08:55:18 PM
YR you so saucy Ann?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 08:56:48 PM
looking back it seems like we are in a bit of a pickle
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 08:57:08 PM
you dirty shower of mustards
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 08:57:34 PM
i'd ploughman right through the lot of you
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 08:58:12 PM
**** i'm bored
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 10, 2015, 09:32:34 PM
**** i'm bored

Maybe but I just wet myself laughing  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 09:37:09 PM
you saucy devil
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 10, 2015, 09:38:30 PM
Plenty of wind and rain just waiting on the revolution
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 09:39:22 PM
curry sauce
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 10, 2015, 09:45:23 PM
Talk about sauces seems to be a bit controversial nowadays...  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 10:16:16 PM
i found the thread up in nma

gonna read it

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 10, 2015, 10:23:04 PM
just waiting on the revolution

Soon my friend, soon  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 10:23:41 PM
beyond weird

where did that come from?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 10, 2015, 10:24:46 PM
i only ever post in the everything else board

now i have to watch elsewhere

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 11, 2015, 09:39:44 PM
i only ever post in the everything else board

now i have to watch elsewhere

Nice you came back Heno! What have you been doing?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 12, 2015, 07:12:15 AM
trying to get the merge ro four company completed with an LA based one

trying to figure out how to use technology to make government more transparent and putting citizens services on a par with global brand services and capabilities

and i was in china for three days last week and am still not over the fact that i worked through both time zones and managed a grand total of 5 hours sleep in 72  hours. i'm too old for this

and still recovering from the local canton cuisine of preserved pig innards cold meat platter which i thought was braied canotese duck when i ordered it. i even flapped my wings and said quack quack and the chinese people, who hadn't one word fo english, kept nodding. then it arrived......wel man, i have a stomach for most things but not a pigs stomach, boiled and chilled intestinal fat, steamed spleen, i think their might have even been a couple of smoked sweetbreads. lung. the ******* lot.

and now i am back in the land of spuds and pasta

man i gotta work on a menu for the new year. a healthy and engaging one. like a jamie's 15 minutes meals. with no meat. just some good fish on it. or i aint physically and mentally going to survive the challenges ahead......

bet you're glad you asked mate.

how are you anyway?

oh, and its raining and windy and a tree is down in the corner of my garden and it is being held up by the telegraph wires (thats phone lines to you young uns) and i have to go to dublin. and i bet the work crew arrive when i am not here and make a mess of the hedge.

all fun and games

if my trip had been to brazil i reckon i would have risked disappearing into the forest and seek out a lost tribe that walks around naked all day, men go hunting whilst getting wasted on drinking the bones of their fathers in some psychedelic concoction and only visit the womens huts for sex and food.

why oh why did we have to evolve.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 12, 2015, 09:22:54 PM
Heno - International Man Of Mystery!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on January 14, 2015, 03:14:27 AM
It's hot again. Three days ago it was as cold as hell.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 14, 2015, 02:31:16 PM
wind and rain and snow everywhere but here

major storm coming tonight.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 14, 2015, 08:28:09 PM
Another crap January day, cold wet and windy and i will count myself lucky tens of thousands of people have had it a lot worse, some have been left without electricity for a few days.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 14, 2015, 09:42:17 PM
my missus said shes never known it to be so windy

i apologised
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 16, 2015, 08:12:15 PM
Bloody bizarre day here in South Cheshire!  Horizontal rain, then a bit of snow, then an hour of sunshine, then dark ominous clouds that pissed sleet on us (with the occasional rainbow) and now it's calmed down but SO ******* cold...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 17, 2015, 05:14:53 PM
Been lovely,

Just read this in The Independent:

"A Met Office spokesperson continued: “An organised band of sleet and snow showers"

Who's organising the weather and how are they doing it  ???

We should be told, it might be terrorists and we should be bombing these organised bands  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 17, 2015, 05:30:31 PM

2014 the warmest year on record

oil prices going through the floor

US almost self sufficient for oil due to shale

seems like there just might be a major global conflict on its way for some reason
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 17, 2015, 05:32:12 PM
The first snow here for a couple of years about maybe 5 inches, yes it may look beautiful at times I hate it when it all gets compacted hard into the pavement and walking becomes difficult
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 17, 2015, 10:42:53 PM
got some blocks

i hate burning trees but they are from a renewable source

man these are good blocks as they say in blockland
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 18, 2015, 09:49:36 AM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 18, 2015, 10:25:45 AM
gonna burn a rake of them again today
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 18, 2015, 02:24:03 PM
Good stuff, I do like a nice fire, unfortunately I don't have a fireplace so I'll just have to imagine a virtual one.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 18, 2015, 02:39:25 PM
Like a bloody skating rink out there lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 18, 2015, 09:07:31 PM
Bloody Cold  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on January 18, 2015, 09:35:57 PM
Just been out to Ikea at Leeds and Nottingham and then visited some friends in Newark.

Got home after about a 30 mile journey and it was snowing very heavily, it's now stopped but forecast to be very cold tonight.

Not at work tomorrow so a day making jewellery beckons
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 19, 2015, 08:58:10 AM
gonna burn a rake of them again today

We burn them every day in a fireplace. Sometimes only once per two days if it's not too cold outside.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 19, 2015, 04:26:10 PM
well i've managed to light and maintain the fire without an coal. the trick is to chop lots of big blocks into small blocks and then mix small and big when adding blocks to the fire. its all ablaze now.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 19, 2015, 04:39:42 PM
The fire always burns brightest when no one is watching heno lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 19, 2015, 07:51:36 PM
Tonight, it's getting pretty damn cold.  And, for some reason, my whole street smells strongly of chocolate.  I have no ******* idea what that's all about.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 19, 2015, 08:11:13 PM
The fire always burns brightest when no one is watching heno lol

its must because by the time i get back to it, its gone out.......
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on January 20, 2015, 05:57:29 PM
The fire always burns brightest when no one is watching heno lol

its must because by the time i get back to it, its gone out.......

then you need to remember that if you leave a fire to burn it will burn itself away- pay attention man  :)

p.s. there's usually a few embers left though and generally they only need a gentle breath to blaze away again :-*
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 20, 2015, 10:03:57 PM
It tried to snow earlier here today, but failed.  Thank God... I hate snow more than I hate fascism... all pretty and shit at first, then it turns into a slushy ugly mess that's just waiting to send you tumbling over and HURT you...

I would like to personally greet every single, delicate, prettily-individual little snowflake that falls anywhere near me... and punch it in its bastard face.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 21, 2015, 07:25:37 PM
ray, snowflakes are one of the most beautiful things ever.

then you need to remember that if you leave a fire to burn it will burn itself away- pay attention man  :)

p.s. there's usually a few embers left though and generally they only need a gentle breath to blaze away again :-*

i never head that phrase before. i'll probably use it until the day i burn out myself now

so it nearly went out yesterday. we collect all the sticks from big tree all year round and use them to start the fire. i just grab a handful and its is back even from the tiniest glow

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 21, 2015, 09:47:39 PM
ray, snowflakes are one of the most beautiful things ever.

then you need to remember that if you leave a fire to burn it will burn itself away- pay attention man  :)

p.s. there's usually a few embers left though and generally they only need a gentle breath to blaze away again :-*

i never head that phrase before. i'll probably use it until the day i burn out myself now

so it nearly went out yesterday. we collect all the sticks from big tree all year round and use them to start the fire. i just grab a handful and its is back even from the tiniest glow

Snow is a cold bastard and it hates you and wants to hurt you.  Fact. 

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 22, 2015, 09:01:46 PM
hey ray, chill out, cool down, brrrrrrrro. there is no need for that flippin snowism

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 23, 2015, 04:54:42 PM
so this chinese project has been going very well except for one or two little hiccups. i've been working over 20 hours a day this week with only getting rest from about 7am to 10am or so each day. the great firewall of china is interesting. sometimes things work perfectly and mysteriously without warning they start to fail. that happened last night when our download service stopped working in the middle of the conference. luckily around 85% of attendees had already downloaded it. getting angry calls from clients who don't under the risk of computing across the gfw of china is not easy at the best of times, getting them at 4am when you think all is going well, is terrible. if i have learned anything from this week it is you can never plan for the unknown unknowns. add that little chinese gfw ingredient and it goes to a totally other level.

dark cold and damp here. sure whats new.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 26, 2015, 10:36:28 PM
did you ever get the impression that this space fella is here to drive traffic

clear skies and cold. knackered and didn't realise it

have stayed up too late and not taking time to catch

the world is good. i love the world
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on January 30, 2015, 07:08:27 PM

very cold


makes it colder

so its very very cold
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 06, 2015, 07:02:45 AM
calm, cloudy, cold

typical grey winters day

no rain, no snow

still burning my logs and blocks

biggest problem is that now that i have got well into the first load it appears that the bloke who supplied them is more than capable of throwing in a load of rubbish. like, some are like damp pulp in places and will never burn, rotting a little.

next year we're going to burn our own since we'll have to get the tree people in and trim everything. that, and the council sent me a letter to say that i have to cut the perimeter hedge. i've purposely let it grow as i want to get it shaped that it grows straight out about 1.5ft at the top of the wall and then straight up with a gentle apex on the top. i'll wait until they threaten me and then sort. has to be done before march when the ban on trimming hedges comes in
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 07, 2015, 07:47:46 PM
You have a period of ban for trimming hedges in Ireland?

Sorry I don't mean to be rude but just reminding if you'll burn your own wood they should be kept outside for one year drying. Some of the leaf trees like birch here should dry even for 2 years before burning them to get the best result with heating the house.

But what you said about the traitor selling rotten wood, that sucks. Once we had some bastard too who said he was selling logs in cubic metres. Well this guy brought the wood inside a normal car and wanted money for one cubic metres. Ffs, happy we didn't continue it.

Today I felled 2 spruces which were hundred years old giants. There's a storm coming again next night. Winds from north blowing up to 21-30 meters/sec. At first I had to fell down a birch from their way. Well, everything didn't go like I decided in the start: they fell were they had to but another of them had so long branches that they knocked down one pine too, + another pine which maintained its place but became a tree called "konkelo" in Finnish. That means a tree which is leaning strongly to some direction and has strong tensions inside it... So now we've got suddenly 5 trees which will give us wood for 6,5 cubic metres.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2015, 08:01:14 PM
so, i didn't know that but i reckon after trying to burn the first one i'd probably come on here and ask you and anna about what the **** is going on  :D

and sure. we have some rule that says that we should cut hedgerow in urban areas starting in march each year. its understandable since housing densities here are like large housing estates so keeping some green in the concrete jungle is a must. and garden wildlife starting humping at that time

we need to start a commune

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 07, 2015, 08:33:17 PM
Quote from: heno
so, i didn't know that but i reckon after trying to burn the first one i'd probably come on here and ask you and anna about what the **** is going on

No no please don't get me wrong good ol' Heno. I realised I answered too fast. What do I know about Irish customs and traditions or wood types(?), nothing is the answer. ;)

We here have laws too about how to treat wildlife in urban territories. I know there are some cities where you couldn't fell a single tree without a permission for that, even though the tree would threaten your house. I don't know the exact word to describe this in English. Hehe.

Let's start a Family commune! 8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2015, 08:38:05 PM
i know that ya dope

are you on high ground where you are?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 07, 2015, 08:46:21 PM
I live in a top floor flat.  No greenery.  Can't be arsed with it, quite frankly.

Best of luck, though, with the commune thing.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2015, 09:03:22 PM
i lived on the 26th floor of a tower squat in north london for about three months. i understand how alien greenery. except of course if its bud

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 07, 2015, 09:08:57 PM
i know that ya dope

Eeh, have to admit I'm not quite sure what you mean.

you on high ground where you are?

It's located in west southern coast, or 10 km's near to it. This isn't highlands, but farming areas, straight ground here.Winds come here from many directions.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 07, 2015, 09:13:33 PM
thats like saying "i know that" and giving you a rub on the head.....dopey

sounds isolated and bleak

where precisely is it?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 08, 2015, 07:00:47 PM
sounds isolated and bleak

where precisely is it?

Yep. We live in a deep forest in Finland Proper ( There's 4,5 km's to nearest town. But the nearest big city (Turku) is in 35 km's distance. I honestly assume our way of living would feel very isolated (and boring) to most of you urban citizens. ;)

There's a well romanticized view about Finland as a land of thousands of lakes and full of forests ( At times we ourselves tend to believe it too. But in reality, nowadays as there are strict laws and ways we should take care of forests, means their ecological diversity is not so good as it used to be, and as what the maintenance itself demand. They are so-called economical "forests", heavily treated, sparsely grown and which support often only one of the tree species (mainly pine and birch). (Nobody wants spruce because its price is so low.)

Let's try this: I put a link to my post on a Google+ group called "Woodworking". There you could see the project with spruces I told in my earlier post above. (I apologise the bad quality of photos). Here it goes:

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 08, 2015, 07:04:51 PM
Yyaiiiks. It worked. :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2015, 08:12:40 PM
wow, thats really cool man. thanks for sharing. - travel the world from the comfort of your browser

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 13, 2015, 10:28:15 PM



irish summer
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 14, 2015, 11:23:58 PM
Think we're leaving Winter here in Cheshire... mild and nice...   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 19, 2015, 12:44:22 PM
is there such a thing as busy weather

because its flippin' busy here

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 21, 2015, 11:40:54 PM
this won't happen again

young fella brings his bird over for the first time tonight

texts his Ma

on my way back now

please make sure the fire is lit, its cold and we wanna chill in the sitting room

make sure the dogs and cats are a little calmer than usual

tell Da not to be weird

i thought it was cool to make the top three of things hes worried about bringing a bird back to ours for the first time

as if.....bahahahahahahahahahahaha

(and if bird offends anyone i am truly sorry)

EDIT: i was tired when i typed the original

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 22, 2015, 09:12:33 AM
i thought it was cool to make the top three of things hes worried about bringing a bird back to ours for the first time

It is cool. He sounds a lovely young chap and she's a lucky young bird  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 22, 2015, 01:31:48 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 22, 2015, 05:06:02 PM
'Tell Da not to be weird...'

Lost cause right there.  Can ask, Heno, at exactly WHAT point did she run away screaming?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 25, 2015, 08:34:13 PM
lol the pair of you

they were just lucky i didn't sleepwalk

and ray

on the home page of this site, i can't help shudder and think of true detective

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on February 26, 2015, 08:19:57 PM
Cold, grey, rainy all day.

But it's a beautiful day.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 01, 2015, 08:32:17 PM
Just beautiful.

Sun, Blue skies, bit of warmth and the early stirrings of Spring

I tell you Spring in Kent is a lovely gift.

Nice little drive down through the countryside for a couple of hours Vengeance shooting, window open, No Rest album blaring out.

It's good
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 01, 2015, 09:17:41 PM
Winter is fighting hard its not going out so easy Been wet windy and cold for the last few days. On a happier note my Newcastle tickets are here and I've booked the train just the hotel to do for all systems go.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: claireinblack on March 01, 2015, 09:47:48 PM
Just beautiful.

Sun, Blue skies, bit of warmth and the early stirrings of Spring

I tell you Spring in Kent is a lovely gift.

Nice little drive down through the countryside for a couple of hours Vengeance shooting, window open, No Rest album blaring out.

It's good

I'm in Kent too and agree, lovely day!
Got a line of washing out for the first time in months!

And the Stranglers tour starts this week...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 02, 2015, 06:50:37 PM
I'm in Kent too

Excellent! Another proper Southerner  ;)

Pretty soon it will be Bluebells everywhere - you don't get that up on yer northern moors do ya?

 :-* :-* :-* :-*
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 02, 2015, 07:01:53 PM
Right now, 'oop north', for two days on the trot, we've had a gorgeous and mild sunny morning, a rainy (yet still mild) afternoon and now freezing winds and sleet coming at you horizontally...

That's proper weather, I tell thee!   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 02, 2015, 07:06:49 PM
Proper weather? Sounds bloody awful to me  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: claireinblack on March 02, 2015, 07:29:57 PM
Proper weather? Sounds bloody awful to me  ;D

Indeed although I would take the beautiful northern scenery over Medway anytime......
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 02, 2015, 07:42:46 PM
Indeed although I would take the beautiful northern scenery over Medway anytime......

Ooh - shush now, we don't need to mention that  ;D. Let 'em think of Apple trees and bluebells instead

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 02, 2015, 08:45:15 PM
We are still breaking the ice here. Snow on the roofs, but definately getting warmer. Days are longer already.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 02, 2015, 09:00:24 PM
I do like you Ruscoe - you're proper Viking you are

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on March 15, 2015, 03:56:06 AM
Currently waiting for Tropical Cyclone Pam to arrive. It's been downgraded from a category 5 to a 4 but it's still a pretty nasty storm. It literally blew Vanuatu off the map yesterday. Don't think I'll be getting much sleep on my boat tonight.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: rick a. on March 15, 2015, 01:25:52 PM
Here in lovely Boston (USA Boston), it's another sort of mild day(above freezing) with some good melting going on.  The massive snow fall we just had (106 inches in less than a month) is finally starting to dissolve. Who did we piss off to deserve this winter?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 15, 2015, 09:20:52 PM
Currently waiting for Tropical Cyclone Pam to arrive. It's been downgraded from a category 5 to a 4 but it's still a pretty nasty storm. It literally blew Vanuatu off the map yesterday. Don't think I'll be getting much sleep on my boat tonight.

Oh Johnz, yea we've heard the storm there at Vanuatu was really, really bad. It was very sad news and unbelievably strong storm. Heard their president called it a "monster" that literally destroyed everything.

So where are you sailing nowadays? If I remember right you live in a boat or? Please correct me if I remember it wrong.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on March 15, 2015, 10:11:53 PM
Cold and grey here in Germany
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 15, 2015, 11:00:49 PM
i was in frankfurt and berlin in the last 10 days. cold, yes. but dry cold, nice cold. i need continental climes.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on March 16, 2015, 09:15:15 AM
Currently waiting for Tropical Cyclone Pam to arrive. It's been downgraded from a category 5 to a 4 but it's still a pretty nasty storm. It literally blew Vanuatu off the map yesterday. Don't think I'll be getting much sleep on my boat tonight.

Oh Johnz, yea we've heard the storm there at Vanuatu was really, really bad. It was very sad news and unbelievably strong storm. Heard their president called it a "monster" that literally destroyed everything.

So where are you sailing nowadays? If I remember right you live in a boat or? Please correct me if I remember it wrong.  :)

Thanks Rusco. I live on my boat in New Zealand. Luckily the storm turned and we only got the edge of it which was still nasty but nothing like what Vanuatu got. Got some huge seas but not so much wind so it was ok.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 16, 2015, 09:26:50 PM
that cyclone was something else.

do they happen often? the pacific is so huge and so sparsely populated.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on March 17, 2015, 03:50:01 AM
that cyclone was something else.

do they happen often? the pacific is so huge and so sparsely populated.

That was the biggest one in a long time but we should be seeing more of them as the climate gets warmer. These storms get their energy from the warm water which has been steadily getting warmer over the last decades. At the moment we get around 2 or 3 each summer. Most of them are smaller though. Cat 2 or 3. Pam was Cat. 5 which was the same as Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico and is as bad as it gets. Not pretty!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 18, 2015, 03:43:20 PM
Definitely the best day of the year so far Has spring sprung in stewarton Gives me a excuse to wear my new stop the killing t shirt, over my hoodie its no that warm lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 18, 2015, 05:58:38 PM
very nice indeed, id say about 17c outside today
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 19, 2015, 10:44:24 PM
Three gorgeous sunny days in a row... I particularly love going for a teatime walk when the sun is going down and the air is all chilly-delicious...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 20, 2015, 10:11:50 PM
its been a dull cloudy day in the troubled mind of someone who just turned fortyfuckingnine


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 20, 2015, 10:24:26 PM

**** that, Roger Murtaugh was 50 in the first Lethal Weapon movie...

I will be Mel to your Danny Glover (I'm only a few years behind you)... watch this...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 20, 2015, 10:36:42 PM
ray, i am so glad that you think telling me that you are younger than me is going to improve my current disposition

and what the fuck anyway?

we are the only generation that has been completely robbed of our mid life crisis indulgence

bastards have made the crisis communal

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 21, 2015, 06:41:20 PM
ray, i am so glad that you think telling me that you are younger than me is going to improve my current disposition

and what the fuck anyway?

we are the only generation that has been completely robbed of our mid life crisis indulgence

bastards have made the crisis communal

We poor at our 40's.

I don't know how is it in other countries but here our parent's generation called us by a name meaning "you're a newcomer to things and ye don't know how to get things fixed because you're THAT age". That's only because they remember their childhood at countryside and learned things you don't have to do in the cities.

But at the same time: we're too old for the second Y generation. We have a morality about working that we've learned from parents, so we're not flexible enough with the new needs at working.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: lotus on March 21, 2015, 07:48:55 PM
Weather: cold, rainy, no feelings of near spring (beginning tomorow?)
And stop complaining - you are too young and not in your 50`s  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on March 21, 2015, 08:24:54 PM
its cool

just don't think i have put time into perspective yet

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 21, 2015, 08:26:53 PM
Yeah, you're right Lotus.

 Here's ( some light for the new "spring".
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: lotus on March 21, 2015, 08:56:54 PM
Sunset !! - Love that (underrated) song  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 23, 2015, 09:02:30 PM
Sunny but blummin cold in the playground this afternoon.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 24, 2015, 04:14:12 PM
A few heavy showers, went a walk down the woods and managed to get get caught in probably the only hail shower of the day whilst in the middle of nowhere n the isn't much shelter beneath the trees yet. Still i really enjoyed it mp3 on shuffle, didn't see anybody else just a few birds n squirrels. Managed to loss a few of the winter cobwebs, need to keep it up
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 31, 2015, 07:48:10 PM
F-ing bloody crikey, mad weather today!

Woken up at 4am by winds so fierce that I thought my bedroom window was gonna get smashed in! Managed to get off to sleep, awoken by calm, nice, pretty sunny stuff.   :)

By lunchtime, it was throwing down hard hailstones horizontally.  And it's been back and forth between those two extremeties between then and now...


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on April 02, 2015, 05:49:42 PM
Bloody typical! It's been a lovely warm sunny day and no sooner do you get home for the long weekend and it gets cloudy  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 09, 2015, 08:52:21 AM
Wow another sunny day here in Ayrshire, so I'm gonna dedicate a song to it lol aye right
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 09, 2015, 06:09:55 PM
Perfect weather today.  Really warm and sunny but with the occasionally breeze, just to cool things down...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 09, 2015, 11:26:36 PM
off the scale of niceness here for a few days. it just lifts everything
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 10, 2015, 12:48:48 PM
Lovely today thank you.

Loads of washing on the line.

I'm at home to enjoy it.

No hospital today.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 10, 2015, 01:25:18 PM
Knowing you are out of hospital, home enjoying the Sun puts a smile on my kisser Wezzy  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 10, 2015, 01:55:30 PM
Knowing you are out of hospital, home enjoying the Sun puts a smile on my kisser Wezzy  :)


Aww, cheers mush.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 10, 2015, 10:27:52 PM
lets start an nma forum circle pit to vagabonds
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 10, 2015, 10:31:12 PM
I'll join you for a spin in that Heno  :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 10, 2015, 10:40:45 PM
to this? (
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 12, 2015, 07:20:17 PM
Weather today here..?  Looks lovely, all bright and sunny, then you go out in a light jacket and **** ME, that harsh wind is freezing...   :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 25, 2015, 02:08:38 PM
hello friends. been on the road for a few weeks

what the haps with the paps, or the story with rory?

in other words - whats been happening. just saw witch's departing note and sort of feeling that there should be nothing here that causes a stalwart of family to leave, certainly nothing on this board. so, give us the deets please.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 25, 2015, 03:41:13 PM
A lot colder here today after a really good week we can't complain its still April
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 25, 2015, 08:41:06 PM
Horizontal rain, blown in by very cold winds...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 03, 2015, 01:03:11 AM
F-ing bloody freezing, turned off my heating a few days back!  Wish I hadn't!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on May 03, 2015, 08:33:41 AM
How about, what is the warmest period in Britain at summer? Once, I remember being there in June for couple of weeks and it was really warm then whole time.

Normally it's very hot here in July from 10th to mid of August. Last summer it was more than 25 celsius for one month. And half of that period even 30 celsius.

Now it's about 10 celsius. Last week there was a day we had the last snow (we call it "back winter"). It's normal it pours down once at the end of April and melts away. But yeah, on the other hand we've had not snow for a long time.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 09, 2015, 08:32:42 PM
i would love to live there
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on May 09, 2015, 09:13:16 PM
It was very, very windy which I am finding is common in The Netherlands.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on May 10, 2015, 07:35:42 AM
its a well known fact that the dutch are full of wind LOL

but a wonderful place and wonderful people although you had better be thick skinned and able to handle the direct nature of the interaction.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on May 10, 2015, 02:52:36 PM
I haven't noticed the directness yet, just friendliness. However I am living in more-or-less a small hippy commune so perhaps they are more alternative Dutch people.  I like it, just am not used to the idea of recycling used toilet paper instead of flushing. It smells awful.

But today was a sunny day and bike ride alone the Rhine in a town with horses and windmills. I just wanted to live there and never return. It's beautiful.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 11, 2015, 06:43:00 PM
Turned out really nice after a few showers in the morning, managed to get a bit of shopping in Irvine after work then went a good walk later on with my mp3 player on shuffle mode as usual, only seen 1 jogger and a few grey squirrels
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 01, 2015, 09:01:21 PM
Freezing horizontal rain with icy winds, so bad that I had to get my parka out of winter retirement just so I could nip over to Asda...

Yay, summer!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on June 01, 2015, 09:33:10 PM
Its cold here in Germany right now my husband had his bday yesterday and he got a present done by us a flight wit a saille plane but he was not able too coz the weather was not okay >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on June 01, 2015, 09:34:52 PM
I meant with Im sorry my mistake......
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on June 01, 2015, 09:41:36 PM
Stormy, windy and cold.   It's the first of June and it feels like October.  They canceled all boats to the island. The next boat has been set back to noon tomorrow. It's not safe to sail at the moment. The fishing boats weren't even out. 

I mean it's not as bad as a hurricane with spin- off tornadoes like my place of birth but by european standards pretty bad.  But of course they go into mass panic over a category one storm when we cope with Katrina or something   ;D

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 01, 2015, 09:46:15 PM
Raining cats and dogs in West Yorkshire; and has been since about 3pm.  Welcome, June.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on June 02, 2015, 01:18:27 AM
From West Yorks and you've only just found NMA  !!!! ???

Oh well, better late than never.  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 02, 2015, 06:46:41 AM
From West Yorks and you've only just found NMA  !!!! ???

Oh well, better late than never.  ;)
Tell me about it!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 02, 2015, 04:06:13 PM
Alternating between stair rods and scirocco today... Sort of moving in the right direction for summer I suppose?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 04, 2015, 10:22:44 PM
Cracking the flags today.  Yes folks,  West Yorkshire summer 2015 happened on Thursday 6th June. ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 05, 2015, 03:36:03 PM
Hot and sweaty thank you.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on June 05, 2015, 09:12:15 PM
Was rather close in the East Mids today. Like it wanted to rain but couldn't be bothered to  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on June 05, 2015, 09:27:23 PM
Hot right now in Germany 34 degrees ...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on June 06, 2015, 11:12:07 PM
It's about 18 celsius during these times.

Grass growing and cutting it a little bit. I still have some timber work left from last winter. It's ok if I'll do it until the start of July, in a case of pests in forests.

I feel quite well now too. My wife started her unbelievably long summer vacation that will last two months. I mean TWO ******* months! Geez, that's something I could never achieve. Well, she's working at a kindergarten and they have a similar contract as teachers at schools have.

Well, we´re going to have a renovation at July. We're going for exile for that month. At last week of July even to Greece to one of our friends 60 years birthday party. That will be nice.

Cheers and love to you all. I haven't been here for a while here due to my busy weekly periods. I won't forget you. :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 07, 2015, 07:53:18 AM


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 11, 2015, 08:53:20 PM
Not liking my weather today.  It's rather over-warm but there's no cool breeze to balance it out.  Got all my windows open.  Think I might need a fan on later.

I prefer a milder season.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 11, 2015, 08:56:05 PM
Been really nice here over the last few days wow its even went over 20 cei
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 12, 2015, 06:03:58 PM
Grey and humid most of the day.
Light rain now.
Still warm.
Smells fresh out in the garden.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 12, 2015, 06:29:39 PM
Smells fresh out in the garden.

Ja - one of the best smells in the world.  :)

Been really hot all day and we just nearly had a thunder storm (but not quite). The rain though was something else. Like something outta a rainforest - and it was warm !!!!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on June 12, 2015, 07:05:11 PM
does anyone think gareth bale purposely sets out to look like a fictional character from ancient chinese tv shows?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 12, 2015, 07:41:38 PM
Now it's raining.
Bouncing back up from the road rain.
My garden is going to love this.
So are the blummin slugs and snails !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 12, 2015, 08:05:10 PM
A tiny bit cooler today Went a good walk through the woods got a few midgie bites along the way
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on June 12, 2015, 08:19:57 PM
watching wales beating belgium 1-0 at the moment

there'll be singing the valleys tonight
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 12, 2015, 08:22:14 PM
my god, is the ******* football still going on .............................  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on June 12, 2015, 08:30:45 PM
now it switches to copa america

on and on and on and on
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 12, 2015, 08:44:05 PM

Don't anybody ever get bored with all  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 12, 2015, 08:51:41 PM
It's all gone 'muggy'.

I don't like 'muggy'.   :(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on June 12, 2015, 09:31:31 PM
sounds like i feel sometimes ray

anna, i dunno. not close to understanding what attracts someone like me to it. it fucking baffles me
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 13, 2015, 04:29:45 PM
Grey and humid.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 13, 2015, 08:03:23 PM
Oh, it rained a bit earlier... a walk in the rain after a couple of days of dull warm muggy weather?  Priceless.

I love the rain...


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 14, 2015, 12:24:14 PM
Threat of rain.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 15, 2015, 05:32:50 PM

I love the rain...


A classic.

I did not love the rain in the Midlands this weekend.  Ankle-deep in mud the consistency of slurry. 
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 15, 2015, 06:00:13 PM
mmmmmm slurry

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 15, 2015, 07:33:50 PM
Ha, Sheena.  A mate of mine got back today, he said it was like the bloody Somme...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on June 15, 2015, 08:09:25 PM
A river in northern France ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 15, 2015, 08:14:56 PM
Ooh I have tractor envy Wessexy witch.  That would have been v useful...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 27, 2015, 06:48:19 PM
Hot again today.
Absolutely lashed it down for about 10 minutes after school yesterday though .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on June 30, 2015, 10:04:20 AM
Very hot and Sunny today - from what I can see through the window in the distance. If you are getting out and about in the sun today - spare a though for those stuck behind a hot sticky desk  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 30, 2015, 04:33:24 PM
Ma heart bleeds for you shush lol
Hot humid sultry muggy you choice Not sunny but
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 30, 2015, 07:19:07 PM
Not liking this heat, especially when you're trying to get to sleep and you don't have air conditioning... could put a fan on but how much 'leccy does that use up?

What can I say, I'm a winterlover.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 30, 2015, 09:40:45 PM
Depends how many kw its ray for every kw it costs about 13p a hour approximate
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 01, 2015, 09:06:52 PM
So, it's been hot and muggy all day, not my favourite weather conditions, but the clouds were gathering and thunder and lightning, in the distance, started to boom and flash... yay, a refreshing cool storm!

And then it starts throwing down hail stones. In the middle of a heatwave.

 What in the name of flippin' bloody crikey is wrong with weather nowadays?

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on July 01, 2015, 10:15:09 PM
hot. it was hot in la.

man. I never saw so many homeless people. living in tents or less. close to down town. really weird and unexpected. in most places they move people en masse into ghettos and townships and slums. theres such a contrast but the same injustice  all over the world. 

and people think those on the street are sick. sick, but not in a nice way. theres almost blame involved. heard the same debate on radio earlier here.

so the weather is sunny

the climate is rotten

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 01, 2015, 10:21:27 PM
hot. it was hot in la.

man. I never saw so many homeless people. living in tents or less. close to down town. really weird and unexpected. in most places they move people en masse into ghettos and townships and slums. theres such a contrast but the same injustice  all over the world. 

and people think those on the street are sick. sick, but not in a nice way. theres almost blame involved. heard the same debate on radio earlier here.

so the weather is sunny

the climate is rotten

Felt much the same way time I was in Manchester...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 02, 2015, 06:11:02 PM
Can't talk for LA but in the UK.................. Austerity in action.

Noticeably more and more suffering every month.

Even in my part of the world which is ostensibly one of the richest parts of England. The numbers of  homeless is rising. To most people they seem to be invisible or if not it's seen as their own fault. I've noticed more and more individuals on the street and encampments in roadside verges and just the other week a 20 year girl was found dead on wasteland.

Progressive civilised Britain? Dream on.  >:(

A ballboy fainting a Wimbledon is of more concern.

Nevermind, it's not your son/daughter on the street is it?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 02, 2015, 07:17:33 PM
Yes Anna the Tories are definitely on a rampage against the poorest in society. Cutting working/child tax credits and housing benefit. The percentage of poor get higher ever year whilst the rich few get richer. Is really what the country gave a huge backing to only a few months ago. No wonder IDS doesn't want to tell us how many people have died after getting there benefits cut
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 02, 2015, 08:37:53 PM
They've now redefined Child Poverty...............................  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 02, 2015, 08:58:45 PM
I think this sums up The Tories...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 24, 2015, 09:11:45 PM
Weather today ? bloody awful. Been more like November than late July. Just goes to show, you can never predict the British weather. No doubt plenty of people booked Weddings/ Barbecue's for 24th /25th July in the sensible assumption the weather should be good by then.   ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 24, 2015, 11:34:09 PM
Only a few light showers  here lol
Is this officially the worst summer ever   ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on July 26, 2015, 12:50:33 PM
It's raining >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on July 26, 2015, 05:31:48 PM
It's stereotypical english weather. Rain and wind and it's cold in mid summer
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 28, 2015, 01:09:32 AM
Don't forget to slap on the sun lotion for the great British Summer in the morning  ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 28, 2015, 11:11:03 AM
Its officially dreich
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on July 28, 2015, 06:16:59 PM
Still raining...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 28, 2015, 07:01:43 PM
Its officially dreich

Blimey Pol - that took some work in google to figure out but I gather it means light rain that gets you wet before you know it  :-\

Been quite nice here today  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 28, 2015, 07:13:03 PM
'That fine rain that soaks you through', as Peter Kay once said.

Personally, I find it quite refreshing....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 22, 2015, 07:27:20 PM
Blimey, the weather tonight 'round my way!  Dark clouds throwing down freezing rain, huge lightning flashes and thunder loud enough to rattle me windows!  Quite frankly, I'm waiting for these four gentlemen to show up...  ;)

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 22, 2015, 08:31:50 PM
Serves ya right for living in that there North  ;D

Here it's been unbelievably gorgeous  - clear blue skies, pure sunshine and oof but it was hot. Caught the sun so much out on the range for 4 hours they'll probably put me in Belmarsh  :D

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 22, 2015, 08:41:34 PM
Serves ya right for living in that there North  ;D

Here it's been unbelievably gorgeous  - clear blue skies, pure sunshine and oof but it was hot. Caught the sun so much out on the range for 4 hours they'll probably put me in Belmarsh  :D

Rest assured, Anna, that shit is coming your way...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on August 22, 2015, 08:48:34 PM
sunny in market Harborough though storm clouds ahead according to ms Kirkwood. I was distracted for some reason
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on August 22, 2015, 08:51:56 PM
I think her dress was purple on Friday!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on August 22, 2015, 11:19:28 PM
Blimey, the weather tonight 'round my way!  Dark clouds throwing down freezing rain, huge lightning flashes and thunder loud enough to rattle me windows!  Quite frankly, I'm waiting for these four gentlemen to show up...  ;)


Isn't it great though. Our weird and very wonderful British weather. Earlier today, thinking - Wow sunshine, we set off to go for a nice walk in the country side. When we got back, rain drops like golf balls, thunder and lightening, then a bit cold, then hot and sweaty in the pub. -- all in th same day.

Mother nature RULES  8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 23, 2015, 05:52:13 PM
Exactly, Shush... I remember the magnificent Bill Hicks saying something about Californian weather and the people who live there that went 'every day, hot and sunny, hot and sunny, hot and sunny and you LOVE it... what are you, a fuckin' lizard?'

Love that unpredictability!   :D

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 23, 2015, 08:18:26 PM
Probably the hottest day of the year here ,definitely up there
Went to Ayr racecourse car boot got a few DVDs bottom young ones acdc u2 a new boxed pair of clippers n Sony speaker for my mp3 n still got change from £20 lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 23, 2015, 08:38:29 PM
You got some young ones dvds? 

No matter how times I watch that brilliant show, it never gets less funny.

Also, I love Motorhead.  So, double-win with this clip!


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 23, 2015, 09:26:30 PM
Forget to mention the meteors wrecking crew vinyl
Lets hope the DVDs don't turn into
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 23, 2015, 09:39:18 PM
Forget to mention the meteors wrecking crew vinyl
Lets hope the DVDs don't turn into


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 24, 2015, 05:27:37 PM
Gutted one direction are splitting up
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on August 24, 2015, 05:47:13 PM
4 directions now....which one will you take?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 24, 2015, 05:54:33 PM
The wrong one probably  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on August 24, 2015, 05:59:51 PM
on the subject of weather...its pissing down here, at least a little cooler than the oven which was Saturday. im ready for autumn now. I love september
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on August 24, 2015, 06:06:23 PM
The wrong one probably  ;D

as we do!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 24, 2015, 07:42:28 PM
Gutted one direction are splitting up

Just found out about 1D splitting up.

Horrified, devastated, tearful, upset... I don't know long it is gonna take me to get over it.

I just think that...

Oh, wait.... I just got over it.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 24, 2015, 09:00:01 PM
Oh jeezus you're not gonna be dying again are ya ?  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on August 24, 2015, 09:04:47 PM
It has been quite warm here in August. Nights are cold, but on middays it reaches to 22 to 25. Tomorrow they said 27 celsius... It's nice because earlier part of summer (or - most of it) has been cold and rainy.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: blossom on September 02, 2015, 01:08:04 PM
The weather in Essex is just random a bit of everything  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 02, 2015, 08:12:23 PM
Autumn seems to be coming on and I'm happy because it's my favourite season... it's getting darker in the evenings, there's a lovely chill in the mornings and the evenings and the trees are on the verge of turning brown...

It's funny about the trees... they all look so beautiful because everything is dying...

Someone should write a song about that.   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on September 02, 2015, 08:36:41 PM
In my new home Maramures region of  Romania it was sunny and hot in midday but there was a nice breeze coming from the Carpathians  this evening. I had to pick plums for hours, it will soon be horinca.   
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 07, 2015, 07:36:20 PM
A very murky start which eventually managed to burn off into late afternoon sunshine. Went a much needed walk down the woods with my mp3, very enjoyable , autumn is just starting to kick in
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 08, 2015, 10:34:48 PM
doesn't time fly?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 08, 2015, 10:40:18 PM
Time, he's waiting in the wings
He speaks of senseless things
His script is you and me, boys

Time, he flexes like a whore
Falls wanking to the floor
His trick is you and me, boy


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on September 12, 2015, 09:29:56 AM
one of my favourite all time songs ever ray

like ever and ever

thanks man
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 12, 2015, 06:10:46 PM
one of my favourite all time songs ever ray

like ever and ever

thanks man

Love Bowie, but those lyrics are pretty pretentious, eh?  What the heck, it was the 70's...  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 16, 2015, 08:18:55 PM
So, it's only mid-September but already I'm walking to work in a big bloody parka with the hood over my head...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 30, 2015, 09:33:59 PM
It's still September but the gritters are already out...   :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 01, 2015, 12:54:49 PM
A bit of Indian summer here, September probably the best month of the year , getting cold though especially in the morning and at night. Lets hope the winter coats haven't gone
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on October 01, 2015, 04:42:55 PM
Great innit !!

Summer this year not very impressive, but it is finishing very nicely  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 01, 2015, 07:02:35 PM
[...] Lets hope the winter coats haven't gone

Aw, you'll know I will swamp the forum again with posts about freezing temperatures. Snow 2 meters... frosty nose, ice peaks and sawing logs all the day.  :D

Actually there's a certain thing around here again which is a sign of autumn: storm approaching tomorrow evening and lasting for 2 days. Oh, mine.  ???
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 01, 2015, 07:57:16 PM
Makes me wonder how come over here you get a few millimetres of snow and the country grinds to a halt
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 02, 2015, 08:17:12 AM
Admit I exaggerated that a bit. Not 2 meters.  ;)

Yea few millimetres can cause exceptional cases what comes to adherence on a road. I think car tyres and their adherence are the biggest cause for troubles in countries where it doesn't snow often.

Btw what are the strange news about the "earthquake" in north London? Ground dropped for 10 meters at 20 meters diameter or something?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 02, 2015, 10:28:18 AM
Without checking the full facts mate . It was a sink hole not sure if they happen where you are , I'm sure it will be explained better on the internet somewhere
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on October 02, 2015, 07:50:42 PM
Glorious !!! Absolutely bloody glorious  :-*

Again !!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D

It's been beautiful and warm ! I mean, 2nd October and standing outside the office for a smoke in a vest ? Still got Sunflowers coming in the garden although to be fair this weekend will probably be the last lot I'll get to cut for the house and my biggest ever one has now finished  :(  3.25m I reckon, But the gardening year still has a few weeks excitement left in it before sleeping for winter  8)

Think the Wochenende is gonna be cool too ..........................  :P

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 03, 2015, 02:17:13 PM
First snow today in Lapland I heard. 1-4cm's.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 01, 2015, 07:00:49 PM
Oh!  It's a gorgeous, foggy, atmospheric, not-too-cold kind of Autumn evening, the kind I really love!  Think I might have to go for a walk, kicking through the fallen leaves... before them bloody annoying Christmas decorations go up and ruin it all...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on November 03, 2015, 09:20:21 PM
Oh!  It's a gorgeous, foggy, atmospheric, not-too-cold kind of Autumn evening, the kind I really love!  Think I might have to go for a walk, kicking through the fallen leaves... before them bloody annoying Christmas decorations go up and ruin it all...
Aw, gotta love Christmas... If only for the Christmas gigs, no?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 03, 2015, 09:51:26 PM
It was actually really nice again today for a good few hours, felt quite warm when you weren't in the shade. What's happening warm Scotland November
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 04, 2015, 01:03:12 PM
Yea, it's warm here again too. It's beautiful and a strange start for November.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 17, 2015, 09:03:20 PM

Fookin' hell, the wind tonight here!  Left my bedroom window open and it blew half the rail / curtains into the room!

Feel like I should start singing 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' and put my ruby slippers on!   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 17, 2015, 09:14:18 PM
That will be all those beans ray , n stick to your boots plz lol

Been pissin down for days here, enough for the cult to change their minds
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on November 17, 2015, 09:43:04 PM
That will be all those beans ray , n stick to your boots plz lol

Been pissin down for days here, enough for the cult to change their minds

Ray must have had a LOT of beans, the trees a swinging over here too  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 17, 2015, 10:09:35 PM

I see they're now putting out Heinz beans in little plastic microwave-able pots.

It's uncanny.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 18, 2015, 11:50:58 AM
Man! We've had them for ages down 'ere  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 18, 2015, 03:05:24 PM
You southerners and your modern technology lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 20, 2015, 10:31:43 PM
Many of my fellow Cheshire friends are talking about snowfall tonight on Facebook... not seeing any of it here.

I'm hoping not to wake up tomorrow to a thick layer of cold slippery horribleness...   >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: jackroadkill on November 20, 2015, 11:10:08 PM
Many of my fellow Cheshire friends are talking about snowfall tonight on Facebook... not seeing any of it here.

I'm hoping not to wake up tomorrow to a thick layer of cold slippery horribleness...   >:(

Well, MR, us Welsh are getting some.  Started here at about ten PM and it's still going now, unfortunately.  Can't stand snow.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 20, 2015, 11:11:45 PM
I do also despise that bastard-y snow stuff...   >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on November 21, 2015, 12:29:45 AM
Not a big fan of the white stuff, its cold and slippy. But, it is also nice to see it for the first time to confirm the season.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 21, 2015, 09:58:39 AM
It's raining big white flakes very densely. 2-3 cm:s snow but it will melt quite soon. 0 c° outside.

Yea, we've got the Flakes ( ;-)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 22, 2015, 08:13:50 PM
Bloody cold but at least its dry
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 22, 2015, 10:32:30 PM
Cold!  Cold!  So f-ing cold!!!!  :-[
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 28, 2015, 12:26:01 AM
Damn, so much water falling onto my hometown today that I'm wondering if anyone knows a bloke called 'Noah'...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 28, 2015, 05:35:07 AM
Were gonna need a bigger boat
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on November 29, 2015, 10:52:21 AM
Biblical rain here too...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on November 29, 2015, 11:46:18 AM
Biblical rain here too...

We had that here too, luckily about 3am, I have a leaking gutter which spills onto my window sill, making a noise.

Had a pee, went back to sleep.

It's strong winds that keep me awake and rattle the house.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on December 05, 2015, 09:54:43 PM
rain everywhere

saw a simulation of weather over ireland. it unintentionally centred on our peaceful little hamlet of wicklow

no one would ever move to wicklow if they saw it. pricks won't share it either.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on December 05, 2015, 10:10:02 PM

Damn, just nipped over to Asda and it's so windy!  Almost blew me over!

If it gets any windier, I'll wake up in Oz with a pair of ruby slippers on...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on December 05, 2015, 10:15:43 PM
somewhere over the rainbow raymundo
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on December 26, 2015, 08:54:38 AM
The rain is biblical.  Flooding and road closures right up the Calder valley.  Hebden Bridge under water again. Where's Noah when you need him?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 26, 2015, 11:23:22 AM
Well I'm certainly not going to complain, its wet and miserable alright but thinking about others who are a lot worse off and knowing how lucky I was to make the Nottingham trip wouldn't have been possible the week before or two weeks later
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on December 26, 2015, 11:28:48 AM
No rain where I am at the mo. Just warmer that it should be.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 28, 2015, 06:03:28 PM
It went day before yesterday to -10c° and have stayed there since. I heard it will go to -15c° on next weekend and it starts to snow quite a lot.

We should go to Nilsiä for new year's eve. 3 days there and drive 7 hours back on Sunday. I really like the place there at Nilsiä. It's in northern Savonia district, where my parent's generic come from.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on December 29, 2015, 07:45:34 PM
Well, it might be the middle of winter but today we found a nice new daffodil in our back garden and saw a bumble bee  ???
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 29, 2015, 08:06:51 PM
Just waiting on storm fannybaws doing it worst
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on December 30, 2015, 06:20:32 AM
Windy  or what !! Not slept a bloody wink  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 07, 2016, 05:58:54 PM
It went today to -25 Celsius. It has soon been for 5 days near to that. I had to put magnesium salt to the last well where water should discharge to a frozen gutter. Salt makes wonders.

It should get 10 C° warmer on Sun and Mon and then I can start logging.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 08, 2016, 01:28:04 PM
I can't imagine how cold that is Rusco.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 08, 2016, 10:00:53 PM
Dry and still air, WW. It doesn't wind at all then and skies are cloudless. If weather goes towards depression; low-pressure area, then it gets warmer but it will bring clouds, winds and possibly snow too. Then it feels actually colder because of the wind. But of course when it's -20 or such alike you'd feel cold if you don't have good winter clothes. Covering face, feet and hands (fingers, toes, nose and ears) well is important because they're the first places that will get cold. Also, if you run, move, or do some sports outside cold will pinch you quite easily. If having an asthma it'll make it difficult to be outside for a long time. During winter the humidity inside houses gets also very dry and quite many need to use some moisturising lotions.

We have actually only a ridiculous 1 cm of snow in southern Finland now. So the frost line beneath the ground is very deep now. Snow could be also a well insulation for the ground, drainage and even to the buildings if it's collected like a shelter near to them (but of course the pipelines etc. are insulated and contstructed in a way they they're not depended of the frost line).

We've been waiting this actually quite a long time that forest machines could go working to the forests.
Now the frost line is deep enough. Otherwise the roots of the trees would suffer too much because of the weight.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on January 08, 2016, 10:05:41 PM
Rusco, what are the Summers like where you are ?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 08, 2016, 10:26:04 PM
Hey Shush!

During May it's something like +5 to +20 Celsius. Inbetween March and May it rains very little. On June there's often an odd storm and rain but it gets warmer; 11 to 24 Celsius or something like that. In July and August it's often hot and rains less. Something like 17 to 27 Celsius.

At times it's a bit frustrating with our weather because it changes quite drastically. Two to three months and it turns to something else all the time.  :)

Now, today it went to -13 Celsius. Tomorrow possibly -5. Then at next week back to -14.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 10, 2016, 04:37:55 PM
What I've heard, this is easy compared to some areas on the other side of Urals. Coldest places on the earth that are inhabited by people. -83 Celsius.

There are some strange things with water that could occur in cold. Pipes for example: another being for hot water and another for cold. Guess which one of them will freeze first? (in a case cold raises so high, or insulation is constructed in a wrong way)

Answer is: hot pipe.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 11, 2016, 06:31:22 PM
In science it's called the Mpempa effect, I see. we're getting snow, at last. Snowing heavily 'til Wednesday. I've been constructing a 2 cubic meters size wooden "box" or something outside. It will become actually a warehouse with a roof and and small door to store wood; boards etc that take too much space at my work room. It isn't ready yet and I have to dig it out of snow on Wen. Bugger.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on January 13, 2016, 05:16:13 AM
Shitty. I have been living with my parents house and will be until feb 12th. This means I am bored. There are no jobs to get for only a month. None available and can't stand being of no use. All I have to do it sit on the internet.
It's my only socialization.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on January 13, 2016, 05:16:57 AM
Oh crap. This was the weather thread. not how are you feeling today thread
Sorry for my lack of attentiveness.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 13, 2016, 11:52:39 AM
Was going to complain about the cold but compared to rusco its tropical
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on January 14, 2016, 07:02:57 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 16, 2016, 10:31:58 PM
Here's a link to Finnish weather forecast:

Here -15c now.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on February 01, 2016, 10:55:34 PM
It's a bit breezy here tonight. 
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 07, 2016, 04:39:42 PM
Pissing it.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on February 07, 2016, 09:49:49 PM
Not sure if its been mentioned......raining. I think nowadays that heavy rain is called a storm and has a name. Which changes. Every half hour. ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 08, 2016, 03:13:21 PM
Couldn't let the kids go out today.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 08, 2016, 09:00:49 PM
Cold but calm.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 08, 2016, 09:14:44 PM
Think we missed the worst of the latest storm this time
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on February 08, 2016, 09:53:42 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 11, 2016, 08:35:55 PM
Well the cold went away and snow melt. Moisty. But there are huge amounts of ice still in the gutters that cause gutters and rivers to flood a hell lot. Ice blocks the pipes under the roads that go beneath them.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 13, 2016, 01:09:48 PM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 19, 2016, 10:36:56 PM
Yep. It's back. Next week going -10c.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on February 19, 2016, 10:38:03 PM
A bit less breezy now.  But definitely damp.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 19, 2016, 10:51:30 PM
Wild wet and windy
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on February 20, 2016, 02:38:49 PM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 21, 2016, 08:34:47 PM
More rain lol , went to Glasgow school of vape , basically a vaping event held in Drury street just across from the horseshoe bar ( very well known pub) , was alright bought a few juices had a few irn bru's met some decent people. Was better than staying in on Sunday that's for sure
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 02, 2016, 09:30:49 PM
First snow of the winter!  Mixed with rain, low temperatures and high winds, so it's basically a horizontal cavalcade of clothe-soaking nastiness....   >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: witch on March 02, 2016, 09:32:40 PM
Cold and windy in Germany
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 05, 2016, 05:15:57 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 05, 2016, 05:54:16 PM
It's zero Celsius now. We've snow about 10cm's. Last week -6 Celsius but next week probably on plus temperature.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on March 09, 2016, 08:12:06 PM
It's zero Celsius now. We've snow about 10cm's. Last week -6 Celsius but next week probably on plus temperature.
How I envy you!!! I love the snow and cold as much as I love the sun.

We just get bloody rain.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 09, 2016, 08:38:46 PM
About plus 5c I would guess outside. The days are getting longer.

Each day I hear more birdsong. Chaffinch is the first (mid feb) been hearing goldcrests in the hedgerow this week. Groups of long-tailed-tits have been flitting around for a couple of weeks now.

For me its summer when I hear the first willow warbler. Can be early may, but usually mid may when this visitor is in full voice.

Willow warbler voice

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 09, 2016, 08:40:57 PM
Clocks go forward on Sunday!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 09, 2016, 08:46:36 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 09, 2016, 08:54:42 PM
Surely we don't need a "daylight saving hour" or even a double one that once was...

It plays havoc with 12 hour shifts these days!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 09, 2016, 09:04:14 PM
Yeah, but it happens, so live with it!

Personally, I prefer dark evenings...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 09, 2016, 09:11:47 PM
You live without the expectation of the light of a new season.

May the skin grow over your eyes as a redundant organ.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 14, 2016, 01:48:06 PM
A near tropical 15c here today
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 14, 2016, 07:05:42 PM
Balmy (not barmy) here. But warm enough to make leaving work pleasant of an afternoon. I'd say about 13c and full sunshine when I opened the doors.

Waiting for the bus, I swear I heard the start of a willow warblers song. It could have been a wren and chaffinch singing together and my mind playing hopeful tricks for the spring to come. Don't usually hear willow warblers in full song til may. He could be an early visitor staking his ground in an area richer with food before moving to their usual breeding grounds.

Willow warbler song

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 26, 2016, 03:05:26 PM
Sun shine. Light snow. Sun shine. Heavy snow  ???
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 26, 2016, 03:59:27 PM
The last two early mornings have been really nice, though soon turning a lot colder. Managed to get a good start on pressure washing the back door.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 26, 2016, 07:26:11 PM
No snow, but periods of bright sunlight punctuated by fiercely horizontal hailstones from a dark sky...   :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 27, 2016, 09:42:31 AM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on April 27, 2016, 09:55:41 AM

Sounds familiar - we had that as well...and it's the same thing all over again today. BUT it's supposed to get a tiny little bit warmer ;-)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on April 27, 2016, 01:25:51 PM

Bright starts. That's the main thing. I'm more than happy with that for my first week off of the year. All things considered.

Nice to leave a few windows open and hear the local blackbirds remind me its dawn and to get my arse out of bed even earlier!


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on April 27, 2016, 01:32:38 PM
Nice to leave a few windows open and hear the local blackbirds remind me its dawn and to get my arse out of bed even earlier!

But...didn't you say it was your week OFF???? :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on April 27, 2016, 01:50:44 PM

Feck...I'm not due in court again am I?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on April 27, 2016, 02:19:50 PM

Feck...I'm not due in court again am I?
Sorry, I am more the "let some other bird catch the worm" type.  ;) So it seemed weird - but I guess I AM missing out on a few very nice, quiet moments. My excuse is that my dogs hate getting up early, too.  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on April 27, 2016, 03:31:45 PM
Not a tennis court...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on April 27, 2016, 07:17:47 PM
Sounds wonderful Coumarin  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 27, 2016, 07:26:43 PM
No snow, but periods of bright sunlight punctuated by fiercely horizontal hailstones from a dark sky...   :o

Same again today, but with added loud thunder!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on April 28, 2016, 11:42:20 AM
Another amazing dawn. Set out at 0445. The moon was straight through my bedroom window again about 0400. One of those new "energy efficient" lamp posts was installed right outside a couple of years ago. I considered getting thicker curtains, but then I wouldn't be able to judge real light either.

Light breakfast, Pennine socks on. First full outing for the boots I'd repaired and been staring at since last Autumn. Batteries charged, Bottle filled with the strained juice of 13 grapefruit made last night.

Cold and navy blue sky to begin. Set out with no coat (which was needed) Just a tee with a Leicester Tigers jersey.

Loads and loads of wildlife around. Never seen so much activity this time of year.

Good breakfast in the café near home about 0900. Quick sleep, Photos uploaded. Camera cleared and getting ready for the morning.

Today was definitely a good day.

I'm honestly proud to say that I love the world.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on April 28, 2016, 11:47:01 AM
Sounds awesome! Any chance to have a look at the photos?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on April 28, 2016, 11:56:38 AM
Thanks Stephanie, it was.

I'm hoping that my pics of the Kingfishers will be good.

Once the week is over I will have a look through and maybe put one or two up.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on April 30, 2016, 10:34:51 PM
bonjour amigoes and amigoettes and cisami go ettes

whats the haps with the paps?

whats the craic jack

whats the story rory

whats the spill jill

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 30, 2016, 11:59:27 PM
Heno, good to see you back  :)
Heno, where the **** have you been  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 05, 2016, 06:39:45 PM
A braw nite for making my mark for democracy. Forgotten that you get two separate votes for the Scottish Parliament. Firstly a first past the post vote for your area then what's called list candidates where you vote for a party to represent all the country these lists candidates are chosen by proportional representation. Think its a good idea you get to pick someone to represent local issues, then you use proportional representation to pick someone to represent national interests in a much fairer way. Take note Westminster  !!!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on May 05, 2016, 08:30:59 PM
Balmy.  Welcome at last, spring.  I've missed you  :-*
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on May 06, 2016, 11:37:38 AM
Lovely driving home from physio therapy with the sterio on and windows down.
Same time last week I was driving home in snow !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 06, 2016, 05:55:35 PM
A decent day weather wise probably somewhere in the high teens. Results in for the Scottish Parliament with the snp a clear winner but 2 seats short of a overall majority. The labour party were totally humiliated being voted into 3rd place with those nasty tories in second (fck what we thinking) . The green party gained a few seats beating the Lib Dems in the process. There were no independent msp's for the first time
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on May 07, 2016, 05:42:50 PM
bonjour amigoes and amigoettes and cisami go ettes

whats the haps with the paps?

whats the craic jack

whats the story rory

whats the spill jill

Hello stranger  :)

Weatherwise, absolutely gorgeous  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on May 07, 2016, 09:23:45 PM
Cracking the Yorkshire flags today
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 07, 2016, 09:31:43 PM
The first truly warm day in Cheshire... and then an evening with gentle summer rain coming down, so a nice walk to cool off..?  Nice...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 21, 2016, 07:58:29 PM
Lovely landscape from my top floor kitchen window tonight on a nice, mild, gentle rain kind of evening...

We've got a dazzling sun going down in the west, but there are fierce stormclouds brewing in the east, which my window faces, so we've got all the buildings and trees lit up with a lovely golden glow set against the ominous darkness of the sky... a rare lovely sight in my hometown.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 30, 2016, 10:52:20 PM
Fcking hot - just encouraged more greedy bastards to eat more chips in a certain Ayrshire seaside town
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on May 31, 2016, 10:10:31 PM
Bloody miserable after a weekend of sunshine.  It's weird having sunburn when it's cold and damp  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 03, 2016, 05:11:52 AM
Sun Sea n chip shops , been wall to wall sunshine for over a week in the west of Scotland (must be a record lol) Rain predicted Tuesday
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 03, 2016, 01:35:09 PM
Sunny now.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on June 03, 2016, 09:42:45 PM
Sun Sea n chip shops , been wall to wall sunshine for over a week in the west of Scotland (must be a record lol) Rain predicted Tuesday

Blimey Pol, a rare treat for you, its usually the other way around. Weather in the East Midlands has been truly shite all week,
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 03, 2016, 09:44:01 PM
Weather in Cheshire is very nice right now...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 03, 2016, 11:57:57 PM
Sadly not much time to enjoy it
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 07, 2016, 08:04:03 AM
Sun , sea and sausage suppers lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 07, 2016, 07:32:02 PM
It's one of those 'close' Summer evenings that don't feel all that hot, yet you still feel a bit sticky and sweaty and are hoping for a bit of rain to cool everything down...

What can I say, I'm a winterlover, I prefer it when it's cold and dark outside and you can shut the world out in your warm little home...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on June 07, 2016, 07:34:22 PM
Been muggy today in Luton arpund 26 deg

At around 4 pm it started to rain heavily with thunder and lightning

Roads flooded and blocked with submerged vehicles.

Took me 1 1/2 hours to do 6 miles !!!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 07, 2016, 09:55:04 PM
MUGGY!  That was the word I was looking for!   ;D

Still muggy, but the clouds are gathering and I'm hoping for the clouds to piss it down between now and when I go to bed...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 08, 2016, 08:32:00 AM
Looking like we might actually get rain today, the skies must break soon
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 08, 2016, 06:33:25 PM
Hot, very hot. I know I am a soft southern shandy drinking shyster but oof it's blinkin hot  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 08, 2016, 07:42:58 PM
Well so much for the rain, the heavy cloud cover soon burnt off n it turned into a fckin scorcher
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 10, 2016, 05:57:14 PM
Lovely until it friggin lashed it down at home time.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 10, 2016, 06:28:34 PM
A lot cooler today, still no rain but its definitely on it's way, forecast looking grim for the next week or so
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on June 10, 2016, 07:46:24 PM
Plenty of rain for me today. Fair amount of thunder also .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 12, 2016, 02:42:58 PM

doing my nut in.

I'm laying turf.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 12, 2016, 07:31:48 PM
Is 'I'm laying turf' a euphemism for something naughty?   :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on June 13, 2016, 08:35:10 PM
Ok. It's -25 C. I heard there's going to be a sun shine next week. I even have three hairdryers inside my car, they're on all the time.

 ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D

Nah, we even had +27 couple of weeks ago. Very pleasant, sunny and not rains too much.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 13, 2016, 10:41:23 PM
I actually got caught in the rain today nowt too heavy, felt really good for a change. Nevermind its the start of stewarton gala week its bound to piss down. Oh been a murder ( Taggart voice) in stewarton this week n looking like the person who done it has set themselves on fire. Talk o the steamie ( Scottish reference) aboot here
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 14, 2016, 07:23:00 PM
Is 'I'm laying turf' a euphemism for something naughty?   :)

Well I was on my hands and knees huffing and puffing but no....I really was putting turf down.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 14, 2016, 07:51:16 PM
Is 'I'm laying turf' a euphemism for something naughty?   :)

Well I was on my hands and knees huffing and puffing but no....I really was putting turf down.


Well, I'm aroused...  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 15, 2016, 08:55:58 AM
You need to get out more dude  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 16, 2016, 09:15:42 PM
Today... rain, rain and rain again.  Woken up this morning by a furious downpour.  Seemed to die off so went over to my local supermarket to do some shopping, got piss-wet-through on the way back.  Dried off and, when the sun came out, nipped over to a friends house... and got equally wet on the way back, totally out of the blue.

I suspect that there is such a thing as 'rain gods' and, for some reason, they fuckin' hate me.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on June 16, 2016, 09:56:26 PM
Today... rain, rain and rain again.  Woken up this morning by a furious downpour.  Seemed to die off so went over to my local supermarket to do some shopping, got piss-wet-through on the way back.  Dried off and, when the sun came out, nipped over to a friends house... and got equally wet on the way back, totally out of the blue.

I suspect that there is such a thing as 'rain gods' and, for some reason, they fuckin' hate me.


Maybe the rain gods read this thread and thought you needed a cold shower or two?  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 16, 2016, 10:08:48 PM
Ha!  Quite possibly...

Whatever.  I'm now remembering the famous quote from somewhere or other that 'there's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing'...   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 17, 2016, 04:20:06 AM
I think Billy Connolly said that
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 17, 2016, 04:13:46 PM
Today... rain, rain and rain again.  Woken up this morning by a furious downpour.  Seemed to die off so went over to my local supermarket to do some shopping, got piss-wet-through on the way back.  Dried off and, when the sun came out, nipped over to a friends house... and got equally wet on the way back, totally out of the blue.

I suspect that there is such a thing as 'rain gods' and, for some reason, they fuckin' hate me.


Maybe the rain gods read this thread and thought you needed a cold shower or two?  ;D

Nice one Sheena !
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 17, 2016, 08:37:04 PM
What can I say...  :-[
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 19, 2016, 05:02:21 PM
So another stewarton gala week comes to end in the rain with the pipe band marching down the main street giving it Scotland the brave, at least it was good for the main day yesterday
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on June 22, 2016, 10:44:12 AM
Grey. It wants to foff by my August hols
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 25, 2016, 06:25:35 PM
First proper heavy rain in several weeks with thunder storms
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 06, 2016, 10:03:11 AM
July more like fcking February, 14c n constant showers
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 07, 2016, 08:12:16 PM
Worst Summer I can remember  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 19, 2016, 03:55:05 PM
Fcking hell who switched the oven on, a sultry 28 in stewarton
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on July 19, 2016, 09:17:42 PM
I've been in Nottingham today - 30 degrees.  Love it  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 20, 2016, 05:37:08 PM
One of the hottest nights ever, not even done any evil but was still twisting, this morning the storm clouds were massing definitely wasn't mountains
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 20, 2016, 06:51:52 PM
OOf.  Not a fan of the heat.  Second day of annoying muggy-ness.  Combine it with one of my frequent periods of insomnia and I got one hours sleep last night.

Still waiting for one of those immense thunderstorms (with one months worth of rain) that were promised by the newspapers, just to cool everything down for a bit...  plenty of black clouds gathering this afternoon over Cheshire, but they all seem to have buggered off...  >:(

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 20, 2016, 07:49:52 PM
One hour !! you lucky sod. Thats a good night for me. Personally I am loving the heat. Been waiting so long for summer to happen, I am not going to complain about being too hot. Spent all day yesterday walking around a field in Kent. Rosting hot, got some sunburn, drank many litres of water, god knows where it all went. Love it. Burn on  :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 21, 2016, 07:48:47 PM
So it's been between 25 and 35 degrees all week and now as soon as school finishes for summer it's raining.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 21, 2016, 11:20:03 PM
A bit cloudy but still muggy... damn, I'm dreading my next electricity bill after the relentless running of my living room and bedroom fans...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Simon73 on July 22, 2016, 12:23:42 PM
28 degrees in Berlin and sunny
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 22, 2016, 02:31:42 PM
Hot n wet a bit like a English pint lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 23, 2016, 10:36:50 AM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Zenboy on July 26, 2016, 11:00:44 AM
On our jollies at the mo in Saujon in France, red hot, current 38 degrees.  Nice!!

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 26, 2016, 11:42:56 AM
38 degrees - nice. Fcking hell I couldn't go out the house if it was anywhere near that hot . Last weeks 28 was too much for me
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on July 26, 2016, 11:45:39 AM
It's finally a bit cooler where I am in Germany, about 25°C - and, most importantly, less humid. I like summer but don't like it when it gets too hot, I always feel really sorry for my pets, too.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 15, 2016, 09:40:32 PM

cloudy, with a chance that it is going to get cloudier, before its gets brighter

and thats just my brain

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 15, 2016, 09:49:44 PM
thats cool. and hot at the same time

i guess the weather is variable
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 15, 2016, 10:59:23 PM
Wow it finally made it to a scorching 20 c in Scotland in what has to be the worst summer ever, think it to even last a few days. Looking after my mates dog for 2 weeks whilst he is on holiday, even managed to take the fat mutt a walk lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on August 15, 2016, 11:21:24 PM
scots are always cool

regardless of the weather

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 16, 2016, 09:22:02 AM
We just like complaining, were under appreciated after all we have given the world, obesity , liver disease, alcoholism, the junkie, the tramp . The deep fried pizza and mars bar, bagpipes , tartan. Stars of stage and screen - the bay city rollers , Darius, the krankies , john barrowman , Michelle McManus .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 16, 2016, 07:12:31 PM
Blimey, went all Renton there for a bit didn't you?

'It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the ******* Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any ******* difference!'

One of my favourite movie quotes ever.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 16, 2016, 08:13:33 PM
I could sell that to Irvine for the new movie lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 16, 2016, 10:39:23 PM
Fcking cracking day, got me washing out n all lol , took  the dug a couple of walks , the midges were out in force later on though, nearly got eaten alive waiting for the wee man to do his business , he has to do this certain weird routine first lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 17, 2016, 03:22:51 AM
What dog ? You a daddy again or just babysitting?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 17, 2016, 09:47:55 AM
Just watching benji the beagle for two weeks. He is generally ok but can be a pain at times
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on August 21, 2016, 08:27:34 PM
Well, it may still officially be Summer, but it has rained in the East-mids on and off all weekend. Sod Summer, I am now well and truly ready for the coming of "Winter" in five days  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 21, 2016, 09:04:50 PM
Sod Summer, I am now well and truly ready for the coming of "Winter" in five days  :)

Amen brother  :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 21, 2016, 09:30:40 PM
Fck we have had probably the best week of weather in about two months, great start to the week n sure it ended with lots of sometimes heavy showers at least it was warm
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on August 22, 2016, 03:04:43 PM
Back off holiday and straight into jury service. Weird!!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 22, 2016, 06:13:10 PM
Wee benji is a way back home, mate cut his holiday short due to personal reasons. Kinda miss him even if he was a right pain at times.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 24, 2016, 01:53:09 PM
Just got back from a long weekend in Devon where it was pissy everyday except the last (driving home) . Flippin scorchio here in my garden now.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on August 24, 2016, 03:43:45 PM
Aye. Feels like Summer today. Even though I am in the middle of "Winter"  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 24, 2016, 07:53:14 PM
hot, very hot and apparently getting hotter over the next few days, seems might actually see NMA at an outdoor gig without getting rained on a la every time at Beautiful Days  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 25, 2016, 08:59:09 AM
Can I ask anyone that's interested to vote for the Juice Cabin to get 3 of there flavours through the tpd compliance testing for free. Its a small independent company from Pontefract Yorkshire and this would save them approximately £12,000 and possibly help save there business. I hope the powers that be at nma don't mind me posting this link as Justin vapes n its a local Yorkshire business. Ps they do make excellent juices at great prices and also have great customer service. Thanks
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on August 25, 2016, 06:07:35 PM
Aye. Feels like Summer today. Even though I am in the middle of "Winter"  :)
  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 25, 2016, 09:37:17 PM
Can I ask anyone that's interested to vote for the Juice Cabin to get 3 of there flavours through the tpd compliance testing for free. Its a small independent company from Pontefract Yorkshire and this would save them approximately £12,000 and possibly help save there business. I hope the powers that be at nma don't mind me posting this link as Justin vapes n its a local Yorkshire business. Ps they do make excellent juices at great prices and also have great customer service. Thanks

Vote sent, sir.   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 09, 2016, 07:41:08 PM
Fcking hell were well into Oct n it was still hot today, been doing double shifts stewarton and troon. Troon still fairly busy considering the time of year, think people are making the best of it whilst it lasts
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 31, 2016, 10:52:45 PM
Oh, I bloody LOVE foggy autumn nights... just nipped over to the supermarket over the road and to see everything shrouded in that slight dream-like fuzziness and to breathe in some lovely cold air and enjoy how it feels in your throat and lungs whilst seeing trees that never looked more beautiful in their red-and-browniness... damn, autumn is, without a doubt, my favourite season.  Just love it.

Cue for a song, anyone..?  Aw, you know what's coming...  ;)

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on November 05, 2016, 09:01:18 PM
It's a bit parky round here tonight
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on November 06, 2016, 12:13:56 AM
bloody chilly
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 06, 2016, 07:51:16 PM
I'm not saying it's cold out there tonight, but I did bump into a brass monkey who politely asked me if I knew a welder who works out of hours...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on November 06, 2016, 08:03:27 PM
Only because you have a habit of correcting errors in my posts M/R, a brass monkey would need a brazer, not a welder.  8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 06, 2016, 08:28:34 PM
Only because you have a habit of correcting errors in my posts M/R, a brass monkey would need a brazer, not a welder.  8)

Oh, get you, with your fancy-ass descriptions of... mechanical implement-y... er... stuff...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 06, 2016, 09:05:48 PM
Welders also do brazing lol.similar thing to gas welding but with different rods n a lower heat .
Anyway freezing today, the beginning of winter has came with vengeance, the trees in winter have shed their autumn leaves
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on November 13, 2016, 09:06:22 PM
7.5 earthquake in New Zealand last night. Didn't feel much up here in the north but parts of the South Island don't look too good. Some towns cut off and communications still down. Hope everyone is ok down there.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on November 13, 2016, 09:57:01 PM
Its been on the news over here Johnz. Hope its not too bad.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on November 14, 2016, 01:52:48 AM
Its been on the news over here Johnz. Hope its not too bad.

Thanks Shush. Luckily the number of casualties appears to be low but the damage to infra-structure is quite substantial. They've already had over 50 aftershocks and this will go on for a few weeks at least. It will hit the tourism industry hard. It's their biggest earner down there and our summer season will start in just a couple of weeks. We're kinda used to earthquakes here but 7.5 is pretty sizeable even for New Zealand.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: purplehaze on November 17, 2016, 07:08:36 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 21, 2016, 09:08:26 PM
Utterly FOUL, all day!  Dark skies, freezing cold and a hard nasty wind driving heavy rain horizontal.  And it hasn't let up since this morning, not one bit. Nasty day!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 04, 2017, 10:20:19 AM
OK! Today it's the the day the temperatures will drop again deep down to minus:

Now -11 Celsius, and in between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM it goes to -16 Celsius. Next Thu apparently going over -20 or so. On next weekend the estimations are snow so it means the temperatures will raise back again near to zero for some time.

Now if everything goes alright we'll have minus for three months and everything's ok.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 05, 2017, 06:11:56 PM
Alright, it dropped down. At morning when I woke up and went to work it was -20 indeed. During midday while working I received a photo from our security cam (due to birds flying near the zone of the camera) and it shows also the temperature in photos. I saw it was still -20. Actually at morning, temperature often will cool more for couple of hours because of sunrise. I can't explain the reason for it.

But, oh what a beautiful shiny day. Few minutes ago I went to check a well that leads to a gutter and if the electric pump works ok beneath in the drainage. And then, at a same time I heard a "strix aluco", an owl, singing/shouting up in a tree. Wow!  What an exciting moment.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on January 12, 2017, 10:33:34 AM
First flurry of snow in probably over a year, only about a inch as per normal everything goes a lot slower, train and buses running late and traffic moving slowly. Thankfully it won't last or the country would grind to a halt.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 12, 2017, 07:40:18 PM
Mild snowfall tonight, but not enough to stick.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on January 13, 2017, 09:19:30 AM
Had a snow flurry this morning for about 20 minutes :) :)

Just hope everyone, my mother included, on the East Coast escapes the threat of flooding that is forecast with the high tide tonight
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: purplehaze on January 13, 2017, 11:19:39 AM
We had to dig u out this morning to get the door fully open ,the kids climed  the fence, to get to school on time as I were taking too  long digging the gate open  ,we do live : up in the mountains though alston cumbria is the highest market town in Britain  so it shouldn't come as a surprise :) :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coolea on January 13, 2017, 11:24:02 AM
Its a beautiful 20 degrees in Morrocco. Id glady trade it right now for a sweaty, adrenalin fuelled NMA gig.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on January 23, 2017, 08:27:55 PM
Our dear friend Strix Aluco (tawny owl) heard nearby:
( wolves this time... ;)

[Image loaned from Wikipedia, 23.1.2017]
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on January 26, 2017, 08:02:30 PM
Bloody hell, it's cold out there tonight.  I mean, proper COLD, and that same cold is filtering into my antiquated flat (where I can only afford to heat one room, the living room obviously) so I think I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight... aw, at least I have a very comfy sofa!   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on January 26, 2017, 09:19:19 PM
Aye, it's a bit parky
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Heno on February 08, 2017, 03:32:22 PM
living indoors as much as i do tends to make weather irrelevant

that is a bad thing
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 03, 2017, 06:46:24 PM
Lovely  :) Was out in the garden moving shrubs and thoroughly enjoying myself. After a really cold winter (worse than anticipated) was so nice to be out there and it's good to know there is an awful lot to do  8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on March 03, 2017, 09:47:23 PM
Nice. Really hope we have a proper Summer this year. I miss them a lot.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 04, 2017, 07:11:56 PM
Woke up this morning, it was bright and sunny, so thought 'yay, day out!' and went over to lovely Shrewsbury for a meander and pub lunch kind of thing... yup, by 1pm, dark clouds, a falling temperature and bloody cold winds.  Dammit, Weather Gods, can't I just have a nice sunny day out?   :-[
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 21, 2017, 03:38:07 PM
A surprise covering a snow in the morning, that led to the usual traffic disruption, thankfully I didn't have to travel anywhere, was mostly all gone by lunchtime. Can't remember having snow here this late into march before
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 24, 2017, 06:23:23 AM
Fingers crossed, touch wood n awe that shit but looking like spring has sprung. Buds on branches lambs in fields (yum) n getting towards a tropical 10 c
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 27, 2017, 01:55:49 PM
Another cracking day - 3 in a row. Looking like it won't last but its still march.
Other stuff - ordered a new washing machine its coming on the 6th , sorted out my broadband but its the 17th before that's done. Got a lot of stuff moved already
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 31, 2017, 07:02:37 PM
Was lovely and no surprise but in the garden again  8)

Thing with gardening is you can think a lot while you're doing it and I got to thinking about the last few years and where I am now. Distance and time gives a different perspective to a helluva lot of things. The world and my world has changed so much in that time is almost unbelievable. Don't have any regrets but sure there's a few things I would change/do different if I could but I doubt there's anyone in the world who wouldn't say the same. I'm so glad I'm where I am now and not in the black place with no light that I lived in.

Life's good  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 31, 2017, 07:25:57 PM
I remember those days, my friend, and I can't describe how happy I am that they're in your rear-view-mirror.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on March 31, 2017, 08:58:34 PM
I remember those days, my friend, and I can't describe how happy I am that they're in your rear-view-mirror.


thank you lovely  :-*
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 31, 2017, 09:54:14 PM
Getting to think of what used to be n what may yet come true, not really a garden person don't get me wrong other peoples gardens are lovely. Think we live by hopes plans and inspiration maybe gardening is a metaphor plant the seeds n watch them grow and you get back what you put in. Managed to move a couple of chest of drawers, took them apart and rebuilt them still fcking heavy to get 3 flight of stairs. Having a chill out day tomorrow, working early morning then probably head to Glasgow, need to see Rory about my plans for my next tattoo, hopefully he is cool with my idea.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on April 04, 2017, 08:29:26 PM
Last hints of past winter can be seen on the ground. Only some ice and a little heap of snow I piled up months ago. They'll disappear in few days. +5 Celsius on middays.

It's a fresh and sunny april going on now and all the birds migrating to Finland.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 08, 2017, 11:22:21 AM


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: King_D on April 12, 2017, 06:27:06 PM
Sun is shinning, 22C here, south France...& it's just april...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 12, 2017, 08:45:55 PM
Well, South Cheshire (after a few lovely days) has gone back to being cold and dull and rainy...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 14, 2017, 03:02:21 PM
Well, South Cheshire (after a few lovely days) has gone back to being cold and dull and rainy...  :-\

The Sun works hard all year and like to have a few days off. Always goes away for a few days over Easter  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 18, 2017, 11:45:09 AM
Another day of moving, internet connected n working (hopefully) . Waiting on the young team coming to lift the heavy stuff for me , having a well earned chill. Oh a snap general election n the Tories have a 20 point lead in the opinion polls (whatever that means) (n Jeremy is almost unvoteable) . Hopefully spending the night in the new flat.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on April 22, 2017, 11:44:12 PM
Lovely in the sunshine this aft.  Spent a pleasant couple of hours at the Marsden cuckoo festival with my boy and friends  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 23, 2017, 07:28:59 PM
Cracking good weather today, family trip to Chester Zoo as a treat for my niece.  Not been there since I was a kid, excellent zoo although bloody pricey.  Glorious sunshine all day with just the right amount of breeze.  What a lovely day...   :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 24, 2017, 05:56:11 PM
was in Troon working,  there was heavy showers including hail and a bitterly cold strong wind
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on April 27, 2017, 12:24:23 PM
Neither it is warm around here. Still only +5 Celsius and wind blows heavily. We even had occasional snowing few days ago.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 06, 2017, 07:37:30 PM
another decent day in sunny ayrshire 16c. tomorrow is my last day working in troon its certainly been getting busier as it hots up.
anything else - still suprised by the local council results in scotland. the tories beating labour n getting 2nd place, and even winning seats in some of scotlands most deprived areas ie shettleston in glasgow n fergusliepark paisley. they even won a seat where the old ravenscraig steelworks was. a big wtf why would less well off areas vote for them.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on May 17, 2017, 06:28:04 PM
Whoa. Tomorrow we'll get about +22 Celsius and the summer seems to start finally. I can't recall another spring time when it's been as cold as long time as it was now. I've heard there was a similar season in 1980 or -81. Couldn't remember it though.

But now, let the sun shine.  8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 25, 2017, 05:33:55 PM
Shouldn't complain but it was fckin roasting
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on May 25, 2017, 08:04:41 PM
My weather today?  Utterly bloody gorgeous.  If I wasn't so damn busy at work, I'd have pulled a sickie and buggered off to the seaside...  8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 15, 2017, 01:00:02 PM
Typical start to a Scottish summer with mostly heavy cloud cover and constant showers and temps in the mid teens tho feeling humid at times .
Went for a interview for a janitor jobs tho can't see me being pol the mild mannered janny anytime soon,  why do they ask such stupid questions
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 17, 2017, 08:31:32 PM
A gorgeous sunny day that I enjoyed..but here comes the downside, a hot muggy evening in a tiny flat where opening the windows will make little difference when there's no oncoming breeze and, being someone on a pre-pay meter, I can't afford to keep electric fans running for any length of time...I'm currently sweating like a cat trying to bury a shit on a marble floor.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 21, 2017, 07:40:33 PM

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on June 21, 2017, 07:56:33 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 21, 2017, 08:39:30 PM
Still hot as hell despite a brief and disappointing bit of rain earlier... noticed there were a few drops coming down, grabbed shoes and a shirt to revel in the forthcoming downpour whilst nipping over to Asda... nope, it amounted to very little.

Still, the aircon at Asda... heavenly.   8)

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on June 23, 2017, 07:44:55 PM
Well after an absolutely mental storm yesterday, honestly proper nut-nuts with horizontal rain, winter strength wind, thunder and lightning and hail the size of ping-pong balls (or whiff-whaff if your that hunt boris)  which damaged a whole lot of stuff in the garden  - a;though the tomatoes, cucumbers and other fragile plants seem to have come through unscathed, now we are back to high temperatures and glorious sunshine. Wish I could post a picture of the sky here this evening. Mind you my legs look like they belong to a different body from my torso. Legs are white like an Eskimo whilst my torso is tanned like an Arab  :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 29, 2017, 10:19:08 PM
Fckin pissed down all day - June my arse
Fell right on my arse entering the mall in Irvine as I changed surfaces from pavement to tiles,  bruised n scraped 2 fingers, sore hip n knee n felt a right fanny,  I should sue the Council Underhand Nasty Twats
June must have been the wettest month this year - Scottish summer you've gotta love it
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on June 29, 2017, 10:27:45 PM
Fckin pissed down all day - June my arse
Fell right on my arse entering the mall in Irvine as I changed surfaces from pavement to tiles,  bruised n scraped 2 fingers, sore hip n knee n felt a right fanny,  I should sue the Council Underhand Nasty Twats
June must have been the wettest month this year - Scottish summer you've gotta love it

It's been just as bad down here :) :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 06, 2017, 08:13:50 PM
Don't suppose anyone caught that on youtube Pol  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Been very hot and sticky here today - felt like there should be a storm (there wasn't). We had a barbecue and lovely it was too - then I got stung by a bee on my boob! Oh and Keren got a tick bite the other day : frack me but it's like the Bolivian jungle here  :D

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 06, 2017, 09:03:31 PM
I wonder what the youtube headline would be.
I won't mention boobees lol too late
Still lots of showers here mostly overcast every day n humid for the high teens . Think that's going to be our weather every year from now . Fairly dry mild winters , wet June n July,  best weather late spring early autumn.  Still working at troon n benji returned home
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 11, 2017, 04:10:45 PM
It's raining !


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 11, 2017, 08:11:32 PM
Two dry days in a row,  reasonable enough temp 17/18 , into the second week of the local hols "Glasgow fair"  starts next week. Looks like I will be at troon till the end of the month . The shops been doing ok considering the weather
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 11, 2017, 08:25:43 PM
Raining all day, not like proper hard Northern rain, just a relentless depressing drizzle like you get when the clouds just can't be arsed to put on a proper show.   ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 15, 2017, 04:31:54 PM
Pissed down all day here (I think) , the rain stayed off when I was in Glasgow n it was humid.  Another tattoo session hence the Glasgow visit , finished the small giger babies heads , one more session should finish my arm . As always a massive thanks to Rory and everyone at Terrys
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 16, 2017, 01:23:26 PM


sorry,didn't mean to shout !
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on July 19, 2017, 01:50:40 PM
Hot and humid...33°C outside, 29° in my office.

Severe weather warnings have been issued, though, it's starting to rain here - which is nice. I hope there won't be too much thunder until I get home - our new dog seems to be scared of thunderstorms.   :(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 22, 2017, 11:47:04 AM
Broke up from school yesterday and it started to piss it down at lunch time (when the kids went home) and it hasn't stopped since then.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on July 24, 2017, 05:53:42 AM
+20 to +24 today. Sunny and little wind.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 13, 2017, 06:29:46 PM
Good Lord, so much rain around these parts over the last few days... and proper 'chucking it down' shit on a regular basis, several times a day.

Put it like this, we don't have any problem with rats... they all get strangled by the octopus.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 13, 2017, 06:40:11 PM
Rain, wind and cold - horrible  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Amandistan on September 18, 2017, 10:08:19 AM
Hot with maybe 100 humidity and a 30 minute downpour. It said 39 degree celsius but it felt like 45. I often wonder how Malaysians live in it but some hardly sweat.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 22, 2017, 05:45:14 PM
Man flu gone . Phone fixed . Mostly rain , wettest summer ever?
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Sheena on October 16, 2017, 08:54:26 AM
Warm and windy  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 16, 2017, 06:06:45 PM
The storm clouds are massing,  think we are going to miss the worst of it tho
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 16, 2017, 06:16:56 PM
How has my weather been today?  'Oddly lit and curious' is the best way I can describe it.  It's been fairly warm but with winds that could be hot or cold.  And, following an odd looking Sun / Clouds interface this morning, the sunlight has just looked... well, weird, not in any way that you can easily describe, just kind of muted and dull, if that makes any sense.  Like someone put a filter over the real world...  :o

I know, it's weird, I didn't have magic mushrooms on toast for breakfast, honestly!  It's just been an odd looking day and, at the moment, it's just immensely windy with various things blowing up and down the street and car alarms going off left right and centre...   :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 20, 2017, 07:02:11 PM
A really decent day all considered.  A murky misty morning followed by a dry slightly sunny day with temps at approximately 15C . Two days left at troon tho have a couple of small things to do next week weather depending
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 21, 2017, 11:56:14 PM
Minus. Yep.  It went to -3 at couple of recent nights. It could be at -6 at next night.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 28, 2017, 04:14:26 PM

wasnt sure where to post this but as good as any . this is ingas (witch) new tattoo

nice one
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on November 27, 2017, 08:47:55 PM
Bloody hell, cold tonight in Cheshire!  Seeing as I can only afford to heat one room in my flat during the cold months, think it might be a night on the sofa for me!  ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Whirlwind on November 27, 2017, 10:25:43 PM
Unnaturally warm here in New York. Everybody is putting up Christmas lights outside and no jacket is needed! Our

Decembers are now what our Septembers used to be. New York used to be insanely cold in winter...but now we get just a few bitter cold days.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on November 28, 2017, 08:25:31 PM
Bloody hell, cold tonight in Cheshire!  Seeing as I can only afford to heat one room in my flat during the cold months, think it might be a night on the sofa for me!  ::)

That's shite - it's only November  :(

Was a bit worried coming back from 2 weeks in Las Vegas where the weather was brilliant (70-80 Farenheit) to cold grey Germany but thankfully not too bad here yet. A wonderful 2 weeks in a country that superficially may be similar to UK but really doesn't seem to be at all as far as it is possible to tell from only 2 weeks, 4 states and 1500m in a tiny part of that huge country. Cool times, cool memoories and even a new little bit of ink for a souvenir. Only went cos Keren really wanted wanted to go back to the US but have to say I wanna go again  :o

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on December 10, 2017, 04:47:42 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 10, 2017, 06:06:14 PM
It's fckin freezing here , had to put gloves on to take the bins out
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on December 10, 2017, 06:24:29 PM
I was in Manchester last night and it was SO cold and I went to the gig I was going into with two t-shirts, a thick jumper and a thick leather jacket... I seem to remember the last few winters in the UK have been fairly mild.  But this one is a proper bollocks-freezer.  Ladies, insert your own definition.  ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on December 10, 2017, 10:10:08 PM
Snow from 6 o clock this morning til about 8 o clock tonight. Had to walk a 5 mile round trip. Me legs are bloxxedd!!!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on December 11, 2017, 11:41:14 AM
It snowed here too yesterday and last night. At morning I shoveled the courtyard but it looks like it will snow again tomorrow or next night. The branches in trees carry a heavy load of snow already and I could hear sounds of fission from trees in forest. Couple of tree tops broke and fell down. Normally trees endure such weight and more too but now the snow is so wet it weighs a lot more than normally. When there's not cold enough the roots are not frozen yet so the trees may become unstable.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on December 11, 2017, 03:20:44 PM
I was in Manchester last night and it was SO cold and I went to the gig I was going into with two t-shirts, a thick jumper and a thick leather jacket... I seem to remember the last few winters in the UK have been fairly mild.  But this one is a proper bollocks-freezer.  Ladies, insert your own definition.  ;)

That will be "Fanny Freezer"


The snow is still here. We finished school at 3 today and are not going to start until 9.30 tomorrow so everyone can take their time travelling......makes no odds to me because I only live down the road and i walk it.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 20, 2018, 05:20:33 PM
Today it was -17° Celsius, next morning -19° assumably. Forecasts say it is expected to go near to -30° Celsius on next week because of a high-pressure area coming from Siberia. High-pressure is good. Nice, sunny and beautiful without winds or storms.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 20, 2018, 07:36:59 PM
Probably the best day of the year here  , although it was it bit colder when I was in Glasgow.  Booked a tattoo for a week on Friday when I was there .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on February 20, 2018, 08:51:48 PM
Today it was -17° Celsius, next morning -19° assumably. Forecasts say it is expected to go near to -30° Celsius on next week because of a high-pressure area coming from Siberia. High-pressure is good. Nice, sunny and beautiful without winds or storms.

That'll be the freezing, windy and snowy weather that we're forecasted to get next week

Said this morning on TV that it's an Artic blast and temps could drop to as low as -8
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Whirlwind on February 21, 2018, 01:31:30 AM
A full 25 degrees over normal February temperatures here in New York. Set a record. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer.

I have no idea what it is, but the climate here in NY is all messed up. Two months ago we had a stretch of the coldest winter temps on record; today and tomorrow we have the warmest winter temps on record. Wearing shorts in February tomorrow. This weather here is not normal. Scary almost.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on February 21, 2018, 06:30:14 AM
Today it was -17° Celsius, next morning -19° assumably. Forecasts say it is expected to go near to -30° Celsius on next week because of a high-pressure area coming from Siberia. High-pressure is good. Nice, sunny and beautiful without winds or storms.
It seems you're sending some of that our way, too.

I am not complaining, mind you - I love cold, sunny winter days. It's not going to be THAT cold...but still.

Looking out of my office window at the Rhine, it's a tad misty but sunny. -2°C, I think. Already had a lovely dog walk much earlier and I which I could be out with the dogs later instead of sitting here - but it seems I'll have plenty of time for that at the weekend.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on February 21, 2018, 08:53:32 AM
A full 25 degrees over normal February temperatures here in New York. Set a record. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer.

I have no idea what it is, but the climate here in NY is all messed up. Two months ago we had a stretch of the coldest winter temps on record; today and tomorrow we have the warmest winter temps on record. Wearing shorts in February tomorrow. This weather here is not normal. Scary almost.
New York cold is unforgettable for me.2 years ago I was trying to smoke outside the hotel and I couldn't even finish my cigarette as a hard smoker.I can't imagine NY and hot/warm together :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Whirlwind on February 21, 2018, 04:34:48 PM
New York cold is unforgettable for me.
Yeah, we get extremes here. Bitter, bitter life ending cold in winter, and then we get can't even leave the house heat and humidity in summer.

I always think of my fellow Americans in parts of Hawaii or Florida or parts Alaska and how they essentially have just one wardrobe. Here in NY we have the heaviest winter coats, sweaters, gloves, scarfs and snow boots along with sandals and shorts and multiple swimsuits. At the end of the season we "put away our winter clothes" (box them up) and take out our summer clothes. I wonder if you folks across the pond do the same.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on February 21, 2018, 05:28:27 PM
Well we do. Still have all the 4 seasons. But the latitude is also norther here where I reside. Not maybe burning hot summers but some of it too.

But as we know it's not only about the latitudes. Climates have gone so distorted. We face more often extreme sides of seasons and weather phenomenons.  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Whirlwind on February 21, 2018, 06:41:54 PM
We face more often extreme sides of seasons and weather phenomenons.  :-\
Well, in some odd way I am glad to hear that. It's not just us getting clobbered with insane extremes. We are all in this together. That's how things get solved.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on February 22, 2018, 01:43:38 PM
New York cold is unforgettable for me.
Yeah, we get extremes here. Bitter, bitter life ending cold in winter, and then we get can't even leave the house heat and humidity in summer.

I always think of my fellow Americans in parts of Hawaii or Florida or parts Alaska and how they essentially have just one wardrobe. Here in NY we have the heaviest winter coats, sweaters, gloves, scarfs and snow boots along with sandals and shorts and multiple swimsuits. At the end of the season we "put away our winter clothes" (box them up) and take out our summer clothes. I wonder if you folks across the pond do the same.
yeah born and raised here in Türkiye I grew up in mediterranean climate and luckily we have 4 seasons too.I love all seasons have no favorite one but as an Agean it's great being in the seaside in summer and right after get up walk to beach and jump into the sea.It makes everything okay.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 28, 2018, 09:57:02 PM
So the beast from the East has arrived,  we avoid the worst just. All trains cancelled in central Scotland, red alert don't travel warnings. Fairly thick powdery snow with a bitting cold strong wind causing drifts.  Gotta say fckin freezing with the wind chill factor  -12c .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on March 01, 2018, 05:22:34 PM
Had 2 days of heavy snow and biting winds

All major and trunk roads in Lincolnshire have been blocked today

Hopefully over the worst of it and getting better soon
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on March 01, 2018, 05:48:46 PM
Very fine powdery snow, after not a lot all week. Traffic is slowing to a crawl as the world starts to look a bit white. And more to come in the next couple of days.
Over to Peter O'Hanraha Hanrahan with Politics....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 01, 2018, 06:20:52 PM
Very fine powdery snow, after not a lot all week. Traffic is slowing to a crawl as the world starts to look a bit white. And more to come in the next couple of days.
Over to Peter O'Hanraha Hanrahan with Politics....

Nice pop culture reference, sir!

Not much snow over here in Cheshire but that wind is really kicking in, hard enough to make the windows rattle, and it's SO bitingly cold. Popped over to ASDA just now which takes less than five minutes and I genuinely got a headache by the time I got there...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Red on March 01, 2018, 06:25:06 PM
Just checked thermometer I've got outside and we've been down to -8!!!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on March 01, 2018, 06:59:50 PM
Very fine powdery snow, after not a lot all week. Traffic is slowing to a crawl as the world starts to look a bit white. And more to come in the next couple of days.
Over to Peter O'Hanraha Hanrahan with Politics....

Nice pop culture reference, sir!

Not much snow over here in Cheshire but that wind is really kicking in, hard enough to make the windows rattle, and it's SO bitingly cold. Popped over to ASDA just now which takes less than five minutes and I genuinely got a headache by the time I got there...
Great show!!! Its the wind causing drifts here. We've had less than a cm of snow but its killed the traffic and where the wind has blew it we have 6 inch drifts. Its so powdery its untrue.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 02, 2018, 08:21:21 AM
My school closed at 12 yesterday and is closed today (yay!)

Lots of very fine snow being whipped up into little tornados, very pretty to watch but cold as **** if you're out there.

Looking out of my front window it's very patchy with drifts about a foot deep in my neighbours garden,dusted over mine, the road is covered and the path is compleatly clear on one side of the road but deep enough to cover your shoes on my side. It's all down to which way the wind has whipped it up.

I might venture down the garden to look at the outside thermometer.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: purplehaze on March 02, 2018, 09:22:02 AM
We live in englands highest village nent head in Cumbria 1500 ft ,it has snowed every day all day for a week we have to literally dig our way out the door through 10 ft high drifts all roads out and in are cut off from snow ,we can't see out it looks like blankets of white cotton wool covering the Windows, on the telly I see red weather alerts for other places but ours looks so much worse . It is worse than any snow I've seen in 15 years I've lived here,I just don't know when or how we are going to get out. There is a tiny shop basically the shelves are empty luckily I had a well stocked freezer but soon we will have used everything I'm hoping the snow stops soon ,even my two dogs who love walkin I snow have to be pushed out by force it's scary,because now it's blowing a gale ,we have a freezer in the garage opposite the house   You have to dig a passage then dig to open the door ,when you get back in the house your eyelashes are frozen,within half an hour all your digging is covered by more snow :o ???🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Raven on March 02, 2018, 02:49:50 PM
Stay safe Purplehaze I hope things get better for you soon.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 02, 2018, 03:51:52 PM
I hear you having a lot of snow and cold. In a case your buildings are not build to take cold very much, please if you don't mind may I give few tips to you around there?


During cold and when it gets deep to minus temperature it can (and will) freeze the pipes in your house if you don't have any special insulation for them and the pipes go outside "naked" or even too near the inside of a wall. They do not freeze immediately necessarily but possibly at the time when it's getting warmer and the temperature reaches back near to +/- 0 Celsius. So there should be some insulation at least. Few centimetres thick is enough. It should cover the pipe everywhere literally. (Just don't use metal as it can absorb the cold and it gets even colder...) But if the pipes freeze and you'll find out there's not coming warm water at all in your house and you start to heat the pipes, don't heat it with a very hot source or the pipe will break and you'll get a water leak in your house. For a surprise it's actually the warm pipe that freezes first not the cold one. Plus also, if you'll keep water flowing a bit all the time that will prevent a pipe freezing.

Frozen locks
You may face that locks are not working as they freeze (because they're metal). Then you should get VERY hot water put inside a plastic bag. Press the hot water bag against the lock and hold it that way about a half minute or longer.

Snow cover
Snow is a good insulation for drainage that runs (too) near beneath the surface. Just push snow on the way the pipeline goes. Snow itself isn't bad it's the cold and how to get prepared for that.

Possibly you don't need these tips, but in a case there's a gonna be more times like this in the future (maybe some drastic change with the weather and seasons during these crazy times?) who knows, and then this kind of things matter a lot for daily life. I'm quite sure there will be more things like this as there have been several times eras of deep froth taking over Russia and north of the States. Just think that it could come to Europe or elsewhere too. There are places in Siberia where temperatures go to -50 C to -70 C almost each year so who knows...

The coldest we had this winter here is -22 C. Now it's -13 C and should get warmer after Sunday.

PS. Not meant to be arrogant or anything, just trying to give a bit of advice if the things'll get nasty.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 02, 2018, 06:51:41 PM
Looks like the coldest place is in Omyakon in Siberia:
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 03, 2018, 11:34:30 PM
Most of the snow gone . Trains only running 1 per hour. Train to Glasgow was delayed n came into the wrong platform. Glasgow city centre was a nightmare trying to walk - fckin council could have cleared at least a decent path . Got a cpl of new tattoos  (link soon hopefully). Train home cancelled had to wait an hour for the next one - went to the solid rock for a irn bru plus u can vape in there n the music was good. 
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on March 06, 2018, 12:19:19 PM
In the middle West Midlands, its practically a lovely spring day. The snow after creating mayhem for two days, went in two days
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on March 06, 2018, 07:14:54 PM
In the middle West Midlands, its practically a lovely spring day. The snow after creating mayhem for two days, went in two days

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tony S on March 06, 2018, 07:35:36 PM
We live in englands highest village nent head in Cumbria 1500 ft ,it has snowed every day all day for a week we have to literally dig our way out the door through 10 ft high drifts all roads out and in are cut off from snow ,we can't see out it looks like blankets of white cotton wool covering the Windows, on the telly I see red weather alerts for other places but ours looks so much worse . It is worse than any snow I've seen in 15 years I've lived here,I just don't know when or how we are going to get out. There is a tiny shop basically the shelves are empty luckily I had a well stocked freezer but soon we will have used everything I'm hoping the snow stops soon ,even my two dogs who love walkin I snow have to be pushed out by force it's scary,because now it's blowing a gale ,we have a freezer in the garage opposite the house   You have to dig a passage then dig to open the door ,when you get back in the house your eyelashes are frozen,within half an hour all your digging is covered by more snow :o ???🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨

I've been hearing a lot about Nenthead as I'm friends on FB with the landlady of your local pub, the Miners Arms. We used to be at school together ! It does look unreal up there, but it looks like the community spirit has been fantastic. Hope you get a decent thaw soon. Sadly I've seen today that there's been a major fire at the Hartside Cafe, and it looks like it's burnt down  :'(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on March 08, 2018, 05:24:16 AM
Very dark morning.Meteorology&news were warning for today the whole country would be under heavy rain storms.Sky looks dark grey and clouds look like there comes a thunder&lightning show very soon.Good that no work today or tomorrow.Beautiful day to visit some old NMA stuff which I haven't looked for a while.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on March 08, 2018, 07:02:01 PM
Pretty mellow here in South Cheshire, but I'm sure that the likes of The Daily Mail will be telling us that 'Hurricane Deathbastard' is on it's way soon (yesterday they told us that a new strain of flu 'could' kill 300 million people this year... emphasis on 'could', I suppose   ::) )
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Simon73 on March 08, 2018, 07:44:09 PM
just came back from indonesia where is always warm and amazing. place people and weather. in berlin it was sunny when it was minus 10 only..................otherwise mainly greay rain wind etc. same old shit
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Coumarin on March 09, 2018, 06:59:18 PM
just came back from indonesia where is always warm and amazing. place people and weather. in berlin it was sunny when it was minus 10 only..................otherwise mainly greay rain wind etc. same old shit

Where in Indonesia were you Simon?

As you say an amazing place, and amazing people. Absolutely love Jakarta, will be back there in a few weeks. Never strayed off of Java though. My missus is from Bandung and has been to quite a few of the smaller islands, although not all of the 17,000 she says there is! Might be taking a hop over to Bali this time too.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on March 13, 2018, 08:17:28 PM
It's been a quite nice weather during the winter season. If you could say a season was "succesful" it was now. It has stayed in minus temperature for 1,5 months or even longer. We've had snow all the time for 3 months. It's almost like it used to be 30 years ago.

Now it will go up and down. 0°C  today, tomorrow -4°C, Thu water and wet snow. On Sat it will be -18°C but then again going to plus on Sun. Next Tuesday -16°C. Crazy.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 13, 2018, 08:31:53 PM
Spring seems to have started  (fingers crossed)  definitely a bit warmer even if it's only 8c . Had the windows open most of the day n didn't put the heating on till evening. Got the dreaded meter readings email. Surprisingly I'm still slightly in credit.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on May 23, 2018, 08:48:19 PM
Fckn hell 2 weeks n counting of almost non stop hot days , us pasty skinned Scots aren't designed for this , does make you feel good to a certain extent tho , good to out in a t shirt showing off the tattoos lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 09, 2018, 07:56:50 PM
Still fckn boiling here very little rain in the last month or so .
Survived a fckn painful tattoo session today ( inner bicep ) about 5 hours including a few short breaks ( hopefully post pic soon ) thanks as always to Rory and all at terrys tattoos Glasgow
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 10, 2018, 09:30:53 AM
Jersey Channel Islands....Britains sunniest place, Ha Ha,Flaming today Fog,Wind and Drizzle    ???
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 10, 2018, 04:57:54 PM

hope you all like , know i do
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 26, 2018, 09:03:23 PM

Damn, it's hot here today and even with a couple of fans going, it's still a bit like this...

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 27, 2018, 09:52:14 AM
Summer has finally arrived over here in Jersey (well until the weekend according to forecast)..It is not as hot as the rest of U.K. we have a breeze coming in,and keeping 25 Deg. UV is a very high 8,so their will be plenty of people looking like Lobsters.   :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 27, 2018, 04:42:42 PM
Fuckin Hot !
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 27, 2018, 05:30:27 PM
Hottest day for 2 decades apparently in Scotland, tomorrow is to be warmer fh
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 28, 2018, 01:22:16 PM
Absolutely fckn boiling , had to take the train into Kilmarnock n returned a sweat soaked mess , can see why I never want to go anywhere hot on holiday, how the fck do people cope
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 28, 2018, 06:40:52 PM

I really struggle to sleep when it's hot so after a few nights of this, I'm feeling a bit zombiefied... I swear, if there's a lovely refreshing rainstorm anytime soon, I'll go out walking in it in shorts and a T-shirt...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 28, 2018, 08:20:54 PM
Keep your eyes peeled for the Fashion Police.......... ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on June 30, 2018, 07:54:06 PM
Shirts are an optional extra around here ! 8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on July 04, 2018, 01:38:46 PM
Hot, way too hot - and yes, I am allowed to complain about the heat because I never complain about the cold.  ;D

Seriously, I realise complaining about the weather is a waste of energy and I try not to - but this is...tough. I feel especially bad for my pets - 2 of my dogs find it very hard to handle these temperatures and I am a bit worried for my oldest dog with heart issues.

Currently around 30°C - it's suposed to go down by 1 or 2 degress - but no rain or really cool temperatures in sight.Sitting at my desk with a small fan - looks silly but who cares?  ::)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 04, 2018, 02:44:28 PM
Yeah my part time dog Benji is suffering, hasn't been below the mid 20s all week with a high of 33 . I get him cones from the shop downstairs, he likes to sleep behind the sofa .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 04, 2018, 07:03:44 PM

Pol, you've got a 'part time dog'?  What the f**k is he the rest of the time?   ;)

Is this the third or fourth week of relentlessly hot days in the UK?  I've never seen it like this, every single lawn or field I see just like scorched straw.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 04, 2018, 08:47:15 PM
Think he's a pig the way he eats n snorts about looking for food lol . He belongs to downstairs neighbour , I look after him when they are on holiday plus he can open the front door n visits several times a day
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 05, 2018, 08:40:16 AM
Ah yes that rare breed, The Porker Spaniel..........
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 05, 2018, 04:16:01 PM
Porker beagle lol.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on July 24, 2018, 12:38:21 PM
33°C outside - but hey, apprently it only feels like 32°C!  ;D That's a relief!

29.7°C at my office - I think I have reached melting point.

That's not the end of it, though, Thursday and Friday are supposed to be even hotter.  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 24, 2018, 04:07:16 PM
Glad it's a good bit cooler in Scotland
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 24, 2018, 04:59:38 PM
I love a good Summer and moan like billy-oh when its a poor Summer like last year. But, this is now getting to be like hard work. I just cannot sleep at night with the heat. I am now trying to sleep down stairs where it is slightly cooler and can grab 2-3 hours a night -- if I am lucky.  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on July 24, 2018, 09:59:54 PM
Humidity is about %85 now and Im melting.They turned the city to a concrete jungle by endless constructions and buildings and ground can't breath.Huge rains in last two days.We are rapidly becoming a monsoon climate land. >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 24, 2018, 10:19:51 PM

Back to relentlessly hot today (and tonight) after a cool and wet day yesterday.  I made a point of a good long walk yesterday evening in the wonderfully cool rain.  Bliss.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: orlando on July 25, 2018, 11:50:10 AM
Oh, what I would do for a cool and wet day...  :(

36° today and also expected for the next days...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: lostockboy on July 25, 2018, 02:37:16 PM
It's been cold today, probably about 5 degrees C then at 2 pm the weather picked up and went up to 24 degrees C.  Then again it's been similar for 21 years for me, well the 5 degrees c bit has as I celebrate that amount of years in my current workplace on the 28th, although celebrate probably isn't the correct word, commiserate is closer to it.  I've worked in a cold warehouse for that many years so when we have the best spell of weather that I can remember in my lifetime, 50 years,  I appreciate knocking off and coming out into the glorious  sunshine we've been having in this part of the world.  It's not quite the same finishing work during the cooler months as it can be a bit depressing coming out of the cold into the cold and also the shorter days don't help either, so yeah, I'm absolutely loving this and long may it continue.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 25, 2018, 04:18:02 PM
Flippin Hot.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 25, 2018, 08:05:06 PM
wonderfully cool rain..

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 25, 2018, 09:40:07 PM
wonderfully cool rain..


About the only thing I am lucky at these days...but what the heck, always look on the bright side, eh?   :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on July 27, 2018, 12:51:29 PM
Oh, what I would do for a cool and wet day...  :(

36° today and also expected for the next days...
I hear you! The stretch of Rhine I reside at is supposed to be experiencing 39°C today...and the fireworks that normally start an annual town fest here has been cancelled. Mind you, very sensinble decision, given how dry it is!  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on July 27, 2018, 02:52:50 PM
Thanks for that Stephanie - we were going to go after we had been to the Tiger & Turtle to see the Blood Moon  :)

Thermometer read 37.7 this afternoon  :o :( I'm not good with this heat  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 27, 2018, 07:46:26 PM

Another uncomfortable day... but there are dark and heavy clouds gathering on the Cheshire horizon, the breeze seems to be blowing them my way and a friend on another Forum indicates that there was a big downpour in Yorkshire a few hours ago...

Please, Weather Gods, a massive and torrential gush of your finest rain?  Pretty please?   :-*
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 27, 2018, 09:15:48 PM
The storm clouds have broken here with thunder and lightning. Still really humid tho , quite a bit of flash floods already 
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 28, 2018, 12:18:57 PM
Rain !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 28, 2018, 07:00:58 PM

No proper storm but a relentless rain today and a nice cool wind.  The air feels better already.   :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 28, 2018, 11:45:19 PM
its been that awkward cross over period today ,, shorts or trousers  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Stephanie on July 31, 2018, 07:57:32 AM
Thanks for that Stephanie - we were going to go after we had been to the Tiger & Turtle to see the Blood Moon  :)
Oh, never been there - can you believe that? Good spot to watch the moon I bet! Did you go?

Still hot here, we did get a little rain a couple of days ago but not enough...and the forecast - frustrating. Unless you like this heat which I sure don't. :P
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 16, 2018, 10:01:04 AM
Warm, humid and raining and that's how it's staying all day so if you're coming to see Justin later on, bring yer brolly or summut dry to change into after the gig (or buy a shiny new t-shirt from the venue).

Pagan Dawn, reporting for Wesexy Weather.
Handing back to you in the studio.

 ;) ;D

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 16, 2018, 06:41:45 PM
Warm, humid and raining and that's how it's staying all day so if you're coming to see Justin later on, bring yer brolly or summut dry to change into after the gig (or buy a shiny new t-shirt from the venue).

Pagan Dawn, reporting for Wesexy Weather.
Handing back to you in the studio.

 ;) ;D

*please read this next bit in the voice of Will Ferrell in 'Anchorman'...*

Thank you Pagan Dawn!  Enjoy that pop show later on!  Here, in Cheshire, it's gone somewhat colder and the same people who were moaning about how hot it has been for the last couple of months are now just as whiney about feeling cold.  I guess some people are never satisfied.  Now, sports!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 10, 2018, 08:43:50 PM
Beautiful day 21 c in October in Scotland wtf . Had a bit of a shit day at work but got there
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 11, 2018, 08:54:10 AM
Sitting watching the small boats bobbing gently in the harbour,water rippling in the wind,heavy grey skys overhead,Autumn has arrived here in Jersey.........
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 11, 2018, 06:52:03 PM
Utterly pissing it down for the last couple of hours.  So, with tedious inevitability, THIS is the day when I set out on a lovely sunny morning for my usual 30 minute walk to work and think 'nah, I won't bother with an umbrella or a waterproof coat...'

The expression 'drowned rat' doesn't even cover it right now.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on October 11, 2018, 06:52:47 PM
It's wet and windy a bit. There were few nights it dropped below zero. -4 couple of weeks ago and it went to -2 twice last week but it's normal during this time of the year. Now it's been actually +11 to +15 couple of days.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on October 27, 2018, 06:09:14 PM
Just got back home from Grantham. Peed down for 4 hours and a bit taters too.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 27, 2018, 07:38:55 PM
Winter is coming
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on October 28, 2018, 08:39:45 AM
Chilly !
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 28, 2018, 09:17:34 AM
Not too bad at the moment here in Britains South Sea Island  ;D.........expected to reach 10
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 28, 2018, 07:28:33 PM

Beautiful sunny day here in Cheshire... somewhat cold as well, but I find the combination of bright sun and cold wind rather refreshing... and is odd of me that I like wearing my big green parka and shades at the same time?  Rather a cool look, IMO... and I so rarely look cool.   8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Scruff225 on November 13, 2018, 09:14:20 PM
Still smoke in the air from the wildfires but not like an ashtray like last weekend, air still rated "unhealthy". I still can't get my head around all the death to people and animals  :'(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on November 17, 2018, 08:07:59 PM
Beautifully warm day on Aberystwyth beach today. Swanning about in a t shirt  :-\. Whats that about in mid November????
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 17, 2018, 09:28:30 PM
Should have went skinny dipping lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on November 17, 2018, 09:29:46 PM
Should have went skinny dipping lol
Are you kidding? I cant afford shrinkage  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 21, 2018, 03:42:36 PM
Fckn cold especially with the wind chill . Got my new glasses today gonna take a bit of getting used to, giving me a sore head and the ground etc looks strange when I'm walking about, looks like the ground etc is on a slope when it isn't. Apparently they take a week or two to get used to, they are comfortable enough to wear n normal/ distance vision is excellent
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 26, 2018, 08:50:48 PM
Beautiful winters day with some frost in the morning.
Had to go on this fckn course all about your mental strengths , positive thinking etc,mines is bravery apparently. Gawd still got tomorrow morning to go ( Help ) who thinks this shit up
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 28, 2018, 04:31:32 PM
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 04, 2019, 09:47:32 PM

Damn, it's April, we should be having some nice Spring weather!

But, here in South Cheshire, it's SO damn cold...  :-[
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on April 04, 2019, 10:12:35 PM
Bloody warm here in Spain. Although I felt a slight chill and had to put me vest on.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 05, 2019, 08:53:42 AM
Mild so far here in not so sunny Jersey.........have'nt had any heating on for 2 weeks,p*****g down at the moment,but not cold Temp.9 / 10 Deg. so,cannot complain.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 20, 2019, 07:13:44 PM
One of the best easter weekends ever ? A tropical 20c plus in Ayrshire  , was out n about with my shorts on lol, got a few funny looks ( nowt new) maybe the tattoos or the non hairy legs lol ( art isn't hairy) ,apparently we have another 2 days of it .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 20, 2019, 09:44:09 PM

'tis a nice weekend in South Cheshire also.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 21, 2019, 09:32:03 AM
A beautiful morning,tide up,just gazing at the sun on the water..............
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 21, 2019, 04:36:59 PM
Hot !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 21, 2019, 06:46:06 PM

Yup, another surprisingly hot Easter round these parts...

And thank God I do check my spelling before I post things because it originally read 'a hot Easter around these pants' which brings up all sorts of disturbing connotations...   :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on April 21, 2019, 08:06:13 PM
Happy Easter with an real egg
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on April 25, 2019, 03:24:30 PM
Some delightful thunderstorms and hailstorms in the Est Midlands today.  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 25, 2019, 07:06:58 PM

Same here, had THREE huge thunderstorms today, all of them violently throwing down hail...  in fact I got caught in one of them, took cover in a bus shelter.  Now, I'm not exaggerating here when I say that the blast of thunder that went off whilst I was there was the very LOUDEST thing I've ever heard in my life.  And I went to see Motorhead live a few times!  I'm not remotely scared of thunder but I literally found myself crouched down with my hands over my head.  My ears were ringing for about half an hour afterwards.

And now it's a quite pleasant Spring evening... I do like the way a good storm clears the air!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 27, 2019, 06:29:19 PM
Flippin windy !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 23, 2019, 04:23:09 PM
The thermometer on my fence in the back garden has gone off the scale at 50 degrees.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on July 23, 2019, 04:36:32 PM
The thermometer on my fence in the back garden has gone off the scale at 50 degrees.


Is that Fahrenheit??? 32c in the Mids. Bloody love it!!!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 23, 2019, 05:35:26 PM
It's showing as 39 degrees now the sun has gone over.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 23, 2019, 10:22:01 PM

So bloody hot, got big fans going in my living room and my bedroom...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tony S on July 24, 2019, 12:17:59 PM

Same here, had THREE huge thunderstorms today, all of them violently throwing down hail...  in fact I got caught in one of them, took cover in a bus shelter.  Now, I'm not exaggerating here when I say that the blast of thunder that went off whilst I was there was the very LOUDEST thing I've ever heard in my life.  And I went to see Motorhead live a few times!  I'm not remotely scared of thunder but I literally found myself crouched down with my hands over my head.  My ears were ringing for about half an hour afterwards.

And now it's a quite pleasant Spring evening... I do like the way a good storm clears the air!

Had quite a good thunderstorm last night here in the South. I love them normally, but your experience above reminds me of a particularly violent thunderstorm a few years ago that started off fine and normal, but it was low and came directly over the house. There was one almighty crack of thunder that sounded and felt like a bomb going off over the roof of the house ! Not only excessively loud, but I could feel the air pressure pressing on my ear drums painfully. It had me wincing, and going "ok, that's enough now, pleeeeease STOP !!!"  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 24, 2019, 02:26:04 PM
A chilly 27 as opposed to a balmy 35 deg.yesterday.. ;D....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 24, 2019, 07:07:24 PM

Genuinely quite fierce sun in South Cheshire this afternoon... but early this AM was a really impressive lightning storm.  My kitchen window overlooks the Cheshire Plain and (outside of one storm I saw in Florida couple of decades ago) it was magnificent.  Not all that much thunder but a near constant barrage of lightning flashes and occasional forked lightning, much have gone on for about 30 minutes.  I've never seen anything like this around these parts...  :o
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on July 25, 2019, 05:48:52 PM
We had it on Tuesday night. Lightning was a bit pants though. Best storm I ever saw was in Bulgaria. The lightning came in a shade of purple  that lit the whole sky up.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on July 25, 2019, 07:21:57 PM
A rather artic like 28c in Ayrshire.  Thank fk I'm not down south, that was fckn roasting enough. Keep your 38 I wouldn't be able to go out.  Enjoyed out with the shorts and nma t shirt on tho. 
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 25, 2019, 07:52:23 PM

Jeez, I'm melting.  Can't remember the last time I was this hot.  I live just over the road from ASDA and, no joke, I just popped over there to get some shopping that I didn't really need just so I could wander around in the air-conditioned chilled section for a while.  If I thought I could get away with it, I'd have taken a sleeping bag and a pillow and said 'just leave me here for the night, the cleaners can work around me...'  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Shush on July 25, 2019, 10:14:12 PM

Jeez, I'm melting.  Can't remember the last time I was this hot.  I live just over the road from ASDA and, no joke, I just popped over there to get some shopping that I didn't really need just so I could wander around in the air-conditioned chilled section for a while.  If I thought I could get away with it, I'd have taken a sleeping bag and a pillow and said 'just leave me here for the night, the cleaners can work around me...'  ;D

Having read that, hanging around in the chiller section sounds like heaven right now.  8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 30, 2019, 05:54:33 PM
Lashing it down.
I'm in Huddersfield !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Darkness on August 02, 2019, 01:27:19 PM
We were getting washed away in north Cheshire. Better today though.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: King_D on August 03, 2019, 11:03:43 AM
South of France, 31°c at 1PM... here, too much hot, again and again and again and again...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on August 03, 2019, 04:32:26 PM
North Wales. Its a bit cloudy but very humid
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: kabe on August 06, 2019, 08:56:24 AM
Northern Tasmanian lowlands....pouring down, which is lifting the temperature to a roasting-hot 2 degrees overnight...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 06, 2019, 11:47:02 AM
Back in Wiltshire.
Sunny. warm, showery.
Not bad.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 09, 2019, 02:12:57 PM
Horizontal rain !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on August 09, 2019, 03:59:06 PM
Very strong winds forecast here in Jersey tonight.............a couple of my mates are at Fairport Conventions Cropredy Festival......NOT looking good there....thunder storms and strong winds,hope they have pegged their tents down well ;D....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 25, 2019, 08:26:00 PM

Aw, heck, it's gone all hot and muggy and airless in South Cheshire.  Fans turned up to the max.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 27, 2019, 07:59:18 AM
Hot !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 27, 2019, 06:55:53 PM

Hot, Muggy and Airless again in South Cheshire.

Sidenote... sounds like the worst solicitors firm ever.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 27, 2019, 07:01:41 PM

Hot, Muggy and Airless again in South Cheshire.

Sidenote... sounds like the worst solicitors firm ever.

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Digital Man on August 27, 2019, 09:20:43 PM
It's cooling off nicely here. Some trees have a bit of their leaves turning already and it's not even September
Fall is my favourite time of year
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: kabe on September 03, 2019, 12:49:24 PM
the earliest days of spring, here in tasmania, up in the north...

around 0-ish overnight, most nights, but noticeably getting a bit warmer the last 2 weeks through the day - had my first moment thinking 'oh, best get my shorts out of the box' 2-ish days back....

nice but, well, winter is something fc7in real, getting older, getting wiser (so-called) and when you're looking another summer in the face...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: kabe on September 03, 2019, 02:14:51 PM
nice but, well, winter is something fc7in real, getting older, getting wiser (so-called) and when you're looking another summer in the face...

....sorry about that bit, had one of my moments....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 26, 2019, 10:05:02 PM
Apologies for the lack of posts.
Any way as per I'll post a recent tattoo.

$5 shake
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on September 27, 2019, 01:26:35 AM
Apologies for the lack of posts.
Any way as per I'll post a recent tattoo.

$5 shake
Bloody hell Pol. Youre a walking cinematic history!#
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on September 27, 2019, 08:27:26 AM
Sunshine... :)...and Showers ... >:(...Autumn is here...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: cthulhu on September 27, 2019, 09:39:09 AM
Apologies for the lack of posts.
Any way as per I'll post a recent tattoo.

$5 shake
Bloody hell Pol. Youre a walking cinematic history!#
Yeah..pol you should try to swallow a lightbulp and stand next to a cínema screen...the projection should be fantastic.. ;) 8)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 02, 2019, 01:55:18 PM
Force 7 to gale force 8 winds,plus heavy rain.........same for tomorrow...Winter is coming...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Rusco on November 02, 2019, 11:32:14 PM
It's our usual coolness here, that late autumn freeze that more and more reminds rather winter than autumn. It's beautiful (the tree leafs, nature and skies) although darkness sweeping over makes you to try to remember sun and summer. Theres a two month period we can't literally see the sun at all. Just a dim light reflecting from the clouds.

We've had now cold (minus celsius) about ten times. First it was a month ago in September. Now It's more than usual. But lasting snow will often come until Dec or at least January first week. Sometimes It's as early as in October.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on November 19, 2019, 05:51:21 AM
Almost the end of november and no signs of winter.A dry season.No rains and that means drought.Everyday is sunny and still t-shirts and shorts are wearable.Dont know if this is good or bad.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: cthulhu on November 19, 2019, 06:14:29 AM
Almost the end of november and no signs of winter.A dry season.No rains and that means drought.Everyday is sunny and still t-shirts and shorts are wearable.Dont know if this is good or bad.

I think it just is. There was a huge amount of snow just recently in france and spain. Also in austria, like a week ago just suddenly 60cm snow. I was there in 2012, went to work in a youth hostel and arrived like a week before christmas. no snow, much sun, we were working on the house outside in t-shirts, did sun-bathing and all of a sudden overnight, everything was white...

i think it's not good to think about climate in a global way, because it's constantly changing and more important, it's always different and moving in different areas.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) on November 19, 2019, 06:44:49 AM
Almost the end of november and no signs of winter.A dry season.No rains and that means drought.Everyday is sunny and still t-shirts and shorts are wearable.Dont know if this is good or bad.

I think it just is. There was a huge amount of snow just recently in france and spain. Also in austria, like a week ago just suddenly 60cm snow. I was there in 2012, went to work in a youth hostel and arrived like a week before christmas. no snow, much sun, we were working on the house outside in t-shirts, did sun-bathing and all of a sudden overnight, everything was white...

i think it's not good to think about climate in a global way, because it's constantly changing and more important, it's always different and moving in different areas.
Yes,you are right.It is always changeable.Born in a 4 season country I used to think I like all seasons but in years I moved to a bit summer person.Warm weather makes living easier in some ways especially if you're living in a chaotic city like Istanbul.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Johnz on January 05, 2020, 03:16:43 AM
Crazy dark skies here in NZ from the Australian bushfires. It's 3 in the afternoon in mid-summer and I have to turn the lights on to read. Can't imagine how bad it must be for people across the ditch. It's 2000km away!

I don't know how to post pictures on here but here's an idea of what it looks like:
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: 8 on January 05, 2020, 08:19:48 AM
Crazy dark skies here in NZ from the Australian bushfires.  It's 3 in the afternoon in mid-summer and I have to turn the lights on to read.  Can't imagine how bad it must be for people across the ditch.  It's 2000km away!

I don't know how to post pictures on here but here's an idea of what it looks like:

I've got relatives down under.  Hoping to get in touch with them this week.  It's truly frightening everything that's going on in the world right now, be it caused by / due to nature OR mankind.  :'(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on June 28, 2020, 08:27:24 PM

Windy.  Very windy.  Windier after my arse after a Chicken Dopiaza and eight pints of lager.  Seriously, I'm thinking my windows might crash in at some point.   :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 28, 2020, 08:49:54 PM
Windy here in Jersey....more chicken korma and four pints of lager  ;D...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on June 30, 2020, 08:16:30 AM
Pissed it down 3 days in a row,  looking like a 4th , maybe I'll get out walking
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 30, 2020, 08:58:56 AM
In the words of The Good Old Grateful Dead ''Summertime Has Come And Gone'' in Jersey..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 11, 2020, 09:24:43 PM

Damn, it's hot in Cheshire today.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 11, 2020, 10:36:12 PM
Fookn roasting well for Scotland anyway
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on August 12, 2020, 08:21:11 AM
It has been really hot here in Jersey the last few days.....expecting thundery showers today..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on August 12, 2020, 08:34:35 PM
Sweating my arse off in Prague for over a week now... +32 and humid during days... More than ever I'm glad to work at nights :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on August 29, 2020, 08:41:14 AM
Sunny day in Ayrshire tho only 12c atm.
Me  - still trying to lose weight and get fitter, still walking most days weather permitting,  exercise bike n general exercise,  going to pick a mountain bike today.
Weight is currently under 85k , I was over a 100k so definitely getting there,  aiming for 80k . Dieting has been easy,  exercise definitely tough
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: jc on August 29, 2020, 08:45:38 PM
Well done Pol on the weight loss thing, keep it up and keep going keeping it off.


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on August 31, 2020, 08:17:52 PM

I lost a bit over 2 stone in the latter half of 2019... was SO happy with that...but the boredom factor of 2020's lockdown has led to binge-eating and, subsequently, I've put much of it back on again...  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 01, 2020, 10:17:42 PM
Thanks Jack. 
Ray I used the boredom to go out n go walking,  been out on my mountain bike the last couple of days,  definitely tough n makes you realise how fit you were when young,  the roads are a disgrace n its quite hilly about here but I'm gradually going further.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 02, 2020, 09:53:37 PM

This morning - went over to the local cinema at about 11.30, bright sunny and warm day with a nice breeze.  Had a walk around before the film, what a lovely day, had 'beer garden' thoughts about what to do afterwards...

Came out at about 3pm... grey clouds, freezing cold, harsh winds, everything pissing wet through and STILL pouring down.

Ah, British weather, you never fail to surprise me.   ;D

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 03, 2020, 05:25:43 PM
Cleared up here about mid day  , went out cycling,  my biggest cycle since early teens,  just stayed local as don't have any spare tubes etc. Cold wind at times,  a few tough hills n didn't piss off too many drivers,  probably done about 10 miles
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on September 06, 2020, 06:36:03 PM
Cleared up here about mid day  , went out cycling,  my biggest cycle since early teens,  just stayed local as don't have any spare tubes etc. Cold wind at times,  a few tough hills n didn't piss off too many drivers,  probably done about 10 miles
Just read your other thread. Patches are a life and space saver!

Here in Cornwall, nice clear day with blue skys. Off to visit Tintagel Castle, Lands End and the Men an Tol while im here for a few days.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on September 06, 2020, 07:13:38 PM
I came to work an hour ago and was shocked to realise that street lights were on... Darkness is creeping in earlier and earlier, I just hadn't paid attention to the fact. I think that still like week ago I had sunglasses resting on my head when came to work... But on the other hand, when I was walking to metro station, the sky was Amazing! :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 17, 2020, 03:46:52 PM
Beautiful day in sunny Ayrshire,  went out my regular walk , glad I had my water bottle with me , gonna go a wee cycle once the rush hour dies
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on September 17, 2020, 04:44:16 PM
Sunny but windy force 5 at times, not cold so can't complain.... :)..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on September 25, 2020, 09:00:54 AM
Temps.really dropped in the last few days.....yesterday was the first time i have found it cold had to put on a sweat shirt instead of normal tee.The forecast says it is 16 deg.does'nt feel like it,mind a force 6/7 wind probably not helping.........Autumn just around the corner..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on September 26, 2020, 08:14:10 AM
First signs of autumn/winter definitely kicking in,  temps have really dropped max of about 10c  , trees are really starting to shed there leaves , two layers definitely required for longer walks especially with the wind coming from the north.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on September 27, 2020, 08:42:04 PM

Cold crisp mornings when the sun is bright in the sky.... love it!
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 02, 2020, 08:41:55 AM
Storm Alex lashing Jersey storm force 9 winds with the prospect of force 10.A months worth of rain forecast to fall in 3 days,roads closed sailings suspended no reports of any damage as yet.As i cannot get out i will have to use my imagination regarding can always make something, plus a chance to see what is lurking in the icy depths of my freezer...mmmm....?.. ;D...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 03, 2020, 08:15:27 PM

Pissing down all day.   >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on October 04, 2020, 07:09:55 AM

Pissing down all day.   >:(
It peed down for 24hrs near enough. I was at work the night before. Drove to Hednesford yesterday. Awful.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Silver Cloud on October 04, 2020, 10:16:16 PM
Not enough rain at all for 3 years now … here in the part of Germany I live the trees are dying … makes me sad every day …
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on October 16, 2020, 10:27:36 PM
Feckn freezing this morning,  out on the bike about 8.30 thought my hands were going to fall of , my head was freezing going down hill into the head wind , time to invest in better gear.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: fiddlesticks on October 16, 2020, 11:24:32 PM
Tell me about it, the boiler is on the blink!
Fired up the gas fire for the first time in 6 years. Screwfix tomorrow for a  CO alarm.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on October 18, 2020, 09:04:34 PM

Aw, gorgeous Autumn-y weather here in Cheshire, nice and crisp in the morning but never too cold, nice and mild throughout the day.  And those colours in the trees!  My fave time of year, deffo.   ;)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on October 23, 2020, 07:24:49 PM
Already wearing my winter jacket...
Started pissing rain, just when I have to go home soon. Otherwise I wouldn't mind but I decided to wear my lady-shoes today. However, they're not very new ones. They're, well, well-marinated. If they get wet, trust me, you do not want to be nearby when I take those off  :(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 24, 2020, 08:09:26 AM
Well marinated lady shoes...   ;D...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on October 25, 2020, 12:20:18 AM
Indeed ;D I mean, there must be market for that, right?  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 27, 2020, 09:08:50 AM
Not so sure ?.............think  hand knitted socks would be your better option.. ;D...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 27, 2020, 10:17:07 AM
Back on is lashing down here in Jersey,mild after a few coldish days,so no heating on yet.. :)..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on October 27, 2020, 05:37:52 PM
Wet, cold then sunny and cold. I dont know where years gone. It only seems like 5 minutes ago that we were looking forward to summer.
And then we all got locked away to miss it.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on October 28, 2020, 10:48:22 AM
Yep,it sure has been a strange year...........with more of the same to come i fear..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 05, 2020, 05:03:32 PM
After a good week or so of constant rain its been dry tho cold n not too windy the last 3 days . Done about 10 miles each day on the specialized rockhopper,  legs definitely feeling it but all good. Planning on keeping the weight down n fitness up through the winter
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 06, 2020, 10:08:42 AM
Third bright sunny day in a row here in Jersey,lovely clear blue sky.....a bit nippy first thing,but still not cold enough yet for heating to be put on....... :)...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 19, 2020, 08:15:44 PM
Really cold , 4c but feeling like 2c ( according to the phone) , used the sunny day to exercise,  cycling about 15 mile including a well steep hill , hard to breathe when the air is so cold , then went a 6 mile walk,  normal route,  calf muscles not happy lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on November 24, 2020, 07:26:15 PM
Sooo foggy I can barely see the pub across the street... Wanted to enjoy a sunny day and go for a long walk but ended up cleaning at home instead  >:(
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on November 28, 2020, 11:39:14 PM
Mostly dry this week, cold tho 2-8 c , not too windy,  got a decent amount of exercise in , still struggling with cardio but slowly improving,  still breathing out my arse on the steeper hills lol
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on December 02, 2020, 03:10:03 PM
Loving the smell in the air when temperature drops below zero... Waiting for snow but clear skies so far.
Also today I found, fixed & washed my old, favourite leg warmers... I'm ready!  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on December 02, 2020, 03:50:55 PM
Do the leg warmers go with the well marinated lady shoes ? ?..... ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on December 02, 2020, 08:47:20 PM
Do the leg warmers go with the well marinated lady shoes ? ?..... ;D
Oh my god YES!!  ;D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on December 03, 2020, 03:25:45 PM
So glad to hear that. :)....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on December 04, 2020, 09:30:43 AM
Not my weather but maybe Pol's......?..Thundersnow ??.just watching it on BBC..a new one on me..
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 04, 2020, 06:30:10 PM
Thankfully on the east coast,  light morning snow here
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on December 28, 2020, 11:46:34 AM
Bloody freezing, at least dry n not windy,  out on bike had to stay on the main roads as the smaller 1s were too icy,  trying to get rid of the xmas excess
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on December 28, 2020, 12:45:57 PM
Wet and very windy here in Jersey,Temp.also dropping....heating now on...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bunny on December 28, 2020, 12:56:42 PM
Snowwwwwwww  :) :D
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on December 28, 2020, 08:15:57 PM
Snowwwwwwww  :) :D

Has a tiny bit last night here in Cheshire but I suspect those clouds are coming this way tonight...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 02, 2021, 12:39:58 AM
All good here,  had a tough January but got thru it ,
Weather totally fkn freezing yesterday but again I crazy enough to go cycling in it  , think its the coldest ive never been, best hot shower ever
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 02, 2021, 08:54:50 AM
Very wet........but mild 12,hardly had any heating on yet....It tends to get colder here in Feb.and March.....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on February 08, 2021, 04:59:47 PM
Snoooowwww!  :D Can't remember how many years ago it was last time when there was snow on the ground for so long in Prague... Today walking to supermarket I was practically wading in snow through the parking lot - what a cosy feeling! Yesterday coming back home from friend's place, decided to walk few metro stops further as the weather was nice. Pavements were rather icy than snowy so it was penguin-style but totally worth it :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on February 08, 2021, 08:35:40 PM
Beginning to question my sanity after going out cycling today  , still managed about 15 mile/ 25km , its was about 2c with a wind chill of -5c with a blustery 25-30kmph wind especially on the open country roads,  really struggled with the head wind n hills on the way home,  character building some mite say .
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Digital Man on February 08, 2021, 08:53:15 PM
Beginning to question my sanity after going out cycling today  , still managed about 15 mile/ 25km , its was about 2c with a wind chill of -5c with a blustery 25-30kmph wind especially on the open country roads,  really struggled with the head wind n hills on the way home,  character building some mite say .

Good job though! Congrats
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 09, 2021, 07:52:22 AM
It is finally feeling cold here.....forecast today 2 Deg./day...0 Deg./night.....slight risk of a snow shower....brrrr.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Digital Man on February 09, 2021, 07:41:24 PM
Sunny day in the 70s, low humidity, light breeze out of the east
Very pleasant day
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 10, 2021, 08:10:25 AM
A light dusting of snow last night...........cold today it is minus 2 present...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on February 12, 2021, 04:15:55 PM
Today -7 and was mostly sunny... Still snowy! Night temperature should drop to -20 on Sunday...but who cares when there's a curfew anyway...

As I happened to be in the city centre, I couldn't resist the urge to go for a walk as it was so beautiful outside! Not that there's anything wrong with going for a walk, just that I have currently some problem with my foot - I twisted it while having a rough wrestling match with my friend's hyper-active young Belgian shepherd. Which was awesome of course, but now the damn dog llluuuvs me ;D And my foot does hurt quite a bit after the walk... Totally worth it though.

Unfortunately the camera of my donated smartphone is crap, but it was fun to walk around playing a tourist and take pics - I also found the wall of eyes  :)


Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 13, 2021, 08:40:33 AM
Nice photos..............mmmmm ,Wall Of Eyes.....something strange this way comes...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on February 27, 2021, 06:19:10 PM
Third  beautiful sunny day in a row....same forecast for tomorrow,have been up on my roof every day......nice red bugle to show for it... ;D...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on February 28, 2021, 08:53:13 PM

Seems like Spring is coming early here in South Cheshire... some lovely winter sun mornings, just cold enough to be bracing but not too cold as to be unpleasant... turning to 'very mild and sunny' in the middle of the day... and some nice sunsets as we fade back into 'chilly'...  very nice.   :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Pol on March 01, 2021, 06:13:13 PM
Beautiful almost spring day in sunny Ayrshire,  cold morning about 4c with a light ground frost , a light easterly breeze 10kmph , out cycling about 9 30am avoiding the early
 traffic,  got just over 27km in the bank , fitness getting a bit better,  new low rolling resistance tyres helping tho
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on April 08, 2021, 10:49:50 AM
Sunny but cold when you're out of the sun.
The weather has been all over the place over the last few days with warm sun, freezing nights, snow, hail all within moments !

Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on April 08, 2021, 10:43:47 PM
April weather, was like plus 20 last week but it's been snowing past four days  :-\
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on April 19, 2021, 08:32:03 PM

Five lovely sunny-yet-cool days in a row and the trees around me are bursting full of spring colours.  Nice.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Simon73 on April 24, 2021, 10:06:20 PM
Last year we had covid but good weather in Berlin. This one more covid and generally shitty weather cold and windy most of the times. enough said.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on April 25, 2021, 07:56:25 AM
Sunny for the last week...........but VERY windy....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on June 25, 2021, 11:06:06 AM
WTH... At any rate, the weather's better than last night in south Moravia... A tornado???  :o (
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on June 25, 2021, 12:26:49 PM
Persisting down here in not so sunny Jersey.............Flaming June   ::)....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Master Ray on July 04, 2021, 07:42:43 PM

Pissing it down for two days here in Cheshire.

To be honest, I'm OK with it.... it's been a couple of hot weeks and I'm not a fan of hot weather.
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on July 05, 2021, 05:21:09 PM

Pissing it down for two days here in Cheshire.

To be honest, I'm OK with it.... it's been a couple of hot weeks and I'm not a fan of hot weather.

I completely agree - pissing rain's better that heat...

Tomorrow's gonna be around thirty, then should cool down and start raining, looking forward  :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on July 06, 2021, 07:51:42 AM
Not for me i love the sun/heat...i have just read that June was one of the wettest on record here in Jersey....and the way July has started more of the same i think.. ::)...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on July 09, 2021, 10:27:56 AM
Yesterday evening was wonderful pouring summer rain... Enjoyed the tram ride back home, watching rainy cityscape through fogged-up window I kept wiping with my hoodie sleeve, listening to Surrounded. Woke up three o'clock at night to massive thunder storm. This morning the air was cool and fresh :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on July 09, 2021, 11:32:28 AM
Holy crap, I just saw video footage of damages caused by the tornado at the end of June in CR... I've always thought that I've lived in places where I exactly don't need to prepare for tornadoes but bloody hell... (
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on July 13, 2021, 07:35:15 PM
Currently... Wow, I cannot remember seeing a thunderstorm like this :o Roll of thunder is constant, lightnings flashing a few times per second long time already and doesn't seem to end very soon... Chilling out in darkness, staring out of the window, listening to Navigating by the Stars...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Bever on July 15, 2021, 06:49:36 PM
Weather here is not great. 50-100 kilometers to the east, in the Walloon part of my country, it's an apocalypse though...
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Wessexy Witch on July 27, 2021, 12:58:35 PM
its been blimmin unbearable with the heat but at this moment in time its pissing it down !
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on November 13, 2021, 03:57:15 AM
Finally the smell of winter in the air! :)
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Ghosttrain on November 13, 2021, 12:17:08 PM
Soon time to don my SPECIAL socks.. 8)....
Title: Re: Hows is your weather today? Or anything else for that matter
Post by: Tarsier on November 14, 2021, 01:43:33 AM
Soon time to don my SPECIAL socks.. 8)....

Awww....  ;D