Apparently, some folks consider that NMA are too
There's a big post about The Levellers on the Guardian website (as I mentioned on my own 'Levellers' thread here), and someone posted THIS after my inevitable comment about how NMA and The Levs are linked and how NMA are the better band (but putting it nicely and respectfully)...
'NMA were too posh. They were ace live but there existed too many rumours about their clogs and working men's gear hiding guys who were educated privately etc. Just saying like and I did say they were a great live band. You could here the big posh, blonde one approach from a long way off. Magnificent clogs.'Fair enough for the 'ace live' comment, the 'clogs' thing is a bit outdated but fair enough if you're looking at it from decades ago... but POSH? Maybe my memory is a bit bad these days, but I don't recall Justin raising a champagne glass at the end of a gig and saying 'chin chin, dear chaps...'