Author Topic: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?  (Read 47511 times)

Master Ray

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The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« on: April 02, 2014, 08:47:02 PM »
So, we have threads about film and TV and music... but what about books?

I'm a massive reader, have been since I was a kiddie... it's probably why my eyesight is so bad, I spent a lot of time under the bedsheets with a torch when my Mum thought I was asleep...  :) and I've always got a book on the go, sometimes two...

My personal preferences are non-fiction and autobiographies... that said, I'm going through the GAME OF THRONES books right now... sick of smug people trying to give me spoilers...  ::)

What have I read recently?  Last book I checked out was a cracking biography of Jim Henson (love me a bit of Muppets!), before that, the autobiography of Suggs, 'That Close', really liked that one, lots of stuff about the Madness days but also what it was like growing up in the 60's / 70's... well worth a read.

I'm not gonna bore you all with a big long list of my fave books ever, but if you read a lot, I'd love to hear what you've been into lately...

I will leave you with a great comedy clip from the brilliant Bill Hicks...


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2014, 09:58:09 PM »
cool thread

the wheel of time is occupying me at the moment

trouble i have is that by the time i have read everything on the inter webs and mobile apps i am usually too tired for reading books.
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2014, 05:43:04 PM »
Timely thread this hope there's a few other book worms out there cos' I been a bit devoid of new stuff lately. Re-reading Stephen King The Dark Tower which if you like King is , I think, his masterpiece.

Did recently read The Last Conquest 1066 by Berwick Coates  - a historical novel about the Battle Of Hastings. if you like Bernard Cornwell's stuff you'll probably like this.

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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2014, 07:42:23 PM »
I am currently reading Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb don't normally read fantasy type stuff but decided to try some because of how good Game of Thrones is on TV. Master Ray have you been watching the TV series as well as reading the books? Also trying to work my way through all of Irvine Welsh's books. (Irvine Welsh is my favourite author)
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2014, 08:25:33 PM »
I am currently reading Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb don't normally read fantasy type stuff but decided to try some because of how good Game of Thrones is on TV. Master Ray have you been watching the TV series as well as reading the books? Also trying to work my way through all of Irvine Welsh's books. (Irvine Welsh is my favourite author)

Yeah, Dipple, big fan of GOT on TV, as I've aid on other posts... the new series is imminent!  Yay!!!  And just in case you haven't seen it (SPOILERS)...

Funniest clip I've seen in ages....

Whilst we're talking about Irvine Welsh and movies, you seen the movie version of FILTH?  Really liked the book and the film is excellent... here's the trailer, NSFW!

Just got into a new book, Stuart Maconies 'The People's Songs... The Story Of Modern Britain In 50 Records...' absolutely loved his previous books, I'm fifty pages in and it's looking like a cracker...


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2014, 08:47:36 PM »
i can't read fiction either. i can read fantasy or fact. like what is going on there?

i think if i can escape then i can read. i've tried so many books that have been recommended. the 50 records book looks brilliant ray. let me know how it goes. that is the sort of book that i can pick up and continue when time permits
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2014, 09:01:04 PM »
Heno, ALL of Mr Maconies books are well worth a read, but I particularly like 'Hope And Glory'... you should be able to pick it up very cheap on Amazon.  Highly recommended!


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2014, 09:13:39 PM »
great, i'll check it out

how do you feel about e-readers and the like? i just love the feel of paper for daily news and books. but i guess that mediums demise is all but guaranteed.

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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2014, 10:40:04 PM »
great, i'll check it out

how do you feel about e-readers and the like? i just love the feel of paper for daily news and books. but i guess that mediums demise is all but guaranteed.

A nicely-put together book is a thing of beauty.

Put it like this, I would much rather have an NMA CD, with the gorgeous artwork (like BDAW) than a few faceless files downloaded onto an Ipod...


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 10:42:22 PM »
i still have some vinyl from late 79s and early 80s. still like to stick it one. elf, dead kennedys, uk subs and the like. never more raw.

books are the same. as it life to be honest
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2014, 07:25:17 PM »
Put it like this, I would much rather have an NMA CD, with the gorgeous artwork (like BDAW) than a few faceless files downloaded onto an Ipod...

Er, vinyl over cd for exactly the same reasons.




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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2014, 06:47:43 AM »
Not currently reading it, but the best thing I've read in years was The Hunger Games trilogy. I resisted, thinking it was a fad and that I would probably find it dull and overrated.

Nope. Hooked from start to finish. Beautifully written, gripping drama. Think I'll re-read them shortly.
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2014, 06:42:38 PM »
Not currently reading it, but the best thing I've read in years was The Hunger Games trilogy. I resisted, thinking it was a fad and that I would probably find it dull and overrated.

Nope. Hooked from start to finish. Beautifully written, gripping drama. Think I'll re-read them shortly.

Hmm, might give it a go, seen the two movies released so far... the first one was a bit dull but I really liked the second.  Bit of a cliffhanger ending, so looking forward to the next two.  Do you think the last book will stretch to two films, as the studio are doing?  Or will it be like the Harry Potter thing, where they split the last book into two films, the second was good, the first one was dull as dishwater..?


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2014, 09:40:35 AM »
Not currently reading it, but the best thing I've read in years was The Hunger Games trilogy. I resisted, thinking it was a fad and that I would probably find it dull and overrated.

Nope. Hooked from start to finish. Beautifully written, gripping drama. Think I'll re-read them shortly.

Hmm, might give it a go, seen the two movies released so far... the first one was a bit dull but I really liked the second.  Bit of a cliffhanger ending, so looking forward to the next two.  Do you think the last book will stretch to two films, as the studio are doing?  Or will it be like the Harry Potter thing, where they split the last book into two films, the second was good, the first one was dull as dishwater..?

I wasn't a massive fan of the first movie, either. Still haven't seen the second. I think there is so much going on in the last book that it could easily make two very good films. That said, there was so much detail left out of the first movie that would have probably made it much better.
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2014, 06:54:42 PM »
I think the books are much better than either of the films.
Lot's of bits have been missed out to fit into the film time scale and I always think descriptions and mood settings in books are much better than on film because of the blink and you miss it factor.

Whooosshhhh !!!