Whirlwind, do you actually like NMA at all? I don't know if it's pure provocation on your part or a misguided attempt at humour but you don't seem to say anything positive ever. For someone who spends so much time posting on here and is 'obsessed' you rarely offer anything other than negativity. Its all rather strange really.
Anyway, ..
From Here..
Like an excited kid I couldn't hold on til my birthday to listen to the album. On my 4th run through now and I like it. It's different but to these ears has more in common with older stuff then the last three or four records. It is certainly a lighter album than Winter. It is very well produced sonically, and JS vocals sound really fresh but I can't help feeling the band have missed a couple of tricks along the way. Passing Through ( touches of Before I Get Old? ) for instance. The point at which the background sounds cut out and Justin sings, " Back to where we came from.." would have been perfect if they had gone into a really driving groove from there on in. Oh well. The drums towards the end of the song sound really Nordic. Great stuff.
End of Days has grown on me. Especially the chorus.
Conversation is brilliant but I would have liked it to be a little sparser in its arrangement and, as ever, have the bass higher in the mix.
Where I Am is, as far as I'm concerned the best track on the album. Stone cold classic in fact.
A lot of people don't seem to like Watch & Learn but I do. it isn't gonna change the world but it will be a good live song for sure. It puts me in mind of Stupid Questions.
Maps is really interesting. I don't know quite what to think about it yet but it's definitely epic. Quite primal too but sounds slightly unfinished.
Setting Sun has the groove that maybe others lack. Ceri's playing shines on this one. I hope there is more like this from him.
From Here works well although it isn't my favourite. I do like the harmonies.
All told, I think ..From Here is quite a remarkable piece of work. Not the sound of a band in a room but nor is the sound of a band experimenting for experiments sake. The word that comes to mind is mature, which obviously seems ridiculous given the length of time NMa have been a going concern and the volume of output but it's what comes to me.