Interesting discussion.
I've been a fan since 1984/5 and experienced that 'up and down' feeling with new releases more than once. When LOHC initially came out, it was like a slap in the face (except Here Comes the War and Living in the Rose). Then, it grew and became a favourite after a number of years. Carnival and TIAGD have yet to take root and become entrenched. High was in the same position for years, yet now I simply can't get enough of it and it's never out of my ears. The early stuff always was an instant hit, the latter - not so much. The reasons why not always so clear.
So, with no interest whatsoever to abandon NMA, I have to admit that I recently bought BDAW…almost out of duty and the sense of loyalty which has always popped up its head since those teenage years. Being honest, I expected the same initial and subsequent reactions to Carnival, High and TIAGD; in other words, some excellent tracks but lacking as a whole, compared with earlier releases. You could get a great compilation from the three, but on their own - somewhat weakish, making you almost think that perhaps the best days were behind them.
Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. For me, BDAW is just as much of an instant hit which requires countless listenings over and over again, just as Impurity did back in the day, or Eight more 'recently'. I love the album and the different sound…so wonderful at 7.30 in the morning or 11.00 at night.

Looking forward to Crane Lane or Whelans, if possible.
Simply wonderful and showing the unique characteristics that have always made NMA something so special, especially Lean Back and Fall, Knieval, BDAW and Qasrel Nil Bridge.