I've been laughing to something that occurred here in Everything Else years ago:
You know, I'm a so-called "twitcher" so birds are a hobby to me. I try to recognise as many species of them as possible, take photos of them and I have many books of bird species and some cd's about their singing...ok?
Well as I'm not a native English speaking I didn't know there's another meaning with the word "bird". Ok, so once here I told how I love to "feed the birds at our yard at winter", and that there's plenty of them, like fourty at the same time. ;D Well, Stoney replied to me in a bit angry way: what the f*** was I talking about? And this smiley: ???
I didn't know the word has a dirty meaning too! ;D
OK, my last one was a bit political so here's one a bit more personal...
I was disappointed that I couldn't manage a meet with a very good friend, over from Amsterdam, thanks to his limited time on these shores... and this afternoon, out of the blue, a car pulled over and it was me old mate being driven from the airport to his family meet... manly hugs ensued.
Meetings with old friends always make me smile and laugh. :)
OK, this made me smile / laugh in kind of a bitter way...
All those papers who supported The Tories and threw a great big smear campaign against Labour, thus pushing the easily-led politically naïve folks to vote Conservative ... the last few days, they've ALL had front-page headlines about massive NHS problems, that awful poverty we have and what disgusting things the Bankers are doing...
FFS, WHO do you think let's them get away with it? Oh, yes, those same Tories that you liked so much...
I give you this...
easily-led politically naïve folks to vote Conservative.
As to the political thing... I'm not looking down on many of the folks who voted Tory, I just think it was an utterly dirty campaign of Media smears that was loaded in favour of the bastards who had the money to pay for it. Any public figure / celebrity who came out in favour of Labour was subject to such unpleasant stories about thir personal life... I mean, Martin Freeman did a commercial for Labour and the next day there were
stories about how his wife went bankrupt... WTF has that got to do with anything political?
My two are addicts !
After the truly utter terrible-ness of that awful f-wit Kanye West at Glastonbury (when he described himself as the greatest rock star on the planet or something) and then murdered 'Bohemian Rhapsody'... someone sent me this... even if you don't like Queen, it's funny.
Whatever the hell this actually is. I surfed FB and found this today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE[ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE[)
Whatever the hell this actually is. I surfed FB and found this today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE[ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE[)
Don't often happen - but words fail me........................... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Was in Kilmarnock yesterday and walking through the main street n one of those old style preacher guys you know the type with the sandwich board etc tried to stop me out of politeness I just laughed and said are you joking
If it had been me I would have probably got embarrassed n said nothing. I hopefully would have joking said oh my girlfriend has the same one.
OK, a friend of mine is in a German blues band... his FB site just got this message, translated here...
Maybe I should stop this pathological wank?? Stop you. Sob kiskasee sit my first job 25.7 Sorsanpesän Minifestareissa.. Time doesn't know yet but ilmotettaan.. Look at that ******* you're in the neighborhood. Plenty of seinäjokisia bands...
Isn't that the funniest pile of gibberish ever? ;)
If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen, ever felt like you've been cheated
I heard from news there was a lorry felling down from a road somewhere at 5:00 AM. There was a cargo of 500 living turkeys. Ok this is certainly not something to laugh for, I know.
But I couldn't resist a laugh when I thought about the situation I heard there was: It was pitch black at the time when it occured and located at countryside near to a big and busy road where people drive to their work then. The turkeys survived an flee away from the lorry and swarming everywhere... 500 of them... Then arrive the firefighters first to check the lorry (which isn't in fire)... Then they'll try to catch the angry turkeys running everywhere at the field. Imagine what did the people think at the morning what the heck is happening here, turkeys and firefighters everywhere, am I awake or not? lol
While Shush wrote about Manchester week ago by saying: "Two weeks, Rusco".
I got this (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9SqM1VX2qlc) to my mind.
The fact that Jehova's Witness missionaries are so innocent. There were two on a bike today outside my parents house. It was raining and they were in nice, perfect shirts and ties. I invited them in and listened to them and gave them coffee. Simply because I was bored and alone.
They are actually quite nice if people talk to them and don't slam the door on them or hide when they come. They wanted no money, Just someone to listen about their faith.
their devotion and persistence made me smile. And the fact of just how innocent and clean they appear.
The fact that Jehova's Witness missionaries are so innocent. There were two on a bike today outside my parents house. It was raining and they were in nice, perfect shirts and ties. I invited them in and listened to them and gave them coffee. Simply because I was bored and alone.
They are actually quite nice if people talk to them and don't slam the door on them or hide when they come. They wanted no money, Just someone to listen about their faith.
their devotion and persistence made me smile. And the fact of just how innocent and clean they appear.
Scroll the pic on right.
Am I awake or what...? ;D
Rusco... there are only three robots there..? ;)
(Only proper Battlestar Galactica fans will get that one...)
Fcking Europe don't get me started
Yeah cracking deal Dave, that's gonna convince everyone
Was going to say I go out my way to be polite and generally nice but its just a natural thing to be honest , I do appreciate that when you have a shaved head, tattoos and wear boots etc that some people might get intimidated, never judge a book by its cover I guess. Same rules when get someone in a smart suit etc and there a ignorant prick , how many times has that been the case ?
Cheers ray , guess I own you another pint lol
Was going to say I go out my way to be polite and generally nice but its just a natural thing to be honest , I do appreciate that when you have a shaved head, tattoos and wear boots etc that some people might get intimidated, never judge a book by its cover I guess. Same rules when get someone in a smart suit etc and there a ignorant prick , how many times has that been the case ?
This reminds me of walking up Buchanan street in Glasgow ( probably the busiest in Scotland) about a year ago and this guy in a smart suit bumps into me accidentally but instead of saying sorry he just goes to walk on saying nothing, so I let him know its the polite and proper thing to say sorry or excuse me
Not that I'm advocating such a thing,
How weirdly nice it feels making stuffing balls .............................. ???
One of the girls was fidgeting about on her chair today, so I asked her if she need a wee.
She said "no".
So when I asked her why she was fidgeting she said " I've got a wedgie".
Was I really happy about this ?
The fact when the leccy ran out, the meter read minus £6.66 , just coincidence or is something evil a foot lol
Great stuff Wezzy. Now you have to decide which colour to dye it :)
The utterly random things my three year old niece comes up with... today, it was insisting on being picked up and then, when her face was level with mine, licking my forehead and saying 'you're a lollipop, Uncle Kev'...
Kids are bloody weirdos, aren't they?
The utterly random things my three year old niece comes up with... today, it was insisting on being picked up and then, when her face was level with mine, licking my forehead and saying 'you're a lollipop, Uncle Kev'...
Kids are bloody weirdos, aren't they?
Active inquisitive mind that wants to learn and interact , - I would be worried if that was not so.
Dunno, Shush, probably 'knobhead flavour', if she knew that first word, which I certainly hope she doesn't...
The other week she was flicking through a book about garden birds and talking to the pictures. I have so little experience with kids... is this shit normal? Otherwise, if she wasn't three years old, I'd suspect she was on drugs.... :-\
Something sent to me on The Dreaded Facebook today... it had a picture of Blackadder and Baldrick at the top, from 'Blackadder Goes Forth' (one of my favourite shows ever) but I have no idea how to post a picture here, so you'll have to imagine it... and YES, it might annoy some pro-EU folks here (sorry)... but it made me laugh...;D ;D ;D
This is the simplest - and probably the most sensible - explanation, about the EU and the Euro, ever to see the light of day:
Baldrick: "What I want to know, sir, is before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of money that different people used. Now there's only one type of money that the foreign people use. Now what I want to know is, how did we get from one state of affairs to the other state of affairs".
Blackadder: "Baldrick. Do you mean, how did the Euro start?”
Baldrick: "Yes sir."
Blackadder: "Well, you see Baldrick, back in the 1980's there were many different countries all running their own finances and using different types of money. On one side you had the major economies of France, Belgium, Holland and Germany and on the other, the weaker nations of Spain, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Portugal. They got together and decided that it would be much easier for everyone if they could all use the same money, have one Central Bank and belong to one large club where everyone would be happy. This meant that there could never be a situation whereby financial meltdown would lead to social unrest, wars and crises."
Baldrick: "But this is sort of a crisis, isn't it sir?”
Blackadder: "That's right Baldrick. You see, there was only one slight flaw with the plan."
Baldrick: "What was that then sir?"
Blackadder: "It was bollocks."
Well I thought it was mainly funny, the accents well its definitely not like any Scottish one I've heard
Well if you want done by child protection lol
I'm off work and bored. I've broken my own rule about arguing online and got into a day-long debate about Feminism (after I dared to challenge a picture). Apparently I'm the "wrong" kind of feminist. Yeah, the kind that holds the radical view that women are people. The irony wasn't lost on me ;D
Who mentioned chippy's lol , wrights pies never heard of them, surely they can't compete with the award winning Kilmarnock pie , available at a aldi near you
Aye so ye don't look like a. ...
My new word for the day:
Significunt: A complete dick who thinks he's important.
Already found multiple uses for it today and it's not even lunchtime here.
Reading this tweet today:
"Don't forget to put the clocks back an hour tonight. Unless you voted #LEAVE in which case you already put them back 40 feckin years"
OK, this is one of those really dumb internet things... maybe I'm going mad in my old age, but this genuinely made me giggle like a loon.... or perhaps I just drank too much tonight, whatever...
Good to finally meet another Forum person today in person.
I can confirm that Red is a top fella. Not that anyone was awaiting my opinion and I'm sure the other Forum-ites who've met him already knew that... :-\
Nice meeting you, Sir, and we'll deffo visit 'A Passage To India' next time.
I'm aiming for gig and after party, l will look out for you and shush at after party☺
Back in the mid 90's, a rather terrible band I was in recorded a not very good demo tape overnight at a studio in Stoke... we also took along a video camera and recorded on and off through the night... that videotape was thought lost but, no, one of our number recently found it, converted it to DVD and handed out copies at tonights all-too-rare reunion meet...
Bloody hell. Just watched it, spent half of it with my head in my hands and half of it laughing like a loon. Reminded me that even if the band were totally shit, we had such a laugh making such a dreadful racket... :D Aw, I miss those days and can't believe it was over 20 years ago.
Also, I had GREAT hair back then... ;)
Back in the mid 90's, a rather terrible band I was in recorded a not very good demo tape overnight at a studio in Stoke... we also took along a video camera and recorded on and off through the night... that videotape was thought lost but, no, one of our number recently found it, converted it to DVD and handed out copies at tonights all-too-rare reunion meet...
Bloody hell. Just watched it, spent half of it with my head in my hands and half of it laughing like a loon. Reminded me that even if the band were totally shit, we had such a laugh making such a dreadful racket... :D Aw, I miss those days and can't believe it was over 20 years ago.
Also, I had GREAT hair back then... ;)
(although, thinking about it in retrospect, the women didn't swoon much and the men just thought I was a prick... :-[ )
(although, thinking about it in retrospect, the women didn't swoon much and the men just thought I was a prick... :-[ )
Ah, I've had the same. And turning to look more ridiculous now than ever. If nose and eyes may remind something like an elf, troll or a golem... Just ask Shush. ;D
Cheers Ray!
Ha! It's a solemn oath, between my old friends, that this stuff will never be made public. We'd all have to move. **** that, emigrate. It's that bad. :-\
Ha! It's a solemn oath, between my old friends, that this stuff will never be made public. We'd all have to move. **** that, emigrate. It's that bad. :-\
hmmm, sounds like a "Space" type of excuse to me - when he couldn't make public his "improved" version of Inheritance. Get it You Tubed M/R ;)
My lad drew a picture of a Brontosaurus, which he was really proud of, that looked like a huge c0ck & balls ;D -
Told him it was really good :)
From Newsthump... 'The Only British tapping at Trump Towers was me on Melanias ass, confirms James Bond'...
Had free reign on the "jukebox" tonight and so I've gone fully NMA. Virtually all of it has been stuff from the last 3 or 4 years. This band is over 30 years old - how _fucking good are they ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Had free reign on the "jukebox" tonight and so I've gone fully NMA. Virtually all of it has been stuff from the last 3 or 4 years. This band is over 30 years old - how _fucking good are they ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
True that, sister. I'll put their recent output as good as ANYTHING they ever put, in parts even better. 8)
Loving the fuss about the new Doctor Who being an actress... so, no problem with The Doctor being a two-thousand year old alien who travels through all of space and time in a little blue box that's bigger on the inside... and who turn into a completely new person upon death, which has happened over and over again... and it has been signposted over recent series that the sex of a Time Lord can change... yet some of these 'fans' are really losing their shit over it! ;D;D I hear you! What I love most is those self-proclaimed, life-long fans who now say they will never watch it again. Ummmm, yea, right.
I know, it's a bit 'low' of me, but I've been trolling the heck out of these numbskulls on various websites for the last hour or two. Just for shit and giggles. What can I say, I'm a bit bored tonight. ;)
Ever wanted to hear what it would sound like if The Monkees collaborated with Iron Maiden? Well, wonder no more!And in the same vein....Queen and Pantera :)
Ever wanted to hear what it would sound like if The Monkees collaborated with Iron Maiden? Well, wonder no more!And in the same vein....Queen and Pantera :)
MR.....just as you started this theme, check this out. Glorious!!!
This. Cos I am a big kid.
Checking this board out today ............... what's going on? All those posts, new people ............ not sure I can cope ;D ;D ;D ;D
Im currently in Spain with a pleasant temperature of 15 degrees and glorious sun/skies and pretty much t shirt weather. The locals are bedecked in scarves, wooly hats and thick coats.....its amused me in a "bloody hell, you think THIS is cold?" kinda way.....I thought the same thing years ago in London on a wet,cold night. While we were freezing with scarves,coats and gloves,the local guys and girls were in shirts and skirts and we thought how could they walk like this on such a cold night? :)
And then I curse I wasnt born in this kind of climate. :(
One for the ladies on here...
So had to do a course today thru work , a food hygiene thing that was held at kilwinning college (about 15 miles away ) . All pretty boring stuff , so it comes to the test/exam at the end ( they got marked straight away) n the woman announces 2 people got 100% correct out of 15-16 people. Yes yours truly was one of them . Moral book cover .
Hope Sean lasts longer than usual lol
Going for a drink with an old mate who knows that you're a bit skint at the moment and so gets the drinks in without making a big deal over it... :)That’s the way old mates should be sir shouldn’t they?Cheers and have a good time with your friend.
Oh, this might be when I get kicked off the NMA Forum for this one... but attended my niece's fifth birthday party today and the children's entertainer that was hired (and he was bloody good at his job, actually, a really funny dude!) actually convinced me to join in with 'YMCA', 'The Macerena' and 'Gangnam Style'... and I wasn't even drunk. :-[doubt you'd get kicked off the forum mate(unless we ended up singing those 3 songs at 1000 vox gig) ;D
Sod it. The pure, unabashed happiness and excitement on those little kiddies faces... priceless. A total big smiley-face for the soul. I sometimes need a kick like that, these days.
Mind you, if anyone I know sees the clips that were filmed by various parents, I WILL have to commit ritual suicide... ;D
A total big smiley-face for the soul.
So if a bunch of chavs were to on dragons den, what would happen ?
Couldnt find the joke thread but, this raised a smile
"Do you know a good GDPR consultant?"
"Great. Can you give me their email address?"
So I give the roll delivery guy a loan of navigating by the stars , he has heard a bit of nma and is generally into a bit of punk and classic rock , Floyd etc . He reported back that a few of tracks were up there with his favourite ever songs n is now looking to buy the cd . Praise be !
There's a place near us called Wankum :D :D :D :D;D ;D ;D That place always has people from the UK in stitches when we pass it.
. . . . . . . . I know a part of me never did grow up ::)
Douglas Adams (book The Meaning of Life) - German Version ( the meaning of the names of towns and places)
Wankum, der
Der Mann in der Eckkneipe, der ständig irgendwelchen Leuten auf die Schulter haut, als seien sie seine ältesten Sauffkumpane, der in Wirklichkeit aber weder Saufkumpane noch andere Freunde hat, und zwar wegen seines oben erwähnten Verhaltens ..
Oh, that and then the lay-by close to where I live called "Dong". :P
That's a great story Master Ray.
True story that happened today. I was at my local supermarket, buying some stuff, and wearing a New Model Army T-shirt, as I am wont to do. Quite a rare one, actually. Some guy seems to be following me around... hmm, OK... and just as I am about to go to the checkout, he pats me on the back, with the friendliest grin you've ever seen, and says 'NEW MODEL ARMY! YEAH!' and gives me a proper thumbs up.
I, of course, gave a thumbs up in response and gave him a handshake, tried to communicate with him but he didn't seem to speak any English...didn't matter, he seemed so happy to communicate with a fellow fan. He walked off with a grin on his face and I also had a smile on my face for a while afterwards...
Honestly. That happened. :)
Every time it happens to me
this --
Brilliant -
Brilliant -;D Thanks for the laugh!!!
Aw... when somebody you don't give the slightest shit about is STILL sending out little digs in a vain attempt to grab my attention, even though I've made it blindingly clear that I have utterly no interest in anything he has to say! I mean, it's cute and everything to have a little stalker and I feel so sorry for someone who so desperately craves my attention (God knows I'm an 'insect' according to him and his vile PM's) but seriously... ::)
So, buddy... you've got a message from me. Hope that this little crumb of comfort will suffice. Now will you let it go? To use an expression from 'chick-lit'... honey, I'm just not that into you.
Aw... when somebody you don't give the slightest shit about is STILL sending out little digs in a vain attempt to grab my attention, even though I've made it blindingly clear that I have utterly no interest in anything he has to say! I mean, it's cute and everything to have a little stalker and I feel so sorry for someone who so desperately craves my attention (God knows I'm an 'insect' according to him and his vile PM's) but seriously... ::)
So, buddy... you've got a message from me. Hope that this little crumb of comfort will suffice. Now will you let it go? To use an expression from 'chick-lit'... honey, I'm just not that into you.
Aw... when somebody you don't give the slightest shit about is STILL sending out little digs in a vain attempt to grab my attention, even though I've made it blindingly clear that I have utterly no interest in anything he has to say! I mean, it's cute and everything to have a little stalker and I feel so sorry for someone who so desperately craves my attention (God knows I'm an 'insect' according to him and his vile PM's) but seriously... ::)
So, buddy... you've got a message from me. Hope that this little crumb of comfort will suffice. Now will you let it go? To use an expression from 'chick-lit'... honey, I'm just not that into you.
Copy n paste the messages to Viv, I know I would
Oh, and I spent ten minutes today in Chester listening to a couple of 'flat-earthers' proclaiming their ridiculous BS loudly and with microphones... laughed my tits off as were most of the people listening... ;D
Copy n paste the messages to Viv, I know I would
Sixty One Today...............Physically a wreck,Mentally great........still LOVE my music.will be plowing through my music collection today ,plenty NMA and Grateful Dead....especially love my favourite Dead line in Truckin ''What a Long Strange Trip It's Been ''.... :) :) :).........
Sixty One Today...............Physically a wreck,Mentally great........still LOVE my music.will be plowing through my music collection today ,plenty NMA and Grateful Dead....especially love my favourite Dead line in Truckin ''What a Long Strange Trip It's Been ''.... :) :) :).........
Well you share a birthday with this apparently - great expectations 35 years today
Happy birthday to both of you
:) :)Well you share a birthday with this apparently - great expectations 35 years today
Happy birthday to both of you
Love that tune. To hear it live would be a wonderful thing.
Now, I know those 'mash-up' things are a bit old these days... but come on, Benny Hill vs Slayer has got to be worth a watch, eh?Good lord. Who matches these things? Brilliant!!
That's like saying Scottish people don't have Scottish accent lol .The Scottish have an accent? I didnt realise it was actual words tbh ;D
Oh apparently according to the news a week tomorrow Sunday November 25th is just over a week away lol no shit
my strong funny energetic sweet beautiful daughter
especially during this pretty unlucky period I am going through
2 young lads ( about 5 ? ) in the shop today with there mum . They ask me randomly if I have a guard dog , I say no , they say we have a cat n 2 rabbits but we're not telling you there names. Ah the age of innocence .
If you're ever about to buy sugar-free gummy bears, you should probably read the customer reviews first:
https://9gag.com/gag/aQxP3jK (https://9gag.com/gag/aQxP3jK)
This gets me every time :D
Chocolate Advent Calenders for sale in a shop this morning...... :o......it's September ffs.... ::)....;D