Author Topic: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA  (Read 3103 times)

Ava Enturin

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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2015, 10:39:11 AM »
Nice plates, Sequoia :-)

Since I live in Sweden, and our plates have a 3 letters/3 numbers system I considered NMA 225. But since I always buy used cars, it's not that easy, unfortunately. Although ... just checked, the number seems to be available *hmmm*


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2015, 01:12:12 PM »
Love the numberplate, also love the Subaru! You've got excellent taste.  :D
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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2015, 05:24:15 PM »
Nice plates, Sequoia :-)

Since I live in Sweden, and our plates have a 3 letters/3 numbers system I considered NMA 225. But since I always buy used cars, it's not that easy, unfortunately. Although ... just checked, the number seems to be available *hmmm*

I've been considering exactly that plate for some time now.


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2015, 06:19:45 PM »
Surely spaces plate would read fanny
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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2015, 06:40:54 PM »
ahhh now the board is starting to feel a tiny bit familiar, Red (I remember your name from back then but cant remember our specific interaction - sorry- the names all blend together after 10-15 years from here except for a few that I kept in touch with off the board). ;)  But back then it was often ME upsetting people a lot of the time (never intentionally, mind you,  - but I had some very unpopular opinions (Katrina comes to mind lol )) and passionate, long winded responses. But I mostly loved the board and the discourse here at the time. Later the board was rebooted (a couple times i believe) and things changed a lot here and most I knew here went away.

I, myself am rarely if ever bothered by someones words, as they are just that, and I can choose how they effect me (affect? - damn, I NEVER remember that one). though I may have a response. And here is mine to Space.

Of all the fifty states in America, there's only one state that brood could possibly come from.


Like I said, California has the population of Canada. Judging California based on the KarTrashian family is like judging Canada and Canadians based on J. Beiber.

In fact the biggest misconception about California I have ALWAYS found among outsiders, is that the REST of California is anything like "Los Angeles". But people associate California with LA due to movies, TV, Hollywood, press, etc etc. They hear little else other than San Francisco has gay people and people grow a lot of pot north of that and crazy conservative actors become our governors (or worse)...Take out the greater LA area and you still have a state larger than most European countries. Most Californians outside of LA are quite different & would wish greatly to disassociate themselves with "LA people". LA is a SMALL area and a unique population - although they are the loudest. People also think California is the most liberal state. Try like the 11th most liberal state.

Even judging the LA area based on the Kardashians is a bit ill conceived as THIS is arguably NOT the most likely area of the country that pays the most attention to their shows and buys their products. 

"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2015, 07:28:03 PM »
;D Hope you'll approve of the fact that I've planted a few of these in South East England over the years  :)

And I also think you are totally right about an acoustic gig in your city come next mixing time. After all it only needs a few hours, a room, guitar, mic, amp and a certain Gentleman.

Thanks everyone for the comments! Im very happy about my new plates (I drive a LOT)

Anna WOK, What was your name before?

Regarding an acoustic gig here - Justin and Joolz did a great tiny solo acoustic show around 2008 here in a one room art gallery. I would think that could easily be managed while in town mixing a record.   Just my wish - and judging by others I run into at gigs - not just MY wish.

Funny you mention my approval in your planting Giant Sequoias in England. :)

 a little American history here  you may or may not find interesting,  after they were discovered here in the mid 1800s by "white men" (only natively growing in very specific parts of the western side of California's Sierra Nevada mountains), America, greatly trying to find its own unique culture and place in the world, but lacking in any historical source for that like the European countries had - we turned to nature to help our sense of pride as we had many unique places in that respect (well, (ahem) after we took it from and killed and rounded up all the people already living there, :(   but I digress).

In fact there was a LARGE debate for years on what the scientific name would be as England tried to claim naming rights to the trees first, through a bit of getting their hands on early specimens. Only through some technicalities on the trees characteristics (what trees they were/werent related to and how) did America get to name them properly after England had named them - but I believe it actually only really became official more recently, and much of England still sticks with "their" name for the trees (Wellingtonia).

But then, when the battle was fierce as to who could claim naming rights,  America reminded everyone that they were growing uniquely HERE and pride in them belonged to us, that is until the British started coming to grab many seeds and samples and found they grew pretty readily in England due to the wet and mild climate there. Some brits came and did a lot of damage to some of the larger trees in obtaining many pine cones and seeds to ship and sell in England. They started planting them everywhere there, in an attempt to take away the uniqueness of the location we had for them. Its my understanding there are still quite a lot of those Giant Sequoias from that time (late 1800s) growing there still - all around the same age (still young of course for these trees that can live up to about 3500 years.  There is more to that naming story but thats the short of it.

All that said - I have no issue with you planting them there - hopefully you have more luck with them than have here in Southern California where they dont belong at ALL. After all, this is Kardashian territory down here!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 07:31:38 PM by Sequoia225 »
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2015, 07:44:06 PM »
feel free to show some ways you represent your love of this great band that has meant so much to us all.

This guitar cost me a bit more than a license plate and I craved one because of my love for New Model Army. It is a Gibson SG. I bought it because it is the guitar that Justin has used for all the 35 years of NMA's existence. It's a killer guitar and nails the sound of New Model Army.

By the way, no offense to Joolz, but that photo I took above is fantastic and should be the cover of New Model Army's next album.


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2015, 07:47:52 PM »
Shame you can't read the original posters thread correctly
Uhhh, please don't say others are not able to read, when it is you that can not read.

Sequoia225 said seven letters plus a space. That's eight. GETMEOUT fits.
Why do you go out of your way to hurl insults at others, when they just come back to make you look foolish?


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2015, 08:18:43 PM »
Shame you can't read the original posters thread correctly
Uhhh, please don't say others are not able to read, when it is you that can not read.
Sequoia225 said seven letters plus a space. That's eight. GETMEOUT fits.
Why do you go out of your way to hurl insults at others, when they just come back to make you look foolish?

Technically its 7 letters or numbers and a 1/2 space to be placed anywhere in it. If you see the picture - its only a half space - and it can only be a space - it cant be a number or letter. MY mistake for not being completely clear.
The guitar is nice - as is the picture, and I am sure it cost a LOT more than my plate. California has one of the lower prices for specialized (funds benefiting charity organizations) and personalized plates for cars. 
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2015, 08:22:35 PM »
Ooof.  Space is back and not in his nice, cuddly, more recent incarnation. 



Cuddly Space creeps me out Scary Space is far more fun! ;)

You forgot Ginger Space, Sporty Space, Posh Space and Baby Space!!

Ah. I amuse meself at times  :)
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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2015, 08:31:19 PM »
Technically its 7 letters or numbers and a 1/2 space to be placed anywhere in it. If you see the picture - its only a half space - and it can only be a space - it cant be a number or letter. MY mistake for not being completely clear.

The guitar is nice - as is the picture, and I am sure it cost a LOT more than my plate. California has one of the lower prices for specialized and personalized plates for cars.  [/color]
Here in New York it is eight (combination of letters and/or spaces). That may have changed because now they put more things on our plates nowadays. "Specialized...personalized" plates? They are called vanity plates here. And that really would have been a great plate: VANITY...serves your New Model Army purpose plus it is self-effacing and ironic.

Yeah, thanks, the guitar is nice. It gets me that great "Lurhstaap" New Model Army guitar grit.


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2015, 08:31:34 PM »
feel free to show some ways you represent your love of this great band that has meant so much to us all.

By the way, no offense to Joolz, but that photo I took above is fantastic and should be the cover of New Model Army's next album.

I would have fixed this though  ;) (red circle):
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2015, 08:50:04 PM »

Here in New York it is eight (combination of letters and/or spaces). That may have changed because now they put more things on our plates nowadays. "Specialized...personalized" plates? They are called vanity plates here. And that really would have been a great plate: VANITY...serves your New Model Army purpose plus it is self-effacing and ironic.

Here they are called "Special Interest Plates"
I said "specialized" and it is the NON standard background design plates that are tied to some organization to raise funds and awareness. "Personalized" is when you pick the actual ID number on the plate - a separate option.
If you get one of these Special Interest plates - you HAVE to change your previous standard ID number on your current plate (and surrender it) and get issued a new one - so you can get another standard ID on the Special Interest plate OR you can pay a bit more and get your ID personalized to your request.

Informally, yes,  people here still say "vanity plates".  Putting VANITY on it IS a great idea - but likely taken. I tried a good handful of things for kicks on the website and odd spellings of those things  - and EVERYTHING I tried - was taken. I think the only reason this wasnt taken was because its not the happiest statement and people tend to do more positive things or just names of places or things. a HUGE populated coastline here so I think these whale plates and ocean related personalizations are all pretty claimed.

Wow this must be boring to read. haha
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2015, 08:59:24 PM »
I would have fixed this though  ;)



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Re: Showing my love for 2 things, 1 is NMA
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2015, 09:49:08 PM »
hahaha nice. I was just being obnoxious.

Through our collaborative effort now it is better than fantastic. ;)

Now can someone tell me why the text on here defaults to grey and I have to manually make it white with every post? 
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson