Ava... LINE OF DUTY not on Netflix, only available on BBC Iplayer (if you're in the UK) or via, ahem 'alternative means'...

Don't worry if you didn't catch the first series of LOD, my folks didn't either and they're loving s2.
Good catch on LIFE ON MARS, another one of my favourite shows (also, the follow-up, ASHES TO ASHES), well worth checking out, fellow TV lovers, especially if you love the likes of THE SWEENEY and THE PROFESSIONALS from the 70's... completely un-PC and all the better for it!
And it's nice to meet a fellow Browncoat!*
I'm just getting to the end of S4 of DEXTER on Netflix, can't believe it took me so long to get into this show, bloody excellent, well worth a look.
Has anyone checked out that new DRACULA show? I was thinking about checking it out (mainly because Katie 'Morgana from MERLIN' Mcgrath is in it, also known as 'my future wife'

), anyone got any input on that?
It always used to be the case that TV was the poor relation of the movies, but nowadays it seems to be the opposite. So much good stuff around...
* - 'Browncoat' = FIREFLY fan, like STAR TREK fans are called 'Trekkies'...