ha, ha, what a funny video especially in kontext with the new album. so different.
well, as a filmmaker myself i can see from a different point of view, why so many are confused by the video. we're all trained by media consumption to expect forms and patterns which tell us what is a pro-production and what is a cheap production. the untrained film consumer won't reckognize so easily the work behind a product, when it looks cheap. it distracts most viewers from the content of the video, the idea. i failed my first test to become a fimmaker, because i used improvised and just home-consumer material (digital video) to compete with all the high end glossy digibeta material the other students used. the editing process is the same but the end product just looks different. (btw, i then used the same footage again but cut it to a new model army song ;-) and i passed with an acceptable note, ha, ha...
when i watch this video it makes me smile. i see "faults" in editing, i see bad keyed action but this is all rock'n roll fimmaking. it's experimenting. it's accepting the result, even if you see with 100.000 pounds more of hardware equipment, it would look better. i just assume, that i was done kind of homemade using some editing gear, not pro equipment which just costs a hell of a lot of fuckin money.
i like that attitude to just do something, playing with ideas, having fun, producing some art, improvising and not caring about a special look or how things are supposed to be seen or done.
this video is some kind of family video, which makes it so sympathetic. lots of irony and fun. great work!