Confusion...that seems to be the new normal.
Germany is not in a lockdown as such...we call it "Kontaktverbot", some sort of "no-contact provision". You are ok to leave the house to go shopping, to the doctor, to work and are even encouraged to go for walks (normal for me as I have to walk my dogs anyway). There are no time- or geographical restrictions, either, you just have to be on your own or with max 1 other person...unless it's all people from your own household or your core family (even if they do not live in the same household). All pubs, bars, restaurants and shops are closed, only pharmacys, banks, gorcery stores or places offering take-away (which many restaurants have now switched to in the hopes of keeping business going a little bit at least) are allowed to be open. So it's pretty much the same as in many other places, just with a different name. Panic buying is definitely an issue here as well...toilet paper, kitchen paper, flour, yeast...pasta and rice are making a comeback, mind you.

It seems people are following the rules, so far, so good, and many are unusually friendly, greeting each other when, normally, they wouldn't even look at you.
My company doesn't offer the option to work from home so life, for me, feels almost normal, but I do worry about people who are struggling right now, with their businesses closed. And, even though it may seem unimportant under the circumstances, but along with others volunteering for "our" dog rescue, which has its own shelter close to Rome, I am worried about the dogs there, more get abandoned and the shelter is overflowing, only 3 people looking after the dogs there - and they are already beyond exhausted, worrying every day whether they will still be allowed to go the shelter and hoping that they will still be able to buy food - usually there are 3 vans loaded with food and other donations travelling from Germany to Italy - and on the way back they are taking some of the dogs to their new homes over here. It didn't happen in March, obviously, and might not happen again any time soon. I know, people are suffering and dying, so this may seem trivial - but we are responsible for these dogs...and we want to fight with the few over there fighting for them.

It's really hard to tell what's real and what is not - so much information we have to try and make sense of.
I hope you will all get through this safely, take good care everyone!