What is wrong with some of you people?
That guy Red hurls vile and chidish curses at me constantly. Do I do it to him? Of course not. I just ignore him. I'm an adult. Do you really want people here cursing other members?
Others here can't see the obvious love I have for New Model Army. Yes, I really do believe my lyrics are better than Justin Sullivan's, my guitar playing is superior, and my art is better than that of Joolz and should be on the next NMA album cover. That's what some of the folks here believe I feel. Unreal. I find it utterly astonishing that I print these lyrics and some here see it as an insult to the band. Get real. Get a sense of humor. Get a dictionary and look up "playful affectionate parody"
Yet members like Shush feel I "insult the band, the lyrics, other forum members, and the artwork!" Wouldn't you say he has a problem understanding others' posts? I love the band, love the band's lyrics, love the band's artwork, won't insult other members. Happy now, Shush? There I wrote it out for you because you couldn't figure things out unless it is in plain literal English. Subtlety irony, parody, humor...you've demonstarted those literary devices are beyond your grasp.
Won't address this issue or these people anymore. You don't like fun posts of mine, don't read them. Why is that hard for you to do? You clearly are bothered by my sense of humor. Solution: simply don't read my posts. Why in God's name do you do it?