Author Topic: new album your hopes  (Read 3976 times)


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But why?  You are going to be able to hear the album in 45 days or so.  You really can't hold out so you can hear it as it is intended to be heard?  Not snippets; rather a full listening experience, surprises and all.

Whirlindude, remember in the old days, we'd all get slew of singles before LPs were officially released?  Those singles were everywhere, in the shops, on the radio, on MTV, even commercials, etc., remember?  By the way, I'm talking in general, not specifically about NMA.  Beck is an example of a current artist that is still releasing singles well before albums, to this today.  That's how it used to be done.

Anyway, hearing no more than 3 new songs played live, before an album is officially released, for me, is the equivalent of hearing a few singles on the radio, video show, etc. ahead of an album's release date.  I think it's ok, fair... no?  I just don't want to hear the actual recorded versions, until they are officially released.  I loathe it when entire albums are leaked before release dates.  That has actually happened with an NMA album, sometime before 2009, but I've since forgotten which NMA album it was now.  Anyone recall which one it was?  :-\  Care to post?

I will get the album the day it comes out and I will settle in and give it a completely fresh listen.

OMG!  Will you truly Spaceman?  Honestly?  Really?  You won't be adding it to your stash of unheard NMA material?  If so dude, that's fcukin' awesome!  8)  I would only suggest though, that you listen to all the NMA stuff you've stashed away, in chronological order, before you set off to hear the latest NMA offering, 'From Here'.  Otherwise you might end up missing something; some nuance, some detail, some lyrical link, musical connection,  or even something else - if you jumble up the order of LPs.  Well, I certainly would miss a lot, if I was going to risk an attempt to listen to unheard material in some kind of random, messed up order.  :-\  But that could just be me, though.
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... You won't be adding it to your stash of unheard NMA material?
I have stashed away, never listened to/watched:

- the documentary film
- "Between Wine And Blood"
- "Between Wine And Blood Live"
- "Winter"

The new release "From Here" I will give a listen to as soon as it arrives. I will miss nothing by running it out of sequential order. I am not on a hunt for any connections to previous works, that doesn't matter to me. I listen to the music...I don't listen for secret clues. You've been watching "The Da Vinci Code" a bit too much. There is nothing hidden in the Mona Lisa. There is nothing hidden in a New Model Army song.

Also, your theory that singles were released before the album doesn't hold up. Brits released singles and they never were part of an album. Go find "Hey Jude" or ""Paperback Writer" on an album. Didn't happen.

8, you have got to change your name to 2 or something lower. You are giving yourself far too much credit by trying to make us think your IQ is 8.


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #47 on: June 15, 2019, 10:00:48 PM »
And Whirlwind, you are out and off to the space on the list of a social score because of your IQ is x,xxx³ ?
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #48 on: June 15, 2019, 10:09:01 PM »
Didn't the no rest single come out before the album. Maybe I'm wrong tho . Winter single before album
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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One tough nut to crack...
« Reply #49 on: June 16, 2019, 10:48:21 AM »
I have stashed away, never listened to/watched:

- the documentary film
- "Between Wine And Blood"
- "Between Wine And Blood Live"
- "Winter"

The new release "From Here" I will give a listen to as soon as it arrives.  I will miss nothing by running it out of sequential order.  I am not on a hunt for any connections to previous works, that doesn't matter to me.  I listen to the music...

We're likely all gonna get nuked before you ever get to listen to those NMA recordings, etc., Spacewind.   I don't understand it, honestly.  What is it about those specific NMA recordings that you're putting off listening to them etc.?  I'm curious, because it makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.  And to not go in chronological order, is just as mind boggling.  :(  To each, his own...

I don't listen for secret clues.  You've been watching "The Da Vinci Code" a bit too much.

Nearly pissed myself laughing!  :D  For the record, that was such a tame and mediocre film.  Only ever watched the thing once.  Was the book the same?   ???

There is nothing hidden in the Mona Lisa.

Hmmm... you know nothing about the man, if you believe that.  Nothing.  ;)

On a side note... did you know my favourite bearded guy, ever, carried around La Gioconda for 16 whole years?  From city to city, country to country, she was with him the entire time.  Just like most of us carry pics of our loved ones in our wallets or on our phones these days, he lugged around that portrait of her, right up until his death!  Just who she was to him, really, no body knows for certain.  Was she his muse, his lover?  Or, was he just really so unhappy with how the painting was evolving, that he felt the need to keep trying to fix / alter it?  We'll never know.  But I shall ask him one day, if and when I ever get to where he's at.  But for the time being, I am sentenced to LIFE.  So, I got to stick it out 'til my maker says I'm done... 'cause he didn't want me anywhere near  :-\  the 6 times I tried to leave.

There is nothing hidden in a New Model Army song.

Ahhh, but their is... not in every single one of them, but some of them for sure.   ;)

Also, your theory that singles were released before the album doesn't hold up.  Brits released singles and they never were part of an album.  Go find "Hey Jude" or ""Paperback Writer" on an album.  Didn't happen.

Yeah man, that was before my time, sorry.  I'm sure you're right, but I was talking about the way things seemed to be done, for the most part, back in the 1980s.

8, you have got to change your name to 2 or something lower.  You are giving yourself far too much credit by trying to make us think your IQ is 8.

again, nearly pissed myself laughing my ass off... ;D

Spacedud, what ever gave you the idea I was anywhere near intelligent?  If I was, I wouldn't be in the rut I am, living the life I'm living, working the job I'm working, etc., etc., etc., and I might've actually finished college, gone to a trades school, and / or perhaps even attended and graduated from some university.  So, I can reassure you, I am not smart, intelligent, brainy.  ::)

As for my moniker... I would've actually went with the numerical 0, but folk might've mistook it for the letter O.  The two, 0 and O, look too similar.  I even contemplated  the number 1 but it looked too close to I... so I eventually went with the number 8, instead.  I knew I wanted a number, not a name.  I love it when there's a bunch of us all signed in, online, and the 8 moniker gets lost.  Fcukin' LOVE that!!   :D   It's like one really has to be looking for it to even see it, find it.  Sweet.  I'd like to keep it that way.
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Re: One tough nut to crack...
« Reply #50 on: June 16, 2019, 05:09:31 PM »
   I don't understand it, honestly.  What is it about those specific NMA recordings that you're putting off listening to them etc.?  I'm curious, because it makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.  And to not go in chronological order, is just as mind boggling.  :(  To each, his own...

I have explained this before. All understand and agree with what I am doing. All feel it is a brilliant strategy.

Why those specific recordings have I set aside? I just never listened to them when they arrived. Busy or something. And as days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, I figured why bother listening now? I'll just save them for when the band leaves us. Then I will have new NMA material to listen to. Unheard stuff. When the band leaves us you will have no unheard material. No unheard entire albums. I will have exciting "new" songs to listen to. I will be happy. You will be sad.

Regarding chronological order: How much music can we really listen to chronologically? The Beatles were releasing records before I was born. How exactly could I have listened to their first record, then their second, etc... in order? I suppose the first Beatle song I ever heard was "Hey Jude" - a song from the tail end of their career. With NMA I was lucky enough to have caught on to them by their second album. My listening order for them has been chronological. But how many bands can we really do that for?


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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2019, 10:51:32 AM »
I liked the last one very much, still listen to it a lot... Wouldn't know what to expect and will not be bothered with it until it's there, I just hope there's again enough of great songs to put on it. Just keep on keeping on...


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Making a little more sense...
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2019, 01:59:09 AM »
I have explained this before.  All understand and agree with what I am doing.  All feel it is a brilliant strategy.

Thanks for the laugh, man... I actually needed one today.  :)

Why those specific recordings have I set aside?  I just never listened to them when they arrived.  Busy or something.  And as days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, I figured why bother listening now?  I'll just save them for when the band leaves us.  Then I will have new NMA material to listen to.  Unheard stuff.

Ahhh, that's making a bit more sense to me now.  :)

When the band leaves us you will have no unheard material.  No unheard entire albums.  I will have exciting "new" songs to listen to.  I will be happy.  You will be sad.

Ohhh, not only will I be sad (what an incredible, terrible understatement), but I'll be absolutely gutted, turn hopeless and dead inside.  I'll cry forevermore, and I am being completely serious here.  Most especially, if I happen to stumble across something in some live recording, someday, somewhere (either video or audio), that will trigger a perpetual, acute emotional flood of Niagara Falls-proportioned sum of tears.  It will fcukin' kill me.  The love runs SO deep... maybe even too deep, on my end.  So much so that it could end up scarring me for eternity.  That's one of my biggest fears... nevermind shit like knives, guns, snakes and spiders, LOVE scares the daylight(s) / shit out of me.  LOVE.  The only thing that has ever done so.  :'(

But as for not having anything 'new' to hear, that's not true.  I'll have ('GOD' willing) countless live NMA/JS recordings to take in.  There are so many, many out there, that I'll likely never be able to catch up.  And I'm positive others will surface as time moves forward, as other NMA/JS devotees share their experiences, recollections, pieces, stories, immense love.

'All the thoughts unuttered,
All the feelings unexpressed,
Play upon our hearts,
Like the mist upon our breath.'


~ :-[:'( ~

Regarding chronological order: How much music can we really listen to chronologically?  The Beatles were releasing records before I was born.  How exactly could I have listened to their first record, then their second, etc... in order?  I suppose the first Beatle song I ever heard was "Hey Jude" - a song from the tail end of their career.  With NMA I was lucky enough to have caught on to them by their second album.  My listening order for them has been chronological.  But how many bands can we really do that for?

You're right, we can't really listen in chronological order, the repertoires of bands / artists that came before we arrived, but we certainly can, for the ones who began and took off while we were here.  :)

Nice chat.  Have a good one.  :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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'Just as courage imperils life,
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Re: Making a little more sense...
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2019, 01:54:36 PM »
1. But as for not having anything 'new' to hear, that's not true.  I'll have ('GOD' willing) countless live NMA/JS recordings to take in.

2. Ohhh, not only will I be sad (what an incredible, terrible understatement), but I'll be absolutely gutted, turn hopeless and dead inside. 
1. No, listening to unheard live tracks is not "new" music. And it certainly is not the same as me listening to an entire complete album of unheard songs. Justin didn't sit with producers and mixers and band members getting those live tracks just right for public release. Live boots are not exactly what the artist wants out there. My listening to "Winter" on the other hand is listening to a collection of songs the way Justin and band wanted the buyer to experience them. I will have new real New Model Army material to listen to even when the band is done.

2. Gutted? I've been there...and been there to the thousandth power. The passing of Prince was a real bad moment for fans like myself. Unlike NMA, Prince released an album every single year. It was a part of my life...Christmas, Super Bowl, Prince album. Some were brilliant, some were so-so, but the point is the guy released 42 albums over forty years and all Prince fans loved and looked forward to that new unheard music of his that we were about to own and play. The joy, the anticipation, the fun, the excitement -- new Prince album! For forty years, every year, that went on for Prince fans. Forty years! And now it's over. GUTTED!

And there is a connection here between Prince and NMA. You say you will be listening to unheard live tracks, maybe a release of unreleased NMA songs when the band calls it a day. Believe me, that ain't going to cut it. Already the Prince estate has been releasing music from his vault. It ain't the same by a million miles as music that Prince himself released. An album from Prince was an album worked on by Prince. What we are getting now is bean counting record executives pushing Prince product to make money off his dead bones. It sucks when I see a new Prince release come from the record companies. Those songs weren't released BECAUSE PRINCE DIDN'T WANT THEM RELEASED! You might feel that same anger when a "new" NMA army release comes out after the band is done.


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Killing me softly...
« Reply #54 on: June 20, 2019, 03:00:11 AM »
I will have new real New Model Army material to listen to even when the band is done.

You will, for a short while anyway.  :-\  Have to ask, though... how are you getting around not hearing the songs that are off those specific releases, right now?  I mean, have you refrained from going to NMA/JS gigs for fear of hearing the unheard songs / material?  Are you keeping away from clips and live boots, also?  I'm asking because those songs are just everywhere now, that it's hard to not to come across them, hear them,  :-\  even if accidentally.

2.  Gutted?  I've been there... and been there to the thousandth power.  The passing of Prince was a real bad moment for fans like myself.  Unlike NMA, Prince released an album every single year.  It was a part of my life... Christmas, Super Bowl, Prince album.  Some were brilliant, some were so-so, but the point is the guy released 42 albums over forty years and all Prince fans loved and looked forward to that new unheard music of his that we were about to own and play.  The joy, the anticipation, the fun, the excitement -- new Prince album!  For forty years, every year, that went on for Prince fans.  Forty years!  And now it's over.  GUTTED

Wow!  I didn't realise Prince made 42 albums in 40 years, was such a prolific songwriter / artist.  That's fcukin' impressive, I must say.  The guy moved up here, for a few years anyway.  Wonder which albums he wrote while he was up here, in Canada... if he did write anything up here, anyway.  Can you clue me in, you might know more about Prince's move to Canada.  Think he lived here for 2 years or something?  Toronto, if I'm not mistaken.  Dated some Canadian too, I believe.  ???

You say you will be listening to unheard live tracks, maybe a release of unreleased NMA songs when the band calls it a day.  Believe me, that ain't going to cut it.  Already the Prince estate has been releasing music from his vault.  It ain't the same by a million miles as music that Prince himself released.  An album from Prince was an album worked on by Prince.  What we are getting now is bean counting record executives pushing Prince product to make money off his dead bones.  It sucks when I see a new Prince release come from the record companies.  Those songs weren't released BECAUSE PRINCE DIDN'T WANT THEM RELEASED!  You might feel that same anger when a "new" NMA army release comes out after the band is done.

This is yet another way in which we two differ.  I am going to equally treasure and love whatever NMA/JS material is released after the fact, whether it is what they intended to release at some point or not.

I am a MAJOR Jeff Buckley die hard fan.  When that guy passed, my perception of the world instantly changed, suddenly seemed different... crueler, colder, helpless, hopeless, negative, darker, angrier, more lost, etc.  Jeff only made that one album, "Grace".  Personally, I was brought to bittersweet tears, when his record label decided to release the expanded version of "Grace", "Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk", "Mystery White Boy: Live '95-'96",  "Live at Sin-é", and the "Live in Chicago" dvd.  Even though a lot of the material was unfinished and still quite raw indeed, it was still very much Jeff - Jeff's voice, Jeff's writing, Jeff's guitar playing, Jeff's essence, etc.  It made me SO incredibly thankful, happy, relieved, to get to hear his voice, his playing, feel his spirit, again.  Why on earth would something that sacred and untouched make me angry?  No way in hell could it, would it, did it - ever!  It made me feel as though young Buckley was coming through the heaven's, somehow, in some sacred way, back to us - even if only for a short while, via the music itself.   :'(

So for me, it'll be the very same, if not even more personal, potent, profound, when NMA/JS' unreleased material comes to light, after the fact.  I'll weep like a little girl, I know I will, just to hear his voice again.  'GOD', I love his voice.  It was the very first thing that drew me in, all those years ago and remains the one thing I cannot fathom / imagine living without.  Even when the man's yelling into his mic, it calms me down.  And when he's so hushed and soft spoken, makes me completely well-up inside.  Why on earth would I be angry to hear HYMmmn again, why?  Just because he might not have wanted some material publicly released?  Because it might've not been up to his or the band's standard's yet?  I wouldn't care!  The technicalities of the potential release(s) wouldn't matter to me!   And, as far as I'm am concerned shouldn't to other NMA/JS devotees as well.  NMA/JS' music is about far more than technicalities / skill, goes SO incredibly far, passed that.  Well, to me anyhow.   :-[:'(

I have this deep-seated, intense feeling that they'll more likely be JS songs that will be held back, not released to the public.  Solo material contenders.  All I can do is hope that his partner, wife, kids, blood family, or whoever they may end up being by then - running his estate, etc. - will be so kind and generous as to release - into the world - whatever he might've been holding onto, musically speaking.   :-[:'(

Yeah... I can't bring myself to think about all this kind of stuff right now.  Seriously.  The knots in my throat are beginning to form, my fcukin' eyes are starting to pool-up with salty tears.  I don't want to cry like this yet.  I don't.  It isn't time yet.  It's not time yet.  Could we please stop talking about when they are no more?  That day will come, it'll come for all of us, but why live the sorrow, anguish, loss, pain, absence, etc. now?  NMA/JS are still here.  I want to savour this sacred moment, these precious moments, while we're all still alive and kicking.  I will have the rest of my life to weep.  And, weep forevermore, I shall.   :-[:'(  x
« Last Edit: June 20, 2019, 03:38:53 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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'Just as courage imperils life,
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Re: Killing me softly...
« Reply #55 on: June 20, 2019, 02:51:36 PM »

The guy moved up here, for a few years anyway.  Wonder which albums he wrote while he was up here, in Canada... if he did write anything up here, anyway.  Can you clue me in, you might know more about Prince's move to Canada.  Think he lived here for 2 years or something?  Toronto, if I'm not mistaken.  Dated some Canadian too, I believe.  ???

Yeah, Prince married a girl from Toronto and lived up there in the early 2000s. He did record an album up there: "Musicology." Though it charted high and sold well, it is a weak Prince effort. Inside the album is a picture of Prince in front of a city skyline. It's supposedly Toronto.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2019, 02:53:27 PM by Whirlwind »

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Re: new album your hopes
« Reply #56 on: June 20, 2019, 08:08:16 PM »

Well, The Dreaded Facebook did seem to indicate that something pretty big is going to be 'dropped' tomorrow....  ???


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new NMA album, your hopes...???
« Reply #57 on: March 04, 2022, 10:22:57 AM »

Hello everyone,

It's been a while, but today I had this serious urge to post.  I pray you're all doing okay or even better than that, I hope.

I heard it mentioned elsewhere online  (by Mr. Sullivan, in an interview)  that the band have already begun writing / creating new material for their next release.  That was quite some time ago though, before all hell broke loose in Eastern Europe.  If we all manage to make it through somehow, to see a new NMA release come to light, fruition, it'd be really interesting to discover what subject matter, sonic and emotional tones they delve into / explore, on their next record.

On a more personal note... I just want to say, please stay safe everyone.  I'm no longer just talking about the pandemic when I'm wishing that, now.

To those of you that will be fortunate enough to attend any of the NMA/JS scheduled dates this year, please, please, please, remember there will be a few of us floating here waiting to hear all about those special shows.  Whatever you wish to share about whatever gigs you attend, I'd more than love to hear all about them... setlists, clips, photos, highlights, interviews, personal reviews, etc. just anything and everything!  I live for the little things, they're quite often the best things.

Take care of yourselves, your loved ones and each other.
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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A request for new songs that begin with the letters J, X & Z...
« Reply #58 on: April 04, 2022, 08:23:06 AM »
Having recently listened to the whole A-Z of songs on my ipod
it appears that the only letters missing an NMA song are: J, X & Z.

So maybe the next album can somehow get a track(s) to cover these letters,
after all there can't be many bands that have a song title from every letter of the alphabet. ;D

p.s.  Still need a song called "Spring" to complete the Four Seasons ep. :D

Fascinating!!  I hadn't noticed this interesting detail before! :D
There are many great words (and names) beginning with the letter J. 8)
Hmmm, the letters X & Z... on the other hand, appear to pose more of a challenge. ???
lol, I like the way you think Anna! 8)  NMA are working on a new album, will find out soon-ish. :D
« Last Edit: April 04, 2022, 08:27:15 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂