Evening, Idopas. You well, mate?
You're right, the Cameron / pig allegations haven't got any solid proof. But there IS solid proof about the Bullingdon Club, which Call Me Dave was a member of. I have to ask, why has Cameron not sued in the face of such an accusation? Because (IMO) there would be a huge and drawn-out court case which would bring the antics of the BC to light, most of them pretty damn despicable and not well known in the minds of the general public. Burning money in front of the homeless, smashing up family run restaurants for rich-boy chortles...? I'd say that sticking your winkie in a dead pigs mouth was the least of it. Do we know if Dave was part of those horrible things? No, but it takes a single photo. And this case would run and run... nope, Dave would prefer it forgotten and buried under 'Corbyn LOVES terrorists' attention-grabbing bullshit.
BTW, did you see / read the Corbyn interview in question? Odd how Cameron echoed some of the sentiments without mentioning Corbyns agreement...
This will surprise you, but I'm not convinced by Corbyn either, but it's early days. What shocks me is that the Tories aren't just after putting Labour down (let's face it, Labour did that themselves by electing Milliband as their leader... wow, was Mr Bean unavailable?

) but it seems like an all-out campaign to destroy Labour once and for all. Leaving the way for a right-wing party to run unopposed... well, historically, that hasn't worked out too well, has it?
Also, I hear that 200,000 new folks have now joined the Labour Party... I suspect The Tories are shitting it.
On a lighter note, mate... you doing any NMA gigs between now and the end of the year?