Covid, covid... Where to start?
Maybe someone has noticed I haven't visited the forum for a while... Not because I'm ill or anything, but, I still do not have the internet at home and now the situation seems to be that I also do not have a job anymore
I've been working in the same hostel for over seven years and truly love my job (minus the two years when I had to manage the place

). It's obvious and not hard to guess that the travel industry is one of the most hard-hit during this pandemic. The result being, they closed the hostel two weeks ago. Past two weeks I've been scratching my arse at home. Except of course now... I came to empty reception to use computer

Although I should not complain too much... As the new lock-down measures started yesterday, my boss called and told that as the government is now going to pay 100% of our wages, it seems better to keep people in the payroll still. And there's a minuscule chance that they'll re-open the place on March, I'm waiting for any updates on that but not with high hopes. Also, as I happen to have permanent contract, the labour laws are on my side which means that when they'll kick me out, the company has to pay me quite a few more months after that - I can count myself being incredibly lucky
But I am complaining because I love(d) my job.

I wanted to open a new topic but well, the covid topic is perfectly suitable for this... As I'm curious, I wanted to ask from all of you:
Is your job essential, and how has this pandemic affected your jobs?