Yes, I have heard JS in interviews, or read somewhere that he likes Kate Bush.
I have to say, I did wonder if to any extend "Summer Moors" was a follow up or sequel to her "Wuthering Heights" ??
Not entirely sure about that, but if you listen real close (to Mr. Sullivan's vocal in)
"Horsemen" he's surely channelling Ms. Bush from
here. As for a lyrical influence... you can see it, hear it, taste it, in
"Firework's Night", from
this one of hers. That's twice, and both influences from the very same Kate Bush album, "The Sensual World".
That said, I highly doubt the echo is done consciously, though. She just lives in him, naturally... as does he, within each and every one of us here. She's a part of him, in a very sacred, everlasting, special way. Damn! They would've made some really fine lookin' lads and lasses had they had a thing. Both incredible stunners, as far as I'm concerned!
Ahhh, but of course... I could just be a seriously fcuked up individual, that hears and sees stuff, that probably isn't even there.