well done Master Ray 
i really wish that kind of stuff happen to me...but i'm unemployed since so long time that sometimes i think i'll never get a job.
I hold on to my photos, i can get a bit of money sometimes but it's very difficult to earn my life with that... i must have a job to have enough money to live and help my half to pay what we have to pay...
That breaks my heart to hear you say that, Steph D... but please don't give up. A while back, I was unemployed for two years. I really, really struggled, as it sounds like you are doing right now. It's so f-ing hard to get by, especially when so many people regard the unemployed as living the life of Riley... they're getting loads of free money at the taxpayers expense!

I know what bullshit that is, truly I do. I know what it's like to apply for job after job and get nowhere...
But then, back then and totally out of the blue, I applied for yet another job and was therefore gainfully employed for five years... I'd still be there if it wasn't for the gleeful destruction of the NHS by this government... but that's for another thread...
Bottom line, good stuff does happen. I truly hope it happens to you as it did to me. You never know when the lightning will strike...
Big internet hug coming your way...