1. Even if I did find my improved version of "Inheritance," I wouldn't know how to upload it. I have zero interest in computers and USB ports and video cams... Have no idea how to upload anything to a computer. It is not a question of being bothered, it is really that I have no idea how to do it.
2. Now even if I did get a video camera and cables and learned how to upload stuff to youtube, the thing is I added my guitar parts to "Inheritance" twenty years ago. Unfortunately exactly what I did that day is forgotten. It was pure, it was a one shot take...twenty years later there is no way to replicate that sudden rush of inspiration. What I would record today would not be as good. First take is always the best for raw emotion. That first take I did on "Inheritance" is sadly lost to the ages.
So, a) the version I did is long lost, b) today I can't replicate what I did then, and c) I don't even know how to get stuff up on a computer. For those three reasons you really do just have to take my word for it: Sullivan/Heaton's "Inheritance" became a better song with my added guitar parts.
PS: There's tons of things I love about New Model Army. There is absolutely nothing I could add to "Western Dream" that would improve it. John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Beethoven and Bach all working together couldn't come up with anything to improve that song. (But I bet those guys could make "Ballad" a better tune.)