Author Topic: So... the big 'From Here' thread...  (Read 8919 times)


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #105 on: August 31, 2019, 11:27:49 PM »
With past album releases we have had several topics running discussing several individual songs, lyrics, art work, etc. This time we have one or two. I suppose that is a reflection of that less people are active here these days in the face of F/B , twitter, whatever.

So we have this topic to debate the latest album that the band have worked faithfully on for us to enjoy, go and listen to live. What we see in comparison to past albums, what we like, what we respectfully don't like, etc.

And yet- it is another topic completely ****-up by the ego of Space. More sensationalist bullshit comments to grab attention away from what is actually being discussed by people who actually care about this band and what they do because it is a pleasurable part of their lives.

It is like going to see a film in the cinema, enjoying it, then a spoiled kid with uncaring parents screams and shouts to grab attention and ruin it for every one else. 

To Space, if half of what you have said were to be given the remotest credibility, just word it better. Do not come onto the  NMA forum , claim to have an IQ of 158 and then state, JS acoustic songs are crap. If you actually feel that way, have the intelligence to say -- "personally I do not enjoy JS doing acoustic songs". To state that they are crap is an insult to all of us who enjoy them and to the band who perform them. It is all down to personal choice, not a stated fact as we have discussed numerous boring times before.

To Viv, I fully understand that we have a forum here where people can speak freely as long as it is not directly threatening, racist, homophobic, etc. But ,, this Space shit is just getting old. You after many fair warnings banned this person. He sneaked back in under a false name, said he would be well behaved this time, but now we are back to the point of his last dismissal. We are trying to discuss our new album after looking forward to it for so long. Not take part in the -- Spacewind-- bullshit show.
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #106 on: August 31, 2019, 11:59:38 PM »
..If you actually feel that way, have the intelligence to say -- "personally I do not enjoy JS doing acoustic songs". To state that they are crap is an insult to all of us who enjoy them and to the band who perform them.
Don't be insulted! If someone says a particular song on the new album is crap and I happen to like that song...why on Earth would I feel insulted? So what, I don't care for acoustic/vocal NMA songs. Why in heck does that bother you?

The discussion here for the new album has been very good (For some reason Master Race had to bring up past posts from years ago. Ask him why he chose to do that on a thread about the new album.) I went off on a tangent to discuss the "Navigating" album...AND GOOD POSTS FOLLOWED THAT! Insightful stuff about that album. Made me want to finally buy it.


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #107 on: September 01, 2019, 10:41:49 AM »
Starting to get people mad then play the nice puppy (« made me want to finally buy NBTS » ...) so typical of this kind of people ...

Is it possible to have an option to « ignore » someone please ? Even when thinking « ok, I don’t need read him, don’t need to answer these retarded comments that looks like when my 5 years old is seeking attention, because answering just makes him happy », it’s hard to ignore such a Troll (hey, that’s how Trump do and it’s working, so, another US troll ... btw, I’m not just doing US bashing, wife is American).

A ban will make him so happy, so just a way to ignore all his post would be nice ! (And a disclaimer to everybody, old and new, to automatically ignore him would be too much but useful 😉).

There is the new album, the brexit, far right rising all across Europe, forests burning, religions, migrants, the 1% and so many many topics we could discuss between people sharing lots of interests, and we spend time on our own little troll, that’s a shame
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #108 on: September 01, 2019, 10:57:42 AM »
I really enjoyed reading all the posts, different opinions, great insights, critics so far.
For me it was a thrilling first listen on my home stereo and since then over earphones on my mobile. Watch an Learn has grown on me, the chorus which i found strange has just found its place in my brain, developed its own attraction.
Suddenly i found myself humming Passing Through in my head, though it was the song less listened to and thereby i noticed how deep it had already settled.

Funny observation: I was travelling by train 400km back to hamburg, it was very hot and i used the cheapest ride with a company that has only old waggons. So no climate control and sweating hot. But the old wagons have the options to open a window and so i sat by the window looking outside, enjoying the landscape and From Here on my phones.

 I think it was while listening to Hard Way when i thought: cool, never noticed this strange, irregular but rhythmic sounds, was totally fascinated and only after a while i noticed that it was the curtains moving by the wind...
So cool that this natural, irregular sound fitted so perfectly to the rhythm of the song!

Now i'm looking forward to set up my stereo in my new flat and take another fantastic daydream listening.
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #109 on: September 01, 2019, 09:01:00 PM »
Am giving it another go after being underwhelmed by it on the first listen.

Still underwhelmed, if I'm honest.  Some of the guitar sounds are good, but I'm not finding any of the songs very memorable.


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #110 on: September 01, 2019, 09:06:28 PM »
Am giving it another go after being underwhelmed by it on the first listen.

Still underwhelmed, if I'm honest.  Some of the guitar sounds are good, but I'm not finding any of the songs very memorable.
It took me a few listens. Stick at it
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #111 on: September 02, 2019, 08:39:14 AM »
Am giving it another go after being underwhelmed by it on the first listen.

Still underwhelmed, if I'm honest.  Some of the guitar sounds are good, but I'm not finding any of the songs very memorable.

Same here so far, although I find myself humming the songs during the day so they do somehow resonate ;)

Some okay songs, some very good bits and pieces but on the whole I'm not too impressed by the album.


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #112 on: September 02, 2019, 06:05:16 PM »
Waiting is one my all time favorites from NMA, but still waiting on the new record is another thing  :(. How many people from Germany get the package from Townsend? I want to hear that stuff on my stereo...

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #113 on: September 02, 2019, 06:13:30 PM »

Townsend do provide a free download, you access the account and should be able to download the songs before the physicl  copy arrives. Hope that helps. 


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #114 on: September 02, 2019, 06:43:39 PM »
Waiting is one my all time favorites from NMA, but still waiting on the new record is another thing  :(. How many people from Germany get the package from Townsend? I want to hear that stuff on my stereo...

Mine arrived in Germany on the release date from Townsend.


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #115 on: September 02, 2019, 07:35:52 PM »
I could open my package today in NRW near cologne, i ordered the cd-tshirt set, but i wasn't at home since last tuesday so i don't know when it arrived.
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Tony S

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #116 on: September 03, 2019, 12:42:29 PM »

Wow, you can't have much faith in Justin if you think he would put out an album in his own name, of songs too weak to be NMA songs !

It's not that I lack faith in Justin, it's rather I understand how solo albums work. Do you think any solo albums by, say, John Lennon or Paul McCartney are as good as any of their band's albums? Of course not. A band dynamic makes the songs better. Take a classic New Model Army song like "Ambition" - credited to Sullivan alone. But don't you think Heaton and Morrow contributed parts that made that song a thousand times better?

Solo projects NEVER live up to the works of the band that artist is currently in. Sure, a guy can leave a band and go solo and have great artistic success (Peter Gabriel for instance), but any solo project while the band still exists is just a weaker effort. The songs would have been better with the band members' contributions. "Ambition" is a brilliant song because of Rob Heaton's and Stuart Morrow's contributions. A guy taking a break from his band to do a solo project is not a good thing. I shy away from them. Always end up saying, "Man, these songs would have been better with the band."

Have a read of this;

And no, by the way, the album is not just Justin singing and strumming an acoustic guitar. There are at least 5 other other musicians, including Michael and Dean from NMA playing on it.
As for solo albums never living up to works of the band the artist is currently in, all I can say is that as far as I recall, there was pretty much unanimous praise for the album when it came out from fans of New Model Army.
You should try listening to it. I urge you to !

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #117 on: September 03, 2019, 12:47:23 PM »

Isn't it just Justin strumming an acoustic guitar and singing? .

No, it isn't.

JS - "it's deeply layered, rich music; it's not by any means just me and a guitar."


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #118 on: September 03, 2019, 12:52:20 PM »
all I can say is that as far as I recall, there was pretty much unanimous praise for the album when it came out from fans of New Model Army.

indeed, and even, like i said, pretty much unanimous praise from people who don't like the band or don't know them so, in all cases, a real nice consensus for this album!

Tony S

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #119 on: September 03, 2019, 01:19:49 PM »
all I can say is that as far as I recall, there was pretty much unanimous praise for the album when it came out from fans of New Model Army.

indeed, and even, like i said, pretty much unanimous praise from people who don't like the band or don't know them so, in all cases, a real nice consensus for this album!

Yes, it's a wonderful album :)