Author Topic: First NMA Experience  (Read 59040 times)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2010, 02:06:37 PM »
My first NMA experience was the Tube appearance, noticing Stuart's great bass playing in particular (being a disciple of Jean Jacques Burnel!). My first live experience was the T&C gig in October 86 followed soon after by another T&C gig that December (with the drum & bass only version of the Hunt!). I've seen them all around the country from Manchester to Middlebrough to Chippenham, clocking up around 50 gigs in 23 years. I've always found the loyalty & dedication of NMA's following inspirational...


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2010, 11:23:33 AM »
I think I did this kind of backwards.I was heavily into the usual suspects through the eighties - Cure, Banshees, Sisters, Nephilim,.... So, I knew of NMA, but hadn't really connected with them properly. I'd got into The Mission after the Sisters split and saw quite few of their early gigs, and I seem to recall that there was some kind of animosity between the camps of hardcore fans.... so I somehow didn't pursue them.

Had I been paying attention, I'd have known I'd already got some NMA - I bought Love Is by Joolz when it came out and loved it, I just hadn't realized who was PLAYING on the record. Still... I'm sure by the early 90s, I knew loosely of songs like Stupid Questions, and I remember a bloke I was in a band with had NMA written somewhere on his leather, but still I didn't bite.

But they were slowly worming their way into my consciousness - largely courtesy of Vengeance being played almost every time I went to Full Tilt at the Electric Ballroom in Camden. "Yeah, I like that one of theirs - but aren't they the dour northern blokes whose fans wear clogs and are stuck in the dark ages...??" Not ready for them, quite yet then... until.... until I bought a load of back issues of a fanzine called House of Dolls, which came with a free 7-inch single each issue. I just recorded the whole lot onto a C90 and played it in the car - random bands, random tracks, The Host (whoever they were) was my favourite, and there was Every New Dead Ghost, Shark Taboo, Pop Will Eat Itself doing Wake Up Time To Die, and New Model Army doing 125 mph. Then it began to make sense. I might have borrowed Vengeance from the library and (ahem) taped it. But I didn't really listen to it - only got it because of the title track...

But I'd heard they were good live, and we knew a couple of friends who were over in England working as au pairs and who quite fancied going to see them, so I gritted my teeth and when History came out, I bought it to see if I was missing out. I was expecting Stupid Questions, I knew that one vaguely. I think I knew 51st State vaguely too. "We were singing in the rain, yeah, like we wrote that song". That got me first. I played that one again. But nothing prepared me for side two. That night I sat up till quite late playing Green and Grey over and over... So I got tickets, how could I not? And I saw them live for the first time at The Venue in New Cross, May 92. They must have known about my earlier doubts, cos they were billed as the "Grim Northern Bastards". The next few weeks were spent hoovering up their back catalogue. Finally, I'd got it and it wasn't just for Christmas, this was for life....


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2010, 05:40:28 PM »
good on yer caterpillar :)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #78 on: February 10, 2010, 07:21:17 PM »
I had been listening to the band since 1987, when a classmate of mine introduced them to me. He lent me “The ghost of Cain” and I was blown away.  After school the next day I went straight to my local record store (Musicland Spandau) and bought “No rest for the wicked” in addition.  This album is still my all-time-favorite to this day. It took some time to see them live though.
I don’t know why, but I missed NMA at the "Rock Salute to Berlin" in 1987 where they were playing in front of the Reichstag right before David Bowie (Moose has put up some backstage pics from that gig on FB). I had to wait until March 16th, 1989 to see them on stage at Metropol-Theater am Nollendorfplatz (now a club called “Goya”).
The place was packed, and “Die Abstürzenden Brieftauben” from Hannover were opening. Although I always liked these two guys (and did see them several times) they did not really fit in. The crowd went crazy anyway …
And finally: NMA. I remember them beginning with “Heroes” but after this I cannot remember any more titles. I am really grateful to have the set-list now.
I loved (and still love) the bands' high energy level. The crowd was great as well.  A lot of moshing, many people just singing and having a good time, and also some guys standing on other peoples’ shoulders and doing strange things with their arms during certain songs  :) I was speechless, and due to the heat and constant movement also completely and utterly destroyed after 90+ minutes.
I have seen the band many times since then, but I will never forget this gig. Looking forward to seeing them again in March ...
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 07:52:43 AM by Sydowski »


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #79 on: February 15, 2010, 07:59:34 PM »
I first heard NMA's music in cover form, first "I Love the World" on Anacrusis's Manic Impressions album, and then "The Hunt" on Sepultura's Chaos A.D..  After hearing "The Hunt" I knew I had to track down the original, but this was in semi-rural Pennsylvania in the early 90s.  I was a metal dude through and through and I had no idea how to find an NMA disc.  Eventually, a tape-trading penpal of mine made me a copy of Vengeance, and even though it didn't sound anything like what I expected (and didn't include either song I really wanted to hear) I was hooked.  Not long after, on a trip to Boston, I found used copies of Singles, that BBC sessions disc, Vengeance, and Impurity at the same shop.   It wasn't long after that I ordered the rest from (remember that?)  NMA really opened a lot of doors for me: I became more politically engaged, started listening to a lot more post-punk stuff, and generally grew up quite a bit.  I've since seen them more than ten times since they've started touring the US again, and I've made quite a few hardcore NMA fans out of various metal buddies of mine.  It's an easy sell, really.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2010, 08:35:44 PM »
1988 i think, maybe 89. Had never heard of NMA when i saw a cassette of T&C at a local chain record store in Connecticut USA. I recall thinking " any band with a cool name like that is worth checking out..." (i was 17 at the time) bought the tape. went to car, insert cassette. Opening
rumble, "The roll of distant thunder breaks..." - "Damn" I remember thinking "This shit's gonna be good..."
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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #81 on: February 15, 2010, 10:25:04 PM »
First saw them live in 1986. Was reluctantly being dragged along by some friends. Glad I went!

sam, sam the drummer man

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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2010, 06:47:02 PM »
*putting this here as it doesn't deserve a new thread*

On a "rate the track above you" thread on another forum, someone's response when I posted island:
7/10, not that bad actually. Would be a good song for an extreme sports vid because it has an awesome base.



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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #83 on: February 20, 2010, 02:42:30 PM »
My first wast in Madrid, 1993 Sala Revolver. Incredible concert. More audience that venue resist... Without air for breathing... Monumental concert with electric violin opening the show. Impossible forget it.  :)
Is it the times we laughed about it all
Through all those whisky nights so far away?


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #84 on: March 09, 2010, 05:16:01 PM »
Late 83/early 84 .I remember reading an interview with NMA in Melody Maker and their look and varied tastes in music and how well Justin came accorss in the interview really hit me. I had been a massive Clash fan and wanted something vital to take their place after their pitiful demise...

I saw them on 'The Tube' which blew me away and swiftly and bought either 'Great Expectations' /'Waiting' or the album 'Vengeance' first - cant remember which, followed by going to see them as soon as I could after that, which happened to be supporting The Alarm at The Lyceum...I couldnt stand the Alarm, but wanted to see NMA so much...and boy was it worth it...they were on fire and I'd witnessed the most powerful support act ever who blew every band they could offstage...I then saw them destroy Sex gang Children, Xmal and even Brockwell Park stealling the limelight from The Damned and all the other acts on the day...

Ava Enturin

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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #85 on: March 15, 2010, 12:11:47 AM »
My first experience was back in 1990, at the age of sweet 16. A classmate of mine gave me T&C -  "you will love it", he said. He was right.
Soon after that I`ve seen my first gig, in Bochum. I don`t remember the whole gig but I will never forget my first impressions: the high level of energy and the feeling that "this guy really lives in his songs". So, that was it for me. 20 years later I am still with the bands music and love it (just came back home from Aarschot and am still thrilled..). Soon after that I bought "No rest" and the other older stuff and remember me and my friends discussing alot about the lyrics. I would say that maybe I would be a different person if my socialisation would not have been linked to NMA. Gave me alot to think and to feel. So, thanks, Hase, that you gave me this CD and many thanks to the band for being a part of my life :)


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #86 on: March 15, 2010, 07:42:23 PM »
first heard the Vengeance, Small Town England stuff in 83/84 Saw them for the first time on the Ghost of Cain tour at Manchester International.


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2010, 09:33:04 PM »
Up until 1986 the only band constant in my affections were Pink Floyd and apart from that blip of prog rock, I was mainly mainstream metal and punk. Then I fell in with a group of lads from a bigger village a few miles away and they were into a load of music that appealed to something primal without going overboard into either deep depression or psychotic stuff and in no time at all I was listening to Ghost, No Rest and Vengence over and over. Other bands' albums that got a look in there were Infected by The The, Bikini Red by Screaming Blue Messiahs and 101 Damnations by Carter USM. Was mainly a Glastonbury fan back then (not really for the music though; went 3 times and only saw 1 band!) but went to Reading in 1989 just to see NMA and chuffin' loved it. When Impurity came out, I didn't much like it and kinda lost interest. Then when they tried to do the USA with 'WAR' I really lost interest ( reminded me of the 'young ones' being the 'Bad News Band' and their song 'Warriors of Ghengis Khan' Then I moved to Holland in 1992 and couldn't believe how many dutch guys were into NMA. Must admit, I've never been into music much since those days and couldn't believe it when I saw that NMA were still touring and they're coming to a venue near me in less than a fortnight. Guess I've got some back albums to catch up on eh?


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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #88 on: March 16, 2010, 03:28:18 AM »
I was 16, so it was either late '86 or early '87; a friend of mine gave me an awful multi-generation tape copy of "The Ghost of Cain." It sounded terrible, but I was hooked anyway and eventually tracked down the LP (not such an easy task in suburban America). And the "No Rest" LP (got that one in Germany, actually)... and then T&C came out... and so it went.

First gig I was able to catch was on the Hopeless Causes tour, June of 1993 at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC. A few songs from the end of the show, I received the flailing limb of a crowdsurfer to my forehead, opening up a gash in my eyebrow that bled considerably (the looks people gave me as I was walking out after the show were priceless; didn't understand why till I got to the car and looked at myself in the mirror), and I still have a scar from it to this day.



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Re: First NMA Experience
« Reply #89 on: March 16, 2010, 03:05:30 PM »
My first memory or experience??!! Can't flippin remember!  Way before the picket line at Church Warsop.  Gig at the Blue Note? in Derby, must have heard of them before then?  Hazy hazy hazy!  Lots of memories since, but hasn't everyone?!