Author Topic: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!  (Read 12183 times)


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #120 on: September 27, 2013, 12:49:44 PM »
Hi Folks,
I've not posted much on here but have always been an avid reader. :)

My copy came yesterday and got a good airing last night whilst the family were out, I think it's a very good album which does get better with each play, as usual the artwork is top notch!
Fave tracks so far are Knievel(my overall favourite), Lean Back And Fall and the title track.
Looking forward to playing this much more over the coming weeks.

Just one other thing I shamefully admit to not seeing the band since 1991 :'( mainly due to following another band), hope to put that right this tour.
I went to all the Chippenham Goldiggers gigs and also remember a stunning gig at Brixton in 89.
Fave album - gotta be The Ghost of Cain(so far).

Nice to see you on here Simon......



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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #121 on: September 27, 2013, 12:57:55 PM »
well I managed a partial first listen last night.

A quick word about the packaging and case first - superb art, really high quality too, IMO the best on an NMA album, and far superior to what is generally available. I bought the new Placebo album at the same time and before you even get to think aboyut the music, the NMA product is miles superior. I know it's the music that counts, but even so

So what about the music? As I say, it's been a limited listen so far but it seems to me that there is a lot of space in the production - may not be a technical term but I find that the tracks I've listened to seem to evoke wide open skies with a twist of melancholy about them - carrying on the feeling that tracks like Carlisle Road and God Save Me have (both of these are amongts my faves) . With that in mind, perhaps it's no surprise that  I liked Summer Moors best and March to September.

I'm looking forward to a few more listens ...


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #122 on: September 27, 2013, 02:11:06 PM »
It's growing on me. Not as instant as previous albums, but I'm hopeful...

And a big up to Amazon for their Autorip facility. I'm still waiting for the actual CD to arrive, but was able to download the mp3s as soon as I placed my order so I can listen to a burned version while I'm waiting.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #123 on: September 27, 2013, 02:15:41 PM »
Absolutely loving this album.  Given some of the comments on here, I'm trying to find reasons not to like it so much ;) but it ranks up there with the best they've ever done for me. Well done, NMA.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #124 on: September 27, 2013, 07:58:02 PM »
I love it. It’s a new piece of work and ‘different’, yes, but then it was always billed as being something other than ‘rockband in a room’. I really don’t think it’s that different from everything before though. It has something of the feel of a full band version of Navigating by the Stars meeting the emotions of parts of Thunder and Consolation and Eight, but darker in places, and wrung through a prism of age and experience, and set as if to a film score.  Will be interesting to see how the tracks evolve after being played live, and also how we feel about them after we have got ‘used’ to them.  But for now I am just happy to keep on soaking it all up... 

Actually, skip the analysis bit :-  I don’t do this ‘JS is God’ idolatry stuff, I don’t like every song they have done, e.g. I wasn’t a great fan of all of Carnival, but right now when I hear Dog and Wolf  I think it’s brilliant, I love it, I want to keep playing it, and maybe in a few years' time folks will be talking about it like they talk about T&C now. Worth waiting for. Thank you.  :)

declan cowdrey

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #125 on: September 27, 2013, 09:24:03 PM »


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #126 on: September 27, 2013, 09:33:57 PM »
Listened to it in full today.

My verdict?

....Bloody awesome!
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #127 on: September 27, 2013, 11:07:06 PM »
But I had a headache from a long day at work and the bloody 20 drummers is not doing it for me at all. (Was the producer a drummer...just asking?  ;)  )

the mixer is into his drums too: 

on that note, not sure if my hearing is going but I find it hard to listen all the way through to this album on full blast (on mp3 player).  Definitely works better at an evening living room level.  (reaches for pipe and slippers)

Worth every penny though, an intelligently crafted album intelligently mixed.

tracks 5-10 is my favourite section.  Stormclouds a bit out of place here but that's okay, harks back to the last album a little.
Did You Make It Safe is probably where the PJ Harvey comparison comes from (Let England Shake period) with the call/response vocals.
With I Need More Time the album really gets going - with the backwards-type backing vocals is also very Peter Gabriel on the Passion album, before blazing into a Who finish. Very good song, but favourite is still Pull The Sun this is a fantastic song.
Lean Back and Fall taps into that Neil Young vibe, but rather listen to this than any Neil Young (sorry don't like his voice) and it has a bit of that 'NMA bass' going on as the song progresses.  Really like the heavy laidback attitude to this one.
Knieval works well, sounds like the meter rule book got ripped up for this one! Like many tracks this one initially sounds conventional yet also something mysterious about it that you only uncover with each listen.
Just exploring BDAW took a few days this but it's a really strong one, very well layered and mixed.

So far still sounding like a fantastic effort, and not really studied the lyric booklet yet! Certainly one of their most unique yet - they should be given this artistic freedom more often!


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #128 on: September 28, 2013, 12:10:33 AM »
I am gonna write this in polish (sorry )

Wreszcie jakis album mnie rozpierdolil na kawalki...


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #129 on: September 28, 2013, 10:42:12 AM »
Well, it's made it past ten plays, so I'd have to give it a thumbs-up.

Really engaging production, tracklist has a cohesion and intent to it that I'd rate alongside Cain, Brotherhood and Eight for that sort of thing. Individually I could have done without the music college riff of Stormclouds but the rest of that song (and the album) is thoughtfully arranged and measured out, to my ears.

It's a good record, interesting in and of itself as opposed to being something from a band I happen to like.

More of a grower than a shower but their best work often is, and that fits in with many of this years better albums from the likes of Boards of Canada, Oneohtrix Point Never, OMD, Little Boots, Vile Electrodes, NIN, Autechre, Bowie, Bonobo, etc.

2013 is not the year of the instant gratifier. And when the rawk stylings of everyone from Newsted to Black ruddy Sabbath this year are lacking in any creativity beyond how far you can hard-limit in mastering, I'm glad to see NMA move well beyond that. I'll be listening to it in a year and enjoying it more than I do now.

CD packaging's the shit as well, really nicely done. Shame they couldn't get an LP into my local HMV mind you.
:) - Permasmiley - should you become pointlessly enraged by anything I've posted, look at this smiley which proves that I'm just being funny and meant you no offence personally (even though you're a dick)


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #130 on: September 28, 2013, 12:04:30 PM »
Just having my first listen now while feeding the baby (gotta keep the volume down  >:()...I can see this album being played in the car travelling along deserted motorways in the middle of Spain. Reminds me so far of Ocean rising with its cascades and epic land/soundscape.
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #131 on: September 28, 2013, 01:10:13 PM »
you're in for a treat then, NMA live is currently the best it's ever been IMHO
I'm crying out to the gods who couldn't care less - come and get me if ya can!


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #132 on: September 28, 2013, 02:16:51 PM »
you're in for a treat then, NMA live is currently the best it's ever been IMHO
Completely agree with that. I do hope they consider doing a live album from the quality of the gigs in last  year or so, or the Ceri period if you like. Also with the what I rest assured will be equally fine stuff from the coming tour.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #133 on: September 28, 2013, 02:45:09 PM »
you're in for a treat then, NMA live is currently the best it's ever been IMHO
Completely agree with that. I do hope they consider doing a live album from the quality of the gigs in last  year or so, or the Ceri period if you like. Also with the what I rest assured will be equally fine stuff from the coming tour.

Quote from the magazine [JS] "We know that a few months into the tour we'll be able to record a live album with completely differently developed versions of the songs"......sounds very promising...
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #134 on: September 28, 2013, 10:06:10 PM »
Knievel.... Bumps of a goose!!!