Shortly befor 8'o clock i got out of bed this morning, made me my first coffee, opened the blends, went back to bed with the coffee, turned on Surrounded to listen to for the second time since yesterday and to look out the windows and enjoy the atmosphere, chillaxing while listening to this beautiful album. What a good way to start a lazy saturday..!
There is this very good review on the whiskey-soda website (link is in the review thread), which i had read yesterday after the first listen and i was a little astounded on how fitting the review was, matching my ideas and thoughts, like all the quotes there from the songs were also my favourite lines, the ones immediately struck me.
"Wieder gibt es auf „Surrounded“eine Stunde lang fesselnde Geschichten, starke Bilder, die fast greifbare Szenen heraufbeschwören und Naturgewalten, denen sich der Erzähler mit stoischer Ruhe ergibt."
"On Surrounded there are again one hour of captivating Storys, strong Images which evoke almost tangible Scenes and Forces of Nature to which the Narrator yields with a stoic calmness"
I think that also sums it up for me.
A beautiful Album. I love it already, but for me it will be an ongoing adventure of discovering the richness and storys there, which i already feel, but more on the surface now and it will get deeper, that is what i know.
..and the first time looking at the album, discovering the beautiful layout and artwork and reading the songtitles..Sea Again made me laugh out loud and brought a huge grin on my face...i find that funny!