I will have new real New Model Army material to listen to even when the band is done.
You will, for a short while anyway.

Have to ask, though... how are you getting around not hearing the songs that are off those specific releases, right now? I mean, have you refrained from going to NMA/JS gigs for fear of hearing the unheard songs / material? Are you keeping away from clips and live boots, also? I'm asking because those songs are just everywhere now, that it's hard to not to come across them, hear them,

even if accidentally.
2. Gutted? I've been there... and been there to the thousandth power. The passing of Prince was a real bad moment for fans like myself. Unlike NMA, Prince released an album every single year. It was a part of my life... Christmas, Super Bowl, Prince album. Some were brilliant, some were so-so, but the point is the guy released 42 albums over forty years and all Prince fans loved and looked forward to that new unheard music of his that we were about to own and play. The joy, the anticipation, the fun, the excitement -- new Prince album! For forty years, every year, that went on for Prince fans. Forty years! And now it's over. GUTTED
Wow! I didn't realise Prince made 42 albums in 40 years, was such a prolific songwriter / artist. That's fcukin' impressive, I must say. The guy moved up here, for a few years anyway. Wonder which albums he wrote while he was up here, in Canada... if he did write anything up here, anyway. Can you clue me in, you might know more about Prince's move to Canada. Think he lived here for 2 years or something? Toronto, if I'm not mistaken. Dated some Canadian too, I believe.

You say you will be listening to unheard live tracks, maybe a release of unreleased NMA songs when the band calls it a day. Believe me, that ain't going to cut it. Already the Prince estate has been releasing music from his vault. It ain't the same by a million miles as music that Prince himself released. An album from Prince was an album worked on by Prince. What we are getting now is bean counting record executives pushing Prince product to make money off his dead bones. It sucks when I see a new Prince release come from the record companies. Those songs weren't released BECAUSE PRINCE DIDN'T WANT THEM RELEASED! You might feel that same anger when a "new" NMA army release comes out after the band is done.
This is yet another way in which we two differ. I am going to equally treasure and love whatever NMA/JS material is released after the fact, whether it is what they intended to release at some point or not.
I am a MAJOR
Jeff Buckley die hard fan. When that guy passed, my perception of the world instantly changed, suddenly seemed different... crueler, colder, helpless, hopeless, negative, darker, angrier, more lost, etc. Jeff only made that one album, "
Grace". Personally, I was brought to bittersweet tears, when his record label decided to release the expanded version of "
Grace", "
Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk", "
Mystery White Boy: Live '95-'96", "
Live at Sin-é", and the "
Live in Chicago" dvd. Even though a lot of the material was unfinished and still quite raw indeed, it was
still very much Jeff - Jeff's voice, Jeff's writing, Jeff's guitar playing, Jeff's essence, etc. It made me SO incredibly thankful, happy, relieved, to get to hear his voice, his playing, feel his spirit, again. Why on earth would something that sacred and untouched make me angry? No way in hell could it, would it, did it - ever! It made me feel as though young Buckley was coming through the heaven's, somehow, in some sacred way, back to us - even if only for a short while, via the music itself.

So for me, it'll be the very same, if not even more personal, potent, profound, when NMA/JS' unreleased material comes to light, after the fact. I'll weep like a little girl, I
know I will, just to hear his voice again. 'GOD', I
love his voice. It was the very first thing that drew me in, all those years ago and remains
the one thing I cannot fathom / imagine living without. Even when the man's yelling into his mic, it calms me down. And when he's so hushed and soft spoken, makes me completely well-up inside. Why on earth would I be angry to hear HYMmmn again, why? Just because he might not have wanted some material publicly released? Because it might've not been up to his or the band's standard's yet? I wouldn't care! The technicalities of the potential release(s) wouldn't matter to me! And, as far as I'm am concerned shouldn't to other NMA/JS devotees as well. NMA/JS' music is about far more than technicalities / skill, goes SO incredibly far, passed that. Well, to me anyhow.

I have this deep-seated,
intense feeling that they'll more likely be JS songs that will be held back, not released to the public. Solo material contenders. All I can do is hope that his partner, wife, kids, blood family, or whoever they may end up being by then - running his estate, etc. - will be so kind and generous as to release - into the world - whatever he might've been holding onto, musically speaking.

Yeah... I can't bring myself to think about all this kind of stuff right now. Seriously. The knots in my throat are beginning to form, my fcukin' eyes are starting to pool-up with salty tears. I don't want to cry like this yet. I don't. It isn't time yet. It's not time yet. Could we
please stop talking about when they are no more? That day will come, it'll come for
all of us, but why live the sorrow, anguish, loss, pain, absence, etc. now? NMA/JS are
still here. I want to savour
this sacred moment,
these precious moments, while we're
all still
alive and kicking. I will have the rest of my life to weep. And, weep forevermore, I shall.
