Author Topic: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...  (Read 10309 times)


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2013, 04:00:33 AM »
I'm not trying to validate my views of the LP or denegrate others. BUT it got me thinking of Darkness quote in this thread of the “Emperors new clothes”.  Is it not possible that some here are so obsessive that in their blinkered eyes NMA can do no wrong ?

Maybe. But what you're really saying is that it must be bad because otherwise you would like it. Is it not possible that it is still a good album even though you don't like it? NMA can do a lot of wrong. To me Stupid Questions is an awful song but I appreciate that many people genuinely like it. There are a few more I could list.

I do think it's a fine album but I don't think I would have been as disappointed as you seem to be if I hadn't liked it. Obsession goes both ways.

Anyway, no point arguing over this. You don't like this album and that's a real shame. But you know that you will still enjoy the concerts and you will probably enjoy the next album, too.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #46 on: October 14, 2013, 05:39:52 AM »
Well, the new album arrived about a week before my 55th birthday and I enjoyed it from the first listen. I think it is the best thing they've done since Strange Brotherhood, mostly because for the first time since then it doesn't feel like they are just going through the motions. Most of the songs from everything between Eight and TIAGD are completely interchangeable but this album is its own thing from start to finish. No, it's not perfect, it could certainly do with a guitar-driven rocker or two, but it is classic NMA and, fingers crossed, it could be the start of a renaissance for the band's creativity.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #47 on: October 17, 2013, 10:02:02 PM »
I have just returned from Poland, where I attended all 4 shows.  I started the tour still undecided about BD&W, and ended it believing it is simply the best Album they have made EVER. 

The same applies to the Live experience.  All members of NMA down the years have done a good job, but Marshall and Ceri have added much needed intensity on stage when compared to Dave and Nelson.

I also met and spoke with both Marshall and Ceri, and they were absolute Gentlemen.

I have followed NMA for 30 years, have attended 60-70 gigs, and I am more excited about them than ever before.  Anyone who is unsure about BD&W - go to a gig (or several) and I can more or less guarantee you will change your mind.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2013, 04:16:20 PM »
The same applies to the Live experience.  All members of NMA down the years have done a good job, but Marshall and Ceri have added much needed intensity on stage when compared to Dave and Nelson.

I also met and spoke with both Marshall and Ceri, and they were absolute Gentlemen.

Couldn't agree more about Ceri and Marshall being absolute gentleman. They are great blokes to spend and hour and a few beers with. Ceri is certainly great onstage aswell, but I always loved watching Nelson aswell. His playing is absolutely top of the range, Nelson's bass lines have a smooth, natural feel to them that makes the most technical passages seem obvious. It's very deceptive, trust me, Nelson is a master of his instrument and technically at least as good as Stuart's more raw visceral attack....... The last 3 albums have some truly outstanding bass lines on by anyone's standards. Ceri has some very big shoes to fill, BDAW is a fine start no question, but Carnival, High and Today Is A Good Day stand up in bass lines easily in my listening any ways as a player aswell as a fan..........
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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #49 on: October 18, 2013, 06:23:56 PM »
Only managed a couple of listens and apart from a couple of stand out tracks it's not really hit the target although I'm hoping it will grow on me.  It has happened before to me so there is hope


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2013, 06:52:15 PM »
I always loved watching Nelson aswell. His playing is absolutely top of the range, Nelson's bass lines have a smooth, natural feel to them that makes the most technical passages seem obvious. It's very deceptive, trust me, Nelson is a master of his instrument and technically at least as good as Stuart's more raw visceral attack....... The last 3 albums have some truly outstanding bass lines on by anyone's standards. Ceri has some very big shoes to fill, BDAW is a fine start no question, but Carnival, High and Today Is A Good Day stand up in bass lines easily in my listening any ways as a player aswell as a fan..........

which are your favourite bass players?
i'm not a musician myself but sometimes i want to practice/learn how to play bass because i love so much the bass lines and bass sounds in NMA!
People often talk about Stuart Morrow, his bass lines for "No rest" for example...myself i love his bass lines for "The Price", among others.
Technically, which are the most complicated, difficult to play bass lines in the whole NMA discography?
I also like what Moose did for NMA...i love Nelson's style too, i liked his behaviour/attitude on stagen, he seemed like a cool, quiet, low key, smart guy!


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2013, 09:00:11 PM »
I heard the first 3 songs only because I just came after 2 months project working in africa so it wa simpossible. My wife ordered it on the shop as well as the magazine and first 3 songs are great. I will need more time but I will give another feed back for sure later. It is the tradition for me. When I have a new model army album in my hands I will listen to 2 or maximum 3 songs at the time. no more.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2013, 09:08:43 PM »
Hello Simon, definitely an album that needs time. Some here first said they didn't like it, but then they started to get it. Myself, I have changed my mind several times of which songs I think are the best. Its not an album that hits you straight away, but that is often a good sign, and album you will come to enjoy for many years.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2013, 10:02:02 PM »
Great exchange of views people......NMA have always courted controversy so why stop now! As for BDAW, its clicked pretty well for me but one thing I instantly realised is that some of these songs live will simply be transformed. Storm clouds, pull the sun, I need more time.........listen through the headphones and imagine yourself in the crowd in a sweaty club!! Really looking forward to the gigs.  :)


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #54 on: October 20, 2013, 07:13:13 PM »
To be honest, I really thought this day would never come back ... THE DAY I bought right out in 1989 the LP thunder & consolation ( I still remember the head of the Fnac record store seller in my hometown Grenoble in France, he has not had time to unpack the carton that I had already ripped a copy ! ) ... perfect mix of sound, perfect unity of the songs you know the album that we listen to from beginning to end without wanting to skip a song, the richness of different songs ... inheritance, stupid questions, green & grey, vagabonds, archway towers. For me, the story began in 1987 with white coats ep: I lost a million neurons the first time I listened this piece and  thunder & consolation was the perfect album after. But after, all Albums that followed were never as successful .... Yes all the next albums  have got master pieces : Get me out, before I get old, vanity, War,fate, WWTG ..... but to be honest all  the other songs  are so much more interesting on stage…That’s why I listen to a new album couple of days after the new release and after I focus  to the evolution of days songs are played live….And here’s BDAW …voluntarily .... I wait several days before speaking here ... the magic of 1989 is repeated again ... amazing thing ... the album of maturity of new model army, wisdom in the voice of Justin tell you again you know you have done well to be true that no other group of 33 years existence gives to you. Perfect sound, exceptional mixing, impressive Justin voice  above music instruments, the depth of the drums and percussions of  Michael .... everything revolves so differently than the albums before.... But it’s for the best. Did you make it safe? , I need more time, Knievel &  Stormclouds are the best songs for me.Thank you for this new gift and long live to new model army… we still need more  time to write new like this one.
See you on tour ( starting for me next week  8)).


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #55 on: October 21, 2013, 03:11:06 AM »
I think this is a huge jump for the knife !
Give it 6months and you will love it !

Start by repeating Horsemen a couple of times - lock into those tribal drums !

Keep listening !

This is where we go to - to the blue of the ocean
On the 30 westbound to the diamond water
Lost out in the white waves - salt purification
Bright eyes and breathless - this is how Love feels


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #56 on: October 21, 2013, 04:56:44 PM »
I have always wanted to LOVE everything NMA releases and used to feel a bit guilty when this did not always happen with the last several albums. Justin will always be a master songwriter and as good a lyricist as there ever was, but after so many years and so many albums, he seems to steer more towards more atmospheric or experimental expression these days. Not that there haven't been some great tunes on all of these albums as well. Tastes change over the years and this goes for the musicians/bands themselves. I was not even twenty when I was first blown away by the "No Rest..." album and am now 45. Many things sound different these ears these days. I am a "melody" guy, even when it comes to very heavy music. A "song" guy, no matter what the genre.

Though the new album has not blown me away like I had hoped (yet, but I am too busy with life to give it its proper attention most days, so my judgement is far from complete), I have little doubt that any of these songs would take on a full life onstage, which I think is where Justin's head has definitely been for the last decade or two. The band has always been fantastic live, no matter which musicians Justin shares his stage with and I just think when a band focuses so heavily on their live performance (what NMA is really all about) the studio may not always be the best place to highlight SOME of the material. Sitting in traffic listening to a song is not the same as having your hair blown back by the band on stage. When I was finally fortunate enough to catch my long-time hero onstage in 2005 and again in 2009, he and the band were as heavy and intense as the fiercest metal band and ten times more geniune. Those bootlegs I had scrounged from the internet for so many years did not begin to capture the experience and passion of NMA live and in person. I think this is where most of their newer material belongs and also why so much can be lost on those of us who rarely get the opportunity to hear it live.

Something I've learned over the years (at least with my friends) is that different people often like the same band(s) but for very different reasons. When I was younger I often wondered why some of my friends who seemed to absolutely LOVE some of the same bands as I, also hated other bands I really liked. It took a long time for me to recognize the common elements and less-common that connected these bands and it eventually made sense. Sometimes over the years, a band may also move more in the direction you happen to like, and sometimes far, far away from that part of themselves. Many of the elements from those first half-dozen NMA albums are long-gone. To me, Strange Brotherhood marks a definite "end" to a certain era (or eras). Not just because of Rob's drumming and musical input, but most things just felt very different to me after that album. Less "folky", less melodic, I guess more "earthy" and stripped down (in general). This is obviously no accident and is apparently where Justin's heart has led him over the years. Some things will always remain though and for that I am always grateful. I guess I can't really imagine ANY NMA song EVER knocking me over as instantly as the first time I listened to "Purity". The lyrics, the melody, the violin, bass-line, etc, etc, etc. Perfection. At least perfection for "ME". Other fans might like 10 dozen NMA songs more than that one. ;-) Just like now...the one song that really struck me right away was "Lean Back and Fall". However, it seems to be the favorite of no one else on this board, haha. Oh well, "to each his own" as they say. But isn't this variety exactly what has always made NMA and their fans so special?

« Last Edit: October 21, 2013, 05:02:16 PM by KN »


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2013, 10:00:26 AM »
Hi MerseyExile,
I also miss the "band in a room" theory which was adopted by the band in the early albums since 2000.
Presently, I am 41 and I would love to reach 57 (just like you) listening and enjoying our beloved band.
All the best for you!
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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2013, 02:57:20 PM »
When I first heard the samples from BDAW a few weeks back I was distinctly underwhelmed and at first wasn't going to bother ordering it straight off - I thought I might wait, give it some listens online and then pick up a copy at the Leeds gig if it was growing on me. But then I thought no, better get familiar with it before the gig and picked up a copy, and I'm really glad I did.
 I need to give it a lot more listens before I totally get it as a whole album I think, but the first four tracks in particular I absolutely love- I can't believe that a few of the reviews posted elsewhere were calling Horsemen 'forgettable', for me it's a wonderfully atmospheric and menacing way to start the album. Yes it's a very different NMA to the one we have known and loved previously, kind of understated in places but so beautifully rhythymic and compelling.....  I'm not too keen on 'I Need More Time' as yet, so it breaks the flow for me a bit, but Lean Back and Fall, Knievel and the title track are also growing on me with every play- I've been listening in the car a lot, so I need to be skipping forward to the last few tracks to be getting more familiar with them (my journey to work's not that long!  :) )


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2013, 09:07:50 PM »
Form what I heard so far of the new album the quote of Justin (that one which underlined that it was nit the typical rock band in  a room or something like that) perfectly fits. The songs and lyrics are beautiful and somehow more "   
thoughtful". The use of drums is very different they are very much present through most of the songs in a more marrtial and tribal way at the same time. Guitar much less.