I think this here is a very good place to tell you about my wonderful re-discovering of John Carpenters: Christine, Starman and Escape from New York.
Dedicated to Master Ray...;-)
So i found a cheap Blu of Christine and Starman. 5€ each.
Christine: I kind of just was curious and didn't expect too much of the presentation and the subject, thought: Ok, Carpenter is a really good director and Kind is a good writer and could tell an interesting story about a Killer-Car so maybe this movie has something. Maybe i was comparing it in my mind to Rhea-M, which i don't remember, just remember that it sucked;-)
But i must say, that Christine still is a wonderful, good movie and for me still works perfectly. The actors are all good and the direction and special effects are tremendous! Brilliant stuff there, which made me wonder how they did this. It just looked fantastic and couldn't have been done better digitally.
After that i thought that Carpenter has the same skills as Spielberg, just on an alternative and not mainstream level.
Starman was just a very entertaining and romantic movie, again Carpenter shows that he can direct and make 10$ look like a million. Very nice naive picture, kind of a feelgood movie for me.
And yes, Escape from New York i just had to get into my collection and seeing it again on Blu after all these years, it still is a good movie to watch, especially when you have to notice that many genre and satirical elements just have become reality.
My recommendation for you lovers of strange and dark cinema is:
The Lighthouse
This one is a hell of an eerie, strange, atmospheric picture. Everything is so dense and rich, the sound, the images and for me, cthulhu, is one of the best ever movies to capture a Lovecraftian mood, without even referring to Lovecraft, but there are many aspects of him in there. Both actors are brilliant and i would call this an outstanding masterpiece.