Author Topic: So... the big 'From Here' thread...  (Read 9866 times)


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2019, 10:18:54 AM »
Still waiting for Vinyl and other stuffs ordered through Townsend...but listening mp3 download from their link (so now I can wait quietly).
Listening 6 times since yesterday, and right now for the first time with my home studio headphone : brilliant !!!

Some tracks are imediate, and I'm sure I'll love some others in the future


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2019, 11:29:02 AM »
I’m waiting for the vinyl to be able to properly read the lyrics. But so far (with the mp3, but they could have embedded the lyrics !), I was pleased with the album. I have to point out I was not mesmerised by BD&W, amazing music but lyrics were not as polished IMO as it used to be (liked best BW&B). Then, Winter was a roller coaster of feelings for me. But in concert the songs were AMAZING (except for Knievel, one of the only NMA song I will never be able to enjoy it seems).

So with the 2 singles I thought that this album was probably more NMA like than the previous ones, and I was a bit disappointed by that. But listening to the whole thing made me realise that « hey, you’re listening to the new NMA, not the new Idles or Kate Bush ». So if there was no NMA elements in the album, I WOULD be disappointed a lot. This said, the album feels different enough, have his own identity, and the songs can really surprise you, going down tempo when you thought it would « explode » or the opposite, ending abruptly when you thought it would fade, and that is really pleasant to me. I still have the feeling that sometimes the lyrics are not up to what I’m expecting, like the theme is great, I know what Mr Sullivan want to say, but the way it is said is odd to me (like in Stormclouds, the Line « It could be stormclouds and it could be mountains » still rings very peculiar to me, I understand the image, the idea seems great, but the result sound odd to MY hears).

So, I need more listening, I need the lyrics, I need to see the songs live, but for now, this is an excellent album, no songs that strikes me as some of Winter, but also no song that I find a little behind the rest of the record, like in Winter.

[edit] listening to the album again, I found that the chorus of « Where I am » is the perfect exemple of what I was saying about lyrics sounding odd to me, like I understand where you’re going, it’s just the way to go there, the words choice seems less polished that what I’m used to, not challenging to the intelligence of the listener as it used to be, we would say in French « ca tombe un peu à plat »  :)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 11:54:51 AM by Valstar Superstar »
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2019, 11:36:16 AM »
So I downloaded the digital files when I was sent a link, the CD is upstairs. On End of Days is it me or is a false end/mistake?

Yeah I don’t quite get what is going on there either. One must assume it’s intentional, but I have no idea what it’s all about. I wonder if we’ll get an answer to that someday.

Marcin D.

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2019, 01:59:06 PM »

So, I need more listening, I need the lyrics, I need to see the songs live, but for now, this is an excellent album, no songs that strikes me as some of Winter, but also no song that I find a little behind the rest of the record, like in Winter.

Can't agree more. The grower, with the millions of treasuries hidden somewhere, in between .... Two well known already tracks don't reflect the rest of the record. I'd even say they distract a little bit.


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2019, 02:05:25 PM »
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?

My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2019, 03:11:25 PM »
Before I played album for the first time,I just sat and read the lyrics.(which I love).As others have said,I thought Passing was a bit weak as a starter.There is definately reminders of other NMA songs on this album.Adrenalin springs to mind.As I've played Never Arriving and End of Days to death on youtube,I was expecting something similar for the rest of the album.Very different.From here reminds me of Bonfire Night.Going to take a few more listens(like most NMA albums).*
As it's a generally slower album at least us "Oldies" will get a breather at the gigs  ;D ;D*
Whirlwind,as far as spoiler alerts go,didn't think you'd be listening to this for at least another 5 years ;)
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2019, 03:33:42 PM »
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?

My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.

Grow up, man!


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #37 on: August 24, 2019, 05:38:19 PM »
Yesterday after listening 2x I though, ok - not what I thought after reading the previews
Today it`s growing, but not in the same way and as fast as the other ones before ...
Nr. 1 is End Of Days - and this studio version of Hard Way I think I`ll skip after some mor listenings

But we all know - some song will grow and later some live versions of a song are fine
shananananana ;)
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #38 on: August 24, 2019, 05:42:36 PM »
I'm getting mine for my birthday first week of September (FORTY!!!) so will have to develop a goodly amount of patience... I've only thus far heard the two singles and End of days didn't grab me at all. Its one of those fairly standard straight-ahead Rock tracks that I don't enjoy, although it will be much better live..Never Arriving puzzled me to begin with, the odd timing with the drums but it has really grown on me and the vid is great. Here's the thing for me about the incarnation of NMA that have been together since 2010. Far too much Blues/Rock and Metal influences filtering in to the bands music. Ceri is a great bass player but seemingly cannot or doesn't like to play syncopated B-lines and I find that rather dull tbh. That gymnastic bass sound was one of the main attractions for me previously. You can tell he's into Metal. Marshall comes from a Blues background and we've been listening to the Blues in Rock n Roll for 60 years! Michael's drumming has got much bigger and heavier in recent years and while I love that I sometimes think too much attention is given to these bombastic drum sounds at the expense of groove. I think Justin said 'From Here..' is a "guitar album" and certainly Dean has left his keyboards in the cupboard in favour of a six-string. It will be very interesting to see how they go about achieving the sort of ethereal and ambient sounds that the synths do so well. BD&W isn't a record I often listen to, there's only 3 or 4 stand outs for me, same with the follow-up but if the latest LP is as good as Winter I'll be very happy indeed because other than the a couple of the 'Rockier' numbers I reckon its the best thing since The Love of Hopeless Causes. Any new material by the band is a real cause for celebration in my house and I am really looking forward to immersing myself in 'From Here..' when I finally get a chance.. Sorry for the long ramble folks. Blame the Guinness. I do.  :o

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #39 on: August 24, 2019, 06:34:53 PM »
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?

My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.



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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #40 on: August 24, 2019, 06:48:55 PM »
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?

My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.


Given the name of the topic, the spoiler thing makes me yawn too  ;)
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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2019, 07:44:56 PM »
Right ok. Second listening. I dont think this is like anything theyve done before. For now, not overly sold on the title track yet. Wasnt keen on Great Disguise first off but with headphones on and shut off, Im getting it. Not keen on Hard way either. The rest of it is ok. I think Im going to have to have a lot more listens before it clicks I think.
It doesnt have the balls out rocking numbers that they do so brilliantly bar Watch and Learn, which would have fitted on BWAB. Its a very dark sounding album IMHO. Setting Sun is gonna be a moshpit pleaser however.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

Master Ray

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2019, 08:01:31 PM »
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?

My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.


Given the name of the topic, the spoiler thing makes me yawn too  ;)

OK, seeing as our favourite band has a new one out in a couple of days, I thought I'd start a new thread so we can gather our thoughts in one place rather than have them scattered over multiple threads... sound OK to you lovely lot?

Obviously I've not heard it yet, so excited for Friday... please post your opinions!  Praises, disappointments, is it the best thing the lads ever did, is it the worst, your fave tracks etc etc, you know the score.

Yup, I can see how my original post could be considered confusing, even if that person has 'an above genius IQ'...  ::)


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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2019, 08:26:58 PM »
Right ok. Second listening. I dont think this is like anything theyve done before. For now, not overly sold on the title track yet. Wasnt keen on Great Disguise first off but with headphones on and shut off, Im getting it. Not keen on Hard way either. The rest of it is ok. I think Im going to have to have a lot more listens before it clicks I think.
It doesnt have the balls out rocking numbers that they do so brilliantly bar Watch and Learn, which would have fitted on BWAB. Its a very dark sounding album IMHO. Setting Sun is gonna be a moshpit pleaser however.
Ah ha. Just noted that the mp3 downloads are playing in a **** about face order. Just reordered by album listing. Its making more sense now, starting to get it  ;D :D ;).
Conclusion:There is method in the madness.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

Master Ray

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Re: So... the big 'From Here' thread...
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2019, 08:43:38 PM »
Right ok. Second listening. I dont think this is like anything theyve done before. For now, not overly sold on the title track yet. Wasnt keen on Great Disguise first off but with headphones on and shut off, Im getting it. Not keen on Hard way either. The rest of it is ok. I think Im going to have to have a lot more listens before it clicks I think.
It doesnt have the balls out rocking numbers that they do so brilliantly bar Watch and Learn, which would have fitted on BWAB. Its a very dark sounding album IMHO. Setting Sun is gonna be a moshpit pleaser however.
Ah ha. Just noted that the mp3 downloads are playing in a **** about face order. Just reordered by album listing. Its making more sense now, starting to get it  ;D :D ;).
Conclusion:There is method in the madness.


And this is why CD's are better than downloads...

Joking aside, I ordered from TM and I didn't get a download / MP3 version?  I'd love one, seeing as my laptop doesn't have a CD player on it and I'd love to get these great new tracks onto my MP3 player...