There were about five there, but about 15 band members, roadies, etc. Their album was In Nomin Solis - latin for, in name only. A good rock album, still got it. The support band were the American Ruse, on Shkin Street Records which is still going. I had a mate called Pilly in the band, I remember him talking to yo about Vengence when he saw you were sporting an NMA shirt. The anti-vandal paint, perhaps we should have gone around instead of hopping over the divider on Maid Marrion Way !!
Song ,, the Dickies - Banana Splits
Seven Forty Seven - Two Saints ,, Me and Barty went to them on their UK tour in 1989 !! there were more people in the band than in the audience..
Remember it well - and the support act, The American Ruse. I remember the anti-vandal paint too! Wasn't Two Saints' album called In Nomin Solis? I'm sure there was only you and I there 
The Act We Act - Sugar