I have absolutely no interest in finding new music. Some of my friends / fellow music enthusiasts have a problem with that and feel sorry for me like I am missing out on experiencing their newly discovered great band. I have always found when someone insists I listen to "this new great song / band", I never like it, almost like a defence mechanism as it was not something I found for myself. At the end of the day, there is a portion of a person's brain that listens to and absolutely loves music, and I am happy enjoying the bands I already know and love, NMA being the biggest part of that, and as such, I am not missing out, not enjoying the "the best new alternative band since, whatever", as I am getting all the pleasure I need from 70's punk, new wave, grunge, Brit pop, etc that I need. Familiar favorite songs / bands are comfortable. It's nice that you know the tune, the lyrics, how you sing along or dance to it. Maybe I am getting too old to feel the need to experience new stuff. It is my birthday today after all !