With past album releases we have had several topics running discussing several individual songs, lyrics, art work, etc. This time we have one or two. I suppose that is a reflection of that less people are active here these days in the face of F/B , twitter, whatever.
So we have this topic to debate the latest album that the band have worked faithfully on for us to enjoy, go and listen to live. What we see in comparison to past albums, what we like, what we respectfully don't like, etc.
And yet- it is another topic completely ****-up by the ego of Space. More sensationalist bullshit comments to grab attention away from what is actually being discussed by people who actually care about this band and what they do because it is a pleasurable part of their lives.
It is like going to see a film in the cinema, enjoying it, then a spoiled kid with uncaring parents screams and shouts to grab attention and ruin it for every one else.
To Space, if half of what you have said were to be given the remotest credibility, just word it better. Do not come onto the NMA forum , claim to have an IQ of 158 and then state, JS acoustic songs are crap. If you actually feel that way, have the intelligence to say -- "personally I do not enjoy JS doing acoustic songs". To state that they are crap is an insult to all of us who enjoy them and to the band who perform them. It is all down to personal choice, not a stated fact as we have discussed numerous boring times before.
To Viv, I fully understand that we have a forum here where people can speak freely as long as it is not directly threatening, racist, homophobic, etc. But ,, this Space shit is just getting old. You after many fair warnings banned this person. He sneaked back in under a false name, said he would be well behaved this time, but now we are back to the point of his last dismissal. We are trying to discuss our new album after looking forward to it for so long. Not take part in the -- Spacewind-- bullshit show.