Author Topic: One Family.................  (Read 2342 times)


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2013, 06:21:37 PM »
I had never heard anything by New Model Army before but a mate where I lived at the time said he was going to see them in Nottingham Rock City would I like to go.

That date was 23rd February 1987

I don't know what it was but for once I felt at home, comfortable and a massive sense of belonging that has stayed with me until this day.

Over the years I travelled and hitched hundreds of miles met some great people, many of who I haven't seen for years. :(

Even last weekend when I travelled to Greece  I was in the venue at Thessaloniki early about 6:30 and could hear the soundcheck taking place so I just walked in and Justin turned round put out his hand and shook mine and we had a good chat and I told him it was my first non UK gig after approx 200 UK dates, he asked why here, I said why not :) :)

Later  I saw someone with a Lords of Chaos shirt so i nodded and said Hi, he replied and I realised he was not a local ( Adrian from West Brom) so we got chatting  along with 2 other girls who I found out later to be Amanda the mad American from Alabama and Paula from Cologne and we ended up spending the whole weekend together and for me it made the weekend even more special, where else could ya go and see someone wearing the same band shirt and strike up a conversation and what will turn out to be a great friendship.

friends outside NMA don't understand what we do and why,but you have to be there to understand us.

At the end of the day we enjoy it and doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.

Defintely One Family, one tribe

I'm proud to be a member :) :)

Long may it continue :)

Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2013, 06:55:12 PM »
You know, all these your stories sound so miraculous. It's nice to read and find out how some ordinary things in every day life may lead to unforgetable happenings.
A screaming comes across the sky


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2013, 08:14:01 PM »
I had never heard anything by New Model Army before but a mate where I lived at the time said he was going to see them in Nottingham Rock City would I like to go.

That date was 23rd February 1987

I don't know what it was but for once I felt at home, comfortable and a massive sense of belonging that has stayed with me until this day.

Over the years I travelled and hitched hundreds of miles met some great people, many of who I haven't seen for years. :(

great thanks
u know I really planned to go to greece (enough of north europe shitty weather etc) but just that week end my wife was busy during the whole week end from friday until sunday so I had to renounce to it all to stay with my amazing baby daughter maya. it was my dream greece man.....i love greece and greek people. and now I can only do Dublin (tomorrow all is organised but a bloody tornado hit germany just today wind rain etc I hope nothing happens with the flight or I ll get really really MAD this time) and Koln.
hope to see u there

Even last weekend when I travelled to Greece  I was in the venue at Thessaloniki early about 6:30 and could hear the soundcheck taking place so I just walked in and Justin turned round put out his hand and shook mine and we had a good chat and I told him it was my first non UK gig after approx 200 UK dates, he asked why here, I said why not :) :)

Later  I saw someone with a Lords of Chaos shirt so i nodded and said Hi, he replied and I realised he was not a local ( Adrian from West Brom) so we got chatting  along with 2 other girls who I found out later to be Amanda the mad American from Alabama and Paula from Cologne and we ended up spending the whole weekend together and for me it made the weekend even more special, where else could ya go and see someone wearing the same band shirt and strike up a conversation and what will turn out to be a great friendship.

friends outside NMA don't understand what we do and why,but you have to be there to understand us.

At the end of the day we enjoy it and doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.

Defintely One Family, one tribe

I'm proud to be a member :) :)

Long may it continue :)


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2013, 03:18:37 PM »
Interesting thread. Was great to see you in Dublin simon. Try to go to  A'dam. Hug.  :)
Is it the times we laughed about it all
Through all those whisky nights so far away?


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2013, 01:28:03 AM »
I had never heard anything by New Model Army before but a mate where I lived at the time said he was going to see them in Nottingham Rock City would I like to go.

That date was 23rd February 1987

I don't know what it was but for once I felt at home, comfortable and a massive sense of belonging that has stayed with me until this day.

Over the years I travelled and hitched hundreds of miles met some great people, many of who I haven't seen for years. :(

Even last weekend when I travelled to Greece  I was in the venue at Thessaloniki early about 6:30 and could hear the soundcheck taking place so I just walked in and Justin turned round put out his hand and shook mine and we had a good chat and I told him it was my first non UK gig after approx 200 UK dates, he asked why here, I said why not :) :)

Later  I saw someone with a Lords of Chaos shirt so i nodded and said Hi, he replied and I realised he was not a local ( Adrian from West Brom) so we got chatting  along with 2 other girls who I found out later to be Amanda the mad American from Alabama and Paula from Cologne and we ended up spending the whole weekend together and for me it made the weekend even more special, where else could ya go and see someone wearing the same band shirt and strike up a conversation and what will turn out to be a great friendship.

friends outside NMA don't understand what we do and why,but you have to be there to understand us.

At the end of the day we enjoy it and doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.

Defintely One Family, one tribe

I'm proud to be a member :) :)

Long may it continue :)

The Mad America.  :) Is that what they are calling me now?   I like it. 
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2013, 01:38:13 AM »
Well - You're from 'Bama, so you must be mad.  Right?


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2013, 09:03:07 PM »
Well - You're from 'Bama, so you must be mad.  Right?

I am and am mad. Mad is a good thing though.  I think a lot of the fans are.  :)
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


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a ticket for John for Koln
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2013, 04:28:46 PM »
Hi guys
I just received this  e mail from John the guy I mentioned in my story above. we became friends for sure.
anyone can help?

Hello Simon.
I just called the Paladium in Köln and they said there are no tickets left, but on their website it does not say the concert is sold out.
do you think I should just turn up and try to see if someone has a spare ticket...or maybe if i turn up early enough something could happen.
what do you think?
Tried to call you, but got a strange message in German that I could not understand.