Does anyone enjoy cooking or do you have a gift of knowing how to prepare very good food?
It's one of my few talents. I can make a dish i have never made or even tried. I may look at a recipie once for guide lines but do not use them. If you can read instructions then it doesnt make you a good cook as you are not creating anything.
There are people who read recipes and will put garlic in at the same time as onions or other vegetables that take longer to cook.

Also people who don't know how to cook grains without instructions.
This is not what I mean. I mean real cooking? As in person who realize preparing food is an art form.
I am actually doing it now in exchange for a place to sleep.
I created a pretty good Mexican pasta last night. A variation of a Thai coconut soup , a french potato dish that I know by heart and tonight somthing easy which is a version of fried rice that I will add some sort of indonesian twist to.
whatever feels right. I have to cook for an entire hippy commune. It must be organic and have no meat.
It's a challenge that I gladly accept. Not vegan luckily.
I very much enjoy combining flavors from completely different regions.
Anyone else enjoy this? If so please share detailed posts of what you create.